Marci X Review

by Steve Rhodes (Steve DOT Rhodes AT InternetReviews DOT com)
September 10th, 2003

A film review by Steve Rhodes
Copyright 2003 Steve Rhodes
RATING (0 TO ****): ** 1/2

Since Richard Benjamin's MARCI X opens with the cheesiest title sequence in some time, you will immediately begin asking yourself whether the movie will be pathetically bad or so bad that it's good. Although it never shines enough to be something worth recommending, it does turn out to be a passable spoof.
When we meet Marci Feld (Lisa Kudrow), she is addressing a large Jewish charitable organization in a lavish setting at the Waldorf Astoria. "You Jews," she says to them with a stupid grin. "You wonderful Jews. Who needs Santa Claus, right?"

Soon, however, the Feld family empire will go into a steep decline when Senator Mary Ellen Spinkle (Christine Baranski, the reporter in CHICAGO) goes on the attack against Dr. S (Damon Wayans), the gangsta rap star of Felony Assault Records, which just happens to be owned by the Feld family of companies. Dr. S is the author of such songs as "Kill The Teacher" and "The Power In My Pants." Marci's father (Benjamin) promptly has a heart attack upon hearing the news.
It falls on Marci, a classic Jewish princess, to save the day. Drawing upon her reserves -- after all, Time Magazine did call her, the "most charming white woman in America under the age of fifty" -- she takes on Dr. S on his home turf, a big rap concert. In a silly white suit that looks straight out of the 1960s, Marci gets on the stage to out rap the big rapper. Her cute musical number, "The Power In My Purse," turns out to be a real crowd-pleaser and is easily the best part of the movie.

You've got to give this to Kudrow, she is pretty brave to let it all hang out the way she does in MARCI X. The film is close to being an embarrassment, but she single-handedly almost turns the film around. A few missteps from her, and the movie could have been material for worst picture of the year lists.
MARCI X runs 1:30. It is rated R for "language and sexual content" and would be acceptable for teenagers.

My son Jeffrey, age 14, gave it ***, saying that it was extremely funny. He especially liked the outrageous outfits and the clash of the cultures.
The film is playing in nationwide release now in the United States. In the Silicon Valley, it is showing at the AMC and the Century theaters.
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