Mad Money Review

by [email protected] (dnb AT dca DOT net)
January 14th, 2008

A film review by David N. Butterworth
Copyright 2008 David N. Butterworth

** (out of ****)

    According to the madcap "Mad Money," the Kansas City Federal Reserve bank shreds, burns, compacts, and/or otherwise destroys some one million dollar's worth of "dirty" (i.e., used/old/outdated) money every single day. (As, no doubt, do lots of other Federal Reserves nationwide.) That's an awful lot of dirty dough dumped, unceremoniously, down the proverbial drain. What a waste you're probably thinking. Why not simply "recycle" it? Well, that's the heinous thought that occurs to Bridget Cardigan (Diane Keaton) at least, whose husband Don (Ted Danson) has just been downsized, and who is forced to take a job as a janitor at her local Federal Reserve when her decades old English degree doesn't exactly come up to snuff, job market-wise. Once ensconced therein this spoiled, upper-middle-class housewife forms an unlikely bond with an earnest single mom (Queen Latifah) and a wacky, wiggly, pretty numskull (Katie Holmes with an iPod) and the three devise--and almost pull off--a clever caper to deprive their government employer of its unwanted gazillions. If you're in the mood for a super-lite film with a touchy-feely message about crime without punishment--mismatched buddies *can* bumble their way to riches--then "Mad Money" is for you. You'd think Bridget, Nina, and Jackie would each learn a humbling lesson or two about what's really important in this world... and they do! Money is really important in this world, apparently. With luck, Suri Cruise will not be learning life values from mom's cinematic roster. "Mad Money," which feels like one of those '70's comedies starring Ryan O'Neal and/or Jane Curtin, preaches unequivocally that being true to your buds is almost as important as stealing lots of money successfully. Almost.

David N. Butterworth
[email protected]

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