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film nut
i know that matrix reloaded and revolutions are coming out on imax theatres, and that star wars episode 2 is already in imax theatres, but will they come to the uk, as i only know of them being released in the usa and canada?

maul's woman
Do you have IMAX in Europe? I would guess you do. When it will hit Europe I don't know. You could try contacting the movie studio and see if they will give you an answer.

film nut
yes, there are only six in our country-england, and the film showings are very limeted, but they are excellent!!!

I saw "Reloaded" on imax and it was awesome! If you do have the opportunity, you should go!

Any hidden scenes?????????????

Im going!

The BFI IMAX were planning to show reloaded but when i called them they said they had cancelled their plans to show it.

The BFI IMAX is the largest screen in the UK

the imax where i live is gay
they dont show noneducational movies. i hate that cuz when u have that much screen its a pity to waste it on crap noone wants to see

Just saw it in IMAX at Toronto Paranount. Awesome. You haven't really seen it till you've experienced it in IMAX. When one of the cars in the freeway chase flipped over the CONCRETE BENEATH MY FEET shook. WICKED!!! The panoramic shots of Zion and the docking bay looked way better. On a slightly negative note Morpheus's pores were the size of large craters. Yuk. Seriously though go to the IMAX if you get the chance. No extra scenes or anything. The full credits and the Revolutions trailer are still there, (yes I once again put up with the 5 minutes of crappy 'music' to see the Revolutions trailer which was torture in blistering IMAX sound). The original 2.35:1 aspect ratio is preserved (unlike Star Wars) so there is black at the top and bottom of the screen, but the screen is still so huge that this is not a problem. Much better to have a little letterboxing than hacking off the sides of the picture. Totally ROCKED!!!

Did I say that allready? Sorry.

princess leia
ok...does anyone know if its in australia already? or if its coming?

Did EPII ever make it to IMAX in Europe?

The Matrix Reloaded is coming to the IMAX in London on July 4th apparently. That's a pretty long wait!

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