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USH'S STAR WARS GAME- Character Creation Mark II. Interested players please come!
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Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Ush's Star Wars Game- Character Creation Mark II

This thread is used to create people's characters, and as such, it is the first port of call for anyone interested in playing my game.

Bear in mind that this is a (relatively) rules heavy system. If, after looking at these rules and the main rules you decide this is not the game for you, then that is fair enough.

But if you want to give things a go, then by all means try! Opportunities to join my game tend to periodic. Sometimes you may be able to join quickly, sometimes you must wait- including for a month or more, depending on the circumstance. This is unavoidable, for my game is a plot heavy game, which is part of the secret of its success, and that plot cannot be disrupted for anyone's instant appearance. Patience will reward itself, however; many people playing now had to wait at first and now enjoy it very much.

When you join an Episode, you will be on a 'probationary' period. I will likely give you easier tasks as you learn the game system. More importantly, you will be taking part in plot events, but as 'help', rather than a central protagonist. Join as a Jedi and you will find yourself assigned to someone ELSE'S mission. This is very proper for a Jedi, of course, as they are always assigned to missions, but if you want to be given your OWN mission... that only happens when you have played long enough to no longer be probationary. As an example, tptmanno's character Roan was shoehorned into the final Episode of the first Campaign, clueless of the main plot, and did his best to help out during that game. He did well for himself, and in the subsequent story, he was given his own mission and his own plot.

Some players, Light and Dark, have been with the game so long that they are virtually furniture, and plot events happen to them all the time. Please don't be jealous of that; it is an important feature of the way things work. The reason other people may seem to be more directly plot involved is:

a. Whilst you are on probation, I am wore worried about you learning to play than having to deal with plots. And not wanting to sound cynical, but probationers often drop out and that would leave my plots in the lurch if I gave you one.

b. Plots take time to write. Plots for characters are written well in advance of the episode being played. They don't just appear all at once!

c. I like to think of a personalised plot as a reward for dedicated play, and lord knows, the games can be harsh enough sometimes that people need a reason to stick with it!

So the rewards are there, if you want to make the effort.

Thankyou for your interest!


Here are the revised rules for creating characters for my Star Wars game.

Note that the Star Wars RP can only handle so many players. Luckily, with two sides to chose from, the problems can be eased, but I reckon a maximum of about six per side is the practical best- I may be able to stretch that at a pinch; I would prefer excess players are Light Side as they can be given more to do.

There are five stages in character creation.

1. Light Side or Dark Side?

2. Name (harder than you might think)

3. Template- as in what sort of character you are. Light Side and Dark Side get different templates to chose from but based around the same types of people.

4. Assigning stats and skills- a simple process with instructions given by template.

5. Picking your force powers and other tricks.

However, the following rules apply to all characters:

1. Everyone is a Force user, in the Jedi style (though not necessarily ever a Jedi).

2. Everyone forms part of a team- including the Dark Siders (though obviously I mean one Light Side and one Dark Side team!). The problems Dark Siders have WITH teams kinda form part of their plotline. Even Renegades are working with the Jedi, for one reason or another.

3. Everyone has done missions before- even if you want to be fresh from Padawanship, you saw a lot of action during your apprenticeship. No-one in this game is a novice. Dark Siders have had their own experiences- but NONE of you are Sith, this is important.

4. The game is set in the Prequel Trilogy era.

Other than that, when you create a character, feel free to add as much background detail as you like!


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on May 21st, 2005 at 07:14 AM

Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:14 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


1. Light Side or Dark Side?

Think carefully about this. Without wanting to sound too obvious, it is rather fundamental to the play style you get!

The inspiraton for the sides in this game comes more from the films than the EU- though I far from totally reject the EU in this game, my stylistic influence is very much film based. This many mean some small differences between my interpretations of things and yours- but on the whole, I find players accept their roles very happily.

Here are the pros and cons of each side.



Official status: Even Renegades get respect as Jedi, and proper Jedi have vast legal powers and authority, Masters especially so. Qui-Gon Jinn is considered a maverick, but even he was given the authority to simply ORDER a settlement to the Naboo problem. George Lucas likens Jedi to Wild West Marshalls- out on the frontier, your word is law.

Teamwork: Jedi are nice guys, and they work well together. You are assured of loyalty from your friends

Support network: You work FOR the Republic. The Republic may be old, corrupt and falling apart at the seams, but many Republicans are good people who have faith in the Jedi and will do what they can to help you.

Heroes: You are heroes... and on the whole, people like to play heroes!


Responsibilities: You have great power- and we all know what that means. You are not tyrants. Jedi have a lifetime of training in exercising their power responsibly, and always happily accept that they serve the Republic; they do not run it. Masters, especially, are expected to have a high quality of responsibility and maturity in play.

Restrictions: Whilst Jedi are often sent as Agents into hostile territory- like when Obi-Wan was ordered to go get Jango, or when they turned up en masse to fight a battle on Geonosis- a lot of your work is police work inside the Republic. Whilst you might like the image of the corner-cutting Jedi, do remember you are expected to follow the law yourself, and you can run into considerable trouble if you do not! Republican corruption, therefore, is a big problem for the Jedi, as the laws sometimes protect those you want to stop. Try not to get too angry at this- remember, anger at this is one of the foundations of Anakin's fall...

Morals: In the same theme... remember you are heroes, as stated, and Jedi at that. You are expected to act in a moral way at all times. Note that this does NOT mean refusing to kill if necessary- Jedi are not pacifists; you guys have a job to do and a Dark Sider standing next to you with a Lightsabre is a fair target. But it does mean you must always act in a moral and altruistic way. If you do not, the temptations of the Dark Side may come calling- and I do not operate a revolving door policy in this game. If you go down, you will not come up again.



Freedom: You are your own people. You answer to no authority that you do not wish at that time, or are being compelled to recognise. You may ignore laws that do not suit you. Basically, you have none of the operational restrictions the Jedi work under.

Self-advancement: Whilst the Jedi can get tangible gains in the course of play... it must be said, it is never anything that tangible. As a Dark Sider, you can work towards TRUE power- get it right, and you might be controlling your own sector of space one day!

Might Makes Right: Uninhibited by morals or other such restrictions, you can bypass 1000 problems the Jedi will get struck on by simply pointing out how little effort it will take you to kill someone. A warning though- this will NEVER be a universal solution, and the game will go to length to explain why there is more than death and threats to successful Dark Side play.

Style: Let's face it, you all love the Darths...


Hunted: You are VERY bad people. The Republic hunts you at all turns, and probably half a dozen criminal orgnisations want you also. Your life is a paranoid mess of trying to stay safe as people come after you. Make too much noise, and suddenly a dozen Jedi are breathing down your neck.

Lack of support: The total opposite to the Jedi, Dark Siders tend to have NO-ONE to back them up. Where are you going to repair your ships? To re-arm or re-equip? All these things are done FOR the Jedi... Dark Siders can spend vast amounts of time simply securing these necessities.

Fragile teamwork: Dark Siders are bound together by bonds of necessity, respect, tradition or fear. But these bonds are weaker than true friendship. We all know what tends to happen with Dark Siders- they turn on each other. Come a crisis, it is every man for himself.

Need for allies: Dark Siders tend to have no friends. But the thing is, you NEED friends! Without them, you are just dangerous thugs and will never be anything. If you want power, you need to make the right deals. Trouble is, who is ever going to deal with paranoid psychos like you? Jedi have allies all around if they want them- Dark Siders have to work for it.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:16 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


2. Name

There is plenty of inspiration for Star Wars names around, and many are quite weird, but for the sake of other players try not to make them too obscure! And remember, Star Wars happily uses mundane first names like Luke or Ben. Surnames- like Skywalker and Darklighter- often have a mythological feel to them.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:17 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


3. Template

There are a wide variety of these to chose from. They dictate what your character is and is not good at.

They are split into six categories- three Light Side, three Dark Side.

These categories are:

1. Jedi Knights- the Republican Champions of the Light Side

2. Jedi Renegades- champions still, but those who disagree with the Council and do not follow the Code.

3. Jedi Masters- the famed and feted leaders of the Jedi

4. Dark Jedi- those who were once Jedi, but fell to the Dark Side

5. Marauders- Dark Side followers who were never Jedi- found in the Outer Rim and trained wholly by other Dark Siders

6. Nemeses- The very rare and reclusive Dark Side Masters.


Whilst each category has several templates, many of them are very similar, being the same type of template duplicated for the different categories. For example, there is a young Swordsman type for the Jedi, and his template is duplicated for a Renegade, Dark Jedi and Marauder version.

There are five of these basic templates, which I simply call A, B, C, D and E.

A is a veteran all-rounder. An A template has a very wide variety of skills, is good with a lightsabre, can often pilot a ship and/or fire a gun, knows Martial arts, and is also competent with the Force. The A template is therefore very powerful, and probably the best to go for if you are unsure. The only direct problem is that the more specialised templates may be weaker in general, but are better at doing what they do, which can make an A template feel like second best at everything. Also, it is harder to advance with experience if you are an A template. Nonetheless, it remains my favourite.

B is also a veteran, but where A is a very dynamic, go-getting template, B is more sedate and thoughtful, better with the Force, less good with a lightsabre, but still a good all-rounder.

C is a young, cocksure warrior, about 19 or 20, with a great talent with the blade. Already the equal of an A template at duelling, the C is in fact better at fighting in a pitched battle than any other template (duelling is different, as noted he is the A's equal, not superior, there). C is powerful in a fight but impatient with the Force, and lacking socially.

D is an inexperienced but talented template with a great gift for acrobatics and athletic manoeuvres, which can give him a great edge. He is the most physically fit of all templates. The D template is also well-versed in all forms of combat, though for direct lightsabre fighting, A and C beats him.

E is the basic Master template. Because a Mace Windu template would be drastically overpowered, the Master template assumes a retired, out-of-practice Master, like Obi-Wan in A New Hope. This Master is aged, and physically more frail than his ultra-fit comrades- nonetheless, the Master commands great power and skill.

There are also special types for the categories that do not fit into the types given above. Here is a summary of the available templates, followed by details:

Jedi Knights

Adventurer (A)
Scholar (B)
Swordsman (C)
Athlete (D)
Acolyte (Special)

Jedi Renegades

Ronin (A)
Wanderer (B)
Freelancer (C)
Vigilante (D)


Venerable Master (E)
Solitaire (E)

Dark Jedi

Fallen (A)
Cultist (B)
Blackguard (C)
Rogue (D)
Revenant (Special)


Executor (A)
Heretic (B)
Corsair (C)
Brigand (D)
Orphan (Special)


Bane (E)
Overlord (Special)

Note- At this point in time (16/11/04), all Master and Nemesis slots are filled.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:19 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Here are the templates in detail. For each, there is a brief description, a mood setting quote, the starting stat and skill allocations, and the number of powers and/or tricks the template has- any speical abilities are also listed.



These are the standard templates and everything else is judged relative to them.

Jedi, over time, cannot directly acquire power but can acquire wisdom, understanding, rank in the order, and the right to train others.


Adventurer (Type A)

For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic

The Adventurer is a veteran Jedi Agent, talented and capable, who has learned much in his time- both Jedi and more mundane skills. He balances a desire for Adventure and excitement (much to Yoda's displeasure) with a cool head and acquired wisdom. He is one of the Council's most valuable resources.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 7

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add three points amongst physical stats; add six points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat +4 (Max 13)
Pilot +3 (Max 13)
Guns +3 (Max 13)
Jedi Lore +4
Fix-it +2
Intrusion +0
Leadership +3
Languages +2
Sabotage +0
Savoir-Faire +3
Medicine +2
Persuade +4
Observation +2

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 5
Pilot/Gun Tricks: 4 split how you like between the two
Combat Tricks: 3

Force Training: (27)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 12 powers of your choice

Special Rules: Variants- choose one if desired

Variant 1- Gunslinger. Lose Pilot Skill. Chose a total of 6 Gun Tricks
Variant 2- Ace. Lose Gun Skill. Chose a total of 6 Pilot Tricks.


Scholar (Type B)

A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind

The Scholar is experienced like the Adventurer, but more cautious, more thoughtful. He lacks the broad range of skills of the Adventurer, and his edge with the blade, but is better with the Force, and makes a good negotiator and diplomat- and is still a dangerous opponent.

Strength 5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed 6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 14

Add six points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Jedi Lore +5
Leadership +2
Languages +3
Savoir-Faire +2
Medicine +0
Persuade +4
Observation +2
Pilot +0
Combat +0
Fix-it +0

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 3

Force Training: (31)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, or Adept
Stage Two: Choose 16 powers of your choice


Swordsman (Type C)

We’re Keepers of the Peace. Not soldiers.

The Swordsman is not long a Knight, young, confident, talented, and totally impatient. He has a great pride in his precocious sabre skills, and this pride may be a problem, but his effectiveness on the battlefield cannot be denied. His force skills are not well developed, and he has spent more time practicing with his sabre than learning about the Galaxy. He can fight up close with great skill with any weapon- but he disdains ranged combat as clumsy and random.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 12

Add three points amongst physical stats; add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat= 14
Jedi Lore +2
Leadership +2
Languages +0
Observation +0
Fix-it +0
Intrusion +0

You may add four points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 9
Combat Tricks: 6

Force Training: (22)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Rebellious or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 3 powers of your choice. Then choose four powers in total from the Kinetic, Agility or Martial Trees.

Special Rules: Warrior. Warriors gets +1 to initiative, and can learn the top level in three Blade Tricks rather than two.


Athlete (Type D)

Impressive… most impressive…

The Athlete is a young, inexperience Jedi with pride in his body in the same way the Swordsman has pride in his blade. Whilst this makes the Swordsman more dangerous literally speaking, the Athlete is more aware of his limitations and has worked harder in overcoming them, and has made far more progress with the Force.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add four points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Combat= 13
Guns= 13
Jedi Lore +3
Languages +2

You may spend eight points on ANY skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 4
Combat Tricks: 4
Gun Tricks: 4

Force Training: (25)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 7 powers of your choice. Then choose 3 powers from the Agility Tree

Special Rules: Acrobat. Acrobats get +1 to all dodge ratings, and +2 on all non-aggressive athletic moves.


Acolyte (Special)

The Force is strong in my family

The Acolyte is a Jedi who has a phenomenal talent with the Force, and has spent his whole life in the Temple learning how to make best use of his gift. He is already beyond the power of many Masters- but he knows nothing at all of the Galaxy and is inadequate at the physical part of the job. The Acolyte is the single most powerful template with the Force- but requires much intelligence and effort to play, lest he be cut down.

Strength 5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed 6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 8
Perception 6

Force Attack: 11
Force Defence: 13

Add five points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Jedi Lore +5
Languages +3
Combat +0
Persuade +0
Medicine +0
Fix-it +0
Observation +0

You may spend four points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 1

Force Training: (32)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Adept or Scholarly
Stage Two: Choose 10 powers of your choice. Then choose six powers in total from the Living and Cosmic Trees. Then choose one Light Side power.

Special Rules: Your maximum for your Force stat is 17, not 15

Talented: Chose one Light Side Talent.

The Acolyte may not buy the merits ‘Ties’ or ‘Contacts’ in relation to any non-Republican organisation


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Nov 16th, 2004 at 04:42 PM

Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:23 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Renegades, as a whole, have a skill set that represents a life spent more in the harsh realities of the Galaxy than training in peace on Coruscant or doing diplomatic missions. They tend to have more fighting tricks but less force powers; they get an extra merit but a reaction penalty when dealing with Jedi.

There is always an idea that Renegades are flawed- it is normally some problem in their mentality that has led to such defiance. However, it is not impossible to find a 'niche' in being a renegade where there is much wisdom- as Qui-Gon did. Such a path is not easy to follow and achieve, though.


Ronin (Type A)

Without the approval of the Council if I must

Like the Adventurer, the Ronin is an experienced veteran, but his lust for adventure is not tempered. Finding the Council stuffy, static and restrictive, he has started to wander, putting wrongs right on his own initiative- still following the Jedi ethic.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 7

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add three points amongst physical stats; add six points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat +4 (Max 13)
Pilot +3 (Max 13)
Guns +3 (Max 13)
Jedi Lore +3
Fix-it +4
Intrusion +0
Languages +4
Intimidation +1
Sabotage +0
Savoir-Faire +5
Medicine +2
Observation +2

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 6
Pilot/Gun Tricks: 4 split how you like between the two
Combat Tricks: 3

Force Training: (25)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Rebellious, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 10 powers of your choice

Special Rules: Variants- choose one if desired

Variant 1- Gunslinger. Lose Pilot Skill. Chose a total of 6 Gun Tricks
Variant 2- Ace. Lose Gun Skill. Chose a total of 6 Pilot Tricks.

All Renegades get -2 on all reaction rolls from Jedi Knights


Wanderer (Type B)

You must do what you feel is right, of course

Thoughtful and cautious like the Scholar, the Wanderer simply feels incomplete, and is certain that he can only find the wisdom he seeks by travelling the Galaxy and seeing where the Force leads him.

Strength 5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed 6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 14

Add six points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Jedi Lore +4
Leadership +2
Languages +4
Savoir-Faire +4
Guns +2
Persuade +4
Observation +2
Pilot +0
Combat +2
Fix-it +0

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 2
Combat Tricks: 2

Force Training: (28)
Stage One: Choose one of Scholarly, Adept or Rebellious
Stage Two: Choose 13 powers of your choice

All Renegades get -2 on all reaction rolls from Jedi Knights


Freelancer (Type C)

He has to choose his own path. No-one else can choose it for him

Proud like the Swordsman, the Freelancer simply has no interest in the Jedi way, and took his leave of the Council to pursue the life of a mercenary, accepting calls to fight in small wars and other conflicts- but, still being a Jedi at heart, only for altruistic causes, and often only asking enough to pay his way and maintain his equipment. Unlike the Swordsman, the Freelancer does not disdain ranged combat.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 12

Add three points amongst physical stats; add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat= 14
Guns +2
Leadership +2
Languages +3
Savoir-Faire +3
Observation +0
Fix-it +0
Intrusion +0
Medicine +2

You may add four points amongst these skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 8
Combat Tricks: 6

Force Training: (21)
Stage One: Choose one of Rebellious, Physical or Vicious
Stage Two: Choose 2 powers of your choice. Then choose four powers in total among the Kinetic, Martial or Agility Trees.

Special Rules: Warrior. Warriors gets +1 to initiative, and can learn the top level in three Blade Tricks rather than two.

All Renegades get -2 on all reaction rolls from Jedi Knights


Vigilante (Type D)

Jedi? Whatever it is, I didn’t do it!

Impressivley fit and strong like the Athlete, the Vigilante grew tired of the restrictions placed on the Jedi, and left the Council in order to start anonymously meting out his own brand of rather more direct justice, for which his bulk proves very useful. He strives to not let his desire for justice turn to a desire to punish, which could lead to the Dark Side.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add four points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Combat= 13
Guns= 13
Jedi Lore +2
Languages +2
Intimidate +2
Intrusion +1
Observation +1

You may spend five points on ANY skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 4
Combat Tricks: 4
Gun Tricks: 5

Force Training: (23)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Rebellious or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 5 powers of your choice. Then choose 3 from the Agility Tree.

Special Rules: Acrobat. Acrobats get +1 to all dodge ratings, and +2 on all non-aggressive athletic moves.

All Renegades get -2 on all reaction rolls from Jedi Knights


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Nov 16th, 2004 at 04:43 PM

Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:28 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Those once of the Jedi Order are very similar to their old comrades- one or two skills are altered, and their Force stats- as always for the Dark Side- are different, but that is pretty much it.

Dark Siders are all focussed on gaining power over time. Having seen the Republic work from the inside, Dark Jedi tend to want to take over power from within.


Fallen (Type A)

Quicker. Easier. More Seductive

Another veteran Agent, it is hard to tell why such a figure would fall to the Dark Side. Likely disillusioned by years of working for a corrupt Republic, forming an emotional attachment is still the most likely reason for a sensible Jedi to fall- for it is so easily done. Regardless, the Fallen is now given entirely to evil.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 7

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add three points amongst physical stats; add six points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat +4 (Max 13)
Pilot +3 (Max 13)
Guns +3 (Max 13)
Jedi Lore +4
Fix-it +2
Intrusion +0
Intimidation +3
Languages +2
Sabotage +0
Savoir-Faire +3
Medicine +2
Lying +4
Observation +2

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 5
Pilot/Gun Tricks: 4 split how you like between the two
Combat Tricks: 3

Force Training: (27)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 12 powers of your choice

Special Rules: Variants- choose one if desired

Variant 1- Gunslinger. Lose Pilot Skill. Chose a total of 6 Gun Tricks
Variant 2- Ace. Lose Gun Skill. Chose a total of 6 Pilot Tricks.


Cultist (Type B)

As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours. Now back down

The more thoughtful Jedi is more likely to be laid low by his own intellect. The Cultist started out by learning more about the Dark Side, but an undetected flaw in his personality meant that curiosity turned to investigation, turned to regard and respect and soon he was championing all that he once fought. The Cultist makes a powerful intellectual addition to the Dark Side.

Strength 5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed 6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 14

Add six points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Jedi Lore +5
Lying +2
Languages +3
Savoir-Faire +2
Medicine +0
Intimidate +4
Observation +2
Pilot +0
Combat +0
Fix-it +0

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 3

Force Training: (31)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, or Adept
Stage Two: Choose 16 powers of your choice


Blackguard (Type C)

Fear is my ally

The Blackguard simply should never have been trained. His pride in his sword skill, like the Swordsman, was twinned with a disturbing regard for violence and the joy of combat, and these secret pleasures soon became his downfall.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 12

Add three points amongst physical stats; add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat= 14
Jedi Lore +2
Intimidate +2
Languages +0
Observation +0
Fix-it +0
Intrusion +0

You may add four points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 9
Combat Tricks: 6

Force Training: (22)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Rebellious or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 3 powers of your choice. Then choose four powers in total among the Kinetic, Agility and Martial Trees.

Special Rules: Warrior. Warriors gets +1 to initiative, and can learn the top level in three Blade Tricks rather than two.


Rogue (Type D)

Whatever it was, it was well-trained in the Jedi Arts

With the same physique as the Athlete, the Rogue, after observing the scum of the Republic in operation, always had it in mind that he could probably better himself more on the wrong side of the law than the right- and few can deny that in evil form he makes a suitably impressive criminal figure.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add four points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Combat= 13
Guns= 13
Jedi Lore +3
Languages +2

You may spend eight points on ANY skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 4
Combat Tricks: 4
Gun Tricks: 4

Force Training: (25)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 7 powers of your choice. Then choose 3 powers from the Agility Tree

Special Rules: Acrobat. Acrobats get +1 to all dodge ratings, and +2 on all non-aggressive athletic moves.


Revenant (Special)

Twisted and Evil

The Revenant was once a great Jedi... but was struck down in the course of his duty. But somehow, he survived his fatal wounds, and lived on. But only the selfishness of the Dark Side can keep someone alive beyond their time, and the Revenant, when he returned, was nothing like his former self... the Revenant is crippled, but the power of the fury of his Force, the sheer potence of his hatred, is terrifying to behold...

Strength 4
Agility 4
Dexterity 4
Speed 4

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 8
Perception 5

Force Attack: 14
Force Defence: 14

Add six points between TWO ONLY of the physical stats. Add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Languages +3
Medicine +2
Jedi Lore +4
Intimidate +7 (max 14)
Savoir-Faire +2
Intrusion +0
Sabotage +0
Fix-it +0
Observation +0

Add seven points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 3

Force Training: (32)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, Adept, Rebellious or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 12 powers of your choice. Then choose 4 powers from the Kinetic Tree. Then choose one Dark Side power.

Special Rules:

Crippled. The two physical stats that start the game at 4 will stay at a maximum of 4 permanently and can never be increased.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:32 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Dark Siders who were never Jedi tend to have more 'petty' goals and views. This is not a criticism as such, it is just they tend to see power in very black and white terms. Force latents tend to have spent their early lives shunned by others around them, so all Marauders have difficulties with social situations. However, like Renegades, they have spent more of their life in the Galaxy, and so get a relevant skill set and an extra merit.

Like Dark Jedi, Marauders seek to gain power, but they would prefer to see the Republic destroyed from without.


Executor (Type A)

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate… leads to suffering…

The Executor (as in a person who causes 'things' to happen, in a James Bond kind of sense) was a fine and talented force latent when found and trained, who quickly learned to let his emotions guide him and soon found the shortcut to power. Like all A types, he is an accomplished and experienced being.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 7

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add three points amongst physical stats; add six points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat +4 (Max 13)
Pilot +3 (Max 13)
Guns +3 (Max 13)
Jedi Lore +1
Fix-it +2
Intrusion +0
Intimidation +3
Languages +2
Sabotage +0
Savoir-Faire +5
Medicine +2
Lying +4
Observation +2

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 6
Pilot/Gun Tricks: 4 split how you like between the two
Combat Tricks: 3

Force Training: (25)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Vicious, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 10 powers of your choice

Special Rules: Variants- choose one if desired

Variant 1- Gunslinger. Lose Pilot Skill. Chose a total of 6 Gun Tricks
Variant 2- Ace. Lose Gun Skill. Chose a total of 6 Pilot Tricks.

Marauders get –1 on all non-aggressive social rolls


Heretic (Type B)

You will find it is you who are mistaken. About a great… many… things...

The Heretic was an intellectual student and was interested in the sheer power the Force could give you. Having never heard, or barely heard, the Jedi ideas on the nature of the Force, the Heretic has his own ideas on the meaning of things, and sees himself leading a new religion- with him at its head.

Strength 5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed 6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 14

Add six points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Jedi Lore +2
Lying +2
Languages +4
Savoir-Faire +4
Guns +2
Intimidate +4
Observation +1
Pilot +0
Combat +2
Fix-it +0
Persuade +3

You may add six points amongst these skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 2
Combat Tricks: 2

Force Training: (29)
Stage One: Choose one of Scholarly, Adept or Vicious
Stage Two: Choose 14 powers of your choice

Marauders get –1 on all non-aggressive social rolls


Corsair (Type C)

Anger, fear, aggression… easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight

The Corsair was almost certainly a military type before he was found and trained, and remains so after. Violence is all he has known and will ever know, and he is very good at it- a powerful force, if well-directed.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 12

Add three points amongst physical stats; add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 14
Combat= 14
Guns +2
Intimidate +2
Languages +0
Observation +0
Fix-it +3
Savoir-Faire +3
Intrusion +0
Medicine +2

You may add four points amongst these skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 8
Combat Tricks: 6

Force Training: (21)
Stage One: Choose one of Rebellious, Physical or Vicious
Stage Two: Choose 2 powers of your choice. Then choose four powers in total among the Kinetic, Martial and Agility Trees.

Special Rules: Warrior. Warriors gets +1 to initiative, and can learn the top level in three Blade Tricks rather than two.

Marauders get –1 on all non-aggressive social rolls


Brigand (Type D)

His powers have made him… arrogant

After training, the Brigand became interested in the criminal side of things, like the Rogue. Not having seen the workings of such things from the outside, the Brigand tends to be more directly involved in street level things- mugging, extortion, serious violence... still, he senses there is more for him in the Galaxy than that.

Strength 6
Agility 6
Dexterity 6
Speed 8

Charisma 5
Intelligence 5
Willpower 7
Perception 5

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 13

Add four points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Combat= 13
Guns= 13
Jedi Lore +2
Languages +2
Intimidate +3
Intrusion +3
Observation +1

You may spend four points on ANY skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 4
Combat Tricks: 4
Gun Tricks: 5

Force Training: (23)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Vicious or Physical
Stage Two: Choose 5 powers of your choice. Then choose 3 from the Agility Tree.

Special Rules: Acrobat. Acrobats get +1 to all dodge ratings, and +2 on all non-aggressive athletic moves.

Marauders get –1 on all non-aggressive social rolls


Orphan (Special)

If he had been born in the Republic he would have been identified quickly

'Orphan' is not a reference to parentage. The Orphan is a powerful force potential- but born far too far outside the Republic to have been identified as such. So powerful was his talent that the Orphan actually began to control and direct his powers without training- 'Orphan' therefore is a term for someone who learned the Force without a Master. Sadly, with no guidance, the Orphan learned his powers through his emotions, and long ago was irrevocably on the Dark Side... leading an unhappy life of seclusion. When found by other Dark Siders, he was more than happy to accept companions- and by simply encouraging his talent, the others find a powerful ally! The Orphan lacks greatly in many skills and with the sabre, but he is a canny survivor and more powerful in the Force than most Jedi...

Strength 5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed 6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 13
Force Defence: 13

Add five points amongst physical stats. Add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 13
Combat +3
Lying +2
Languages +1

You may spend five points on ANY skills

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 1
Combat Tricks: 1

Force Training: (31)
Stage One: Orphans do not take Stage One
Stage Two: Take the powers Push/Pull, Draw, Jump. Intuition and Sense. Then pick 26 powers of your choice.

Special Rules:

Talented: Choose one Dark Side talent

Marauders get –1 on all non-aggressive social rolls


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Nov 16th, 2004 at 04:44 PM

Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:37 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



From the original game design onwards, a Master template was wanted in the game but has always proved difficult. Even with the limitations of these templates being Masters who are returned, past their prime, with lapsed powers and reduced physical capacity, the 'basic' Master remains a powerful template indeed. The main limitation on Masters- except that I only accept so many in a game anyway- is the difficulty in playing one. I have to carefully consider requests to play Masters, because a very high standard of play is expected from them; they have to be mature, wise, responsible and respectable- and ready to make hard decisions in play under pressure. Masters are of high rank, like senior military officers or police commissioners, and they have to play to that role.

Long term play with a Master can yield very great responsibilites within the Order- and even a place on the Council, unless this would appear to greatly contradict the plot of the films.


Venerable Master (Type E)

The Force will be with you. Always

The Venerable Master is the default Master template- a retired Jedi of great skill and potency, maybe spending his time meditating, maybe relaxing, but now suddenly returned to active duty- due to great need, or a sudden instinct that he was required- Masters have learned to trust such instincts implicity. The Venerable Master is not what he was- but only a fool would think him weak.

Strength =5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed =6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 7
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 13
Force Defence: 14

Add three points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 15
Combat +1
Jedi Lore +7 (max 15)
Languages +5
Savoir-Faire +4
Leadership +5
Medicine +1
Persuade +2
Observation +2
Law +0

You may add five points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 2
Master Tricks: 2

Force Training: (35)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose ten powers of your choice. Then choose eight powers in total among the Living and Cosmic trees. Then take two Light Side powers.

Special Rules:

Masters get +2 on all reaction rolls from Jedi


Solitaire (Type E)

If you would just follow the Code you would be on the Council

The Solitaire is an unusual example- a Master who does not follow the Code. Unlike a normal Renegade, it is harder to write this off as folly- the Solitaire deserves his title of Master, conferred by the Council itself. They are impulsive and defiant, yet also very wise, and the Council has use of them- even as trainers for Padawans. Like the Venerable Master, the Solitaire is considered to have retired (as it were) and recently returned to 'duty'.

Strength =5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed =6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 7
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 13
Force Defence: 14

Add three points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 15
Combat +1
Jedi Lore +6 (max 15)
Languages +5
Savoir-Faire +5
Leadership +3
Medicine +1
Persuade +2
Observation +2
Intrusion +1
Intimidate +1
Lying +0

You may add five points amongst these skills.

Merits: 4

Blade Tricks: 3
Master Tricks: 2

Force Training: (33)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Rebellious, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose nine powers of your choice. Then choose seven powers in total among the Living and Cosmic trees. Then take two Light Side powers.

Special Rules:

A Solitiare gets neither a Renegade's penalty nor a Master's bonus to reaction rolls with Jedi.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:39 PM
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Long ago, there was a time when the Sith Lords were the greatest threat the Galaxy faced. It was the Sith Lords that made the Sith more than just a babble of dangerous thugs; their planning, schemes, wisdom and powers turned the Sith into a force that could destroy the Galaxy. Luckily, they were the greatest threat to each other as well, and so they all killed each other- and no more was the Nemesis to a Jedi Master meant to be seen again. Yet it is not totally unknown. Jedi that fall to the Dark Side tend not to live long enough to become Masters. Very rarely, a Nemesis can still be found.

It might seem easier to play a Nemesis than a Master- not so. Although they have less to worry about in the being respectable area- no rules to follow- they have to hold together people who, by nature, would normnally seek to eliminate each other. And in putting into action their plans of conquest, they actually need just as much maturity and intelligence as a Master; so likewise, playing a Nemesis is a very solemn undertaking. Also, as you will see from the templates, no more than one is allowed.

Long term play for a Nemesis can yield enormous power indeed- their schemes are complex, and long-term- and devastating if successful.


Bane (Type E)

Only a Master of Evil

The Bane is a very bad thing. Jedi who fall cannot really become Masters- there is no-one to teach them, and they have not the patience, the time, or the resources to discover things for themselves. But the Bane... is a Master who fell. This was never meant to happen, and it is only the slow decay of the Republic that has encouraged it. It is hard to describe what could possibly drive a Master to the Dark Side- but in the end, they are only human. Now the Dark Side has a powerful new conduit.

Strength =5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed =6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 7
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 13
Force Defence: 14

Add three points amongst physical stats; add four points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 15
Combat +1
Jedi Lore +7 (max 15)
Languages +5
Savoir-Faire +4
Intimidate +5
Medicine +1
Lying +2
Observation +2
Law +0

You may add five points amongst these skills.

Merits: 3

Blade Tricks: 2
Master Tricks: 2

Force Training: (35)
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose ten powers of your choice. Then choose eight powers in total among the Living and Cosmic trees. Then take two Dark Side powers.

Special Rules:

Megalomania: A Nemesis must lead any group he associates with, killing rivals until he does. If associating with other Force users, he must be the only Nemesis, and have either the highest sabre or Force rating- or he will kill those who stop him from doing so until he does.


Overlord (Special)

If only you knew the power of the Dark Side

The Overlord is not really a Master as the Jedi would see it. He is the only practical example of 'Masterhood' for a Dark Sider in this era. Simply put, the Overlord survived, he made a grab for power, and he killed everyone who stood in his way until he made it. He has not exactly great wisdom, but he has a very practical instinct that has served him well, and in exercising the sheer force of his emotion to power his Force, he is a Master of a sort- enough for his rules to work the same as a Master, in any case. The Overlord is not just a thug out of place- he has earned his place as a ruler of things, a game few survive, and he intends to go further.

Strength =5
Agility 5
Dexterity 5
Speed =6

Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 13
Force Defence: 14

Add three points amongst physical stats; add five points amongst mental stats.

All Attributes have a maximum of 8


Lightsabre= 15
Combat +5 (max 13)
Guns +5 (max 13)
Jedi Lore +4
Savoir-Faire +3
Intimidate +4
Lying +1

You may add four points amongst ANY skills.

Merits: 1

Blade Tricks: 3
Master Tricks: 1
Gun Tricks: 2
Combat Tricks: 2

Force Training: (31)
Stage One: Choose one of Vicious, Adept or Physical
Stage Two: Choose sixteen powers of your choice

Special Rules:

Megalomania: A Nemesis must lead any group he associates with, killing rivals until he does. If associating with other Force users, he must be the only Nemesis, and have either the highest sabre or Force rating- or he will kill those who stop him from doing so until he does.

The Overlord receives the Merit 'Ties' to a powerful non-Republican organisation of his choice in addition to his chosen Merit.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:40 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


4. Assigning Stats and Skills

'Stats' (Statistics) are the measure of the basic physical and mental capacities of your character.

Skills are what your character has aptitudes in- including fighting.

Both are easy to assign to your template.


Strength is a measure of your physique and toughness; it is used to resist damage, to do damage in close combat, and is also the basis of power attacks in lightsabre duelling.

(Note- for Matrix players, Strength in this game incorporates Constitution and Toughness)

Agility is a measure of your character's mobility and athleticism. It helps you fight up close and make acrobatic manoeuvres, as well as being the basis of outflanking attacks in lightsabre duelling.

Dexterity is a measure of your character's finesse and handling skills; it is used to pilot, fire guns, and is the basis of classical attacks in lightsabre duelling

Speed is a measure of your character's wits and reaction speed. It is not used in skills but sets how fast and how often you move in a fight.

Charisma is a measure of your character's strength of personality- it enables to to better relate to others, whether that be being friendly or threatening to kill.

Intelligence is a measure, of course, of how smart your character is, which can be quite an asset to a Jedi or Dark Sider, who are taking the roles of policemen or master criminals respectively.

Willpower is your strength and firmness of mind, used to resist mental effects and keep going in the face of adversity.

Perception is your ability to notice things, from clues at a crime scene to an incoming ambush.

To set your stats, simply add the amount your template allows you to between physical and mental stats. 5 is the average for a being in the Galaxy, 6 a better average for trained people like yourselves, 7 is the exceptionally fit/clever level- a level that Jedi rather strive to reach- and 8 means you are actually at the limit! Impressive.

All templates point out that the attribute maximum is 8; this is the highest a stat can go for a 'human' template (where 'human' is a wide term referring to about 90% of Star Wars races who are pretty much the same as humans in the end- like Twi'leks and Zabraks). Exotic alien templates with different maximums exist but I am leaving them in the background for now.

Note also that there is a limit on the combined total of your Strength, Agility and Dexterity- 21 for the more physically active templates, 20 for the less capable ones, and 22 for the Type Ds. This is to help regulate lightsabre duelling. However, you do not need to worry about this, because I have simply put the points you could not put into Strength, Agility and Dexterity into Speed instead, which is why the templates tend to have a higher base speed then Strength/Agility/Dexterity (the remaining physical points actually cannot bring you past that limit, which we call the SAD limit, if I have done it right, that is). But it is useful to bear in mind that this prohibition technically exists. By the same logic, bear in mind that if your Strength/Agility/Dexterity are not even, you are favouring one lightsabre style over another. Type Ds, who have an extra physical stat past everyone else, always favour a style, but without disfavouring another. Type Bs and other less combat capable templates always have to disfavour a style.

If a stat has an '=' sign by it- notably for Masters- then it cannot be increased; it is already as high as it can go.

Finally, note that Willpower has already been spent on in most templates, which is why it is higher- this is because Willpower is easy for a Jedi to ignore as most mental effects involve using the Force, and a Jedi can use his own Force to counter such effects. So rather than everyone moping around with weak-willed Jedi, it has been forcibly spent upon.


All skills are based on a stat. To get your final level in that skill, add the stat and the '+' number relevant to the skill. So someone with a Combat skill of +4 would check his Agility, which Combat is based on. If his Agility is 7, his combat would therefore be 7+4 to make 11.

You may add points to your given skills, or in some cases any skills, as noted on the template (if you do not add to a +0, simply ignore it). Unless stated, the maximum for the final total of the skill (not the + number, the final total with the stat included) is 12.

If a skill has a '=' sign by it- normally for fighting skills, and always for Lightsabre- then it will always equal that final amount, including the stat, no matter what. So if a Guns skill is =13, then it final + number will equal whatever is needed to get it to 13. Guns is based on Dexterity, so if your Dexterity was 7, the + number would become 6 to make 13; if your Dexterity was 8, the + number would be 5. Nothing will change this final amount so don't spend points on an = skill (after all, they are set at a high level for you as it is!)

Here is a summary of skills:

Combat (Agility): The ability to fight up close unarmed or with a melee weapon other than a Lightsabre.

Fix-it (Perception): Technical knack and know-how, always an important skill in Star Wars for little emergency jury-rigs on the job

Gambling (Perception): The ability to either play well in skill-based, or judge well in luck based, gambling games. Gambling is a useful social skill.

Guns (Dexterity): The ability to fight, preferablty at a distance, with the wide variety of handheld arms in the Starwars galaxy, from small pistols to longarms.

Heavy Weapons (Dexterity): The ability to operate very large weapons, including rocket launchers and the like. Force Users very rarely have this skill.

Intimidation (Charisma): The ability to compel others, either by threats or general scary presence, to do what you want.

Intrusion (Agility): The ability to break and enter- just as vital for Jedi penetrating hostile bases as it is for Dark Siders up to no good.

Jedi Lore (Intelligence): Knowledge of the mysteries of the Force, and the secrets of the Jedi and the Sith. The first campaign was a Jedi Lore plot and you can expect to see it being useful again in future.

Languages (Intelligence): Your general knowledge of other languages. Whilst most aliens speak basic, it is often highly useful to understand others in their native tongue.

Law (Intelligence): Not the knowing of what is and is not illegal- it is assumed all Jedi know that part of their job well enough- but law as a lawyer or politician would see it- understanding the legal system, how to use it, abuse it, speed it or slow it. This is an obscure and difficult skill and cannot be taken unless noted on your sheet- for Jedi, that is for the Venerable Master or Bane only.

(Many look down at this sort of skill, but they will be laughing less when they work out Palpatine became Emperor using it)

Leadership (Charisma): The ability to get others to follow your lead by example and direction.

Lying (Charisma): The ability to fool and deceive others. All Dark Siders lie, of course, but only those with this skill are any good at it!

Medicine (Intelligence): The ability to treat basic wounds and other mdecial problems, and identify the cause of wounds.

Observation (Perception): The ability to notice things- not just physical things, but also to notice things about the manner of a person, for example

Persuade (Charisma): The ability to get people to help you via means of reasoned argument

Pilot (Dexterity): The ability to fly ships and drive vehicles. Pilot is often used as a combat skill in some circumstances.

Sabotage (Dexterity): The generic ability to wreck stuff- from viruses to electro-disruption to big bombs

Savoir-Faire (Charisma): Cultural knowledge of the Galaxy- essential for travellers like yourselves, this helps you blend in to and understand the myriad planets and cultures you will encounter over time.

Seduction (Charisma): The ability to bring others under your thumb via means of personal attraction. Not a common skill for Jedi or even Dark Siders, but it does happen...

Lightsabre (Special): Combat training involving the wielding of a Lightsabre, a difficult and dangerous discipline. People without the Force can learn Lightsabre but without Force Sense cannot use it defensively, are limited to 12, it cannot exceed their Combat skill, and it costs double to learn... so on the whole, only Jedi and Dark Siders use these weapons! In most ways, Lightsabre is the central skill to any Jedi; it is based on any one of Strength, Agility or Dexterity.


Your characters also have a Force stat and two Force skills- Force Attack and Force Defence- these cannot be changed at character creation and are dealt with in the Force section of the main rules.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:44 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK




For Blade, Pilot, Combat, Gun and Master Tricks, this process is also very simple, though many put a lot of thought into it. Tricks represent your particular talents in certain areas.

Your template tells how how m,any, if any, of each Trick you can choose. Look up the Tricks in the Main Rules to see what you want. Feel free to ask other players for help.

Force Powers

Force Powers are chosen like Tricks but are subject to some regulation to prevent over-specialisation. Each template has two stages- the first stage represents your training, the second your career.

In Stage One, we see what you learned when you trained, be it at the Temple, or as a Marauder with a Master in the Outer Rim.

First of all, you ALWAYS learn these five powers:

Push/Pull, Jump, Draw, Intuition, Sense

(These powers are the bease powers of the five different Force Trees in this game, from which powers are picked).

Your next ten powers are then defined by which type of training you choose- this represents what your Apprenticeship was like. Your template tells you which upbringings you may choose. The powers they give are listed here:

Traditional- a well-rounded Temple education in the finest traditions of the Order.

Lift, Bash, Master Jump, Fall, Blur, Sword Whirl, Dreams, Inner Calm, Scan, Empathy

Scholarly- this Padawan was greatly able at learning to use the Force passively, but not actively.

Master Jump, Dodge, Blur, Dreams, Inner Calm, Foresight, Scan, Distract, Empathy, Leadership

Adept- this Padawan was great with all uses of the Force, but not an expert at applying them to sabre fighting

Lift, Bash, Combat Push, Master Jump, Dodge, Blur, Dreams, Inner Calm, Scan, Empathy

Rebellious- this Padawan was always troublesome, and rebelled against the teachings of his Master, learning his own way to take care of himself

Lift, Bash, Combat Push, Master Jump, Fall, Dodge, Blur, Sword Whirl, Dreams, Scan

Physical- this Padawan was a natural at the more active and martial uses of the Force, especially with a sabre, but its subtleties eluded him.

Master Jump, Fall, Dodge, Blur, Blow, Strike, Sword Whirl, Twirl, Defend, Scan

Vicious- this represents a non-Temple training, learning things the hard way with a Dark Side Master who did not spare his pupil the dangers of the Galaxy.

Lift, Bash, Combat Push, Grip, Master Jump, Fall, Dodge, Blow, Sword Whirl, Twirl

Once you have chosen one of these upbringings, you go onto Stage Two, which represents the powers you have picked up in your career since. Pick powers from the Trees as given in the Main Rules. Note that you must have all the pre-requisite powers to gain a new power, if more than one power leads into it. Your template may restrict what powers you can get at this stage. If you find yourself unable to pick a required power (e.g. it tells you to take a Light Side power but you don't have the pre-requisites for any) then you MUST go back and alter previous choices until you do.

Once you are done, check your final number of powers against the number given in brackets next to 'Force Training' on your template, to check if you got it all done ok. Then you are done!


At this point, you may also choose your Merits- background advantages your character has, like a starship or ally- and if you are an Acolyte or Orphan, you may chose a Talent- representing a natural gift with the Force that can never be duplicated by experience or skill. Merits and Talents are described in the Main Rules.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Nov 21st, 2004 at 08:45 PM

Old Post Nov 16th, 2004 04:52 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Renegade of Funk

Gender: Male
Location: United States

Master Jump
Flying charge
Defensive Leap
Master Fall
Martial Tree
Blur, Blow
, Defend
Living Force Tree
Cosmic Tree


Made by Me! Click here to see my work or request a sig!

Old Post Nov 21st, 2004 05:58 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Ok, lemme see...

Yup, looks fine! Thankyou.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Nov 21st, 2004 08:47 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Life Ponder-er

Gender: Male
Location: Dreaming...Or am I living...

Ok, here's a finalized Roan....

Roan Trilanger, played by Tptmanno1

Jedi Knight, Adventurer
Template A

Strength 7
Agility 7
Dexterity 7
Speed 7

Charisma 8
Intelligence 7
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defense: 13


Lightsabre +7= 14
Combat +4= 11
Pilot +6= 13
Jedi Lore +4= 11
Fix-it +4= 10
Leadership +3= 11
Languages +2= 9
Savoir-Faire +4= 12
Medicine +2= 9
Persuade +4= 12
Observation +2= 8

Contact with CorSec (see background)
Corellian YT-2000 freighter
Higher Purpose

Force Training: (27)
The Basics:
PUSH/PULL- Force 1, Frames 1
JUMP- Force 1, Frames x
DRAW- Force 1, Frames 0
SENSE- No cost
Stage One: Choose one of Traditional, Scholarly, Adept or Physical

Traditional- a well-rounded Temple education in the finest traditions of the Order:

LIFT- Force 3, Frames 3

BASH- Force 2, Frames 3
MASTER JUMP- Force 2+x, Frames x
FALL- Force x, Frames 1

BLUR-Frame cost: Special Force cost: 1
SWORD WHIRL- Force 1, Frames 1
DREAMS- No cost
INNER CALM/IRON WILL- Force 2, Frames 2
SCAN- Force 1, Frames 3
EMPATHY- Force 2, Frames 1

Stage Two: Choose 12 powers of your choice
Frame cost: 0 Force cost: Special
(used for Reflection)
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 3
Frame cost: 0 Force cost: 2
Frame cost: 2 Force cost: 2
Frame cost: 3 Force cost: 2
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 3
Frame cost: 3 Force cost: 4
Frame cost: 3 Force cost: 1
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 1
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 1
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 2
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 3
Frame cost: 1 Force cost: 3
Force Powers: 23

Blade Tricks: 5
Bodyguard lvl 2
King Of Defense lvl 1

Pilot Tricks: 6
Still waiting!

Combat Tricks: 3
Surprise strike


Old Post Nov 27th, 2004 02:11 AM
Tptmanno1 is currently offline Click here to Send Tptmanno1 a Private Message Find more posts by Tptmanno1 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Female
Location: verdant brink


Okay, how's this look...

Rianna Xi, Blackguard (C)

Strength 6
Agility 8
Dexterity 7
Speed 8

Charisma 7
Intelligence 7
Willpower 7
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 12


Lightsabre= 14
Combat= 14
Jedi Lore +2
Intimidate +2
Languages +0
Observation +2
Fix-it +0
Intrusion +2

Stage One: Rebellious

Stage Two:
Iron will
Saber throw

Combat Tricks:
Surprise Strike

Blade Tricks:
Carnival of Carnage level 4
Agile Combatant level 1
Killer Instinct level 4


under the pale tree - my [email protected]

I can hear the call of the dragon...

Old Post Nov 29th, 2004 07:42 AM
Peach is currently offline Click here to Send Peach a Private Message Find more posts by Peach Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Life Ponder-er

Gender: Male
Location: Dreaming...Or am I living...

Looks good,
A tip though, I like to include Frame and force count with all of my powers so I can see what they cost when Im looking at my character to see what I can do...
makes for less Thread-hopping...


Old Post Nov 29th, 2004 10:22 PM
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Lord Melkor
Senior Member

Gender: Male
Location: The Land of Confusion

Okay, so I will change his stats a bit:

Gallador Enkidu, alias Melkor

Cultist(type B)

Strength 7
Agility 7
Dexterity 6
Speed 7

Charisma 8
Intelligence 7
Willpower 8
Perception 6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defence: 14


Lightsabre= 13
Jedi Lore +5
Lying +4
Languages +3
Savoir-Faire +2
Medicine +0
Intimidate +4
Observation +2
Pilot +2
Combat +0
Fix-it +0

Merits: Lucky

Blade Tricks: Carnival of Carnage level 3

Stage One: Scholarly(
Master Jump, Dodge, Blur, Dreams, Inner Calm, Foresight, Scan, Distract, Empathy, Leadership)

Stage Two:

The Living Force Tree:

The Cosmic Force Tree:

The Agility Tree:

Manifest Destiny
Strenght From Fear
Strenght From Pain
Dark Emotions-Hatred

Last edited by Lord Melkor on Nov 29th, 2004 at 11:15 PM

Old Post Nov 29th, 2004 11:10 PM
Lord Melkor is currently offline Click here to Send Lord Melkor a Private Message Find more posts by Lord Melkor Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: San Diego


Galder updated!

Corsair (Type C)

Strength 6+2=8
Agility 6
Dexterity 6+1=7
Speed 8

Charisma 5+2=7
Intelligence 5+2=7
Willpower 7
Perception 5+1=6

Force Attack: 12
Force Defense: 12

Lightsaber= 15
Combat= 14
Guns +2+3=+5
Intimidate +2+1=+3
Languages +0+1=+1
Observation +0
Fix-it +3
Savoir-Faire +3
Intrusion +0
Medicine +2
Pilot +1

2 Merits to Reputation
1 Merit to Starship
1 Merit to Ally (Rura Ta, Kaminoan)

Master Jump
Defensive Leap
Sword Whirl
Iron Will

Total Cover Level 1
Sabermaster Level 3
Carnival of Carnage Level 3

Hard Strike
Head Butt
Nerve Attack

28 XP to Increased Lightsaber Skill
6 XP to new Force Power
4 XP to new Skill at +1 (Pilot)
2 XP to raise Skill at +1 (Languages)


Last edited by REXXXX on Nov 30th, 2004 at 04:10 AM

Old Post Nov 30th, 2004 04:07 AM
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Lord Melkor
Senior Member

Gender: Male
Location: The Land of Confusion

Can i still make a minor chance? I think I would remove Sidestep and Demagogue, adding Blow and Strike again. I could use Strike and Emotions-Hatred at the same time, right? Can Hatred be used against anyone?

Old Post Nov 30th, 2004 07:10 PM
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