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New HBO mini series, solid cast, acting and writing. Highly recommend.
This week's ep was brutal.
Also really enjoying this. Those poor bastards that were exposed,,,,,sheesh.
Yeah, first it's explained what happens to the body; then we see it. F**k.
Loving this show
Heard good things about this show from someone at work.
And f#ck... Yeah, after watching the trailer is looks intense.
It really has been tremendous. How you make such a gripping drama about fighting an enemy you can't see, hear, smell or touch really is a testament to how good the writing, acting and directing is. I've read a lot and watched a lot of documentaries and Valery Legasov as well as the liquidators and it is mostly very accurate. The roof workers had one of the shittiest jobs in history. 90 seconds of work and a lifetime of terrible health problems. They even make Dyatlov the thoroughly unlikable ******* he was. Unbelievable to think that was his second major nuclear accident in which he received a massive dose of radiation and nearly died.
been meaning to watch this
I'll pass, I don't like shows with radiation.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
It really has been tremendous. How you make such a gripping drama about fighting an enemy you can't see, hear, smell or touch really is a testament to how good the writing, acting and directing is. I've read a lot and watched a lot of documentaries and Valery Legasov as well as the liquidators and it is mostly very accurate. The roof workers had one of the shittiest jobs in history. 90 seconds of work and a lifetime of terrible health problems. They even make Dyatlov the thoroughly unlikable ******* he was. Unbelievable to think that was his second major nuclear accident in which he received a massive dose of radiation and nearly died.
Yeah, it's a genuinely brilliant show. I think it'll go down in history with Band of Brothers and other miniseries as one of the best of all time.
Best show so far this year.
Originally posted by Surtur
I'll pass, I don't like shows with radiation.
I did catch the first episode and I was actually quite impressed. I mean, yes, you can make the obvious jokes about the British accents and all, and I don't know how much artistic license was taken with some of the personal interactions. But damn, it's been a while since a pilot episode of something actually got such a strong response from me. Like, for example, you genuinely feel a sense of dread and horror for those people watching from the bridge, totally unaware of what is actually happening to them in that moment. So, I definitely plan to check out the rest.
Originally posted by TheVaultDweller
I did catch the first episode and I was actually quite impressed. I mean, yes, you can make the obvious jokes about the British accents and all, and I don't know how much artistic license was taken with some of the personal interactions. But damn, it's been a while since a pilot episode of something actually got such a strong response from me. Like, for example, you genuinely feel a sense of dread and horror for those people watching from the bridge, totally unaware of what is actually happening to them in that moment. So, I definitely plan to check out the rest.
Everyone who watched from that bridge died in real life. It's actually now known as the bridge of death.
How long are each of the episodes?
Originally posted by TheVaultDweller
I decided to watch an episode to see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't bad by any means, but I expected to be blown away. Maybe it gets way better.
Of course we see Jared Harris hang himself again. Poor Lane Pryce.
Originally posted by Patient_Leech
How long are each of the episodes?
The exact time varies, but they are around an hour. Wiki says 60-72, the episode I saw was 63 minutes.
^ Good to know. Thanks.

Watched first episode and it was excellent. Will plan to continue..
SO is this looking to be this years "The Terror" aka Dark Horror Torture Porn Drama?
how many episodes are there
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
how many episodes are there
I think it ended at 5, didn't it?
There are 5 total.
Maybe I'm weird, but I'm 2 eps in and this's not BAD, but I'm not blown away.
Originally posted by Surtur
There are 5 total.
Maybe I'm weird, but I'm 2 eps in and this's not BAD, but I'm not blown away.
You get the joyful sight of radiation victims next episode.
Originally posted by Surtur
There are 5 total.
Maybe I'm weird, but I'm 2 eps in and this's not BAD, but I'm not blown away.
It's just a fascinating incident.
But it actually sounds like they cut a lot of the fascinating stuff out. One of the producers or whatever after the 2nd episode said that they had to condense a lot of the real-life scientists who worked on solving the problem (who had their families threatened, etc) into one fictional character. Now that would have been much more interesting, showing the scientists having work on it despite the backlash. That actually makes the show feel much more watered down.
But I'm 3 episodes in and it's really good never-the-less.
Originally posted by Patient_Leech
It's just a fascinating incident.
But it actually sounds like they cut a lot of the fascinating stuff out. One of the producers or whatever after the 2nd episode said that they had to condense a lot of the real-life scientists who worked on solving the problem (who had their families threatened, etc) into one fictional character. Now that would have been much more interesting, showing the scientists having work on it despite the backlash. That actually makes the show feel much more watered down.
But I'm 3 episodes in and it's really good never-the-less.
There's a discussion between Scherbina, Legasov and Khomyuk in episode 4 where going up against the KGB will result in families being targeted.
Well the final episode was brilliant. Haunting stuff.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
There's a discussion between Scherbina, Legasov and Khomyuk in episode 4 where going up against the KGB will result in families being targeted.
Yeah, fair enough. I just watched the 4th episode.
I didn't like the episode much, though. I think they spent a little too much time with the whole shooting the animals thing.
I read this article and found it interesting, about how the show seems to still exaggerate and sensationalize the effects of radiation...
Why HBO's "Chernobyl" Gets Nuclear So Wrong
Originally posted by Patient_Leech
I read this article and found it interesting, about how the show seems to still exaggerate and sensationalize the effects of radiation...
Why HBO's "Chernobyl" Gets Nuclear So Wrong
I like Michael Schellenberger as he's pro nuclear and understands that renewable energy simply doesn't have the energy density to replace fossil fuels alone. That being said, he's amended that article several times after being pointed out that he was factually wrong about several things.
First he argued that the helicopter was shown as crashing because of radiation when you clearly see it hitting the crane. The warning from Legasov wasn't that the radiation would destroy the helicopter's electronics but merely that the radiation would be fatal to the crew. The only thing the show got wrong about the crash was the timing because it didn't happen when they were putting out the fire. It happened when they were dropping off a remote control clean up robot
He's also factually wrong about contaminated people being a risk to others.
Vladimir Shashenok was so contaminated with radiation after being trapped in radioactive water that the man who carried him out ended up with a radiation burn in the shape of Shashenok's arm on his back.
His main gripe seems to be that he thinks the show is damaging to the reputation of the nuclear industry and will turn public opinion even more against investment in nuclear power than already exists and he seems to be overreacting to it.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
His main gripe seems to be that he thinks the show is damaging to the reputation of the nuclear industry and will turn public opinion even more against investment in nuclear power than already exists and he seems to be overreacting to it.
This isn't even a reasonable takeaway for a viewer to have if they paid attention. The show has very little to say about whether nuclear energy is good or bad, thankfully the show is much deeper than that.
Originally posted by jaden_2.0
He's also factually wrong about contaminated people being a risk to others.
Vladimir Shashenok was so contaminated with radiation after being trapped in radioactive water that the man who carried him out ended up with a radiation burn in the shape of Shashenok's arm on his back.
I thought the article said they weren't a risk to anyone once clothes were removed and they were thoroughly washed. Yeah, here it is..
^ Oops I effed up that post royally..
I take the point of the article in that the show may be exaggerating some of the effects of radiation, but he also seems to be too easily dismissing the potential dangers of it.
And after finishing the show... goddamn, the last episode is the reason they made this series. Yeah, I tend to agree that even if there are some inaccuracies or exaggerations about the radiation, it doesn't matter all that much because it wasn't the point of the show at all.
2 episodes in and this series is ****ing heartbreaking
i will finally watch soon
One of the best TV shows. Recommended.
You'll love episode 3.
Hah. I didn't expect the image to be that big.
Edit. Just linked to it instead.
Definitely seems like one of the worst ways to go. That's what makes the story of Hisashi Ouchi seem like one of the most barbaric things ever. He took 16 to 25 grays equivalent and they artificially kept him alive for as long as possible to experiment on him. He lived for 83 days during which time he essentially disintegrated because his chromosomes had been destroyed and he couldn't make any cells pretty much everywhere on and in his body.
The real chernobyl victims didn't look great.
Actually think that's the same person as the image from the show. Vasily Ignatenko.
And yet the estimated dose rate for the inner wall of the ITER fusion reactor is 2 kilograys per second.
Can't wait for that to go wrong
How do materials even stand up to that level?
Looking down into the core is two kilogrey per second!!!!!
A secondary benefit from Chernobyl is all the memes
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