Metropolis Review

by Steve Rhodes (Steve DOT Rhodes AT InternetReviews DOT com)
January 29th, 2002


A film review by Steve Rhodes

Copyright 2002 Steve Rhodes

RATING (0 TO ****): ***

Rintaro's METROPOLIS is a stunning visual achievement. It is not only the most spectacularly gorgeous anime I've ever seen; it is also one of the most beautiful animated films ever. But, unlike PRINCESS MONONOKE, the gold standard when it comes to anime, METROPOLIS suffers from the lack of a compelling or comprehensible narrative. Still, as a visual treat, the film is almost unsurpassed.

Set in a large, futuristic city, the movie's sets are a fascinating mix of sci-fi and art deco. Perhaps the best scene occurs early on as the camera pans about while fireworks explode. Another dazzler for the eyes is the intricate marble floor inside the buildings. The movie is said to have been inspired by Fritz Lang's classic 1927 silent film of the same name.

Sony Pictures made a major strategic mistake in deciding in most markets to release not the English dubbed version but the Japanese dubbed version. (The DVD will undoubtedly have both languages available.) Almost all animes, including the extremely popular PRINCESS MONONOKE, have been released in the United States in English. Since there is so much going on visually in METROPOLIS, one is forced to make a decision on whether to read the words or watch the images. With METROPOLIS's less than overwhelming storyline, the choice is easy. Since most of the characters in this film are drawn to look decidedly European, listening to Japanese coming out of their mouths rather reminds one of watching a dubbed John Wayne movie in a Tokyo hotel room. Finally, don't misunderstand me. I much prefer live-action films to be subtitled rather than dubbed, but not animated movies, which have to have a voice track added later anyway, so the voices can easily be in any language.
I hate to say it, but I'd recommend you wait for the video release of METROPOLIS unless your town is fortunate to be one of the few playing the movie with the English version of the voice track rather than the Japanese one.

METROPOLIS runs 1:47. The film is in Japanese with English subtitles. It is rated PG-13 for "violence and images of destruction" and would be acceptable for kids old enough to read fast moving text.

The film is playing in nationwide release now in the United States. In the Silicon Valley, it is showing at the Camera Cinemas.


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