Richard III Reviews

Richard III Review
by Ted Prigge
Director: Richard Loncraine Adapters: Richard Loncraine and Ian McKellen (based on the play by William Shakespeare) Starring: Ian McKellen, Annette Benning, Jim Broadbent, Kristin Scott Thomas, Robert Downey Jr, Maggie Smith, John Wood, Nigel Hawthorne more

Richard III Review
by Ram Samudrala
RICHARD III A film review by Ram Samudrala Copyright 1996 Ram Samudrala more

Richard III Review
by Martin Rich
Shakespeare's plays contain some of the most graphic descriptions of inhumanity ever. We tend to overlook these, perhaps because we are used to quite decorous productions of Shakespeare, but this adaptation of Richard III for the cinema proves that...more

Richard III Review
by Alan Cleaver
WHEN Clarence is taken off to The Tower it is by motor launch ... to Battersea Power Station. And when a jubilant Richard III celebrates his ghoulish seduction of his future queen he dances a jig through a tube station lined with injured men, women...more

Richard III Review
by Steve Rhodes
For someone who is a strict traditionalist when it comes to Shakespeare, and to opera too for that matter, I was amazed at how much I was enthralled by Ian McKellen's vision of RICHARD III as a World War II British Fascist. This is a well acted...more

Richard III Review
by Mark R. Leeper
Capsule: This is nothing less than the most enjoyable performance of Shakespeare I can remember seeing. By staging RICHARD III sumptuously in 1930s England, Richard Eyre's stage production, the...more

Richard III Review
by Craig Good
"Richard III" is wicked, funny, a delight to see and a delight to hear. With all the hoopla about Tarantino's flair for dialogue, it's pleasantly refreshing to be reminded that Shakespeare is hard to beat for witty banter and poetic insults. Under...more

Richard III Review
by James Berardinelli
RICHARD III (1995) A film review by James Berardinelli Copyright 1995 James Berardinelli more