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Rotk:ee Script??
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The Bad Wolf

Gender: Male
Location: In the Woods between the Worlds

Smile Rotk:ee Script??

This is my first message so I hope it goes well!

I found this: (I have to send it in 4 parts though!)

EXT. The Black Gate - A dark, gloomy Dawn

The army of the West arrives at the Black Gate. It is closed. The towers at each flank of the gate appear empty. The whole accursed vale is silent except for the cries of a few crebain, some of the crows are perched on the parapet of the Black Gates while some others peer down from the top of the Towers of the Teeth. But even they fall silent as the Army of the West approaches and assemble at a hill before the gates, displaying the banners and flags of Rohan and of Gondor. At the head of the company Aragorn riding Brego bears the insignia of the house of Elendil, a white tree, seven stars and a silver crown. Aragorn rides out with the Captains, which includes Gandalf on Shadowfax, Eomer on one horse, Legolas and Gimli on another, Merry and Pippin each astride a pony. They reach the feet of the towering gates and Aragorn rides out ahead.

(calling up at the Black Gate)
Come forth! Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! For Justice shall be done upon him. Come forth!

There is no answer. Even the crebain are utterly silent. But just as Aragorn turns towards his company the birds on the gates cry out and fly up to the Towers. And then there comes a great rumbling sound as the great doors of the Morannon open slightly. Through the open crack a single rider comes forth. Both rider and steed are fully armored and helmed, their faces bear hideous skull-like masks with the Eye engraved on their visage. Though the eyes of the black horse could be gleaned glinting a livid red behind the black holes of its eyes naught could be seen of the rider’s eyes or face save for a horrible leering mouth. This is the Mouth of Sauron, chief Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad Dur. He is the one that now rides up to meet the Captains. As he reaches them he halts his steed and gazes at all of those before him.

Who dares challenge the Might of Sauron the Great?

Seeing Aragorn and his banner he sneers.

Surely not you! It would need more to make a king than a piece of elvish glass or a barbaric horde such as these to contest with Mordor. Even a brute from the hills could do better!

Aragorn stares back at him, undaunted. The Mouth of Sauron smirks ad turns to Gandalf.

Ah, old greybeard! We know you well.
Ever the unwanted meddler in the affairs of others. Always scheming, hatching plots and mischief from a safe distance while others suffer in his stead. But alas this time your nose has either grown too long or you have stuck it out too far! You will be taught your due lesson. But not just yet, all in good time.

He sees the hobbits and laughs.

So you have brought more of these imps with you! What use you find in them I cannot fathom but to send them as spies into Mordor is beyond even your usual folly.

The company remains silent but the tone of their silence changes, dismay creeps into their eyes. Seeing this MOS laughs and suddenly holds up something in his hands. It is Frodo’s mithril coat, elvish cloak and Sting, the blade seems to be burning with a blue fire. The faces of all those in the company go pale, some gasp audibly and Merry crying out in grief makes to spring forward but Gandalf quickly thrusts him back with his staff.


The Mouth of Sauron laughs. He is pleased his sport goes well.

So! It is plain this brat at least has seen these tokens before. It would be futile to reject them now.

I do not wish to reject them. Indeed, I know them all and all their history, and despite your scorn, foul Mouth of Sauron, you cannot say the same. But why do you bring them here?

You know well enough! Your Shire-rat has failed! Even now he is held rightfully as a prisoner of war in the dungeons of Barad Dur where he can never escape. And so he shall endure the slow torment of years, as long and slow as our arts in the Great tower can make it. He will never be released, unless maybe when he is broken so he may come back to you, and you shall see what you have done. This shall be unless you concede and then perhaps you may be spared, for Sauron the Mighty is not beyond all mercy.

This is much to demand for the delivery of one servant. If we rated this prisoner so highly, what surety have we that Sauron, the Base Master of Treachery, will keep his part? Where is this prisoner? Let him be brought forth and yielded to us, and then we will consider these terms.

Do not bandy insolent words with the Mouth of Sauron! Surety you crave! Sauron gives none. These are his terms. Take them or leave them.

These we will take!

Suddenly Gandalf lifts his staff and a white light shone forth. The Mouth of Sauron recoils and Gandalf coming seizes and takes from him the tokens: coat, cloak and sword.

These we will take in memory of our friend. As for your terms, we reject them utterly! Begone!

Then the Messenger of Mordor laughs no more. His mouth slavers and his guttural voice spits out fell curses. But looking at the stern faces of the Captains he turns his steed and letting out a great cry gallops towards the Black Gate. The crebain leap from their perches and wheel round above the vale, squawking in their high, shrill voices. Great horns blow and huge drums roll. The Black Gate begins to open. Countless legions of foes, orcs, trolls, wargs and proud Easterlings are assembled behind the gates and even as they open they march forth to meet the army arrayed out before them. Even more pour forth from the Towers of the Teeth to surround the entire flanks of the army of the west. Aragorn, seeing the danger, calls out to his troops.

Fall back! Fall back!

The men didn’t need to be told that, they were already stepping back the moment the Black Gate began to reveal the peril it had kept hidden behind its iron gates.

EXT. Mount Doom

Sam and Frodo toil up the jagged slopes of the mountain. Frodo, head-bowed, one arm clutching at his chest while the other is raised up over his face as if to shield his eyes from the brooding presence on top of the far-off tower of Barad Dur some 33 miles north-east of the ash-black mountain. But a dark cloud of shadow enshrouds the entire south side of the top of the dark tower so that from any southern viewpoint the Eye itself is almost completely concealed were it not for a dim red glow behind the veil that betrays its presence. But the Power seated there did not wish to gaze south of its domain. Even at this moment the Eye is gazing straight north at the army that has come to challenge it at the very doorstep of its realm the Black Gates of Mordor. Yet Frodo bows his head as he walks up the mountain. Soon he is bent forward by the dragging weight of the ring that is pulling him to the ground. Frodo suddenly trips over a rock and stumbles forward to the ground. In that instant the ring emerges from under his shirt, pulling its chain taught. Frodo with both his arms on the ground strains to push himself up but the weight of the ring is too strong; it pulls both his neck and head slowly towards the ground. Pitifully, Frodo begins to crawl forward even on his hands.


*There is only one Lord of the Rings, only one...*

Last edited by DanielLB on Jun 4th, 2004 at 08:36 AM

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 08:34 AM
DanielLB is currently offline Click here to Send DanielLB a Private Message Find more posts by DanielLB Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Bad Wolf

Gender: Male
Location: In the Woods between the Worlds

(barely able to speak)
Help me, Sam.

Sam rushes forward and pulls Frodo off the ground. As Frodo gets up his hand involuntarily clasps the ring. With his other hand Frodo desperately struggles to pull the traitorous hand from its grip on the treacherous band.

(crying out in frustration)
I can’t move it!

Sam manages to pry apart the stiff grip of Frodo’s fingers on the ring. He pulls the hand back and holds it firmly at Frodo’s side. But it is too late. The Power on the tower is suddenly disturbed. The shadows clouding its view of the south instantly shred apart and an intense spear of fiery light stabs out from the Eye.

TRACKING SHOT of the light from the Eye as it moves meticulously from the north to the north-west of Mordor and swings its way down the western plains of Gorgoroth revealing all that falls under its gaze, some of these are orcs who finding the glare almost unbearable fall to the ground clutching their heads, the light passes over them and moves slowly through the south-east plains and thither towards Mt Doom.

Seeing their peril Sam falls to the ground and hides behind a ledge. Frodo however seems to be mesmerized, he stands transfixed as the Eye turns it gaze closer and closer to his position. It would soon fix its piercing light on him and see him.

(calling out in desperation)
Frodo! Quick, hide! He will see us!

At the last moment Frodo turns his back on the Eye and falls as one stricken to the ground. The glance of the Eye rests on where he had been standing, its light seeking and probing. For a moment there is only silence. Frodo clutches the ring under his body as if to stifle any signal it might make to alert its master. A throbbing heat beats down on the ledge but both hobbits are hidden under it. The fell light moves slowly up the slopes of Mt Doom and for a while rests on the door of the Sammath Naur. Satisfied, it moves on to complete its circuit through the south and eastern regions of Mordor. As it gazes to the east the light recedes back into the Eye and it is once more veiled in shadow. Sam breathes a sigh of relief and crawls on his hands and knees towards Frodo. Sam places his hands on Frodo’s shoulders and turns him round. Frodo’s face is pale, his eyes feverish, his hands are both on the ring and chain on his neck.

(wide-eyed with terror, whispering almost inaudibly)
Help me, Sam! Help me! Hold my hands! I can’t stop it.

Sam takes both hands and lays them together, palm-to-palm. He racks his brain seeking something to distract his master’s mind from his fear.

Do you remember that bit of rabbit, Frodo? Or the oliphuants? Do you remember the day we saw those oliphaunts?

(his eyes stare straight up, unseeing)
No, Sam. I can’t remember the taste of food, the feel of water or the sound of the wind. They are all gone from me. I am naked in the dark, Sam. There is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I see it even now with my waking eyes. I am lost. I am lost.

Tears fall down Sam’s cheeks. Bu his face suddenly hardens with determination.

Then we must be rid of it. Now for it! I can’t carry it for you but I can carry you! Come on, Frodo! Come on!

Sam lifts Frodo and slings him onto his back. That was it his mind is fixed. His will is set and only death could break it. Step by step he carries Frodo up the slopes of mountain towards the door up ahead.

EXT. The Black Gate

The army of the west is slowly being surrounded. Soon they would be completely encircled in a ring of foes. And the blazing malice of the Eye is fully upon them. Aragorn rides up to the front of his men. His voice rises out, it can be clearly heard above the din of the vast hosts of enemies bearing down on them.

I see in your eyes the same fear that will take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails. When we forsake our friends and seek to break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day! When we put down shield and sword. But it is not this day! This day WE FIGHT!

The army of the west roars out in answer. Aragorn raises Anduril and Brego rears up in defiance of the Eye. Mordor sends out its first wave of attack. The Mouth of Sauron charges forward with a host of Easterlings following in his wake. Seeing them Aragorn rallies a company to him and they charge forward to meet them. And so the battle begins. Aragorn and Brego fight the Mouth of Sauron and his grotesque steed. Anduril slashes out and the gruesome mask of the Mouth of Sauron is cloven asunder. Brego rears up and kicks at the lieutenant’s steed. Both foul rider and steed topple to the ground in ruin. But alas the spike of an Easterling drives cruelly into the belly of Brego and the horse falls with Aragorn on him.

EXT. Mount Doom

Sam is still carrying Frodo up the slope and he reaches a path that leads to the door in the mountain’s face. At a bend in the path a figure emerges from a rock above Sam. It is Gollum. Seeing the hobbits he snarls.

Clever hobbits, to climb so far! Yess! Very clever!

The creature leaps down onto Sam’s back, hands seeking the ring. This is the only thing that could wake Frodo up from his stupor. But Sam swings round sharply, throwing Gollum off. Before the creature can recover Sam sets Frodo down and turns to face him. Gollum looks even more emaciated than he was when the hobbits last saw him. Gollum springs at Frodo, scratching at his face. Sam tries to help but the two are locked together in combat. But Frodo soon throws Gollum to the ground and stands over him clutching the ring close to his chest.

(looking down at Gollum coldly)
You creeping thing! The precious mastered you long ago! Never forget the promise you swore upon it. It will never relinquish its hold on you.

Gollums cowers on the ground in dismay.

FRODO (cont’d)
If you ever touch me again I will take the precious and I will command you to throw yourself into the Crack of Doom.

You go on ahead, Frodo. I will take care of him.

For a moment, Frodo looks at him as if at one now far away. Then he turns and walks back up the path.

(turning on Gollum)
Now, I can deal with you!

He lunges forward, fists clenched, ready for battle. But Gollum does not spring, he falls flat on the ground whimpering.

Don’t hurt us, don’t kill us! If the precious is gone we’ll die. We’ll die into dust!
(he claws up ash from the ground and it pours down through his long, fleshless fingers)

Sam in his turn feels the same pity that Bilbo and Frodo before him had felt at the sight of the creature. He hesitates.

Away with you then, you old villain! If you come near him again, I will kill you there and then myself, understand? Away with you!

Gollum leaps back down the slopes of the mountain. Seeing him flee Sam turns round and races up the path towards the door up ahead.

EXT. The Black Gate

The first wave of Easterlings has been defeated but at the cost of many horses. The remaining horses while still many had to be sent back away from battle for the enemy carries just as many spears. Shadowfax himself leads the horses away from the battlefield and to safety. Just in time for at the heels of the last horse the net of Mordor finally snaps down on the army of the west. Looking around them they find that they are surrounded completely by a landscape of enemies. They are caught in a vast inescapable trap. Aragorn sees this and knowing there is no hope continues to rally his troops.

Form up! Form up! Hold strong!

Suddenly he hears a VOICE speaking to him. He looks up into Mordor and he knows it is the Eye calling to him in mockery. Aragorn steps forwards and for a moment he stands transfixed, mesmerized by the brilliant glare of the Eye.


Aragorn turns round and looks back at his companions. A tear falls down his face and he smiles in sorrow.

For Frodo.

*There is only one Lord of the Rings, only one...*

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 08:36 AM
DanielLB is currently offline Click here to Send DanielLB a Private Message Find more posts by DanielLB Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Bad Wolf

Gender: Male
Location: In the Woods between the Worlds

Suddenly he charges into the enveloping sea of foes, Anduril ringing and flashing in his hands. Spurred on, the men with Gandalf, Eomer, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and Pippin among them charge forward with him into the fray. Just then the crebain, circling above the battlefield and cackling suddenly scatter and flee. For the Nazgul with the horrendous speed of their flying steeds plunge out from above the clouds and bear down on the beleaguered army of the west.

CLOSE ON Gandalf as a moth flutters past his face. Seeing it he leans on his staff and smiles.

Looking up he sees a Nazgul heading directly down for him, the wings of the Fell Beast blowing cloud and dust before it. But just as it is about to fall upon him a giant eagle Gwaihir suddenly flies down and meets it in the air. Other eagles appear to battle with the Nazgul. The atmospheres turns chaotic with battle as Fell Beast and Eagle like the very titans clashing in the skies vie with each other, clawing, biting, pecking, flapping, twisting and turning through the upper airs. Merry and Pippin see the Eagles and jump in glee.

The Eagles are coming! The Eagles are coming!

Others hear them and take up the call. Men turn and fight even more fiercely now that they had a glimpse of hope in their hearts.

INT. Sammath Naur, MOUNT DOOM

Sam runs into the cavern and sees Frodo standing at the very brink of doom, silhouetted in the intense whirling heats and fumes of the cavern. Frodo is holding the ring in its chain above the edge of the precipice.

Destroy it!

Frodo hesitates, mesmerized by the allure of the golden band.

(with his back to Sam)
I have come. But I do not choose now to do what I came to do. I will not do this deed.

Frodo turns round to face Sam, a gloating smile on his face.

The Ring is mine!

He puts it on and vanishes.

Frodo! Nooo!

Then we see it, right there through the door, across an immense distance, BARAD DUR the ancient tower of SAURON. And on top of it the THE EYE suddenly flashes with unendurable brilliance, even through the dark veils that enshroud it the fierce light of its gaze pierces even the turbid gloom of the Sammath Naur. Sam blinded by the burning, throbbing radiance throws up his arms and cowers.

CAMERA ZOOMS past Sam, out of the door of the Sammmath Naur, over the charred plains of Gorgoroth, to the top of the Barad Dur, to The Eye. Even as the the camera flies towards it the clouds on top the tower are suddenly rent part, swept away as the Eye turns its gaze from the Black Gate to bear its full attention on the door of the Sammath Naur. The entire screen is engulfed in flame. As the Eye looks directly into it the CAMERA falls into the black hole that is the iris. For a moment the screen is altogether black. Then in the darkness a wreathed figure appears, it is Frodo in the very moment that he claims the ring.

ZOOMING OUT the CAMERA pulls out of the Eye. But even though the view is zooming away from it the Eye seems to be enlarging to meet it. The Eye EXPLODES in flaming fury and reckless rage, blazing, until it consumes the topmost pikes of the tower, cremating even the crown of Barad Dur. The Eye expands, growing to an immense magnitude as if it would eat up all the world.

EXT. The Black Gate

The Nazgul disentangle themselves from their airborne battle with the Eagles. Fell Beast and Rider scream as one in dismay and sweep round in overwhelming haste - some dive upwards, some pitch downwards, some twist and turn in the air, some snap round on a dime - but driven by a single will and purpose all Nine wheel round as one and fly with horrible speed towards Mt Doom. Seeing the Nazgul flee the orcs waver in dismay. Seeing the Nazgul flee and the orcs wavering the men of the army of the West are enhearted and they drive into their enemies.
INT. Sammath Naur (Shadow World)

Through the dark door Frodo sees the Eye blazing atop its tower. He laughs and raises his hand in defiance to reveal the ring on his finger. Immediately the entire cavern trembles and flames rise up out of the chasm to smote the very walls and roof of the cavernous Sammath Naur. But this was Sauron’s own realm, here he is all-powerful, nothing could withstand him. Frodo sees his full folly, but it is too late. By putting on the ring he had allowed it to take him into the Void, the wreathed, shadowy world of Sauron. Here distance does not exist. And the Eye comes, expanding with terrible speed it bears its full might on the mountain, its iris engulfs the whole door of the Sammath Naur, sucking up all the fires in the chasm into infinitesimal nothingness. Frodo quails and cowers on the ground, but not even the walls of Mt Doom could long endure the Eye, in its onset they erode and altogether dissolve. The Eye consumes everything, shadow and stone, until it is all that Frodo sees - and hears! For the very VOICE OF THUNDER fills his heart and mind, tearing his soul with fell words.


Frodo claws at the ring, desperately trying to pull it off his finger. But the ring tightens its grip and blazing suddenly as a band of golden flame it begins to burn. Frodo screams in agony and falls to his knees, clutching his burning hand . But it is too late. He is caught and there is no escape. SAURON’S VOICE laughs and begins to chant the ring verse.


In response the words blaze out of the ring and start to spin on its band as living threads of white-hot light.


Before the spite of the pure malice before him Frodo steps back and stumbles. The Eye blazes pouring out scorching hatred (and hiding its fear lest the creature falls into the Crack of Doom taking his Precious with it). Frodo resists but it is no use. The twin wills of the Eye and the Ring are pulling towards each other like immense magnets, he is just the unfortunate piece of metal caught in between. His bare hobbit feet drag painfully on the hard, rough-hewn rock but surely enough he is pulled step by step into the gloating glare of the Lidless Eye.

WIDE SHOT: THE CAMERA TILTS slowly through 90 degrees to the right. We see that the precipitous jut of rock Frodo is standing on is no longer level but is slowly but surely tipping over! Suddenly, Frodo finds himself no longer looking straight ahead but downwards, the ground is ground no longer, it is the sheer face of an ever-steepening cliff! Frodo throws out his hands to clutch vainly at the very tip of the precipice. But the ring betrays his left hand, burning it so intensely that he could no longer hold onto the edge with it. And so there he is dangling with one hand on the last pillar of rock that is sinking inevitably into an endless burning sea, a vast vortex of fire.

INT. Sammath Naur

Sam searches about in dismayed confusion. He can hear his master screaming and calling out for help but he couldn’t see him. Sam knew Frodo was in the direst of perils but he couldn’t see him let alone help him. But he steps forward to try anyway. Just then a shadow creeps up behind him. It is Gollum. The creature, clutching a stone, rears himself up and before Sam is aware of him smites his head with the rock. The hobbit falls down, unconscious. Gollum searches frantically at the ground and sees the telltale marks and footprints giving away the location of his invisible target. Hissing maniacally, Gollum leaps at the seemingly empty air and falls onto the unseen Frodo. For a moment the two struggle. Gollum twisting and grabbing at the air, gnashing and cursing at empty space. Three times he is thrown to the ground and three times he instantly springs back up to wrestle with his unseen foe. The third time he jumps up, hands outstretched, clutching and grasping until they find what they are searching for. Immediately, Gollum snaps down on it, biting hard. Something breaks and tears off. Screaming out Frodo appears and falls to the ground clutching at the place where his finger had been. Gollum stands above him in triumph, holding up his prize Frodo’s finger and on it the One Ring.

INSET: The Nazgul speed past Barad Dur. The Eye driving them forward they streak on towards Mt Doom.

EXT. The Black Gate

The Army of the West continues to fight. Aragorn and Gandalf together fight off many orcs. Legolas and Gimli are pitted against a mountain troll but Merry and Pippin help them by thrusting their blades into its rock-like feet. Defeated by their teamwork the troll sways and crashes to the ground, almost falling on the hobbits. Eomer and his company shear though a hardy regiment of Easterlings who quickly turn flee in defeat.

FLASH INSERT: The Nazgul bearing down on Mt Doom.

FLASH INSERT: Gandalf looks towards Mt Doom with hope and despair on his face. , Aragorn, Eomer, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and Pippin too stand and look to the mountain.

INT. Sammath Naur, Mount Doom

THE CAMERA ZOOMS OUT from the circle of the ring. It is held aloft in Gollum’s finger, we see his gleeful eyes through the band of gold. Gollum capers about at the precipice, laughing with delight. Frodo is still kneeling down clutching his maimed hand in pain. Sam comes to, his eyes open and he looks up at Frodo. Frodo sees Sam looking at him. Their eyes meet for a moment. Suddenly fierce determination appears in Frodo’s eyes, he would fulfill his quest or die trying. He stands up and strides purposefully towards Gollum who is entirely preoccupied with the ring to see his peril. Frodo walks and for the last time wrestles with Gollum at the very brink of doom.

IN SLOW MOTION the two figures struggle for one fateful moment then together they plummet into the Crack of Doom.


*There is only one Lord of the Rings, only one...*

Last edited by DanielLB on Jun 4th, 2004 at 08:39 AM

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 08:37 AM
DanielLB is currently offline Click here to Send DanielLB a Private Message Find more posts by DanielLB Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Bad Wolf

Gender: Male
Location: In the Woods between the Worlds

THE CAMERA TRACKS Smeagol’s fall down the immense chasm and into the liquid-hot magma a hundred feet below. Smeagol even then still holds the ring up in his hand before he is altoether swallowed up. Only the ring is left floating on the surface of the molten rock, it absorbs the heat around it leaving a dark circular patch.


Sam looks down the edge of the precipice in dismay. Then he sees Frodo holding onto an outcrop of rock with his good hand. Sam reaches out for him.

Give me your hand!

Frodo reaches out feebly with his maimed hand, but misses. In despair Frodo looks back down the chasm. Down below the ring, still floating unharmed yet by the magma, blazes out the writings on it, fell words burnt into it by the hands of Sauron himself, its maker, its master.

Come on, Frodo!

Frodo looks up at Sam and the same determination appears again in his eyes. With all his remaining strength he reaches out for Sam’s hand. Their hands meet and clasp firmly. Sam drags his frail but indomitable master and friend out of the chasm. The Ring blazes out for the last time. Its power finally quenched, it melts and dissolved into the lava. But suddenly, even as the ring disintegrates, the magma about it begins to revolve with ever-increasing rapidity and intensity round and round the vacuous eddy left in its demise. The entire chasm quakes and begins to crumble. The whirling eddy of magma suddenly erupts out of the chasm even as Frodo and Sam run down the collapsing rock.

EXT. Barad Dur

In all-consuming, all-destroying wrath The Eye begins to spin in twirling fire, drawing and sucking up everything around it, air and iron, cloud and fire, smoke and stone. The molten moat at the foundation of the tower erupts out of its chasm. Under the unendurable and reckless rage of the Eye even Barad Dur is shaken. In its entirety the tower, from cloven crown to broken base, quakes and begins to crumble.

EXT. The Black Gate

The battle suddenly stops. The armies of Mordor look back into their land in dismay. Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and Pippin together with the army of the West stand and rejoice as they behold their enemies floundering and away south in Mordor the fall of the once terrible tower of Barad Dur.

SLO-MO SEQUENCE: Barad-Dhur falters and in the torture of Mordor it altogether fails. Pier by pier, tier by tier the terrible fall of that great tower is seen and heard throughout the span of the land. As Barad Dur collapses the Eye falls down with it, yet it is still blazing, still consuming, still destroying. And so the Eye is bound up with the utter ruin of the tower as it altogether topples down many thousand feet to the ground. Suddenly the Eye goes out. An instant but immense inrush of air and energy flow in to fill the vacuum left in its wake. AN IMPLUSION followed by AN EXPLOSION releases all that pent up energy the Eye has been consuming and containing since it first manifested itself. A tremendous shock wave spreads out even to the furthermost reaches of the Ephel Duath, and, and Cirith Ungol crumples down into the Morgai. The wave tears tears a great rent right through the plains beneath and behind the Black Gate to reveal the vast and ancient subterranean dungeon of Udun, the hell-hole out of which Morgoth, in ages millennia past, had summoned up his terrible servants of old the mighty Balrogs. Into this vast fissure the Teeth of Mordor Narchost and Carchost and yes even the black Morannon topple. Into this gaping hole in the earth the fleeing armies of Mordor are swallowed up to their utter destruction. Amazingly, the chasm stops right at the feet of the army of the West. They can only stand in sheer amazement and awe.

EXT. Mount Doom

The entire mountain shudders. The black cone of the volcano suddenly erupts in fire, stone, ash and smoke.

INSERT: The army of the West suddenly stand hushed as they see the mountain erupt. The faces of all members of the fellowship are filled with dismay.


And Sam.

CLOSE ON Gandalf as a tear falls down his face.

EXT. Mount Doom

Sam and Frodo race out of the door of the Sammath Naur even as a flood of lava gushes forth from it. Even as Sam carries Frodo out of Sammath Naur the Nazgul are come. But without their master to direct them they flounder about in confusion. Mount Doom roars once more and a fissure rents it almost entirely in half. Out of this chasm spews forth vast jets of lava, the Nazgul are caught in the incandescent wave. Some of the Nazgul, even with their hoods and robes blazing with fire and the foul wings of their fell steeds in flames, still cling to the last remnants of their master’s will, they bear down on the hobbits but are incinerated entirely. Some of the Ringwraiths almost escape but are rained down by falling fireballs and burning ash. The Nazgul and their winged steeds streak down into the mountainside, burning spectacularly. Their screams vanish with them. The hobbits continue to run down the slopes of Mount Doom but they can’t escape the molten rivers. And so they are finally trapped on a small hill, a stranded island of ash and rock.

EXT. Barad Dur

But Sauron is not yet utterly finished. Out of the ruins and rubble of the fallen tower of Barad Dur the full wrath of Mordor is at last unleashed. Imagine an inconceivable volcanic eruption! Out of the explosions of the earth vast plumes of ash and smoke mount up to challenge even the clouds of storm. Wreathed within the columns of smoke a greater Shape rises, it is darker than they. In height it spans from tortured earth to tormented sky. At its feet the earth explodes into molten flame, cracking open to vent forth rivers of burning blood. Flame and lightning flicker up the writhed height of the Shadow, and at its crown searing flashes of jagged lightnings rend the very airs. For a moment within the Shadow’s apex a sheet of lightning blazes out from two exact cavities in the visage. Eyes they are, piercing and terrible, their gaze blaze down on all from up on high. Now, this immense Shape bends the full brunt of its fury on the army of the west that has with insolence come to challenge it. All the men, from tall captain to valiant hobbit, quail and a great silence falls upon them for their plight is bereft of all hope of escape. And so it comes. In its wake the earth is tremulous and the sky tumultuous, in its onset ruinous and perilous. Its voice is that of thunder, its breath that of howling winds. With speed to outfly a pyroclastic flow it comes. But even as it stretches out to smite the army of the west a great wind blows, taking up and sweeping away all shadow of cloud, and smoke, and ash. And the shape bereft of all its veiling shadow loses both form and presence diminishes and dissipates under the unconcealed light of the Sun. A hush falls.

EXT. Mount Doom

Sam and Frodo are lying down side by side on the slowly shrinking hill, surrounded at all sides by a great flowing river of red-hot, liquid rock.

And so the quest is ended. It is finished. We have done it, Sam.

Yes, Frodo. We sure have.

I remember the taste of food. The feel of water, the sound of the wind, the sight and smell of trees, grass, flowers, roses.

I remember her face, her hair, the way she smiles. I can hear her voice. Oh, Rosie! I wish I’d married her. If I could have just one more wish that’ll be it.

I am glad you are here with me, Sam. Here at the end of all things.



EXT. The skies above Mount Doom

Spotting the unconscious hobbits down below still stranded on the hill the eagles come.
IN DREAM-LIKE SILENCE AND SLO-MO: Down sweeps Gwaihir with Gandalf, and down comes Landroval and Meneldor. Each eagle in his turn floats down and gently takes up a hobbit in his great claws.

CLOSE UP of Frodo as he is borne away by the Eagles. Peace lies on his face.


*There is only one Lord of the Rings, only one...*

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 08:40 AM
DanielLB is currently offline Click here to Send DanielLB a Private Message Find more posts by DanielLB Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Mouth Of Sauron ! Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron Mouth Of Sauron


Thank you god for the blessing me with Chanel.
She is back with you now, so take care of her

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 12:16 PM
fini is currently offline Click here to Send fini a Private Message Find more posts by fini Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Ooooh that does sound interesting indeed big grin

Welcome to KMC, Daniel happy

Where did you find the script? Sounds very interesting yes great dialogues *likes*

Yet... could it be possible that it's a fake? confused I'm always kinda sceptical with scripts that are found before the movie is actually released, often they are early drafts before the film [or the EE] was cut.

But it's definitely the best and most realistic/convincing info/script about the EE I read so far yes

Who dares challenge the Might of Sauron the Great?

happy Love the quote ^^

Life is complex: it has both real and imaginary components.

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 01:20 PM
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that is awesome...just one problem...i can't for the life of me imagine sauron saying: "It's mine! Mine! My precious." It seem too out of character...imo

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 04:58 PM
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The Inkeeper
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daniel- i love you- and i want to have your babies


Im Back happy

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 05:25 PM
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Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 05:26 PM
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The Inkeeper
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The Oscars!

Welcome To The Oscars

This Year We begin With

our new categories which we hope to use annually.

first up- the eat your words category!

the winner is

the mouth of sauron!


Who dares challenge the Might of Sauron the Great?

Seeing Aragorn and his banner he sneers.

Surely not you! It would need more to make a king than a piece of elvish glass or a barbaric horde such as these to contest with Mordor. Even a brute from the hills could do better!

The Stopping Battle Before Its Over To Nature Watch Award Goes To


CLOSE ON Gandalf as a moth flutters past his face. Seeing it he leans on his staff and smiles.

And Lastly The ' make fun of the people about to defeat you and laugh at small people whos cousins are actually climbing orodruin and are going to destroy the ring as you speak' award, joined with the 'being a small hobbit but trying to attack big evil man' award go to

MOS And Merry!

Ah, old greybeard! We know you well.
Ever the unwanted meddler in the affairs of others. Always scheming, hatching plots and mischief from a safe distance while others suffer in his stead. But alas this time your nose has either grown too long or you have stuck it out too far! You will be taught your due lesson. But not just yet, all in good time.

He sees the hobbits and laughs.

So you have brought more of these imps with you! What use you find in them I cannot fathom but to send them as spies into Mordor is beyond even your usual folly.

The company remains silent but the tone of their silence changes, dismay creeps into their eyes. Seeing this MOS laughs and suddenly holds up something in his hands. It is Frodo’s mithril coat, elvish cloak and Sting, the blade seems to be burning with a blue fire. The faces of all those in the company go pale, some gasp audibly and Merry crying out in grief makes to spring forward but Gandalf quickly thrusts him back with his staff.


Im Back happy

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 05:43 PM
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Complete Tolkien geek

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That seems fantastic, but I cannot help but seem skeptical.

There are certain bits in there that don't seem too convincing and there are certain lines that are missing there, that were very important in the Theater Cut. Maybe I'm just being fussy, but I'm just going to be careful.

Great read anyway though, so thanks! It seems fantastic big grin

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 08:12 PM
Camellia is currently offline Click here to Send Camellia a Private Message Find more posts by Camellia Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Discmeister

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*cough*, Fake!

for starters, how could the armies of Mordor get Frodo's sword Sting when infact Sam had it.

Gandalfs staff was broke by the witchking roll eyes (sarcastic)

also some of the lines are changed yes

"then let us be rid of it" - thats the quote from the original

Discos - feels sorry for the loser who spent time writing this load of shit


"In the year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields at Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their freedom."

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 08:43 PM
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The Grim piratess

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cool find


Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 09:17 PM
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Agent Elrond
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discos' right. It's BS. Fake. Phony. Good, but not real.


Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 09:27 PM
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ah ****


Thank you god for the blessing me with Chanel.
She is back with you now, so take care of her

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 09:30 PM
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The Discmeister

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Discos - sometimes I get tired of being right roll eyes (sarcastic)


"In the year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields at Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their freedom."

Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 10:24 PM
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Agent Elrond
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that scene will be in the EE, so it might to close to the real thing


Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 11:39 PM
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It sounds good yes But i am afraid it is a fake, because some things dont seem probabable and soem things from the theater are left out sad


Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 11:46 PM
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Agent Elrond
The Curse is gone

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Location: A Boston fan in NY

It is fake. I've seen it before, it's fake. Sucks though. We'll have to wait until Nov to see the real scene


Old Post Jun 4th, 2004 11:53 PM
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sad too bad...

Oh well, something to look forward to...


Old Post Jun 5th, 2004 12:05 AM
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