Children of Men Reviews

Children of Men Review
by [email protected]
Mexican filmmakers made a bit of a splash in 2006, first with Alejandro González Iñárritu's globe-trotting--and muchos acclaimed--"Babel" (the Golden Globe Best Picture award winner already) and then Guillermo del Toro's visionary "Pan's Labyrinth,"...more

Children of Men Review
by Mark R. Leeper
CAPSULE: How would universal infertility affect the human race? How would people react to a death sentence in sixty years or so? How exactly is society different without children? These and many other fascinating ideas...more

Children of Men Review
by Steve Rhodes
Confusion reigns supreme in this slow, preachy and pretentious picture by Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón (Y TU MAMÁ TAMBIÉN) about a fascist world of the future in which all immigration is illegal, terrorists are heroes and all women are infertile....more

Children of Men Review
by Tim Voon
In a bleak and desolate world set in 2027, mankind has lost her ability to have children. No reasons are given as to how this tragedy has occurred, but the last child was born in 2009. more