Gender: Male Location: 1/9.7'rd Horseman of the Apocalypse
20 milliseconds is concrete, beyond that we can speculate to the level Cortana's 'translation' influences his movements, but he still has to spot the danger for her to translate his thoughts into movement, she doesn't have eyes of her own.
So... 10 milliseconds? 5? 4?
I'm not sure where 'well over 55x faster' is said, I can't find that, nor do I understand what that would even mean when we're dealing with reaction times. Multiplication isn't a great measuring stick when smaller numbers are superior.
The moon and stars aren't just shades of lead
But you wouldn't know as you rest your head.
Why do you think the 20 millisecond estimate is more credible than the 3xhuman reflexes statement?
"The Daemon lied with every breath. It could not help itself but to deceive and dismay, to riddle and ruin. The more we conversed, the closer I drew to one singularly ineluctable fact: I would gain no wisdom here."
"The Daemon lied with every breath. It could not help itself but to deceive and dismay, to riddle and ruin. The more we conversed, the closer I drew to one singularly ineluctable fact: I would gain no wisdom here."
Gender: Male Location: 1/9.7'rd Horseman of the Apocalypse
Me? Math? Nope. Not ever.
Anywhore, you're doing it wrong. What you have is not 10x the 'speed' it's 1/10th the time. Very different. Also, you're making some weird assumptions here.
Why does the Mjolnir enhancement function multiplicatively, and jump to '55x faster' (You seem to mean 1/55th)? If I put an engine in a car with 1/5th the normal fuel consumption, and also start using higher efficiency fuel, the mixture would obviously be better than one or the other, but the engine does not alter the chemical energy of the fuel and the fuel doesn't alter the mechanical efficiency of the engine, it'd be an additive benefit, to what level is never actual stated in the scans you've posted.
What Cortana actually explicitly does is convey Chief's thoughts to the armour more quickly, translating them into action, he still needs to be aware of and mentally reacting to what he's reacting to. /Shrug.
So let's say you're right, that'd give Master Chief a reaction time of 4 milliseconds.
This is honestly a pretty subtle change, that's pretty irrelevant in most v.s. matches.
The moon and stars aren't just shades of lead
But you wouldn't know as you rest your head.
Gender: Male Location: 1/9.7'rd Horseman of the Apocalypse
Got bored.
Here's the general breakdown.
A normal human's reaction time is 0.25 seconds.
If Blax's quote is the correct one, 300%, that means Spartan reaction time sans armour is 0.083333 (...) seconds.
If 20 miliseconds is correct then we're looking at 0.02 seconds. A difference of 0.063 of a second. Now, factor in Cortana/the armour's boost to this, which you've valued at "5x", and here's what we get.
0.083 becomes 0.016 while 0.02 becomes 0.004. A difference of 12 milliseconds, so honestly, it's a pretty meaningless difference.
OFCOURSE, this assumes that they're multiplicative and/or stack, where as it's entirely possible that the 'in their armour 500%' supercedes the sans armour 300% which would yield a reaction time of 0.05 seconds.
So Chief's reaction time is either 0.05 if the armour supercedes his unaided reflexes, 0.016 if they stack, or 0.004 if the armour improves his reflexes to 1/5th the 20 millisecond figure.
The moon and stars aren't just shades of lead
But you wouldn't know as you rest your head.
A normal human's reaction is 215 milliseconds
We've already established that the 300% increase in reflexes was the intended outcome, the 20 milliseconds is the ACTUAL outcome
A human's reaction time is .25? Where are you getting your info from? I googled that and nothing of the sort came up, AND you're using two entirely different meassurements. 20 is 1/10 of 200 AND 10x faster in terms of meassurement of time than 200 millseconds. I'm only rounding it to the nearest tenth also. There isn't anyway around that.
Gender: Male Location: 1/9.7'rd Horseman of the Apocalypse
You didn't establish this, you just sort of suggested it, not the same.
Three, actually, luckily my methods for all three are the same. Will use four this time.
2+2 is four. Not seeing the relevance of this.
Around 20 being 1/10th of 200? No. Around whatever you're trying to suggest via that? Probably. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
But sure, let's use 215 milliseconds. Wanna know what that comes to?
Without the armour that would leave a Spartan with 71.6666(...) millisecond raction time, so 0.0716. If the armour stacks on that, you get 14.3 millisecond reaction time, 10.3 millisecond difference between that and the 4 milliseconds you'd have if their suitless reaction time is 20 milliseconds. Insifnificant.
Ofcourse, there's always the possibility their reaction time is in fact closer to 0.043, which is 1/5 your 215, using the 5x statement for armour.
In short;
No stacking: 0.043
Stacking: 0.0143
No stacking with 20 milliseconds: 0.02
Stacking with 20 milliseconds: 0.004
^The numbers, no way around 'em.
The difference between the best and worse reaction times is 39 milliseconds. Not a huge deal in a versus match, and I'm betting Chief's true response time is somewhere in the middle.
The moon and stars aren't just shades of lead
But you wouldn't know as you rest your head.
I think understand where you're getting at, that if their reaction was 300% faster or 10x faster due to the 20 milliseconds that there would only be a difference of 10 milliseconds which you believe is insignificant
That only seems insignificant, if someone has a reaction of 14 milliseconds, and someone has a reaction of 4 milliseconds guess what?
The person with 4 milliseconds STILL has reaction that's 3.5x faster than a person with 14 milliseconds. Even if you think the difference of 10 milliseconds isn't significant, the difference of 3.5x faster reaction time is
And 4 milliseconds is still 53.75x faster than a human
You also say that it doesn't make too much difference in battle forums? Let's take a look at that
Spiderman originally had reaction 40x greater than a human. After BND it was retconned to 18x
Now if we use the 40x reaction Spiderman would react at 5.375 milliseconds
At 18x 12 milliseconds rounded up
So even though he lost over 50% of his original reaction speed the difference in milliseconds is still less than 7 milliseconds. It may not seem like much given how small milliseconds are, but it still does make a difference. On top of that most characters don't even have their reaction meassured in milliseconds anyway so there's no way to tell how other characters would stack up.
I think it makes a big difference to characters who actually operate at those speeds.
Gender: Male Location: 1/9.7'rd Horseman of the Apocalypse
"3.5x" faster is a misleading term, and it remains pretty insignificant, honestly.
The thing is with reaction time, anytime someone says "X times better" we're still dividing, and dividing the same number by a bigger number will yield smaller results, but you get diminishing returns.
Where twice as fast as 215 milliseconds shaves 50% of the reaction time off, once we make it 4x, we're shaving off 75%, three more 'times' faster only gives us an extra 25%, see what I mean?
Diminishing returns. In a forum battle it will rarely make a difference, and in a fight between a guy who operates at 12, and a guy who operates at 4, I'm honestly going to start looking at other stats long before I figure reaction time will be a deciding factor.
Chief might be able to push a button after a light flashes 10 or so milliseconds sooner than someone else, but even to them their combat speed will seem very similar, and it's even possible the guy with the slower reaction time can in fact strike faster, just react more slowly, as speed and reflex are not tied on a 1:1 ratio.
The moon and stars aren't just shades of lead
But you wouldn't know as you rest your head.
Alright, I'll admit even I was a bit skepticle of Chief having 55x faster than human reaction since that would put his reaction at 3x that of Spiderman's, I do think it's fair to assume that Chief's reaction is faster than alot of characters though since without Mjolnir they were said to perceive things in slow motion ala Deathstroke. That's before the suit and AI enhancements