Lay the Favorite

Starring: Rebecca Hall, Bruce Willis, Vince Vaughn

Director: Stephen Frears
Release Date: 2012
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Buy Movie: HD-DVD | Blu-ray | DVD | VHS

Synopsis: A professional gambler who started as a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas but rose to become one of the world's best gamblers. After falling in love, Raymer begins to re-evaluate her life and the profession she has chosen.

Vince Vaughn In 'Lay The Favorite' Talks

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Vince Vaughn is in talks to join the independent film "Lay the Favorite." Pic is based on the life of Beth Raymer, a professional gambler who started as a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas but rose to become one of the world's best gamblers. Read more...