Step Into Liquid Review

by Steve Rhodes (Steve DOT Rhodes AT InternetReviews DOT com)
September 10th, 2003

A film review by Steve Rhodes
Copyright 2003 Steve Rhodes
RATING (0 TO ****): ** 1/2

The problem with Dana Brown's surfing documentary, STEP INTO LIQUID, can be described in two words: BLUE CRUSH. The latter is a fictional film by John Stockwell about a group of female surfers. Whatever you may have thought about BLUE CRUSH's story -- I liked it -- its gorgeous cinematography and awesome sound set a certain standard for what moviegoers now expect in a surfing film. BLUE CRUSH brought viewers into the picture so that they could feel the incredible power of the waves. In contrast, STEP INTO LIQUID has a flat look, blasé sound and dull colors. More than making you want to go surfing, it makes you want to see BLUE CRUSH in the theaters again.

The documentary does provides some fascinating background on the world of surfers. Far from being confined to surfers on lush Hawaiian beaches, we meet surfing fanatics from Ireland to Wisconsin. The latter features respectable waves from the ugly brown water of Lake Michigan.

Surfing is as much as an obsession as a sport. Surfers range from would-be Beach Boys to nerds to graying guys with potbellies. We meet one aging surfer who is closing in on his ten-thousandth consecutive day of surfing. Even tonsillitis isn't enough to keep him from his goal.

As proof that surfing is more than a mere sport, one of the aficionados asks, "How many people do you know who would go and gawk at a tennis court." Surfing fans can stare at waves for hours with a near religious conviction.
STEP INTO LIQUID runs 1:28. It is not rated but would be a G and acceptable for all ages.

The film is playing in nationwide release now in the United States. In the Silicon Valley, it is showing at the Century theaters.

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