Sliding Doors Review

by Murali Krishnan (murali24 AT my-dejanews DOT com)
February 25th, 1999

Sliding Doors


Helen's day has been cut short since she has unfortunately been fired. Something strange happens on her way home. Her reality is separated into two parallel universes, and the viewer follows her in each of the separate storylines. In one storyline, she just catches her train and arrives home to find her boyfriend with another woman. In the other storyline she misses her train, so by the time she arrives home, the other woman is gone, and she is none the wiser. The viewer is then presented with the obviously different consequences of each situation.

The reason for the split into parallel universes is not given, and is not all that relevant since this is meant to be a romantic film rather than a science fiction presentation of chaos theory and the butterfly effect. No meaningful exploration of those issues, or any of the science of the topic, are in this film. The juggling of the different storylines is handled very well and the viewer is never confused. However, nothing significant is presented by having the two "what if" scenarios, and as a result it ends up as appearing as just a gimmick. Besides the split, this is a standard film. The protagonists have no flaws and the antagonists have no redeeming values, and melodrama is routinely injected to keep the story going to its underwhelming end.

Marginally Recommended. There is nothing exceptional about this film. It does not take any real chances and does not offer anything new. For those who like romance films, this will probably be enjoyed.
(c) 1999 Murali Krishnan
The Art House Squatter

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