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That BLOOMING "curiosity scene"
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Warning That BLOOMING "curiosity scene"

I have to say that this is one of THE hardest scenes to interpret in the movie...SERIOUSLY

I have so many takes on it but I STILL don't really know what Liz's true intentions/feelings where....All I know is that she is CLEARLY disappointed that Jack pulls away at the end..

Ok she was obviously TRYING to prompt jack to kiss her... So why the heck was she saying she wanted the complete opposite from him?

That would be a risk on her behalf..if she wants the Kiss why risk it not happening by saying that to him?

I suppose she may have been trying to make herself feel less guilty about pretending it was a test..when In reality she wants Jack on her lips...

Also. The very tone she's saying those lines in suggests that she is kind of.."playing with the words" and not really meaning them when she's saying them..Its like it makes the whole situation more EXCITING for herself by stating out loud that he "SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT"...forbidden fruit...verryyy tempting..The fruit TASTES BETTER when you KNOW you shouldn't be TASTING it..

I was watching the whole scene again. I notice is Jack is saying to her "you will come over to my side I know it. One word "curiosity"....One day you wont be able to resist" She looks as if she is trying to suss something out in her head, she gives a sideways glance at him.

It almost seems as if she kinda picks up on the fact that Jack shows a BIG interest in her if he is REALLY hoping that she will come over to his side..This means MORE than just sleeping with her..By these words of his she senses that he might want her as a COMPANION..instead of just someone to sleep with and ditch..does she "like" this thought? She looks VERY excited when she's trying to make him Kiss her. Its like she's thinking "Does he see me differently to his usual women?"..I think this thought makes her feel incredibly special

anyway back to the point where Jack has just finished what he says:

She says:
"why doesn't your compass work?"

was she suspecting here that it was pointing to HER when HE held it?..

"My compass works fine"

Which doesn't actually answer her THEN what does she go and do?she TESTS see what he really wants.

So basically in this scene, I think she suspects that he wants her..but on a completely different level to how he usually wants his women . ..I think it takes her by slight surprise that he is very gentle with her before he leans in to kiss her...which is probably not what she expected..This confirms to her that he treats her DIFFERENTLY to his usual women.

When he pulls away...she's quite hurt like she she had all her hopes up and then they get dashed...she thinks she's been rejected..she was "wrong about him"..."He doesn't want her".."she isn't so special after all"...Or so she THINKS ahaha..thats probably why she felt so overwhelmed when he came back for her well and truly confirmed for her that she means MORE to him than the average girl...

Anyway..I need some help here..I cant figure out what this scene really means all by me onesies..savvy?

Last edited by LovelyOne on Aug 12th, 2006 at 08:32 PM

Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 08:23 PM
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liz has her tongue ready, you can totally see it...

i think in some ways, if Jack would have kissed her, Liz would have been satisfied that he was a complete pirate with no morals and therefore, despite any attraction they might have, she would know he wasnt the one for her.
When he pulls away, she is obviously upset cause she just wanted the kiss, but she is probably also confused because it shows her that Jack does have morals sometimes... making him much more attractive to her... somethin like that.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 08:33 PM
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LOl thats so funny about the tongue..

I actually think that if she had got that Kiss...she would have completley fallen for him right then and there..the fact it was halted is increadibly important to the plot later on..I honestly have a feeling that that whole scene isn't what we are meant to think it is..It seems as if those words of hers are just a front and she doesn't really mean them..She's actually making the whole situation more exciting for herself by stating them out loud..The forbidden fruit ALWAYS tatses sweeter when you know you shouldn't be eating it..wink

Last edited by LovelyOne on Aug 12th, 2006 at 08:42 PM

Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 08:39 PM
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lets look at the facts:

jack has been drinking, and Liz has had a swig or two herself. Liz is getting vulnerable with Jack cause she's feeling lonely and depressed... perhaps she is wondering why Will got press-ganged into DJ's crew, and if he maybe did it on purpose.

Notice that when she is talking about marriage, she doesnt ever mention Will. She seems to like the idea of marriage/sex, but doesnt say anything like, "im so ready to be married to WILL" or "I miss Will, and i wish he were here..." nothing like that. When Jack proposes, she seems confused, but responds with "no thank you" rather than "i am engaged to Will you idiot" hahaha. she doesnt seem to be thinking about Will at all there... rather she is thinking about her wedding dress, the excitement of a wedding night, that sort of thing.

Though Liz starts out as being a bit depressed, and cranky, she quickly becomes merry again as Jack starts to flirt with her. I think She expects him to buzz off after the shoots him down several times, but the very fact that he ignores her remarks and persists in flirting with her, probably intrigues her. girls always love guys who will really fight for them, and keep pursuing them...

Plus, Since she has such a hero/mentor regard for Jack, it is probably intensly flattering when Jack says she is just like him... we know She got all flustered and excited in the 2st one when Jack remarked that they were peas in a pod, and now Jack is doing it again. Whats probably going through her head is, could he be right? could i really be a pirate? Could i act on selfish impulse, and not hate myself afterward? it is an intriguing idea to her...BUT she quickly stifles it, for now, by replying that IF her and jack are alike, it is because they are good at heart.
Liz still wants to see herself as a basically good person at this point... she perhaps fears thoughts/impulses she has, and wants to stifle them so she can continue to see herself as a good person, the type of person who should be married to a good man like Will.
Unfortunately, i dont think she really is this type of person.
Which is why she doesnt want Jack to be a good man. IF Jack is a good man, that means he could potentially beat out Will as the man for her... and thats confusing. She wants Jack to remain the pirate, so that when she does piraty things to him (tricking him with the rum, tempting him with herself) she wont feel as guilty, because he is a pirate...

does any of that make sense??? hahaha.

Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 10:05 PM
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i forgot to mention this on my super long post i just posted:

Liz, at this point, doesnt know anything about Davy Jones, or how Jack is indebted to him, or that Jack also needs the chest.
She just thinks Jack is helping her find the chest to be nice, to help save Will.
IMO, she should have known that Jack is JACK and he always has ulterior motives...

Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 10:08 PM
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Yes I understand..That was one of my other takes on the scene..she may have secretly wanted him to kiss her to prove to her that he IS a pirate and not a good she cant be tempted..but he totally squashes that attempt laughing out loud in that scene and she's like..."oh shit...well that what the hell am I feeling for him?"

I still find it very strange how she says those words though, just as he's about to kiss her...the WAY she says them is strange to me..they seem so false with the emotion of lust backing them up...

And I agre with your 4th paragraph..I feel that she is slightly flattered that he keeps showing this interest in her...especially when its not all just about sex..he shows interest in her becoming a companion for him in that scene..and it's here where the tone of the scene first changes..she totally changes from depressed/pissed to happy and horny..

Last edited by LovelyOne on Aug 12th, 2006 at 10:35 PM

Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 10:26 PM
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this is one of the absolute BEST scenes in the movie.

and i like your view on it LovelyOne.

you guys really get deep into the storyline but i sooo hope you guys are right..


Jack Sparrow- I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.

Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 11:36 PM
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Also in the 1st and 2nd movies, every time she is with him,they get closer and closer together.But with Will, besides that kiss in the 1st one,they don't really get close to each other.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2006 11:47 PM
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In thw first movie i couldnt really feel the connection between Will and Liz. It almost seemed like she didnt like him at all. But you can totally feel the connection and passion between Jack and Liz especiallyu during that scene.


Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:36 AM
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Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:37 AM
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Yes, If you think about it....there aren't hardly any romantic scenes between Will and Liz at all - I mean nothing like with Jack and Liz...even in POTC 1, that's why I was so convinced that they meant to put Liz with jack - I was still hoping up until the very end....but was like, Oh Well,,,it was a great movie, cuz I love Jack....then with POTC 2 and the flirting scenes came out - WOW> every single scene that Jack and Liz have together is all about flirting and getting closer and closer until the climatic kiss at the end....

The Curiosity Scene is great....Yes, Jack has had some drink...but he is not drunk. I said that way back when, on one of our older Jack/Liz threads....I always thought it curious that Liz doesn't say "Oh, I miss Will, I should be married to Will, I so want to be Will's wife...." No, she just says "I'm so ready to be married"...meaning she is thinking about sex - and who wouldn't after the "Persuade Me" scene....The way they show her looking all sad on the steps, and Jack realizing she is troubled...I think she is confused/troubled - I think right at that moment she is thinking "I came here to find Will, but then I see Jack and I'm having all these strange feelings about Jack..I'm secretly thinking about him and wondering what it would be like to be with him"....remember at this point the Persuade Me scene has already taken place, the conversation with Norrington, and then the compass pointed to Jack....Also, just before this we see her wedding dress that she was to marry Will in sink to the bottom of the sea - I think this is a very symbolic issue - her Wedding Dress for Will sinks, just as their relationship in sinking....and then Up walks Jack and a whole new aspect to her life is opening up ....she is growing, changing...she is not the same girl that fell in love with Will...she is becoming more and more of a woman meant for Jack Sparrow..IMO.....

And I definitely think she wanted Jack to kiss her...she is so disappointed when he pulls away...and I don't think she is thinking about Will at all once she and Jack start flirting....I think she is mesmerized by Jack...and she doesn't even realize it yet...or she does but doesn't want to admit that it's anymore than just having "faith and trust" in him as a friend....

All my thanks to savvysparrowluv!

Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:38 AM
lovethemtigers is currently offline Click here to Send lovethemtigers a Private Message Find more posts by lovethemtigers Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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I think the only reason she wanted to find Will was because she loved him but not in the I want to marry you sense. She loved him like you love your family, like a brother. She just wanted him to be safe.And then she would keep jack all to herself.


Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:41 AM
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again yes


Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:41 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by lovethemtigers
Yes, If you think about it....there aren't hardly any romantic scenes between Will and Liz at all - I mean nothing like with Jack and Liz...even in POTC 1, that's why I was so convinced that they meant to put Liz with jack - I was still hoping up until the very end....but was like, Oh Well,,,it was a great movie, cuz I love Jack....then with POTC 2 and the flirting scenes came out - WOW> every single scene that Jack and Liz have together is all about flirting and getting closer and closer until the climatic kiss at the end....

The Curiosity Scene is great....Yes, Jack has had some drink...but he is not drunk. I said that way back when, on one of our older Jack/Liz threads....I always thought it curious that Liz doesn't say "Oh, I miss Will, I should be married to Will, I so want to be Will's wife...." No, she just says "I'm so ready to be married"...meaning she is thinking about sex - and who wouldn't after the "Persuade Me" scene....The way they show her looking all sad on the steps, and Jack realizing she is troubled...I think she is confused/troubled - I think right at that moment she is thinking "I came here to find Will, but then I see Jack and I'm having all these strange feelings about Jack..I'm secretly thinking about him and wondering what it would be like to be with him"....remember at this point the Persuade Me scene has already taken place, the conversation with Norrington, and then the compass pointed to Jack....Also, just before this we see her wedding dress that she was to marry Will in sink to the bottom of the sea - I think this is a very symbolic issue - her Wedding Dress for Will sinks, just as their relationship in sinking....and then Up walks Jack and a whole new aspect to her life is opening up ....she is growing, changing...she is not the same girl that fell in love with Will...she is becoming more and more of a woman meant for Jack Sparrow..IMO.....

And I definitely think she wanted Jack to kiss her...she is so disappointed when he pulls away...and I don't think she is thinking about Will at all once she and Jack start flirting....I think she is mesmerized by Jack...and she doesn't even realize it yet...or she does but doesn't want to admit that it's anymore than just having "faith and trust" in him as a friend....

I totally agree with every word you seems as if she is slightly irritated about these feelings she for Jack..she thinks that she shouldn't have she kind of takes it out on him and tells him off about his personal hygiene..trying to put herself off of him..but it doesn't work laughing out loud he basically makes her realise that its not important..what matters is what she wants "trifles" as jack said..

I agree totally about the symbolism of that dress sinking...and then fading to the new piratey Liz..that was probably the most obvious clue in the movie as to where her heart truly lies....and this whole new possible life with Jack basically walking right up to her..(quite literally)

Its so obvious she was thinking about sex..thats why she showed that repulsive face when Jack suggested he have sex with her..just like she did before!! then you see her secretly smiling..that happens again in the curiosity scene..she's repulsed then obviously shows that she likes the thought deep down..

Last edited by LovelyOne on Aug 13th, 2006 at 12:51 AM

Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:48 AM
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ok i kind of think these lyrics describe liz and jack and the kiss in a way. mabe im wrong but i kinda of think so

What if I told you it was all meant to be?
Would you believe me, would you agree?
Its almost that feeling that we've met before so tell me that you dont think Im crazy when I tell your love is here and now.

A Moment like this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.

Everything changes, but beauty remains.

Something so tender I cant explain.
Well I may be dreaming but til I awake..Can we make the dream last forever?
And I'll cherish all the love we share for a moment like this.

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.

The speed of waiting love of all.
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall.
So let me tell you this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this...

Some people search a lifetime for a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.


Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 12:50 AM
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CaptainJackLover that is know I posted another Kelly Clarkson song on one of the other threads..HOTT MEN I believe...Beautiful Disaster...that also is a great lyrical song about Jack and Liz...I love Kelly Clarkson's voice....and this too is another song...I can listen to these songs and make up my own Jack/Liz video in my mind This is Addicted by Kelly Clarkson...the music and lyrics are wonderfull...If I could make a video I would use this song for my Jack/Liz shipper -well, one of them, still think "Beautiful Disaster" is the perfect song for them...


It's like you're a drug
It's like you're a demon I can't face down
It's like I'm stuck
It's like I'm running from you all the time
And I know I let you have all the power
It's like the only company I seek is misery all around

It's like you're a leech
Sucking the life from me
It's like I can't breathe
Without you inside of me
And I know I let you have all the power
And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me

It's like I'm lost
It's like I'm giving up slowly
It's like you're a ghost that's haunting me
Leave me alone
And I know these voices in my head
Are mine alone
And I know I'll never change my ways
If I don't give you up now

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me

I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it
Just one more time
Then that's it
Just a little bit more to get me through this
I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it
Just one more time
Then that's it
Just a little bit more to get me through this

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me
It's like I'm not me

All my thanks to savvysparrowluv!

Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 01:00 AM
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Both those lyrics are so true to how she feels..that second one even matches in with certain scenes in the movie..

Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 01:03 AM
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Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 01:03 AM
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And another perfect song to Describe what Jack has done for Liz is Madonna's Beautiful Stranger...listen to it and you just picture the scenes in your mind that would make a perfect video for this song.

Madonna - Beautiful Stranger Lyrics

Haven’t we met?
You’re some kind of beautiful stranger.
You could be good for me.
I’ve had the taste for danger.
If I’m smart then I’ll run away.
But I’m not so I guess I’ll stay, Heaven forbid,
I’ll take my chance on a beautiful stranger.
I looked into your eyes
And my world came tumbling down.
You’re the devil in disguise
That’s why I’m singing this song.

To know you, is to love you
You’re everywhere I go
And everybody knows
To love you is to be part of you
I’ve paid for you with tears
And swallowed all my pride

Beautiful stranger ...
Beautiful stranger

If I’m smart then I’ll run away
But I’m not so I guess I’ll stay, Haven’t you heard?
I fell in love with a beautiful stranger.
I looked into your face, My heart was dancing all over the place
I’d like to change my point of view, If I could just forget about you

To know you, is to love you
You're everywhere I go and everybody knows..

I looked into your eyes And my world came tumbling down
You’re the devil in disguise. That’s why I’m singing this song to you

To know you is to love you
Everywhere I go, Everybody Knows...I've paid for you with tears
and Swallowed all my pride

Beautiful Stranger...
Beautiful Stranger...

Attachment: potc069.jpg
This has been downloaded 150 time(s).

All my thanks to savvysparrowluv!

Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 01:30 AM
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Here's one!
kelly clarkson beautiful disaster

He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He's as damned as he seems
And more heaven than a heart could hold
And if I try to save him
My whole world would cave in
It just ain't right
It just ain't right

Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

He's magic and myth
As strong as what I believe
A tragedy with
More damage than a soul should see
And do I try to change him
So hard not to blame him
Hold on tight
Hold on tight

Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

I'm longing for love and the logical
But he's only happy hysterical
I'm waiting for some kind of miracle
Waited so long
So long

He's soft to the touch
But frayed at the end he breaks
He's never enough
And still he's more than I can take
Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

He's beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
He's beautiful


Old Post Aug 13th, 2006 01:32 AM
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