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USH'S STAR WARS GAME 2008- Character Creation
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Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


USH'S STAR WARS GAME 2008- Character Creation

This thread contains an explanation of the kind of characters you need to create for my game, and the rules by which you can do that.

The latest version of the rules has tried to simplify things as much as possigle but this is still a regulated game with many rules, and creating a character is still a process with a certain amount of detail and effort involved. I treat someone's willingness to go through this process and create a character to be the first 'test' as it were as to whether they are willing to truly put an effort into playing.

That said, this isn't an intelligence test- merely one of willingness- so please do ask for any help you want! The other players are normally only all too happy to help (though sometimes only if you want to be oin their side...).

Post all attempts to make characters in here. Successful characters will be placed in the Archival Records, located here:

For reference that will be needed, the Main Rules are here:

Look forward to seeing your efforts!

Note- this process has been updated in December 2009. Some templates are stiill untested so not everything here is set, but it is mostly now settled


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Dec 4th, 2009 at 03:58 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 02:11 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



This campaign is set between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The Jedi are as strong as they ever were, and the Republic appears to be at its height. In fact, the Jedi are growing steadily more worried about the growing imbalance of the Force, and the Republic is corrupt, perhaps beyond repair. And all is slowly building up to the greatest war of all. At the time of writing, the current storyline is four years after the Battle of Naboo; the episodes about to be played are the last in this time frame before we move on, probably another two years.

Players in this setting all play Force users, of one of four types- Jedi Knights, dedicated to defending the Republic. Renegade Jedi, who feel their obligation is to the people in general rather than any politics behind it, and seek to undo the corruption within. Dark Jedi, those fallen Knights who reject the tenets of the Order and seek the power of the Dark Side. And finally Outsiders, Dark-Sided force sensitives from the edges of the Republic- or even beyond it- trained by other such Dark Siders (more maybe a Dark Jedi), unpredictable and dangerous.

On the Light Side, your job is to fight evil and protect the innocent. On the Dark Side, your job is to survive- that is the absolute priority. In the first place, this means ensuring your own security. But eventually it will also involve the accumulation of power, in order to make that security feasible.

Jedi have a lot to put up with- hostile forces, unfriendly politicians, the general corruption of the Galaxy, and the strict limits they have to work in (less so for Renegades, but they have their own moral limits). In return, though, Jedi have their authority (again, less so for Renegades) and the general support of the law-abiding populace. They also understand the virtues of trust and true loyalty.

Dark Siders have no theoretical limits to their actions- but very practical ones, because the entire Galaxy is effectively hostile to them. They may do as they wish, but many things they wish to do would only lead to their own destruction. They also have no friends- for who can truly befriend such a being? And to a Dark Sider, loyalty is a practical thing, to be used as long as it is needed and then discarded when other options would benefit you more. That’s not to say, though, that they cannot make allies and connections, if they are careful. The Dark Side requires wisdom too.

This, then, is the setting. There are several key moods of this Campaign:

1. There are triumphs to be won, even in the face of ultimate adversity. The Prequel Trilogy is a doomed setting for both sides. The Jedi Order is going to be destroyed no matter what the players do, and the Dark Siders… well, they are never going to run the Galaxy, so either they eventually die or become irrelevant. This all seems rather gloomy, but the game is geared around the idea that there are still significant and important things for both sides to do- that will have a lasting impact on the Galaxy, possibly influencing the Original Trilogy campaign, should that ever be returned to. So despite the fatalism, you are far from unimportant. Fate and Destiny have great significance in the Star Wars setting and you can shape that.

2. You cannot keep meeting like this… The First Prequel Trilogy Campaign was an opposed one between the Light and Dark Siders. The Original Trilogy Campaign is one of constant opposition. But this Campaign is not- Light and Dark Side are following completely different plots, though still in the same setting. Sometimes (including now at the time of writing) the Renegades get their own plots as well, although really they are just different angles of the same overall Light Side plotline. This is for two good reasons- first of all, it is faintly ridiculous to have the same group of Light and Dark Siders meeting all the time, but getting away at the end of it; frankly, one of the meetings would have to be the last one, and the Dark Siders cannot take on the whole Jedi Order. Secondly, it gives the Dark Siders a chance to truly explore the concept of playing such a character, free from the hassle of effectively just being the playable bad guys in a Jedi-driven story. Still, that’s not to say you will never meet again…

3. The film plot is important but not all-encompassing. Our concept in role-playing Star Wars is to show all possible deference and respect to the plot and style of the films. However, it should be borne in mind that the ‘Return of the Sith’ plotline is not yours, it is Anakin’s and Obi-Wan’s. There are plotlines in the game that have related to this story, filling some potential gaps in the films (attempts to bring charges against the Trade Federation, and the currently running plot about the Techno Union beginning its mass construction of droid armies) but they are not the central focus. The game develops its own plots set during the same period as these things, and does its best to make them seem at least as important.

Just an additional note there- EU references are generally welcome but subject to my veto. This is all down to interpretation, and sometimes our interpretation of the Star Wars universe may differ so much from that of the EU reference in question that it simply cannot be included in this setting.

So, if you are still interested, please read the following rules about making a character!


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 02:12 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



This goes through the following steps:

1. Category- choose between Jedi Knight/Renegade (Light Side), or Dark Jedi/Outsider (Dark Side). Ruleswise, Jedi (Dark or otherwise) tend to be better trained in the Jedi arts, whilst Renegades and Outsiders have more experience of the Galaxy. Outside of the rules, your choice has a base effect upon your personality, the rules you operate by, and some elements of plot. Renegades sometimes get their own stories. Outsiders do not, but the choice of Dark Jedi or Outsider can affect your personal plot within the Dark Side game.

2. Name. Harder than you might think! Star Wars names tend to be a mix of the mundane and the mythological (e.g. Luke Skywalker), or have an exotic Asian theme (e.g. Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon), but anything you want is fine so long as it isn’t silly. Don’t go trying to think of a Darth name- I appreciate the ambition, but that’s not what you Dark Siders are!

3. Template. Within each category are six templates which define what sort of Force User you are, from an experience Jedi Knight to a young and eager Dark Swordsman. Your choice of template is the most defining part of creating a character in this system, the base of all that you are. The six templates inside each category are distinct from each other but similar to their equivalents in other categories- each category has one experienced, veteran all-rounder, one impulsive warrior, one careful studious type, one athletic show-off, one powerful but aging Master, and one Force-specialist template that has its own unique reason to exist depending on your category- the Force template is the most distinctive between categories. I recommend great caution in taking a Master or a Force specialist- both are difficult to play (though obviously rewarding if done right), and not recommended unless you are a veteran role-player. Note that as things are, Dark Side Masters are not allowed at all (too many contenders for leadership as it is!).

4. Assign stats and skills. You receive some flexibility in your characters physical/mental capabilities, and your particular skills. Much of this is self-explanatory, though an explanation of stats/skills follows below. Note that ‘Lightsabre’ is a very special skill and follows specific instructions as to how to get its score, to ensure characters are balanced in-game.

5. Schticks/Force Powers. Finally you must choose your characters special abilities, as directed by your template. Such abilities are explained inside the Main Rules thread.

6. Merits- by default choose 3 Merits from the list in the main rules.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Jul 18th, 2008 at 09:03 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 02:14 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Stats are rated from 1-5, with the human average being 2. Skills are rated from 0 to 5 generally, though particular specialists may get higher, particularly in combat skills. As the main rules explain, you combine stats and skills to get your dice pool for any particular action. The stat used depends on the circumstance.

(Note that exotic alien species may have lower or higher maximums for stats, but right now only human-type species are covered)


Strength- a general measure of your character’s physical prowess, be that bulking muscle or a lithe, athletic build. Strength also determines the amount of damage you can take before dropping in combat- multiply it by ten and add twenty to that score to get your damage maximum. Strength is also used as your base for Close Combat rolls.

Agility- a general measure of your character’s speed and mobility. This is the base stat used for all acrobatic manoeuvres, often a big deal in the Star Wars universe.

Dexterity- a general measure of your character’s reaction time, flexibility and steadiness. This is your base stat used for Guns and Heavy Weapons attacks.

Defence- your ability to avoid harm. Note that in the basic rules all templates have a flat Defence of 1.

Willpower- your mental strength, used to resist certain effects and keep on going in times of great strain. All force-based templates have a fixed Willpower score that cannot be altered!

Intelligence- a measure of your bookish knowledge and logical ability to process information and consider issues.

Charisma- your ability to interact with others, be that via friendly words or vicious threats.

Perception- your ability to notice things in the world around you, be that checking a crime scene or noticing odd behaviour.

Force Rating- your power with the Force. This is a combination of natural inborn talent and your insights you have gained via training. It acts both as your general skill for Force rolls, and as your default maximum for Force points you may spend within a story.

Force Attack- your skill in using the Force offensively. This is a skill to be learned like any other, like Lightsabre fighting, and hence a high Force Rating does not guarantee a high Force Attack, and vice versa.

Force Defence- a special form of the ‘Defence’ stat used against otherwise indefensible forms of the Force used offensively.



A reference for available skills in the game. Generally speaking you may only take skills listed on your template; any such skills you leave at zero are ones you have decided not to take at all.

Regardless of any other circumstance, ‘restricted’ skills may not be taken at creation unless specifically marked on your template, and even with experience need the specific permission of the GM.

Combat: The ability to fight up close unarmed or with a melee weapon other than a Lightsabre.

Fix-it: Technical knack and know-how, always an important skill in Star Wars for little emergency jury-rigs on the job

Gambling (RESTRICTED): The ability to either play well in skill-based, or judge well in luck based, gambling games. Gambling is a useful social skill.

Guns: The ability to fight, preferably at a distance, with the wide variety of handheld arms in the Star Wars galaxy, from small pistols to longarms.

Heavy Weapons (RESTRICTED): The ability to operate very large weapons, including rocket launchers and the like.

Intimidation: The ability to compel others, either by threats or general scary presence, to do what you want. Obviously useful for the Dark Side, but sometimes a Jedi would much prefer to only have to threaten violence rather than use it.

Intrusion: The ability to break and enter- just as valuable for Jedi breaking into hostile pirate bases as it is for Dark Siders doing criminal works in the Republic

Jedi Lore (RESTRICTED): Knowledge of the mysteries of the Force, and the secrets of the Jedi and the Sith. The first campaign was a Jedi Lore plot and you can expect to see it being useful again in future.

Languages: Your general knowledge of other languages. Whilst most aliens speak basic, it is often highly useful to understand others in their native tongue.

Law (RESTRICTED): Not the knowing of what is and is not illegal, but law as a lawyer or politician would see it- understanding the legal system, how to use it, abuse it, speed it or slow it. This is an obscure and difficult skill and cannot be taken unless it is on on your template.

Leadership: The ability to get others to follow your lead by example and direction.

Lying: The ability to fool and deceive others. Even Jedi need to make a good bluff sometimes, though this skill is the clear speciality of the Dark Side.

Medicine: The ability to treat basic wounds and other medical problems, and identify the cause of wounds, or even investigate weird alien types if need be.

Observation: The ability to notice things- not just physical things, but also to notice things about the manner of a person, for example

Persuade: The ability to get people to help you via means of reasoned argument. A Jedi speciality, many Dark Siders shun such straightforward methods (in favour of Lies made to SEEM like reasoned argument), but others may find it very useful.

Pilot: The ability to fly ships and drive vehicles. Pilot is used as a combat skill in some circumstances.

Sabotage: The generic ability to wreck stuff- from viruses to electro-disruption to big bombs

Savoir-Faire: Cultural knowledge of the Galaxy- essential for travellers like yourselves, this helps you blend in to and understand the myriad planets and cultures you will encounter over time.

Seduction (RESTRICTED): The ability to bring others under your thumb via means of personal attraction. Not a common skill for Force Users (and certainly unusual in a Jedi) but such means have their uses.

Survival: Your ability to cope in hostile environments- deserts, jungles etc.

Warfare (RESTRICTED): The ability to organise fighting as a General sees it- where you need Leadership to lead squads, you need Warfare to lead armies.

Lightsabre (RESTRICTED): Your ability to handle that most iconic of weapons! An unusual skill and so listed here out of order.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Dec 4th, 2009 at 03:59 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 02:15 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Members of the Jedi Order form a vital part of the Republic. Small in number, they are in turn one of only a small number of truly interstellar state organisations, and the only one that has any abillity to enforce law throughout the Galaxy on an interstellar basis.

Jedi are servants of the Republic. That they are devotees of the Light Side of the Force- and therefore have a truly altruistic interest in concepts like peace and justice- is very useful, but their legal power is granted to them by the Senate, by democracy, and Jedi must always bear in mind that they are not themselves the makers of law, only its enforcers. Jedi are allowed- indeed, expected- to use their discretion and intelligence to show flexibility in matters, but they must be careful not to cross over the line into simply enforcing their own will and beliefs upon whatever they find. Still, there are certain basic legal tenets (and indeed, moral ones) that means they are allowed to take action against anything they find that seems to transgress these laws (a race of aliens that eat sentient beings might personally defend the action but it's still murder, no matter what they believe, and the Jedi would be bound to stop it). Of course, Jedi seek non-violent ends to situations whenever they can. They carry Lightsabres- a lethal weapon- as an indication of how they will settle things by force if they must- but only if they must.

Being a Jedi is the classical choice for this game, of course. It puts you in the position of defending a Republlic that you might not always agree with; such is politics. The Order long decided that defending the interests of Democracy was in the best interests of the Light Side, Balance, and in any case was morally desirable. Your job as a Jedi is to solve disputes, investigate mysteries and, sometimes, to take 'direct action' against threats like pirates and other criminals. As for mysteries and rumours like the Sith- well, we shall see...

Being a Jedi means you are part of a hierarchy and must take orders! Do bear that in mind. In return, you have official legal authority to make decisions and arrest criminals.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 02:26 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic…”

The Adventurer is a veteran Jedi agent. By 'veteran' I mean experienced rather than old; Adventuers tend to be late 20s/early 30s. Other than his broad experience of Jedi missions, what distinguishes an Adventurer from his fellows is his extreme curiosity and wonder about the Galaxy. he tends to take the more dangerous or exotic missions and assignments simply so he can learn something new. Over his career the Adventurer has picked up all sorts of skills and tricks; he is a highly skilled Lightsabre fighter and well skilled in the ways of the Force also. The Adventurer's speciaism is skills, but he's actually good at everything, so if in doubt, take one of these guys.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 2
Persuade: 2
Leadership: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Languages: 1
Observation: 1
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0

SPECIAL: Life in the Field: An Adventurer chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Jedi Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others




“This party’s over.”

The Swordsman is a young and inexperienced Jedi Knight, perhaps on his first mission. He is very talented indeed, but his impulsive nature and lack of patience has caused difficulties with his Force training. Meanwhile, having spent all of his life within the temple, he has noit had much chance to acquire skills. But the Swordsman has shown an incredble knack for combat, the use of the Lightsabre, and unarmed fighting (not guns- too impersonal). He is already figthing as well as Jedi ten years older than him. This makes him a very useful agewnt for the Jedi for use in certain missions- but the Council are looking for him to develop as time goes by. The Swordsman has an overwhelming superiority in Blade skills...


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4. Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Intimidation: 0
Languages: 0

SPECIAL: Born to the Sword- A Swordsman gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others




“A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.”

War makes not one great... the Scholar is not as excitable as the Adventurer (and certainly not the Swordsman!) and is the most calm, measured and (perhaps) professional of the Jedi templates, studying all required skills dilligently. He has studied the use of the Lightsabre as he would any other skill, which means he is no slouch, but he doesn't quite have the lethality of his more active counterparts. But the Scholar is very well versed in the Force (including offensively if need be), and although he has learned from the library rather than the Adventurer's galactic experience, the Scholar is still well skilled, and indeed is a particular specialist in one academic area


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Persuade: 2
Languages: 1
Leadership: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Combat: 0
Law: 0

SPECIAL: Academic Expert- The Scholar is an acknowledged expert in a certain area of learning. At character creation the Scholar chooses any skill he has a value in; he gets three extra dice to all Intelligence-based rolls made with that skill, and may re-roll a failed Intelligence-based roll with that skill once per story.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 11 others



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:22 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 02:37 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“You’ll find I’m full of surprises…”

Jedi are very fit people, both from their sensible body habits and as a professional need. The Athlete takes this to an extreme, having the same sort of pride in his body as a Swordsman does with the blade, and he is a formiddable physical specimen. He's not become quite so mono-focussed as a Swordsman, however, and has a few missions under his belt as well. Not quite as skilled with a sabre as an Adventurer, an Athlete's physical edge in a fight is still telling and he is well-skilled in all forms of combat. He's not bad with the Force either, though he has much still to learn.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 6
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate seven points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Combat: 3 (Fixed)
Guns: 3 (Fixed)

Spend 8 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Persuade: 0
Intimidation: 0
Languages: 0
Intrusion: 0
Savoir-Faire: 0
Survival: 0

SPECIAL: Gifted Acrobat- An Athlete gets two extra dice when making any form of acrobatic roll (that is NOT an attack)

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 7 others




“Do. Or do not. There is no ‘try’.”

Jedi Masters are the stuff of legend- wise, powerful, considerate, noble. A heavy responsibility. In this game, taking a Master does not make you Mace Windu. Instead, a Master choice is that of an older Jedi (not pensionable, but certainly getting on) who has retired from active service. He's not even on the Council- he's done his part and wanted to spend the rest of his life in quiet contemplation and maybe a little training of others. But for whatever reason, he's gone back to his Jedi life- some incident has pulled him back, or the Force has made it clear to him he is neeed. The Jedi Master is no longer at his prime, but despite this has a formidable array of skills, combat and force powers. His true weakness is his body- it just cannot take it any more. Fitter than any normal, person his age, nonetheless, this kind of running about under fire is a young man's game. A Master brings great power (and great responsibility), but is very fragile if things go wrong.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Jedi Lore: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Languages: 3
Leadership: 3
Savoir-Faire: 2
Persuade: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Survival: 1
Law: 0

SPECIAL: Chosen by the Council- The Master has all the privilege and authority- and the responsibility- as is due to someone of his stature and position.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others




“The Force is strong in my family.”

The Acolyte is a phenomenon- some kind of natural tie to the Force (destiny, mysterious forces, high midi-chlorian count, etc.) meant that even as a baby the Jedi knew that he was going to be very strong in the Force indeed. Such a thing can be danegrous, and the Acolye's training has been very specifically geared to ensure control of his talents.

Now come of age and ready to do his first mission, the Acolyye has led an intensly sheltered life in the Temple, learning about his gift. He has almost no experience of the outside Galaxy, so not many skills, and although he has trained hard with the sabre he has no natural affinity for it, and nor is he quite as fit as his fellows. But the Acolyte is devastatingly powerful with the Force, and has only just begun exploring that talent; so far he lacks the experience required to make full use of it. The Acolyte is a very passive and measured character; although strong in the Force he is not actually very good with it in a fight.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 6
Force Defence: 2

Allocate five points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 1
Combat: 0
Persuade: 0
Medicine: 0
Fix-it: 0
Observation: 0

SPECIAL: Natural Flow- The Acolyte treats his Force Defence rating as being one higher than it actually is (except for improving it with xp).

The Acolyte restores a Force point at the end of each fight or major action scene.

These abilities are cumulative with Tranquillity and Flow of the Force

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:23 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 03:14 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



Those with Force talent are obliged to become Jedi. As this means separation from family as a child, it seems a harsh policy- but sadly necessary, as without training Force talent is exceptionally dangerous. The Jedi Order keeps the Dark Side away by training all against it.

Once your training is complete, however, there seems to be no obligation to be a Jedi Knight. And of course, there are those who did start out as Jedi Knights, but for various reasons have taken their leave of the Order. Many such people would go on to lead unassuming lives, which would be rather boring, but in this game, this choice means you not only left the Order, but you have decided to stay in Galactic affairs, and have stayed as an active agent. These are the 'Renegades', Jedi no longer taking orders from the Council, but still trying to act in a Jedi-like way, free from the rules and restrictions of the Order, though also lacking its official authority from the Senate.

Renegades are still Light Siders, and hence wedded to ideas of justice and altriusm. Many dislike offiical power, and see the Senate as corrupt, the people betrayed and the Corporate interests taking over power as positively evil. Many of them certainly have a point, and free from strict legal bonds mayy well achieve much. But Renegades also have issues with authority, and their rebellion against the Council may also cause problems for themselves and others. It should never be forgotten that the Council are wise people- not infallible, of course, but they all earned their positions and to ignore them outright is an extreme course.

In this game, as a result of plot developments, Renegades have found themselves unified under the banner of one of the player characters, Xeth Tam. Xeth has built up links with a coalition of worlds who are trying to act against the Corporate conspiracies in the Galaxy, and so are funding Xeth as an independent investigator. You are effectively part of a a Private Investigation agency, righting wrongs in your own way, finding evidence against criminals (and then presenting it to the appropriate authorites; to mete out justice yourselves might be seen as crossing the line).

Although their views differ, Renegades and Knights often find common cause and nothing stops them doing missions together- indeed, the Council are a forgiving bunch and in some circumstances will offer Renegades missions, perhaps because they need them, and also perhaps because they hope that Renegades will change their views and come back to the Order.

Being a Renegade, therefore, strips you of your need to act in a hierarchy; you are truly independant. However, this means you are not acting in the capacity of policeman or investigator; you have no legal power to detain suspects or make official decisions.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Jul 21st, 2008 at 07:16 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 03:27 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“Without the approval of the Council if I must.”

The Knight without a Master... the Ronin is a highly experienced agent, much like the Adventurer, but one who no longer takes orders from the Council. The Ronin was almost certainly once a Knight, and has left the Council most likely affter some argument. Maybe the lawyers meant the bad guy got away after an otherwise successful mission. maybe one too many corrupt politicians were behind a plot, and they got away scot free whilst the Ronin could only deal with the underlings. Maybe the Ronin objects to the entire direction the Order has taken. Regardless, he has taken leave of his office, but not of the responsibilities he feels.

The Ronin has the same breadth of Galactic exerience as an Adventurer. He's a bit more aggressive with the sabre, a little less calm with the Force.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Savoir-Faire: 2
Languages: 2
Survival: 2
Intimidate: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Jedi Lore: 1
Observation: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0
Persuade: 0

SPECIAL: Life amongst the Stars: A Ronin chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Wandering Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 8 others


Renegades have an extra Merit but have no authority as a Jedi



“He’s got to follow his own path. No-one else can choose it for him.”

The Freelancer isn't much good as a Jedi. Not that he is in any way ill-intentioned, he is just inattentive, indisciplined and really doesn't like working with officialdom. Like a Swordsman, he is very young (perhaps never worked as a Knight) and extremely good in a fight (and lacking the whole Jedi vibe, doesn't object to using a gun either).

He lives his life now drifting from place to place, offering his martial skills to whatever cause he finds- though being a Light Sider, he won't work for obviously evil ones. In return, he asks for enough money to get by, the thrill of winning a fight being his other reward. His studies in the Force are perhaps the least complete of any character, but compared to a Swordsman he is drastically more skilled, having experinenced some of what the Galaxy has to offer.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Guns: 2
Languages: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Leadership: 1
Medicine: 1
Survival: 1
Jedi Lore: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Intimidation: 0

SPECIAL: Born to Fight- A Freelancer gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 5 others


Renegades have an extra Merit but have no authority as a Jedi



“I want to be the first to see them all...”

The Seeker is a bit of a loss to the Jedi- serious, careful, considered... though somehow still impatient. Like the Scholar, the Seeker took his training duties seriously and has a highly academic mind. But, whether he deicded this before or after his training finished, the Seeker's mind is so curious about the vast Galaxy and all that lays within it that he could never be tied to the life of a Jedi. He left to find out about the Galaxy himself, and to learn more and more. A whole lifetime and you could never discover it all- but the Seeker will try.

Only something has changed- the Seeker has seen something that's made him think he cannot just passively observe any more. The Galaxy is changing and not for the better. Somewhat reluctantly, the Seeker has dusted off his lightsabre, and returnedfto the heart of Galactic life, to do what he can to help. Like the Scholar, the Seeker is not quite as accomplished a warrior as some templates, but is well-versed in the Force and well skilled too, with a broader form of the Scholar's Academic speciality.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Languages: 3
Savoir-Faire: 3
Jedi Lore: 2
Persuade: 2
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Combat: 1
Fix-it: 1
Intrusion: 0
Leadership: 0
Law: 0

SPECIAL: Widely Studied- The Seeker has studied at some of the greatest academic repositories in the Galaxy and has a broad range of academic knowledges. He adds one extra die all Intelligence-based rolls, and can make Intelligence rolls on any skill he does not have at no penalty, even on Restricted skills.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others



Renegades have an extra Merit but have no authority as a Jedi


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Oct 23rd, 2011 at 01:03 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 03:49 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“Then they should be made to!”

The Vigilante has 'had enough'. The Jedi Order is NOT WORKING. It's not ltierally the Jedi's fault, though some of them have been complicit in its decay. The Vigilante truly believes that the Jedi Order is too much part of a broken system in order to help repair that system any more. The little people are the ones that are paying for it- and the Vigilante is determined to out that right.

If any Renegade is going to act outside the strict bounds of the law, it is the Vigilante. He'll stop short of murder, but he is going down the independant crime-fighting route and he will take almost any means necessary to stop and punish criminals. In this respect, it is lucky that the Vigilante is rather like the Athlete; a highly impressive physical specimen!


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 6
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate seven points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool is 10)

Combat: 3 (Fixed)
Guns: 3 (Fixed)

Spend 8 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Intimidation: 2
Jedi Lore: 0
Medicine: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Persuade: 0
Leadership: 0
Languages: 0
Intrusion: 0
Survival: 0

SPECIAL: Gifted Acrobat- A Vigilante gets two extra dice when making any form of acrobatic roll (that is NOT an attack)

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others


Renegades have an extra Merit but have no authority as a Jedi



“If you would just follow the Code you would BE on the Council!”

A Renegade Master- and so a bit of a puzzle.

The Solitaire left the Council at some point in his Jedi Career, and his relationship with them has been rocky. But on the other hand, the Solitaire thrived, and gained wisdom, and to a a certain extent reigned in his rebleiious instincts, and eventually the Council awarded him the title of Master, as befitted his skills and abilities.

The Solitaire still had some of that independant and rebellious streak, though tempered by experience and wisdom. He achieved some things that the Jedi couldn't do, he took missions from them and even, if approrpiate, trained Padawans for them.

Based very much on Qui-Gon Jinn, the Solitaire straddles the world of the Renegade and the Knight, sometimes being one and sometimes the other. Sometimes his instinctive wisdom gives him insight even the Council doesn't have- but sometimes his reckless nature causes unnecessary trouble. The Council both respect him and are exasperated by him, a feeling that goes both ways...

Like all Masters in this game, the Solitiare is an aged and retired agent, recently returned to Galactic affairs.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 3
Leadership: 3
Savoir-Faire: 3
Survival: 2
Persuade: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Intimidation: 1
Lying: 0
Intrusion: 0

SPECIAL: Respected by the Council- A Solitaire may be on his own path but he is still a Master and due that respect. He has no voice in Jedi affairs but he has much more authority than a normal Renegade and, if working for the Council, it is still expected that other Jedi should defer to him.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others


The Solitiare chooses an extra Merit



“Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future...the past. Old friends long gone.”

The Disciple was a talented student of the Force, who followed a story not unlike that of the Seeker. But where the Seeker slowly gained a desire to see the Galaxy the more he read about it, and the more he saw the stars, for the Disciple it was a little more direct- the Galaxy was calling to him. In his dreams and waking visions, the Force was telling him to go far, far away. In the end, as amicably as possible, the Disicple told the Council that he could not be a Jedi as the Force had told him not to be- his destiny was elsewhere, an attitude the Council could hardly criticise.

But where the Seeker looked for knowledge of the Galaxy, the Disciple was drawn for another cause- to finish his traing in the Force, and learn about it in ways other than that which the Jedi taught. And in some manner, the Disciple has succeeded; he has returned back from the farthest reaches with surrpising instinct and Force power- and possibly some unusual ideas.

Like the Acolyte, the Disciple is as passive and careful character, not given to using the Force offensively. And now, the same call of the Force that led him to leave has brought him back. The Disciple will bring his unusual talents to bear for the cause of the Light Side.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 6
Force Defence: 2

Allocate five points amongsat Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 2
Savoir Faire: 2
Combat: 1
Persuade: 0
Medicine: 0
Fix-it: 0

SPECIAL: Mysterious Flow: The Disciple has learned of a mysterious inner reserve in his time learning about the Force, either from his own inspiration or from some far-distant site. The Disciple has three ‘Inner Power’ points to use each story. These can be used as Force points, but only for Living and Cosmic Force powers.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others


Renegades have an extra Merit but have no authority as a Jedi


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:24 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:10 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



In this game, a 'Dark Jedi' is someone who received Jedi training, but it now on the Dark Side.

That sounds very straightforward but it is actually a very remarkable thing, seeing at the very basic level the entire point of Jedi training is primarily to stop this happening! Having Dark Jedi in the game in any significant amount at all is running dangerously contrary to the spirit of the films, which only have two and suggests that they are close to unique, certainly in the times.

Allowing a bit of leeway, then, the term 'Dark Jedi' here is broader than it looks. We take the view that a serving Jedi that falls to the Dark Side is a very rare occurence (though not actually banned). However, you do not necessarily have to have been a full-on Jedi to count as a Dark Jedi on the Dark Side- so long as you ever received any Jedi training, you come under this category. hence you may have left the Temple very early as a child or teenager, and fallen later in life.

Regardless, being this sort of Dark Sider has a certain style to it. Although you may not have take well to such instruction, Dark Jedi all have a memory of having virtues of order, discipline and teamwork instilled into them. Although Dark Jedi reject the moral precepts of the Order, there is much about the Jedi's practical nature that a Dark Jedi is likely to still see as laudable. They probably see Outsiders as lesser Dark Siders, unrefined and uncivilised (Outsiders in return see Dark Jedi as aloof and full of themselves).

Still, a Dark Sider is a Dark Sider, and a Dark Jedi's destiny is obsessed by his emotions that he is now prey to, and an overwhelming personal selfishness. Play a Dark Jedi and you are now playing the Dark Side game of Survival, to Power, to, hopefully, Rule... and it gets more difficult as you go along. All the skills you learned from the Temple will be needed, with the Galaxy the way it is- and with the power of the Dark Side to back that up, who knows what you might achieve?

Note- we've got a lot of Dark Jedi, and I think just about all of them have a background which says they fell in service as a Knight. No more of that, please! The Order is beginning to look ridiculously leaky (not to mention two of you killed your own Masters- Jedi Masters obviously aren't what they used to be..). I will only accept Dark Jedi submissions if some new originality comes into their background, thanks.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Jul 18th, 2008 at 06:43 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:11 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the Dark Side as you do!”

The Fallen was once a Jedi and now is not- he has fallen to the Dark Side. it cannot get any more straighforward! The Dark counterpart of the Adventurer, the Fallen is a highly experienced and well-rounded veteran of many events- whether these occurred before his fall as a Jedi or after it as a Dark Sider is up to you.

Why did the Fallen fall? The template itself suggests nothing specific except in that, being otherwise a sensible and practical being without any apparent personality defects, it is likely to have been some trap of attachment, the oldest and biggest problem for a Jedi. if you have attachments you fear to lose them- and fear is the path to the Dark Side. What lengths will you go to to not lose that attachment? For some, like Anakin, the lengths were too far. The process was likely protracted and painful until one day, the Fallen simply wasn't what he used to be any more, and likely arranged his own fast exit from civilisation.

Much as a Fallen has an all-around skill set, he can also have just about any attitude to the Dark Side that you like- he can see it as naturally superior, or as an appropriate tool; as something the Jedi are fools to ignore or as an angst-filled punishment he is forced to live with. Regardless, there's no going back now, and the Fallen will cling onto life as long as possible- something they are rather good at.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 2
Lying: 2
Intimidation: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Languages: 1
Observation: 1
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0

SPECIAL: Life on the Edge: A Fallen chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Fallen Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others




“Fear is my ally.”

The Pariah was a terrible mistake- he should never have been trained. His name refers to his status in the Order- regardless of whether it was early in training or during his career, the Pariah was actively expelled from the Order, most likely for disobedience.

The root of the problem is some sort of instability in the Pariah's mindset- maybe genetic, or caused by some unknown trauma, or maybe just random. Regardless, in many respects the Pariah is like the Swordsman; young and extremely talented in the martial arts. But where a Swordsman finds his skills a source of pride and is keen to use them in the Jedi cause, the Pariah has developed a taste for violence and destruction. This faulty mindset is incompatible with being a Jedi. Likely a close watch would be put on anyone expelled so- but in whatever fashion, the Pariah slipped the net, and thier love of violence was a fast route to the Dark Side once no-one was holding them back.

The Pariah loves the Dark Side. He can feel the fear and terror, and truly comes alive in battle. But the Pariah has a problem- in many ways they are indispensable, being needed muscle for any Dark Side group. But that's the thing, they get stuck there, always the henchman, never the boss. Their entire skill set is dedicated towads death, but what else do they have to offer? The challenge for a Pariah, long term, is to find a way to rise above all that and become something greater- before the day that a fight goes against them.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Intimidation: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Lying: 0
Languages: 0

SPECIAL: Born to kill- A Pariah gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others




“The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural.”

Curiosity and perhaps pride were the downfall of the Apostate. A serious student, the dark analogue to the Scholar, the Apostate one day consciously disregarded the warnings of others and delved into secrets that Jedi should stay away from. Whether this was a deliberate attempt to find forbidden lore, or something he came across one day and could not resist taking a look, it was the start to a long and intellectual path to ruin. Although he told himself he was only learning the ways of the enemy, something deep within him wanted to adopt those ways for himself. One day, his thirst for dark knowledge exceeded his ability to stay in civilised society any more without making it obvious, and if he had not already left the Jedi by then, he did before they came to stop him.

Twisted by dark knowledge, the Apostate- espousing the power of the Dark Side in opposition to what he sees as the weak dogma of the Jedi- was soon consumed by what he learned, but he still maintains his scholarly and intellectual attitude to things. His postion is a difficult one, as he can have the vision and knowledge to become something great, but some of his more martial-minded fellows could kill him if they chose to. The Apostate needs his wits to survive, and now all that Jedi training is simply perpetuating his dark existence.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Lying: 2
Languages: 1
intimidation: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Combat: 0
Leadership: 0

SPECIAL: Dark Learning: The Apostate is a notorious expert in a certain area of learning. At character creation the Apostate chooses any skill he has a value in; he gets +3 pool to all Intelligence-based rolls made with that skill, and may re-roll a failed Intelligence-based roll with that skill once per story.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 11 others



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:25 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:11 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“I have brought Peace, Justice and Freedom… to MY new Empire…”

The Enforcer is the good cop gone bad. Following a pattern not dissimilar to the Vigilante, the Enforcer has become convinced that the Jedi Order has become part of a joke on law enforcement- but where the Vigilante therefore sought to enforce law himself for the good of the Republic (or at least the people), the Enforcer seeks to enforce his OWN law. The Republic is no good- throw it away and start again, perhaps with the Enforcer at the head. And if anyone disagrees? They can be 'taken care of'... and so did understandable motives eventually become evil ones, and the path to darkness.

The Enforcer follows the Athlete pattern of extreme physical prowess and skill in all forms of combat. Likewise he is not unreasonable with his spread of skills and the Force- but not quite up to the level where he genuinely could run his own Empire. The Enforcer must be careful lest he fall into the same trap as the Pariah, of merely being someone's muscle for his whole life.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 6
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate seven points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Combat: 3 (Fixed)
Guns: 3 (Fixed)

Spend 8 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 1
Intimidation: 1
Medicine: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Lying: 0
Leadership: 0
Languages: 0
Intrusion: 0
Savoir-Faire: 0
Survival: 0

SPECIAL: Gifted Acrobat- An Athlete gets two extra dice when making any form of acrobatic roll (that is NOT an attack)

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 7 others




“As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours.”

If Jedi Masters are the stuff of legend, then a fallen Master is the stuff of nightmares, a horrible reminder of the days of the Sith Lords.

Can a Master really fall? Well, the call of the Dark Side is always there, and Count Dooku says: yes one can. But even amongst Dark jedi, such a thing is intensly rare. However, it is perhaps marginnally more possible that a fallen Jedi eventually gains enough power from the Dark Side to become the equivalent of a Master, despite never having been given the title.

As with all Master-based templates, the Bane is old. Unlike Jedi Masters, he need not have had his powers decline; his skill set may represent what he has genunely reached in his periodf (for it is diffcult to reach the power level of a true Mace Windu level Master without the resources of the Temple behind you- at least, not since the days of the Sith).

Frankly, it is at least as difficult- possibly more so- to play a Dark Side Master as it is a Light Side one, so this option is not for the faint hearted. It takes something special to lead such people.

As Dark Siders go, Banes should try to have a certain amount of class about them- Christopher Lee shows the way to go.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Jedi Lore: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Languages: 3
Lying: 3
Savoir-Faire: 2
Intimidation: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Survival: 1
Leadership: 0

SPECIAL: Megalomaniac- The Bane must always strive to be the leader of any group he is in, and also to have either the highest Lightsabre or highest Force rating of such a group. The Bane must always be actively plotting the death of anyone stopping these conditions being reached.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others




“I HATE you!”

The Revenant's story is a sad one. Unlike other Dark Side choices, the Revenant was definitely a Knight, and for his career was considered a successful and true one. If any Dark Side leanings were in his psyche, they were too deeply buried for even him to notice.

But whilst Jedi are powerful and often reputed to be indestructible, in the end they are as mortal as anyone else, and one day sometuing happened to the Revenant on a mission, and he was 'killed'. In some way, the death was 'unfair'. Maybe he was betrayed by someone he trusted.Mmaybe it was sheer dumb bad luck. he shouldn't have died- but even unfair deaths are part of the way of things.

But the Revenant would not accept it. Even as he was dying, he became consumed by anger at his undeserved fate. And somewhere deep within him, this strand of anger became the way in which he somehow survived his fatal injuries. But the cost was high; giving into anger propelled him onto the Dark Side.

The Revenant now is a cripple- his body can never recover from his injuries, and any cybernetics or simnilar tricks only keep him alive, they do not fix the damage. He has all the considerable skills and talent he has as a Jedi, but without the body to support it. He has one rgeat compensation- the Rvenant has seen the true power of emotions, the power of the Dark Side, which kept him alive when he should be dead. He now commands that power- his sense of emotion is so heightened that he has become a devastating weapon with the Force- especially when used to bring death.

The Revenant is the most dangerously offensive force template in the game, and is not lacking in any other area- except, of course, his crippled body. The Revenant himself is a psychotic personality split, at simes seeming much like the reasonable Jedi he once was, but at others entering the most terrible and irrational emotional rages. He hates his life but he cannot let it go; his fatal attachment is, perversly, to himself- and all that inner turmoil only furthers his power with the Force...


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Choose one of Strength, Agility or Dexterity. That stat is permanently set to 1 and can never be improved. Allocate four points between the other two stats.

Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Intimidation: 5 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Lying: 2
Languages: 1
Medicine: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0
Fix-it: 0
Observation: 0

SPECIAL: Emotional Flow- The Revenant’s terrible inner self has twisted his mind and his actions- but given great power to his offensive use of the Force. The Revenant treats all Force Attack rolls as ‘Easy’ (successes are on a 4 or more).

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:26 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:12 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



All those born with Force potential in the Republic are identified quickly and trained, as noted above. of course, the Republic is not all encompassing, and in the endless trillions of beings, some Force sensitives are born outside the Republic, and never noticed.

As was also noted above, the mandatory Jedi training was done with a reason, because these people with Force sensitivity are a grave threat- the Jedi remember the days when the Sith combed the outskirts of civilisation for such people to train.

In fact, most of these people will never really amount to much; they might have strange insights and fast reactions (and, sadly, develop negative emotional traits as the Dark Side calls to them), but no more. The Sith are not around to train them any more, after all.

But what if someone DOES train them?

An 'Outsider' is a force sensitive from outside the Republic, who has never been (and probably never met) a Jedi, and yet has fully developed force powers. With the exception of the Orphan (a very special case indeed), this is because someone else has recognised their potential and trained them- another Outsider, or a Dark Jedi looking to create their own powerbase.

Of course, they were all far too old to ever be trained as Light Siders, and besides which their trainers never intended them to be. Outsiders are from places where civilisation is rough- slavery and other wrongs abound, far from the arm of the law- and their worse traits were encouraged by their training. They are fully Dark Siders, every bit as much as a Dark Jedi, but with a rougher edge. Where a Dark Jedi is more likely to accept a challenge to a fair duel (if nothing else, to prove their superiority), an Outsider knows that life isn't fair and very often would play unfairly, seeking to poison his opponent beforte the duel started, for example. You can play a fair-minded Outsider if you like, but the tendency for them is blunt practicality over style.

An Outsider faces the same challenges as a Dark Jedi, the puzzle of survival and power. Life dealt them a bad deal, and they feel the Galaxy owes them a favour, and they will take that favour by force if need be. Outsider templates are to Dark Jedi as Renegades are to Knights- they tend to have more practical knowledge of the Galaxy, but less in the way of Jedi training like Force powers.

Outsiders also have a certain difficulty with genuine emotional bonds with others- it's just not in their make-up, nor is it something they are used to.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Jul 21st, 2008 at 07:20 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:12 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate… leads to suffering…”

The Marauder is the consummate survivor. Living as an Outsider is a great challenge and the Marauder met it well- he has survived much and learned much. Such survival may have knocked off some of the rougher edges of his psyche- and this makes the Marauder a dangerous threat.

Like the Adventurer, Ronin and Fallen, the Marauder is an experienced veteran, competent in both sabre and force, with a good spread of skills. Also like his cousins, his personality, motivations and approach can be fairly much anything you like, but compared to other Outsiders besides the Heretic he will be notably cautious and thoughtful.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 7
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool)

Combat: 2 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Savoir-Faire: 3
Languages: 2
Survival: 2
Intimidate: 1
Lying: 1
Medicine: 1
Fix-it: 1
Jedi Lore: 1
Observation: 1
Intrusion: 0
Sabotage: 0
Leadership: 0

SPECIAL: Life learned the hard way: A Marauder chooses one of the following skill/schtick packages

A. Man of all Talents: Guns 2, Pilot 2, allocate an extra point to skills (from the list above)
Choose 1 Pilot and 1 Gun schtick

B. Natural Ace: Pilot 4, choose 3 Pilot Schticks

C. Gunman: Guns 4, choose 3 Gun Schticks

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 8 others


Outsiders gain an extra Merit but get -1 to all non-aggressive social pools



“This is the end for you!”

The Corsair is a horrible thing- imagine the worst playground bully or petty domineering violent thug. Then imagine someone gave him force powers and a Lightsabre.

The Corsair is pure destruction personfiied. He glorifies death and violence. He cannot even blame it on a faulty psyche like a Pariah can- he grew up in a violent world, and chose to go with that violence rather than rise above it. To him, force powers are just a way to help further achieve his vicious ambitions of carnage.

Of the four 'young Swordsman' types, the Corsair is the most vile and vicious. Even a Pariah understands concepts like the nobility of the blade and the timeless (though also hideous) poetry of combat and warfare. The Corsair is not so lofty; it is just the adrenaline rush of murder and destruction. A Pariah would consider it not worth his time to cut someone randomly down in the street (unless that person annoyed him). The Corsair would do it just for fun.

Which means his problem is even worse than that of the Pariah- not only is he condemned to a role of guard dog, but also he has to face the point where the others in his group think he is more trouble than he is worth. (He could try going it alone, but without the needed skill set he wouldn't last long, though there would be a high body count in his way out). A Corsair might never go on, and be stuck in his short, violent life until his last day, not far off. But there is the slim hope he will find a greater destiny for himself, and change just enough to try and meet it. For the Galaxy at large, that could be even worse.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 5
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate five points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 9 (total pool is 10 due to template ability)

Combat: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 4 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Guns: 2
Languages: 1
Savoir-Faire: 1
Intimidation: 1
Medicine: 1
Survival: 1
Jedi Lore: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Lying: 0

SPECIAL: Born for Carnage- A Corsair gets a bonus die to all Lightsabre rolls.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 5 others


Outsiders gain an extra Merit but get -1 to all non-aggressive social pools



“You will find it is you who are mistaken. About a great… many… things...”

Generally speaking the Rim is a place of violence and a lack of civilisation. But that's not always so- there are some civilised and lawful non-Republican worlds out there. A Force Sensitive born on such a world might have a very different life to that of other Outsiders.

Hence the Heretic- an educated Outsider, who's not had quite as harsh a life, though still enough to be prey to the Dark Side. Like his equivalents in other categories, the Heretic is not quite as good with a sabre, but has a good theoretical skill set, a very well-rounded knowledge base, and is highly skilled with the Force.

The name comes form his attitude to the Force. Away from the teachings near the Galactic core, all he heard about the Force when growing up were rumours and tales of magical powers. He has always seen the Force as something magical or religious... and now that power is his. He is preaching a view of the Force that would be considered a heresy to the Jedi way- and he seeks to install that view as the default view, a new religion of the Force... wth him at its head.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 8
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate six points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Languages: 3
Savoir-Faire: 3
Jedi Lore: 2
Lying: 2
Medicine: 1
Observation: 1
Combat: 1
Intimidation: 1
Intrusion: 0
Leadership: 0
Fix-it: 0

Covertly Educated- Via hard work, study, deceit and, if necessary, force, the Heretic has learned as much as many of the greatest academic minds. He adds one to all Intelligence-based rolls, and can make Intelligence rolls on any skill he does not have at no penalty, even on normally restricted skills.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 10 others



Outsiders gain an extra Merit but get -1 to all non-aggressive social pools


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:27 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:13 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



“If you are not with me, you’re my enemy.”

The Brigand is the last in the series of physically superior Force Users with differing views of the law.

The Athlete uses his physicality to help offiically enforce the law. The Vigilante uses it to UNofficially enforce the law. The Enforcer has decided the law should be replaced with his own one and everyone made subject to HIS law...

... whilst the Brigand has the simplest view of all. Having never been subject to the Jedi approach of trying to enforce the law at all, he's come from the criminal side of it, and he wants to use his imposing bulk to break the law as much as possible.

Not just for the sake of it, though. The Brigand sees his force powers as not having changed anything in his life much except for his scale- he always wanted to be a rich criminal, now he has a real shot of doing it! His force powers and sabre will be used to help him bully, murder and steal his way to the top rung of the criminal fraternity. It is up to you to decide whether you think this is unusually practical for a Dark Sider, or is the sign of a force user lacking in ambition.

Unfortunately the Brigand has found the same problems of survival as a Dark Sider as have all his fellows, so his dreams of criminal magnificence are on hold until he can get his survival sorted out. Still, one day...

(It is not mandatory, but it is helpful and appropriate as a Brigand if you take Merits related to some criminal organisation he can be associated with)

Like his fellows, the Brigand is great physically with a good spread of abilities, not quite as good with the Force or Sabre as a Marauder but skilled in all forms of combat.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 6
Force Attack: 7
Force Defence: 1

Allocate seven points amongst Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate six points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Combat: 3 (Fixed)
Guns: 3 (Fixed)

Spend 8 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Intimidation: 2
Jedi Lore: 0
Medicine: 0
Observation: 0
Fix-it: 0
Intrusion: 0
Persuade: 0
Leadership: 0
Languages: 0
Intrusion: 0
Survival: 0

SPECIAL: Gifted Acrobat- A Brigand gets two extra dice when making any form of acrobatic roll (that is NOT an attack)

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 6 others


Outsiders gain an extra Merit but get -1 to all non-aggressive social pools



“If only you knew the POWER of the Dark Side…”

The odds are stakced against them, but an Outsider might just live long enough to get the point where he could be considered ia Master- but only in plwer, not in temperament. Overlords have led practical but rather limited lives in relation to true Masters- a Sith Lord would probably find them lacking.

But that practicality is worth something. The Overlord has been subjected to one of the harshest tests of life and only ever had himself to rely on- and he made it, a Master equivalent who was never formally trained. Unlike the Bane who by default can be reserved and seemingly cultured, an Overlord can be a SPECTRE like bad-guy, violent, impulsive, slaying minions that annoy him on a whim. Aside from such irrationality, the Overlord has actually learned to become a little more social than his fellow Outsiders- though only as a means to an end, of course.

Like all Master types, the Overlord is ageing and past his prime, but other than that is excellently served in abilities. he also has the Outsider's take on the Megalomania of a Bane.


Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Perception: 3

Force Rating: 10
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Add one either to Agility or Dexterity.
Allocate four points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 10 (total pool)

Jedi Lore: 4 (Fixed)

Spend 5 points amongst the following (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 3
Languages: 3
Lying: 3
Savoir-Faire: 3
Survival: 2
Intimidation: 1
Observation: 1
Medicine: 1
Combat: 1
Leadership: 1
Persuade: 0
Intrusion: 0

SPECIAL: Power-crazed- The Overlord must always strive to be the leader of any group he is in. The Overlord will refuse to accept the authority of anyone over him in even the most trivial of circumstances (e.g. local security asking him to move away from a crime scene) and may not do so in game, even if it would be beneficial to do so. Such is his desire, even faking such subservience is near-impossible and the Overlord gets a -5 penalty to all rolls attempting to do so.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition, Swiftness, Leaping; choose 13 others


The Overlord chooses an extra merit



“If he had been born in the Republic he would have been detected quickly”

Another sad story, though the Orphan is the impressive exception to the normal pattern of the Outsider.

An Orphan of the Force is someone who came into full force power without ever being trained- he never had any master, any trainer. This can only be because of the Orphan's amazing natural ability, equivalent to that of the Acolyte.

The tragedy of this is shown in why the Jedi took such care in the Acolyte's training, Lacking guidance, the Orphan increased his power in the Force in the only way he knew how, the way that came naturally to him- the power of Emotion. The Dark Side.

Added to the normal trials of an Outsider, the Orphan has also been hated and even hunted for his strange, random powers. He has never been accepted. In finding other Dark Siders, he can find those that at least indertsnad what he is, and there is some comfort in that.

What an Orphan wants in general is up to you. Their story is sad as they never had a chance, but by now they are thoroughly in the thrall of the Dark Side. An Orphan's natural talent is amazing, but by now it has developed as far as it can just naturally; the Orrphan will be seeking to expand it still further by experience or learnin from any source he can.


Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Defence: 1

Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 2
Perception: 2

Force Rating: 9
Force Attack: 8
Force Defence: 2

Allocate five points amongsat Strength, Agility and Dexterity (max 5)
Allocate seven points amongst Intelligence, Charisma and Perception (max 5)


Lightsabre: 8 (total pool)

Spend 4 points amongst the following. (max 4). Remove any skills left at 0.

Jedi Lore: 2
Languages: 2
Combat: 2
Savoir-Faire: 1
Lying: 1
Survival: 1
Persuade: 0
Medicine: 0
Fix-it: 0
Observation: 0

SPECIAL: Intuitive Flow: The Orphan has an amazing (though raw) natural gift with the Force. He treats all Force rolls (NOT Force Attack rolls) as Easy.

FORCE POWERS: Push/Pull, Sense, Intuition; choose 13 others



Outsiders gain an extra Merit but get -1 to all non-aggressive social pools


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2011 at 06:28 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:14 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK



After each episode, characters are rewarded in the form of experience points (or 'xp'). Experience points can be used to increase the powers and skills of your characters to develop them into more formidable people- even though you are greatly formidable to start with!

Experience tends to be awarded on the following criteria:

1. Participation. The more episodes you play, the more you get. if you 'kinda' play an episode, you get a partial score.

2. Success. The better you do, the more you score! This gives a tangible incentive for doing things WELL, rather than just being there. Each Episode tends to have a number of goals beyond the literal ending of the storyline that are used to judge your progress.

3. Victory. In Light Side/Dark Side opposed games, there is a bonus for winning- however, this bonus is not large, else once one side wins it becomes too dfficult for the other side to pull back. Note that this reward won't be going out for a little while.

4. Extreme heroism. If you, deliberately and in full knowledge, take actions of great risk in which you might well be killed, and in doing so achieve some greatly tangible goal, and survive, a hero bonus is yours

5. 'Danger money'. This is a term for the reward given for playing in an 'unfair' situation. Say I have designed a scenario on the idea four Jedi will be there, and then suddenly one day in, two of the Jedi players drop out due to real life pressures, leaving the other two to face the music. This leads to extreme danger for those two, but they will be compenstated by 'danger money' in the form of xp if they survive. Note this is only given if it is due to circumstances beyond your control, NOT if you did something stupid to get yourself into such danger!


Experience can be spent in the following ways:




INCREASE A MENTAL ATTRIBUTE BY ONE: Cost is the raised attribute x4 (e.g. Increasing Intelligence from 4 to 5 costs 20). You cannot raise a stat past 5.

INCREASE A PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTE BY ONE: Cost is the raised attribute x6 (e.g. Increasing Strength from 4 to 5 costs 30). You cannot raise a stat past 5. Note that Lightsabre does NOT increase if you improve a physical stat. but other fighting skills do. It also increases your duelling ability

INCREASE YOUR FORCE RATING: Cost is six times the new rating- e.g. raising Force from 7 to 8 costs 48 xp.

BUY A NEW SKILL AT 1: 4. Note you can buy any non-restricted skill this way; it does not have to have been on your original creation template. Restricted skills can be bought with the approval of the GM.

INCREASE A SKILL BY ONE: Cost is double the value of the new skill (e.g. raising Medicine from 2 to 3 costs 6) The current skill maximum is 5.

INCREASE YOUR LIGHTSABRE POOL: This cannot be done unless expressly permitted by the GM. Completing a campaign helps.

INCREASE YOUR DEFENCE: This cannot be done unless expressly permitted by the GM


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2010 at 06:52 PM

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 04:14 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
PSN ID > DarkJedireaper

Gender: Male
Location: Manchester, UK

Will you post an example of a Jedi bio?


A long time have I waited for this, my little green friend!

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 08:37 PM
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Phew, done! Man, that's my day gone.

For examples, please look in the Archival Records, plenty in there(though due to experience, several are more powerful than the basic templates given here)


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 08:59 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: The South

yes, i have a question, how would i alter my template if my chracter was a verpine. will go ahead and post what template i will be using


XBox Live: Unbias3d
Steam: Paradox Method

Old Post Jul 18th, 2008 09:01 PM
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