Rotk:ee Script??

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Mouth Of Sauron ! Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron

Ooooh that does sound interesting indeed big grin

Welcome to KMC, Daniel happy

Where did you find the script? Sounds very interesting yes great dialogues *likes*

Yet... could it be possible that it's a fake? confused I'm always kinda sceptical with scripts that are found before the movie is actually released, often they are early drafts before the film was cut.

But it's definitely the best and most realistic/convincing info/script about the EE I read so far yes

happy Love the quote ^^

that is awesome...just one problem...i can't for the life of me imagine sauron saying: "It's mine! Mine! My precious." It seem too out of character...imo

daniel- i love you- and i want to have your babies


Welcome To The Oscars

This Year We begin With

our new categories which we hope to use annually.

first up- the eat your words category!

the winner is

the mouth of sauron!

The Stopping Battle Before Its Over To Nature Watch Award Goes To


And Lastly The ' make fun of the people about to defeat you and laugh at small people whos cousins are actually climbing orodruin and are going to destroy the ring as you speak' award, joined with the 'being a small hobbit but trying to attack big evil man' award go to

MOS And Merry!

That seems fantastic, but I cannot help but seem skeptical.

There are certain bits in there that don't seem too convincing and there are certain lines that are missing there, that were very important in the Theater Cut. Maybe I'm just being fussy, but I'm just going to be careful.

Great read anyway though, so thanks! It seems fantastic big grin

*cough*, Fake!

for starters, how could the armies of Mordor get Frodo's sword Sting when infact Sam had it.

Gandalfs staff was broke by the witchking roll eyes (sarcastic)

also some of the lines are changed yes

"then let us be rid of it" - thats the quote from the original

Discos - feels sorry for the loser who spent time writing this load of shit

cool find

Agent Elrond
discos' right. It's BS. Fake. Phony. Good, but not real.

ah ****


Discos - sometimes I get tired of being right roll eyes (sarcastic)

Agent Elrond
that scene will be in the EE, so it might to close to the real thing

It sounds good yes But i am afraid it is a fake, because some things dont seem probabable and soem things from the theater are left out sad

Agent Elrond
It is fake. I've seen it before, it's fake. Sucks though. We'll have to wait until Nov to see the real scene

sad too bad...

Oh well, something to look forward to...

I want to see the mouth of sauron, oh god i hope its shown in the extended! gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Agent Elrond
it is shown. it was filmed and cut out to be put on the EE

I'm cant rember the site anymore but if I rember i will tell you. I think the scripts really good and I hope its not fake (probably is though!)

^^ :rolleyers:

yeah the mouth of sauron is definetly in the Extended Edition

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Mouth of sauron, that will be wicked, otherwise id continue wondering where those horses went that the army was on!!! LOL funny how they....VANISH before our very eyes!!!! lol

This script is as fake as my mams tan

Lol probably is, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttt......we could hope its not fake, but at least STILL we will get the mouth of sauron!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ its fake!

U all seem sure that it is fake...even i do a bit. However, the script is very detailed and goes into alot information and explains alot of things that we didnt c in ROTK, like, Mouth of Sauron, where the horses went etc. So im not 2 sure what to think!

you are quite right, it is in detail but it still doesnt resemb;e the book

I take it back to my 2 questions,
Why does it say frodos sword sting (because sam took it)
Why does it say gandalfs staff (because the witchking broke it)

Not to be a party-pooper but...

I've seen this 4 times before. It is fan made. Fake. wink The dialogues are good though, and I like it. Very well-written, I praise the guy who made this script, but don't expect this to be genuine. smile

That's exactly the point. wink The script is too detailed and it follows too much closely from the book. PJ will never ever copy so much line from the book. doesn't sound like their (the filmmakers') writing style. wink

Agent Elrond
Not to be a party-pooper but...

we already know it's fake. I've seem it before. Cool, but fake

shadowy_blue but fake. Exactly. stick out tongue

well rain on my parade!
well, i didn't read it, I didn't want spoilersembarrasment

well its kermit.
i'm trying to hide, from the informailities of life

huh.....someone argueing with shadowy no what has the world came too

Discos - fake.....fake.....fake......fake....fake (in a baseball basketball theme thing)

Huh? confused

No one was arguing with me. smile

yes they did, how dare you defy me....the almighty one

Discos - argueing eh shifty roll eyes (sarcastic)

they obviously didn't read the previous replies....

who are "they"

ya should call smodden, shadowy or myself "they" roll eyes (sarcastic)


''I take it back to my 2 questions,
Why does it say frodos sword sting (because sam took it)
Why does it say gandalfs staff (because the witchking broke it)''

We dont no yet if the Witch King brakes his staff!!!

roll eyes (sarcastic)

well do you see gandalf with his staff at the black gate?

anyways it is a good script and good imagination.....

I agree with Discos, it's good, but much too detailed for NLC, and too close to the books...erm

But very good nonetheless. wink

btw, welcome to KMC, Daniel! big grin

yeah welcome man,

any idea where yee got thou script from?

Discos - have a browse on the other threads man

there definetly should be an extended edition of the part where Arwen returns to Rivendell....

one minute in the blue dress and then in the red

Sry Discos, i cnt find the website i got the script from! Plz vist my site evryone (below!)

will do

I heard that in the EE there is going to be an extended scene when Arwen has the book.

There also has to be the whole 'drinking game' scene that is in one of hte trailers (I watched all of them on the disc stick out tongue)

Also, the part when gandalf fights the witch king has to be in there...because of teh whole 'i will break him' segment and because there is a huge picture of it in the ROTK visual companion...

I dunno what else will be in it, but those three are pretty sure of

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