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do jedi and sith keep spare lightsabers and robes because they seem to waste so many of them(robes) do they just go to the sewing machine and fix 'em up or do they have some store to buy 'em or what

and like in ROTS Palpatine dropped in saber out the window(or i think) did he make a new one or does he have a whole droor of lightsabers?

Anakin made one for him

Well, most people own more than one outfit, right? stick out tongue

Well, if I lived in the Star Wars universe, I definitly would've opened a Jedi Robe shop. I mean, come on, they never take their robes back, yet they always have one..I'd be freakin' rich.

Captain REX
In Palpatine's case, he had a spare one. The first one, which Windu kicked out the window, was gold-lined. The second was lined with black chrome.

Otherwise, unless a Jedi fights with two lightsabers, it is likely that they make one and only one, unless that one is destroyed.

And yes you would, 181st.

Yes indeed, sadly it is time for this forum to merge... I have seen proof of that now.

actually, I'd thought of this before, too. I mean, every time Obi starts a fight he just drops his robe... by the time the fights are over, he is so far away from his original standing point to go back to where he dropped it.

so yeah, I'd imagine he has a closet full of spare robes stashed away somewhere....

Well.. I am a jedi and I have a closet full of lightsabers. I usually place them all between my fingers and then kill a bunch of people.

Btw: Why didn't you make this thread in the EU section?

im sure its not that difficult to make a new robe, plus it keeps many taylors in business. new robes, steady employment, everyone's happy

do they borrow each other's clothes?

i know this is dumb, but just asking...

This explains why the jedi robes are made of something cottonlike material (we don't know what those people in SW make clothes from!) instead of leather... Now that would be expensive to dump long leather robes here and there.

Originally posted by JaehSkywalker
do they borrow each other's clothes?

i know this is dumb, but just asking...
You should ask them because nobody else can know. Oh, wait.. It's just a movie..

Palpatine may have made his new lightsabre since sith and jedi's know how to make their own lightsabres.

in the njo books luke keeps a spare saber hidden in artoo

Originally posted by Family_guy725
do jedi and sith keep spare lightsabers and robes because they seem to waste so many of them(robes) do they just go to the sewing machine and fix 'em up or do they have some store to buy 'em or what

and like in ROTS Palpatine dropped in saber out the window(or i think) did he make a new one or does he have a whole droor of lightsabers? maby he used the force to like bring it back up to him

They are different.

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