Trees Lounge

Starring: Samuel L Jackson, Brooke Smith, Seymour Cassel, Kevin Corrigan, Daniel Baldwin, Debi Mazar, Anthony LaPaglia, Carol Kane, Chloe Sevigny, Michael Imperioli

Director: Steve Buscemi
Release Date: October 11th, 1996
MPAA Rating: R
Studio: LIVE Entertainment

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Synopsis: Tommy Basilio wanted to make something of his life. That was about ten years ago. Instead, he has spent the past decade as an auto mechanic, ricocheting from one bizarre misadventure to another in his dead-end hometown on Long Island, unable to repair his car or his life. His only solace is that every strangely hilarious twist and turn of his life leads him right back to one place: Trees Lounge. Trees Lounge is your basic local dive on the outside. On the inside, it's home to a wonderfully colorful array of characters that are, to Tommy, a comfortably dysfunctional family. Somewhere in the midst of navigating through this maze of eccentric but lovable people, Tommy un-blurs his vision and figures out that he's not going anywhere by staring at the bottom of a bottle of Wild Turkey. Now, if he could just fix his car...