Veronica Guerin Review

by Steve Rhodes (Steve DOT Rhodes AT InternetReviews DOT com)
October 23rd, 2003

A film review by Steve Rhodes
Copyright 2003 Steve Rhodes
RATING (0 TO ****): ***

Mention the words "Ireland" and "violence," and what do you think of? The IRA, of course. But the engrossing thriller VERONICA GUERIN, about Irish violence, has nothing to do with the IRA and is instead centered on Dublin gangsters who make their living from drug dealing, with very young teens being the best customers for their heroin.

VERONICA GUERIN, by director Joel Schumacher (fresh from his success with PHONE BOOTH), is based on a true story about the murder of a popular Irish journalist, Veronica Guerin. In the mid 1990s, drugs were everywhere in Dublin, and parent protests against the dealers were sparsely attended. If the story is to be believed, Guerin single-handedly changed everything, completely altering the legal landscape after she became a martyr for her cause. In another of her superlative performances, Cate Blanchett plays Guerin, a foolishly fearless reporter who relished her star status and who regularly ignored threats from the vilest of villains.

After Veronica is killed in the film's chilling opening, the movie cuts to two years earlier when investigative reporter Guerin becomes bored with church scandals and wants something more challenging and important. She finds her story in Dublin's poorer neighborhoods, where the streets are littered with hypodermic needles like leaves after a big storm. Quickly working her way up the criminal food chain, helped by flirting with her favorite snitch, John Traynor (Ciarán Hinds), she eventually finds the Mr. Big of the local gangsters, a wealthy, volatile man named John Gilligan (Gerard McSorley).
The movie has director Schumacher on his best behavior. He tells a good and convincing story in VERONICA GUERIN. This isn't one of his sleazy flicks like 8MM. You'll be on the edge of your seat, and you won't feel like need you a bath afterwards.

In an epilogue filled with details, the movie explains all of the changes that occurred in Ireland as a result of Guerin's murder. It also tells viewers that over 30 journalists a year are murdered while working on their stories.
VERONICA GUERIN runs 1:38. The film is rated R for "violence, language and some drug content" and would be acceptable for most teenagers.

The film is playing in nationwide release now in the United States. In the Silicon Valley, it is showing at the AMC and the Century theaters.
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