The Punisher vs The Terminator
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Frank Castle vs The T800 from the first Terminator movie
Frank has his regular heat with him and he has one our to prepare himself..
Who would win in a fight?

Frank loses. One hour of prep would be devastating for the Terminator - except for the fact that prep doesn't automatically give anything but basic knowledge, meaning he won't think to pack anything big enough to take him down.
I think 1 hour Prep is more than enough time for frank to come up with something to beat the Terminator. Basic knowledge it that the Term is a cyborg. A few booby traps and explosives can greatly damage the terminator. A rocket launcher would help too.
Punisher wins.
Originally posted by jrodslam
I think 1 hour Prep is more than enough time for frank to come up with something to beat the Terminator. Basic knowledge it that the Term is a cyborg. A few booby traps and explosives can greatly damage the terminator. A rocket launcher would help too.
Punisher wins.
The basic knowledge of it's homeworld?
That means it's either that this guy is a mass murderer (the 'present') or that he doesn't even exist (the 'future').
Basic knowledge definitely isn't 'cyborg.'
Originally posted by Soljer
The basic knowledge of it's homeworld?
That means it's either that this guy is a mass murderer (the 'present') or that he doesn't even exist (the 'future').
Basic knowledge definitely isn't 'cyborg.'
I dont know about that soljer. If its basic knowledge and present and hes a mass murderer, it should also be noted that it is said that hes from the future. Either that of very heavily armored. Although nobody believes that, it should/would still be noted/on file.
Originally posted by jrodslam
I dont know about that soljer. If its basic knowledge and present and hes a mass murderer, it should also be noted that it is said that hes from the future. Either that of very heavily armored. Although nobody believes that, it should/would still be noted/on file.
Prep doesn't mean you get 'files' on him. It means you get general knowledge. All the general knowledge is (judging from police reaction in terminator 2) is that this guy killed a whole bunch of people.
Meaning, Frank shows up strapped with some pretty impressive guns, but not any significant amount of explosives - and even if he DID show up with said explosives, he'd be INCREDIBLY hard pressed to get the Terminator with them, anyways.
Assuming this Terminator was programmed to terminate Frank Castle, and not someone Frank was'd be the T-800's fight to lose.
Originally posted by Soljer
Prep doesn't mean you get 'files' on him. It means you get general knowledge. All the general knowledge is (judging from police reaction in terminator 2) is that this guy killed a whole bunch of people.
Meaning, Frank shows up strapped with some pretty impressive guns, but not any significant amount of explosives - and even if he DID show up with said explosives, he'd be INCREDIBLY hard pressed to get the Terminator with them, anyways.
Assuming this Terminator was programmed to terminate Frank Castle, and not someone Frank was'd be the T-800's fight to lose.
Well if you think about it, there really isint general PUBLIC knowledge of him. The only ones that have real general knowledge is the police. They have the camera footage of what he did in the precinct. The pic that was taken at the mall was just him going through glass if im not mistaken.
The police have on file from Sarah AND Reese that its a machine/cyborg from the future. They dont believe it and assume its just very heavily armored because of all the gunfire its able to withstand. It would still be on file though.
The reaction from the police in 2, was that its the guy from the mall and from before, yet they had the entire police squad out there. By that alone, Punisher would know to pack very heavy. Because its the terminator from part 1, i think Frank has a good chance to set him up for explosives considering it didnt seem that durable against explosions. Plus because he has prep, it almost ensures it would get caught, because the Terminator would come for him.
Booby traps for the win.
Wait; how did you figure it wasn't very durable against explosions?
He was pretty much unscathed till reece put an explosive INSIDE his chassis. An option he only had because the Terminator was assigned to terminate Sarah - not Reece. He was ignoring Reece. Something that Frank won't have the luxury of.
I mean, straight up, if Frank knows exactly what's coming, he could easily prep to take down the Terminator in an hour.
However; if you think he's gonna mess him up with a little electricity or a pack of C4, then you're severely underestimating the Terminator.
Besides; you're not allowed to modify the battlefield during preparation, unless specifically allowed by the original poster. He wouldn't have time to set up any 'booby traps.'
When it was in the explosion with the 18 wheeler and got out, it was limping due to the messed up leg.
Yes the bomb did blow him in half. But he was already kinda messed up before that. Reese didnt have half the arsenal Punisher has here. Also, i think C4 would do some pretty good damage to the Terminator. Electricity? Maybe not, but i wouldnt be surprised if it did.
Also, how im a modifying the battlefield? Punisher has a hour prep. I dont have any doubts that hed set off some exlosives to blow once the Terminator approaches. Most of the tings he needs, he probably already has availalble.
Originally posted by jrodslam
When it was in the explosion with the 18 wheeler and got out, it was limping due to the messed up leg.
Yes the bomb did blow him in half. But he was already kinda messed up before that. Reese didnt have half the arsenal Punisher has here. Also, i think C4 would do some pretty good damage to the Terminator. Electricity? Maybe not, but i wouldnt be surprised if it did.
Also, how im a modifying the battlefield? Punisher has a hour prep. I dont have any doubts that hed set off some exlosives to blow once the Terminator approaches. Most of the tings he needs, he probably already has availalble.
Preparation doesn't allow you to set 'traps' and the like, unless the thread starter specifically says so. Prep allows you to plan a course of attack, and gather resources. That's about it.
Further; it took plasma weapons to finally start taking out Terminators.
If it were as simple as a shaped charge, skynet never would have taken over.
Originally posted by Soljer
Preparation doesn't allow you to set 'traps' and the like, unless the thread starter specifically says so. Prep allows you to plan a course of attack, and gather resources. That's about it.
Really? I didnt know that. I thought the gathering also allowed you to set up. What would be the difference between that and gathering the weapons and taking them out with you?
Originally posted by Soljer
Further; it took plasma weapons to finally start taking out Terminators.
If it were as simple as a shaped charge, skynet never would have taken over.
Did it? Im sure they were taking out the Terms before the plasma. Its jsut that as the future went on, plasma became more efficient. Skynet took over mainly because the humans were cought of guard and Skynet controlled most computer/defense stuff.
With prep (even an hour) the T-800 has no chance, Castle will be armed to the teeth and knows how to use it.
Frank Castle takes this 10/10 unless he amazingly gets clumsy and becomes mentally challenged somehow.
T-1000? Castle loses with only an hour prep.
Id say Punisher wins this pretty easily if he has prep.
Originally posted by jrodslam
Did it? Im sure they were taking out the Terms before the plasma. Its jsut that as the future went on, plasma became more efficient. Skynet took over mainly because the humans were cought of guard and Skynet controlled most computer/defense stuff.
Before Plasma weapons became more common, the human resistance could hardly scratch the terminators. If terminators were on the field of combat, the resistance's plan was, simply, to run.
Hence why it was such a huge feat for the resistance to 'capture' and reprogram arnie.
Grinning Goku
Punisher wins.
Originally posted by Soljer
Before Plasma weapons became more common, the human resistance could hardly scratch the terminators. If terminators were on the field of combat, the resistance's plan was, simply, to run.
Hence why it was such a huge feat for the resistance to 'capture' and reprogram arnie.
That might be the case but the termiantor was still beaten in the 20th century. The T-800 has shown that it is vulnerbale to powerful explosions and im pretty sure that Frank has some pretty powerful explosives.
Since Frank knows that it took out an entire preceinct of policeman and has taken machine gunfire like nothing hes going to be packing explosives.
Furthermore because Frank doesnt know exactlyt what hes dealing with hes probably not going to take any risks.
Punisher whipes the floor with this machine.
Frank has basic knowledge and an hour of prep. T800 is scrap metal.
frank own a terminator. arnold terminator own frank
whats the difference

Darth Martin
What happens when the T-800 brings a minigun to the fight?
Frank is quite familiar with going up against cyborgs...remember the Reavers? He even went up against Deathlok going up against the Terminator isn't going to be that be that big a challenge for Frank...especially with an hour of prep.
Frank's got this in the bag.
Originally posted by jrodslam
When it was in the explosion with the 18 wheeler and got out, it was limping due to the messed up leg.
Yes the bomb did blow him in half. But he was already kinda messed up before that. Reese didnt have half the arsenal Punisher has here. Also, i think C4 would do some pretty good damage to the Terminator. Electricity? Maybe not, but i wouldnt be surprised if it did.
Also, how im a modifying the battlefield? Punisher has a hour prep. I dont have any doubts that hed set off some exlosives to blow once the Terminator approaches. Most of the tings he needs, he probably already has availalble.
I think his leg was messed up because he got ran over by the truck. The explosion only blew his skin off and made him even more scary to myself when I was a kid.
But then again, it was only a gas explosion wasn't it? And the force of getting ran over by a truck did cause it some damage.
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
Frank is quite familiar with going up against cyborgs...remember the Reavers? He even went up against Deathlok going up against the Terminator isn't going to be that be that big a challenge for Frank...especially with an hour of prep.
Frank's got this in the bag. Frank barely survived the fight with the reavers and had an EXO suit in that fight an EXO suit is not part of Franks normal armory i have the comic.
Vs the T800 i give frank a 45 % chance of pulling it of but one mistake and its curtains for him.
Vs the T 1000 or TX Frank has little to no chance of pulling it of with PIS CIS or heros luck.
Darth Martin
Pretty much and about the T-800 in the first movie getting injured. The explosion didn't harm him, it was him getting run over by the 18-wheeler. Remember after he kills that dude before he gets in the truck and tells that dude, "Get out." He was limping then. Unless Frank puts the explosive INSIDE the chasis like Reese did I don't see the T-800 getting seriously injured. Remember the dynamite Reese was throwing in tunnel. That did absolutely **** to the machine on the motorcycle. And Castle's bullets will do jack **** to the Terminator! To any Terminator for that matter! While I have to commend Frank for his tremendous damage soak ability, the T-800 has perfect aim and a great traking system. It will be hitting Frank in the head where he's unprotected. If Frank is allowed to mess with the battlefield as part o0f his prep I can see him taking wins but w/o not here. Terminator has this.
Cap'n Happy
With one hour of prep... Frank jumps on his ride and gets the hell out of Dodge. He's looking for criminals to kill. Killer robots from the future? Not going to interest his one track mind, and he's too smart to tangle with something so out of his league anyway. If the fight was inescapable, Frank would be in big trouble. I doubt he could get enough fire power together in just one hour- and remember: the Terminator would have access to all the historical files on Frank, big advantage.
Frank ownz him.
Where has it been stated that terminators have "perfect aim"? If they did their prey would not escape like sarah connor... he would have kill her while she was in the car in the motorcycle chase. Frank wins if prep fully informs him that it is a cyborg if not he will be murdered.
Originally posted by Decimus
Where has it been stated that terminators have "perfect aim"? If they did their prey would not escape like sarah connor... he would have kill her while she was in the car in the motorcycle chase. Frank wins if prep fully informs him that it is a cyborg if not he will be murdered.
It's aim is computer calculated from the a.i. of a futuristic android.
So it's not perfect, but it's close, more accurate than any human.
Darth Martin
Originally posted by Cap'n Happy
With one hour of prep... Frank jumps on his ride and gets the hell out of Dodge. He's looking for criminals to kill. Killer robots from the future? Not going to interest his one track mind, and he's too smart to tangle with something so out of his league anyway. If the fight was inescapable, Frank would be in big trouble. I doubt he could get enough fire power together in just one hour- and remember: the Terminator would have access to all the historical files on Frank, big advantage. Not to mention ime to rob an armory and get things like RPG's Miniguns, Grenades and **** that Castle couldn't even carry.
Darth Martin
Originally posted by Decimus
Where has it been stated that terminators have "perfect aim"? If they did their prey would not escape like sarah connor... he would have kill her while she was in the car in the motorcycle chase. Frank wins if prep fully informs him that it is a cyborg if not he will be murdered. Well what I mean is if the T-800 aims for the head he's going to hit the head area. Not saying he can hit moviong targets that accurate but still there pretty **** close to being perfectly accurate. More accurate than Frank.
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