Looks like a pretty high quality fake. There's a possibility it's a test-trailer, kinda like the old Battlefront III trailer that got leaked way back when. Meant more for in-house purposes than something ever meant to be seen by a public audience. But I'm still banking on it being a complete fabrication. Disney has actually been really good at trying to tie existing Star Wars lore together with their Disney+ series (look at Cobb Vanth, or Black Krrsantan, for instance). Here, there was nothing in the video actually showing any of the Knights of Ren we know. An actual Knights of Ren series would probably focus on the character Ren, as we've seen in the Rise of Kylo Ren comic, the Crimson Reign comic, and the Halloween LEGO special. The Nazgul-looking "Knight of Ren" in this faked trailer really does just scream "fan creation" to me.
Some other very obvious lore discrepancies that myself and a few other folks have picked up on:
The X-Wing is a T-65, and the Star Destroyer is an Imperial II-class, but the TIE being piloted is a First Order TIE. If there's a First Order TIE, the X-Wing should at least be a T-70, if not a T-85. The Star Destroyer as well should be a Resurgent-class.
Another big issue is the Knight of Ren piloting a TIE Fighter to begin with. The Knights of Ren were an independent group, operating outside of the First Order (but still under Palpatine's influence) until Kylo Ren took control of the group. There should be no reason for a Knight of Ren to be behind the cockpit of a TIE.
Lastly, he really shouldn't have a lightsaber, much less two. Ren is treated as the leader of the Knights of Ren, until Ben Solo kills him. And Ren is the only one who wields a lightsaber, which he treats with a sort of reverence. The lightsaber itself is also called "The Ren," and the character of Ren basically built the whole philosophy of the Knights of Ren off of that one lightsaber.
So to have another Knight of Ren, who isn't Ren, wielding two lightsabers, just feels wildly incongruous with what has already been established for the group thus far.
Last edited by Underachiever59 on Jan 17th, 2022 at 03:42 AM
Also the fact that the KoR didn't really know much at all about proper Sith philosophy, nor did they seem interested in adopting the Sith ways. They were almost entirely untrained in the ways of the dark side(or "the shadow", as they called it)... But here the Witch King is reciting the Sith doctrine as though it's their gospel.
Based on what we know of the KoR thus far, it doesn't add up.
"There is a Street just right around the corner, both familiar and unknown.
A Street branching off every small-town square and cutting through every big city avenue.
It is a place where the wicked and cruel are drawn, to the crossroads of morality and madness.
It is a place with the inevitable destination of not merely death, but something far worse.
It is a place we call... Hyde Street."
Last edited by Galan007 on Jan 17th, 2022 at 12:46 PM