Whos ur favorite Underdog?
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basically, who's ur fav peak human, (and also which one would win in ur opinion in a fight between all of them)....believable comicbook character of all time...cuz personally IMO, these are the ones i tend to find most interesting and fun to debate about...since they are believable, and could maybe, actually happen
The Punisher
Captain America
Nick Fury
Adam Warlock
Daredevil a close second...
Then Bullseye
I like reading street levelers most probably, out of these I'd say Batman. He's my favorite character period, I think.
but favorite underdog for a while.. although I don't think he will be once more and more people understand his current powerset , is Aquaman.

hands down...rules all...and would win out of the 7 i think
The Ion
Batman and Nightwing. Actually, the entire Bat family is among my faves, period. Catwoman, Tim Drake, Cassie, etc.
Too bad Nightwing is stuck with Devin Grayson.
Originally posted by The Ion
Batman and Nightwing. Actually, the entire Bat family is among my faves, period. Catwoman, Tim Drake, Cassie, etc.
Too bad Nightwing is stuck with Devin Grayson. Nightwings series has been getting awesome the last couple of months, he contacted and found deathstroke, now he's like training with Slade and training Ravager, at the same time.. they're like a trio of sorts now.
The Ion
Nightwing almost seems like an Elseworld's tale. Have they explained where this alliance with Slade fits in with the IC storyline?
Nick ****EN Fury is the shit
Batman and Cap.
Evil guy: "Puny human, you cannot defeat me and my power to-"
*Gets his ass wooped*
Bats: "You were saying?"
nick never looks like an under dog cuz he bad ass and smokes a cigar and is like dareing the bad guy to say some thing
Nick fury by far.
Him kicking Wolverine's ass in the HoM crossover is a comic I'll be keeping for the rest of my life.
One that I think I should mention is Lion-O.
In that arc of episodes where he was proving he was the best Thundercat, and he out-raced Cheetara, out-powered Panthro, out-stealthed Tigra, and out-tricked the kids, that was truly an underdog (or cat) moment.
ecpt for the fact that it never happen it was a false memory scarlet witch made but yes he was still wicked bad ass in it.
Must you defend Wolverine 24/7?
I know it was a false memory but it still kicked ass, and considering Steve beats up wolverine every other week, I can see fury pulling it off.
? steve u mean captian america lol. seeing how captian america has never once beaten wolverine I find that hard to believe lol. hell I own the only fight they ever had.
only fight?... i've read at least two comics where they've fought
? if u count enemy of a state as a fight then I do not know what to say to u.
they only fought once on captian americas 50th or 30th im not sure which and captian foguht a wolverine who was beeing controlled and was kinda like a werewolf but dude to his healing factor he was just attacking like a wolf not actauly looking like it.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
beaten wolverine I find that hard to believeStatement of the obvious.
Lucid Lui
Daredevil is by far the best street level character. Nightwing is also a fav of mine, just wish he'd get some better writers...
ya I agree about night wing needing better wrighters
Originally posted by wolverine8888
they only fought once on captian americas 50th or 30th im not sure which and captian foguht a wolverine who was beeing controlled and was kinda like a werewolf but dude to his healing factor he was just attacking like a wolf not actauly looking like it.
you're so wrong, they've fought a few times
ya name the issue then. there a chance they might have foughten twice. I know they fought in the one I have and they might have foughten in one other but thats still not very likly. bt does it matter captain america still never won
The True Fear
underdog himself
How is Underdog an underdog? He'd give Superman a run for his money...
The True Fear
he would smoke that fool
And why are they called the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', if they're tortoises?
The True Fear
only mike jones knows
favorite underdog street fighter would be daredevil. I don't consider Batman or Capt underdogs at all. Capt and Batman with prep pretty much turn any of the villians they fight into the underdogs. Everytime DC features a batman vs superman scenario I'm always wondering whether or not superman can pull off a win against bruce.
Daredevil and Fury are my faves.
Originally posted by AcousticDoc
favorite underdog street fighter would be daredevil. I don't consider Batman or Capt underdogs at all. Capt and Batman with prep pretty much turn any of the villians they fight into the underdogs. Everytime DC features a batman vs superman scenario I'm always wondering whether or not superman can pull off a win against bruce.
yea but batman doesnt have "superpowers" and neither does captain america.....but yes, batman with prep would own just about ne1...but that doesnt mean hes not an underdog...i mean, like i said he has no powers, he's peak human with skills and some badass gadgets.....and plus, dd i do consider an underdog(thats y i listed him), but he's less of an underdog than batman IMO cuz he has superhuman sense.....
life is cruell
I always liked black cat im not sure why. Im glad to hear they are finally deciding to finish her miniseries.
Punisher is the greatest underdog, he is the most human out of any comic character....HE ROCKS!
^true, he has to have guns though

Originally posted by Lucid Lui
Daredevil is by far the best street level character. Nightwing is also a fav of mine, just wish he'd get some better writers...

Well this shouldn't be a shock to many.....Alpha Flight
I wouldn't consider DD an real underdog as he does have some superpowers. Nightwing is the greatest underdog especially in the Teen Titans show. (hes Robin in it but he really rocks and is like unstoppable.)
Shang Chi/ Grendl/ The Punisher
I <3 elektra
Elektra and Batgirl kick ass, but I'll go with either Bats or Cap.
P.S. Spiderman's my fav it's the tights.

I wouldn't call Batman and Cap underdogs...
Cap's the leader of one of the most powerful teams on Marvel Earth. Whenever a bunch of heroes get together, he's the leader. He doesn't have "super powers" (though he IS enhanced artificially) but he's hardly ever thought of as an easy win.
Batman's respected and even feared by many memebers of THE team in DC. What he lacks in power, he makes up for by always having an escape route and a cheap way to kill someone. In a heads up fight with someone like Superman, he'd be the obvious underdog, but if Batman was, for some reason, out to get Superman, I definitely wouldn't give Big Blue good odds. I'd go for Batman, via powdered kryptonite in Supes's cereal or something like that.
So as to true underdogs... Bullseye. Wonder Woman. Stupendous Man. And so on, and so forth.
Originally posted by Dizzle
I wouldn't call Batman and Cap underdogs...
Cap's the leader of one of the most powerful teams on Marvel Earth. Whenever a bunch of heroes get together, he's the leader. He doesn't have "super powers" (though he IS enhanced artificially) but he's hardly ever thought of as an easy win.
Batman's respected and even feared by many memebers of THE team in DC. What he lacks in power, he makes up for by always having an escape route and a cheap way to kill someone. In a heads up fight with someone like Superman, he'd be the obvious underdog, but if Batman was, for some reason, out to get Superman, I definitely wouldn't give Big Blue good odds. I'd go for Batman, via powdered kryptonite in Supes's cereal or something like that.
So as to true underdogs... Bullseye. Wonder Woman. Stupendous Man. And so on, and so forth.
Yeah Diana is so often considered an underdog in here unless she has the godwave.
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