Yuga Khan vs Thanos
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King Kandy
This has been done before.
Originally posted by King Kandy
This has been done before. Many times I am sure.
The Great Galen
Just wantted to check the sanity of this board.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
Just wantted to check the sanity of this board. Who has Yuga Khan beat on panel that makes you feel he is so powerful?
The Great Galen
The guy freaking controlled the source wall, how u think Thanos even has a chance here is complete bias BS.
this thread is not cool. yk is like an elder god or something. this just seems really unfair to thanos.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
The guy freaking controlled the source wall, how u think Thanos even has a chance here is complete bias BS. He cut off the new gods power source from them. Thats why he so easily dominated them. Not hard to dominate someone when you cut their power source from them. Thanos has the durability and the feats to beat him senseless.
Originally posted by fangirl101
this thread is not cool. yk is like an elder god or something. this just seems really unfair to thanos. Thanos has hung with Tyrant and Odin who would annihilate Yuga Khan who has no real impressive battle feats.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos has hung with Tyrant and Odin who would annihilate Yuga Khan who has no real impressive battle feats.
i don't agree. if you read the history of the new gods, the gods before them were far more powerful than the th world gods. and yugah was the most powerful of them all ever. magog could beat thanos and give tyrant or odin some problems, and he's beneath gog and gog is beneath yugah khan.
Originally posted by fangirl101
i don't agree. if you read the history of the new gods, the gods before them were far more powerful than the th world gods. and yugah was the most powerful of them all ever. magog could beat thanos and give tyrant or odin some problems, and he's beneath gog and gog is beneath yugah khan. Mangog worked for a Thanos clone. he isnt even good enough to serve under the real Thanos.
Again what are some of Yuga's battle feats that makes you feel this way?
Originally posted by quanchi112
Mangog worked for a Thanos clone. he isnt even good enough to serve under the real Thanos.
Again what are some of Yuga's battle feats that makes you feel this way?
i said magog. the guy who is going around killing gods. the one who was able to stalemate the super amped infinity man. he is more powerful than thanos. and he serves gog. who is far more powerful than any new god. all of the old gods were. and yet, yugah khan is more powerful than gog. he was the most powerful of the old gods. and yugah blinks and destroys worlds.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos wins. I fo thot u waz jking.
It would have been the first time I've seen you do so...
Carry on.

The Great Galen
Tyrant nearly killed Thanos if Thanos didn't run away, Yuga is at the tip of skyfathers....Thanos would get raped.
psycho gundam
kirby's darkseid(the real darkseid) is hella strong, his father is an old god so he is stronger by X magnitude.
thanos is the man but seriously, yuga khan wins.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
Thanos would get raped.
why make the thread then.
The Great Galen
I made this thread because I believe certain "psoters"liability is to be questioned, and I find this match-up a good enough cause to evaluate "Said"posters integrity and merit.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
I made this thread because I believe certain "psoters"liability is to be questioned, and I find this match-up a good enough cause to evaluate "Said"posters integrity and merit.
so basically you make countless spite threads, to piss people off because of your unbelievable hatred for a comic book character.

The Great Galen
I don't have a hatred towards anyone...i just hate bias.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
I made this thread because I believe certain "psoters"liability is to be questioned, and I find this match-up a good enough cause to evaluate "Said"posters integrity and merit.
Originally posted by fangirl101
i said magog. the guy who is going around killing gods. the one who was able to stalemate the super amped infinity man. he is more powerful than thanos. and he serves gog. who is far more powerful than any new god. all of the old gods were. and yet, yugah khan is more powerful than gog. he was the most powerful of the old gods. and yugah blinks and destroys worlds. His name is Gog is it not? Why are you calling him Magog?
How do yuou know Yuga Khan is more powerful than jsa Gog? How?
Again Thanos has more impressive feats than Yuga Khan.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
I fo thot u waz jking.
It would have been the first time I've seen you do so...
Carry on.

Feats its all about the feats my man. Carry on......

Originally posted by The Great Galen
Tyrant nearly killed Thanos if Thanos didn't run away, Yuga is at the tip of skyfathers....Thanos would get raped. Yes Tyrant would also beat Yuga. Thanos has been upgraded since the Tyrant battle.
Yuga Khan for the win
Originally posted by quanchi112
Again Thanos has more impressive feats than Yuga Khan.
Originally posted by quanchi112
His name is Gog is it not? Why are you calling him Magog?
How do yuou know Yuga Khan is more powerful than jsa Gog? How?
Again Thanos has more impressive feats than Yuga Khan.
i thought gog was the god in the ground. and magog was his acolytle. correct me if i'm wrong.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
I made this thread because I believe certain "psoters"liability is to be questioned, and I find this match-up a good enough cause to evaluate "Said"posters integrity and merit.
Bait thread.
King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
I love how you almost never actually use evidence. I think i've seen you actually argue your case around three times, the other times you just call people fanboys and use board consensus as evidence.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I love how you almost never actually use evidence. I think i've seen you actually argue your case around three times, the other times you just call people fanboys and use board consensus as evidence. He rarely ever does yet he goes around calling the opposition fanboys and such.
I have a battlezone coming up with him. That way it will be just him and I.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
durno What feats of Yuga's makes you think he wins.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I love how you almost never actually use evidence. I think i've seen you actually argue your case around three times, the other times you just call people fanboys and use board consensus as evidence. To be honest with you, that's all that statement deserved.

Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
To be honest with you, that's all that statement deserved.

Name me some Yuga battle feats.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I love how you almost never actually use evidence. I think i've seen you actually argue your case around three times, the other times you just call people fanboys and use board consensus as evidence.
You know, at this point, I only rate you about 2-3 steps above Quan.
Seriously, if you think Thanos wins this, you're an idiot. Khan soloed the 4th world. He's Galactus level.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I love how you almost never actually use evidence. I think i've seen you actually argue your case around three times, the other times you just call people fanboys and use board consensus as evidence. Uses board consensus as evidence? Trickster? Are we talking about the same guy here?
Or are you just throwing whatever you can at him without thinking?
Either way, reported.
The Great Galen
For crying out loug..how can anyone believe Thanos wins here. Thanos couldn't even phase Odin whom is easily below yuga...the bias on this board is to much.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
For crying out loug..how can anyone believe Thanos wins here. Thanos couldn't even phase Odin whom is easily below yuga...the bias on this board is to much. Are you talking about the guy with "Thanos is God" in his signature and has Darkseid's head at about Thanos's crotch level?
Originally posted by Creshosk
Are you talking about the guy with "Thanos is God" in his signature and has Darkseid's head at about Thanos's crotch level?

King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
You know, at this point, I only rate you about 2-3 steps above Quan.
Seriously, if you think Thanos wins this, you're an idiot. Khan soloed the 4th world. He's Galactus level.
You're projecting. I never said that Yuga Khan would lose. He would probably win. But if someone who knew nothing about comics read this thread, Quanchi would have backed up his point far better then you have.
Originally posted by King Kandy
You're projecting. I never said that Yuga Khan would lose. He would probably win. But if someone who knew nothing about comics read this thread, Quanchi would have backed up his point far better then you have.
Wanna back up every statement in spite threads with scans and such? please
King Kandy
Trickster almost never backs anything up. Like back when he was debating with me against Sentry, he didn't even try to provide evidence. I'd bring up evidence and he'd just keep saying "That doesn't count, that doesn't count." backing up nothing. He does it all the time.
So he called you on PIS?
King Kandy
No not really. He would have had to show it was PIS to do that. He didn't even try. Other people also debated me but they actually tried to show why it was PIS, and I respect them for that even though I disagree.
Sounds like Trickster called you on some really shady stuff.
King Kandy
Other people called me on shady stuff. Trick didn't, he just whined and provided nothing of substance. This isn't about me disagreeing with him. Other people disagreed and I respect them because they actually pointed out the flaws in my argument instead of just insulting me. Trick didn't call me on anything.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Other people called me on shady stuff. Trick didn't, he just whined and provided nothing of substance. This isn't about me disagreeing with him. Other people disagreed and I respect them because they actually pointed out the flaws in my argument instead of just insulting me. Trick didn't call me on anything. So Trick was right and you were wrong, but you didn't like how he went about proving you were wrong so now you're going to flame bait and bash him now?
But at least you admit that it was shady stuff you tried to pull. But it looks like you don't want to admit that Trick was right.
King Kandy
Trick was right. Everyone was right and I was wrong. Trick though just yelled bullshit and never made any effort to debate. And it's not like that was the only time, he does that all over the place not just to me. He never used evidence which was my point in the first place.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
You know, at this point, I only rate you about 2-3 steps above Quan.
Seriously, if you think Thanos wins this, you're an idiot. Khan soloed the 4th world. He's Galactus level. Doomsday also soloed Apokolips. He didnt cut the new gods off from their power. Thats the difference. I get that Yuga Khan is powerful but to say he outright beats Thanos while no one can provide any evidence to such is ludicrous. He wins just because you say so.
Answer me this did he cut the new gods off from their power source? If he did do this and then he soloed the fourth world how is this so amazing. He depowered them and then beat them. Big whoop. He cant depower Thanos.
Originally posted by Creshosk
So Trick was right and you were wrong, but you didn't like how he went about proving you were wrong so now you're going to flame bait and bash him now?
But at least you admit that it was shady stuff you tried to pull. But it looks like you don't want to admit that Trick was right. How was trick right?
Originally posted by quanchi112
How was trick right? Originally posted by King Kandy
Trick was right.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Trick was right. Everyone was right and I was wrong. Trick though just yelled bullshit and never made any effort to debate. And it's not like that was the only time, he does that all over the place not just to me. He never used evidence which was my point in the first place. And regardless of not using any evidence, he was still right.
The reason I don't use evidence against durquanchi , is because it doesn't work and there's no point. I've argued for pages against Quan, as have 15 other posters. durquanchi just doesn't listen. He does not ****ing debate. All he does is bring up low showings and bullshit. He's claimed that Thanos can beat the Anti-monitor or Superman Prime and Monarch.
So, all he deserves is durquanchi. It's ironic that the MK quan dur works so well for him.
And you Kandy. you claimed Sentry>Thanos at the minimum. Or how you agreed with Quan about Thanos w/e IG>Spectre?

I refuse to acknowledge that kind of BS with anything other than durno
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
The reason I don't use evidence against durquanchi , is because it doesn't work and there's no point. I've argued for pages against Quan, as have 15 other posters. durquanchi just doesn't listen. He does not ****ing debate. All he does is bring up low showings and bullshit. He's claimed that Thanos can beat the Anti-monitor or Superman Prime and Monarch.
So, all he deserves is durquanchi. It's ironic that the MK quan dur works so well for him.
And you Kandy. you claimed Sentry>Thanos at the minimum. Or how you agreed with Quan about Thanos w/e IG>Spectre?

I refuse to acknowledge that kind of BS with anything other than durno Trick you are stubborn as well. You continue to argue for Superman against Odin and continue to be dc biased. I dont bring up bullshit I bring up facts. You seem to ignore low showings for your favorite characters and act as if the dont count when they obviously do. So go ahead and post your durs if it makes you feel better.
Thanos with the ig would crush the Spectre just like the inferior Captain Marvel did while he as amped. The ig has infinite power while Captain Marvel wasnt backed up by infinite power.
Thanos can defeat Superman Prime and I am not the only one who thinks so. He would need a significant amp to take on the Am. The Monarch ordeal was before the countdown arena issues were completed.
I always can explain why I think a certain way while you just claim bullshit which isnt an effective way to debate at all.
Originally posted by Creshosk
And regardless of not using any evidence, he was still right. But in a debate we use evidence to show why we have come to whatever conclusion we have come to.
Originally posted by quanchi112
But in a debate we use evidence to show why we have come to whatever conclusion we have come to. It's still called argumentum ad ignoratiam as well as argumentum ad logicam.
Yeah yeah, I know it annoys people when I name off the fallacies they're commiting. But basically those mean:
"Just because the evidence is not present, doesn't mean that the conclusion is invalid. As an absence of evidence is not evidence to falsehood."
"Just because the argument used is bad does not mean that the conclusion is wrong."
In fact people will often use skewed evidence, or misinterpret the evidence aailable to come to the conclusion they do. Much like you did earlier when you falsely claimed that Doomsday solo'd Apokolips. You totallly ignored Henshaw's involvement in the story.
So even if you HAD provided evidence it would have been out of context and thus invalid.
So that strikes me as amusing that someone can use evidence and be wrong. And someone can not use evidence and be right.
Originally posted by Creshosk
It's still called argumentum ad ignoratiam as well as argumentum ad logicam.
Yeah yeah, I know it annoys people when I name off the fallacies they're commiting. But basically those mean:
"Just because the evidence is not present, doesn't mean that the conclusion is invalid. As an absence of evidence is not evidence to falsehood."
"Just because the argument used is bad does not mean that the conclusion is wrong."
In fact people will often use skewed evidence, or misinterpret the evidence aailable to come to the conclusion they do. Much like you did earlier when you falsely claimed that Doomsday solo'd Apokolips. You totallly ignored Henshaw's involvement in the story.
So even if you HAD provided evidence it would have been out of context and thus invalid.
So that strikes me as amusing that someone can use evidence and be wrong. And someone can not use evidence and be right. Doomsday could not be stopped and thus would have soloed Apokolips with or without Henshaw's involvement. Darkseid had no answer for him and knew he had to get involved. Henshaw was opportunistic and took this chance to reestablish himself and connect with Apokoliptian tech. But it was Doomsday who went through everyone like they were nothing and if you pay attention to Darkseid who knows every in and out on his planet then you knew that it all came down to Darkseid whether or not the whole planet could stop him. He failed and Apokolips failed. So thus what I said was correct.
People misconstrue comics all the time and I have seen other posters do this as well. This is where you step in and throw your two cents. Let the masses makes up their minds but if we dont have to post evidence for fear of it being misconstrued why debate,eh?

King Kandy
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
The reason I don't use evidence against durquanchi , is because it doesn't work and there's no point. I've argued for pages against Quan, as have 15 other posters.
Sounds good to me. Debates go on for pages, just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean he's stupid.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
durquanchi just doesn't listen. He does not ****ing debate.
Actually he does. I have read most of his debates and he brings up evidence and uses valid logic. So do his opponents. You? Nope.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
All he does is bring up low showings and bullshit.
More then you ever bring up.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
He's claimed that Thanos can beat the Anti-monitor or Superman Prime and Monarch.
And oddly enough I never saw you bring proof to the contrary. Other people did. You didn't. Also whenever you lose a debate you claim it was unfair.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
And you Kandy. you claimed Sentry>Thanos at the minimum.
And strangely enough, you brought up no evidence to attempt to convince me otherwise.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Or how you agreed with Quan about Thanos w/e IG>Spectre?

I refuse to acknowledge that kind of BS with anything other than durno
You'd best stick to the smilies then, since you brought up absolutely nothing to convince me that DoV Spectre was above the IG.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
The reason I don't use evidence against durquanchi , is because it doesn't work and there's no point. I've argued for pages against Quan, as have 15 other posters. durquanchi just doesn't listen. He does not ****ing debate. All he does is bring up low showings and bullshit. He's claimed that Thanos can beat the Anti-monitor or Superman Prime and Monarch.
So, all he deserves is durquanchi. It's ironic that the MK quan dur works so well for him.
And you Kandy. you claimed Sentry>Thanos at the minimum. Or how you agreed with Quan about Thanos w/e IG>Spectre?

I refuse to acknowledge that kind of BS with anything other than durno
Trick was right.
Now answer my PM, you damn baboon!
King Kandy
Originally posted by Creshosk
And regardless of not using any evidence, he was still right.
He got the right conclusion with the wrong logic. He just regurgitated what he'd heard other people say. Maybe you count evidence less guessing as good debating but I sure don't.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Doomsday could not be stopped and thus would have soloed Apokolips with or without Henshaw's involvement. You have evidence of how you arrived at this conclusion yes?
Or do you also apply evidence selectively like you do your false analogies?
Originally posted by quanchi112
Darkseid had no answer for him and knew he had to get involved. Henshaw was opportunistic and took this chance to reestablish himself and connect with Apokoliptian tech. But it was Doomsday who went through everyone like they were nothing and if you pay attention to Darkseid who knows every in and out on his planet then you knew that it all came down to Darkseid whether or not the whole planet could stop him. He failed and Apokolips failed. So thus what I said was correct. Not really. You ignored parts of the story, thus removing some of the context, thus your argument was fallicious.
Originally posted by quanchi112
People misconstrue comics all the time and I have seen other posters do this as well.This is what's known as the "et tu" fallacy. So since other posters are illogical that meansthat you can be as well?
Originally posted by quanchi112
This is where you step in and throw your two cents. Let the masses makes up their minds but if we dont have to post evidence for fear of it being misconstrued why debate,eh?The point isn't that evidence isn;t needed. The point is that evidence is only viable when its valid. You use invalid evidence its exactly like if not worse than not using evidence.
Trick was right without evidence. You would be wrong with your "evidence".
Should Trick have used evidence? Probably. Was he wrong because he didn't? Nope.
Should you have not used evidence? Probably not. Were you wrong because your evidence was out of context? Yeah, yeah you were.

Originally posted by King Kandy
Sounds good to me. Debates go on for pages, just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean he's stupid.
Actually he does. I have read most of his debates and he brings up evidence and uses valid logic.Ignoring context invalidates his arguments. Selective application also makes his arguments fallicious.
Trick uses the appeal to ridicule fallacy. Quan uses a whole range of fallacies.
Originally posted by quanchi112
So do his opponents. You? Nope. And regardless of that Trick was still right.
Originally posted by King Kandy
More then you ever bring up. Bringing up evidence out of context is just as bad if not worse than not using evidence.
Originally posted by King Kandy
And oddly enough I never saw you bring proof to the contrary. Other people did. You didn't. And yet... Trick was still right.
Originally posted by King Kandy
And strangely enough, you brought up no evidence to attempt to convince me otherwise. Didn't mean he was wrong did it?
Originally posted by King Kandy
He got the right conclusion with the wrong logic. He just regurgitated what he'd heard other people say. Maybe you count evidence less guessing as good debating but I sure don't. What you call good debating I find to be just as bad if not worse debating then what you call bad debating.
Trick used the wrong method but arrived at the right conclusion.
You used the wrong method and arrived at the wrong conclusion.
Originally posted by Creshosk
What you call good debating I find to be just as bad if not worse debating then what you call bad debating.
Trick used the wrong method but arrived at the right conclusion.
You used the wrong method and arrived at the wrong conclusion.
Funny... Ok Ill use your kind of logic. You said I twist things and put my own spin on it.
Alright he put his own wrong spin off on something. He said Yuga Khan soloed the fourth world but left out crucial details. For one it was explained in that story that a on cannot kill a father. That is the reason Darkseid could not oppose his fathers will. Thats kind of a cheap way to defeat your opponent. So really the only reason he defeated Darkseid was because he couldnt act. It wasnt a true victory because Darkseid couldnt engage his father. He also cut off the new gods from their power source and defeated the bulk of them powerless. How is that amazing?
Superman could defeat them powerless so why I am supposed to be awed when Yuga does it. That and Darkseiud couldnt kill him as he is his father.
Doomsday beat Darkseid powered and he had no new god law holding him back. None of the new gods were depowered or cut off from their power source as well.
So it seems Trickster took some things out of context.

Originally posted by quanchi112
Ok Ill use your kind of logic. You said I twist things and put my own spin on it.
Alright he put his own wrong spin off on something. He said Yuga Khan soloed the fourth world but left out crucial details. For one it was explained in that story that a on cannot kill a father. That is the reason Darkseid could not oppose his fathers will. Thats kind of a cheap way to defeat your opponent. So really the only reason he defeated Darkseid was because he couldnt act. It wasnt a true victory because Darkseid couldnt engage his father. He also cut off the new gods from their power source and defeated the bulk of them powerless. How is that amazing?
Superman could defeat them powerless so why I am supposed to be awed when Yuga does it. That and Darkseiud couldnt kill him as he is his father.
Doomsday beat Darkseid powered and he had no new god law holding him back. None of the new gods were depowered or cut off from their power source as well.
So it seems Trickster took some things out of context.
No I didn't. The sheer level of power required to accomplish that feat is beyond any skyfather in existence. He forced his way past the source wall by sheer power. Doomsday had help in the form of Henshaw and bad writing.
God damn it, do you understand how hard it is to cut off the source's power?

No new god or entity in the history of DC has ever cut off all the new gods from the source using their own power. Yuga is the being in the history of DC to do that.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
No I didn't. The sheer level of power required to accomplish that feat is beyond any skyfather in existence. He forced his way past the source wall by sheer power. Doomsday had help in the form of Henshaw and bad writing.
God damn it, do you understand how hard it is to cut off the source's power?

No new god or entity in the history of DC has ever cut off all the new gods from the source using their own power. Yuga is the being in the history of DC to do that. Ok so it isnt easy to do. Do you realize how easy it would be to beat the new gods after you cut off their power source. Ds wasnt allowed to even attempt to defeat him because of the patricide clause.
Its funny that all you can say is bad writing when I bring up a valid point you dont agree with. Its canon. Again Yuga didnt defeat anyone fully powered and darkseid wasnt even allowed to engage him. Fact!

guys, please, im only going to say this once... no more bashing.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
God damn it, do you understand how hard it is to cut off the source's power?
Nope can't say as I do. Do you have any frame of reference to make the feat quantifiable?
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
No new god or entity in the history of DC has ever cut off all the new gods from the source using their own power. Yuga is the being in the history of DC to do that.
Wait a second, to my knowledge Surfer is the only being in the history of Marvel to successfully channel the energies of the Crunch, should we automatically consider him to be heads and tails over most of DC's big guns because of it? By the same token, Hulk is the only being I've ever seen keep a Matter and an Anti-Matter sphere separate through strength alone, so does that automatically make him stronger than bricks of DC?
Don't get me wrong because I'm not saying that the feat isn't impressive, it's just that with no frame of reference to go by there's no telling HOW impressive it is.
Also, wasn't the feat accomplished off-panel?
Originally posted by darthgoober
Nope can't say as I do. Do you have any frame of reference to make the feat quantifiable?
Wait a second, to my knowledge Surfer is the only being in the history of Marvel to successfully channel the energies of the Crunch, should we automatically consider him to be heads and tails over most of DC's big guns because of it? By the same token, Hulk is the only being I've ever seen keep a Matter and an Anti-Matter sphere separate through strength alone, so does that automatically make him stronger than bricks of DC?
Don't get me wrong because I'm not saying that the feat isn't impressive, it's just that with no frame of reference to go by there's no telling HOW impressive it is.
Also, wasn't the feat accomplished off-panel? I am glad to see you are back and wish you well goober.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I am glad to see you are back and wish you well goober.
Don't get to used to it. I'm not on anywhere near as often as I used to be and I might still be getting divorced so I could disappear at practically any time.
But thanks for the support

Originally posted by darthgoober
Don't get to used to it. I'm not on anywhere near as often as I used to be and I might still be getting divorced so I could disappear at practically any time.
But thanks for the support

. Well heres to a better tomorrow. Remember be positive and have some fun on here. I tend to forget about the real world problems while I am on here(although that isnt always a good thing) but sometimes it is. This is a wonderful escape and relieves stress.
Anyways if you still arent feeling great reread a Thanos story as your day is certain to brighten up.

The Great Galen
Im losing so much faith in mankind hearing Quan suggest Thanos>Yuga inspite of not even touching Odin!
Originally posted by The Great Galen
Im losing so much faith in mankind hearing Quan suggest Thanos>Yuga inspite of not even touching Odin! Thanos lasted quite a while with Odin in asgard. The Surfer was oneshotted and couldnt hang with the heavyweight while it was a testament to Thanos' durability.
I think both Odin and Thanos could take Yuga as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
The Great Galen
By that logic we can also assume Thanos>TOAA because TOAA doesn't have as many feats or on-panel defeats over top tiers right? Oh by the way the only reason Thanos lasted was due to Odin putting very little effort, he was toying with him for the entire fight.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
By that logic we can also assume Thanos>TOAA because TOAA doesn't have as many feats or on-panel defeats over top tiers right? Oh by the way the only reason Thanos lasted was due to Odin putting very little effort, he was toying with him for the entire fight. No thats horrible logic.
Yuga I saw on panel and it was admitted that Darkseid had the power to kill him he just couldnt use it. Thanos is more powerful than Darkseid therefore he wins.
Odin wasnt toying around with him and paid him great respect and even pulled out Gungir. He still oneshotted the Surfer but couldnt put Thanos down in Asgard.
But Thanos couldn't do anything to even affect Odin. You make it seem like they were on the same level but they weren't. If that were like in a fighting match were they base it on who had more decisive hits Odin was the clear victor.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Creshosk
Ignoring context invalidates his arguments. Selective application also makes his arguments fallicious.
Did I ever say Quanchi was right?
Originally posted by Creshosk
Trick uses the appeal to ridicule fallacy. Quan uses a whole range of fallacies.
The reason trick never uses any other fallacies is because he never debates outside of ridiculing people.
Originally posted by Creshosk
And regardless of that Trick was still right.
Did I ever say he was wrong?
Originally posted by Creshosk
Bringing up evidence out of context is just as bad if not worse than not using evidence.
At least he made the effort.
Originally posted by Creshosk
And yet... Trick was still right.
Never said he wasn't. But if someone had no knowledge of the characters involved, I would have done much more to support my case then he had. He did nothing but call me stupid.
Originally posted by Creshosk
Didn't mean he was wrong did it?
This is the third time you've attacked a point I never made in the first place... yes he was right. But he did nothing to support his case. Guessing is not debating.
King Kandy
Originally posted by The Great Galen
Im losing so much faith in mankind hearing Quan suggest Thanos>Yuga inspite of not even touching Odin!
I am losing so much faith in mankind after seeing you insult Quanchi even though you are not debating yourself.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Trick you are stubborn as well. You continue to argue for Superman against Odin and continue to be dc biased. I dont bring up bullshit I bring up facts. You seem to ignore low showings for your favorite characters and act as if the dont count when they obviously do. So go ahead and post your durs if it makes you feel better.
Thanos with the ig would crush the Spectre just like the inferior Captain Marvel did while he as amped. The ig has infinite power while Captain Marvel wasnt backed up by infinite power.
Thanos can defeat Superman Prime and I am not the only one who thinks so. He would need a significant amp to take on the Am. The Monarch ordeal was before the countdown arena issues were completed.
I always can explain why I think a certain way while you just claim bullshit which isnt an effective way to debate at all.
forgive me for butting in, but what gobbldegook is this you speak that the ig wielder can beat the spectre? It says right in DC universe 0 that the spectre can do anything he well pleases if it's right. I'm paraphrasing, and that the soul tied to it must understand that. There was no soul in the spectre so of course it wasn't operating at maximum capacity. and the spectre has merged and became god. the wielder of the ig couldn't even defy the will of the lt. or don't you remember when adam warlock destroyed the concepts and the lt simply remade them. had the ig been as powerful as you make it, the concepts wouldn't exist any more and the lt wouldn't have ever known what they were in order to remake them. a
and then you think thanos can take superman prime. what in the world. thanos can't even beat the justice league. let alone an entire world full of heroes. and superman prime is about to fight 3 different versions of the legion. thanos would be wishing he could die if he fought just 3 sets of monels, ultra boys, and element lads. i dare say on a good day, superman could stalemate thanos.
Originally posted by quanchi112
No thats horrible logic.
Yuga I saw on panel and it was admitted that Darkseid had the power to kill him he just couldnt use it. Thanos is more powerful than Darkseid therefore he wins.
Odin wasnt toying around with him and paid him great respect and even pulled out Gungir. He still oneshotted the Surfer but couldnt put Thanos down in Asgard.

thanos is more powerful than darkseid? heavens no. darkseid could go back in time and simply kill thanos's mother. how would thanos counter that? he doesn't have that kind of power.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Did I ever say Quanchi was right? You said that he uses valid logic, but he doesn't.
Originally posted by King Kandy
The reason trick never uses any other fallacies is because he never debates outside of ridiculing people. And yet despite that... trick was still right.
Quanchi and you use fallacies and are wrong. Trick uses fallacies and is right.
I still think its hilarious that you keep tacitly implying that Trick is in the wrong.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Did I ever say he was wrong?
At least he made the effort. Sometimes its better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Quanchi's bias is pretty evident. especially with that signature of his.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Never said he wasn't. But if someone had no knowledge of the characters involved, I would have done much more to support my case then he had. He did nothing but call me stupid. And you would have been spreading false information to the person who has no knowledge. That's not a very nice thing to do either.
Originally posted by King Kandy
This is the third time you've attacked a point I never made in the first place... yes he was right. But he did nothing to support his case. Guessing is not debating. I keep attacking it because its a tacit point you're making.
"He never even tried! At least quanchi tried." etc.
He didn't try and was still right. Yoiu stating he didn't use evidence will not change the fact that he was right. You keep trying to take that away or downplay it. but when it coes right down to it you were just as if not more in the wrong than he was. You keep trying to make him seem worse when hes not. Yes, he insults people... that's one or two fallacies. Ad hominem and appeal to ridicule. As opposed to the several that people who use false evidence do?
You can call your erroneous behavior "debating" all you want. but its tatamount to the same thing that you're getting on trick's case for: Bad debating.
And I will point out to you again and again that Trick's Bad debating is greater than your bad debating because he was at least accurate with his conclusion.
Go ahead and say that he didn't use evidence that proves his claims. I will again point out that technically neither did you. False evidence is worse than no evidence.
Originally posted by quanchi112
No thats horrible logic. That's your logic.
"He doesn't have any impressive battle feats therefore he loses."
TOAA doesn't have any impressive battle feats, so I guess according to YOUR logic he loses any fight he ggets into so long as the other side has one battle feat.
Horrible logic? Its your logic.
Originally posted by Creshosk
That's your logic.
"He doesn't have any impressive battle feats therefore he loses."
TOAA doesn't have any impressive battle feats, so I guess according to YOUR logic he loses any fight he ggets into so long as the other side has one battle feat.
Horrible logic? Its your logic. Again this isnt a comparison I used. it seems you try to to attach faulty comparisons to my name quite a bit.
For one when has the TOAA been described like Yuga has. See in Yuga's appearance Darkseid was stated as having enough power to be killed by Darkseid. The TOAA is completely different. Again what I say is factual.
In closing Thanos is more powerful than Darkseid so it only makes since he can destroy Yuga who beat on Darkseid(because for one he couldnt fight back really) and for two he depowered the other new gods.
Originally posted by fangirl101

thanos is more powerful than darkseid? heavens no. darkseid could go back in time and simply kill thanos's mother. how would thanos counter that? he doesn't have that kind of power. Thanos has created a time machine as well. He could pull Darkseid out of the timestream and in effect destroy the whole dc universe along with Darkseid. Foundations my friend.
Thats the story where the legion had to save two Darkseids and the entire dcu universe.
When did Thanos use his time machine to pull someone out of a time stream?
Or even use it?
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos has created a time machine as well. He could pull Darkseid out of the timestream and in effect destroy the whole dc universe along with Darkseid. Foundations my friend.
Thats the story where the legion had to save two Darkseids and the entire dcu universe.
The powers Thanos has with tech, DS has on his own.
Also Grok has a point, if Thanos doesn't use his tech like that, but can use it. DS can use his powers like he doesn't use them.
Goes both ways Thanos Junior.
Originally posted by llagrok
When did Thanos use his time machine to pull someone out of a time stream?
Or even use it? Since he had a time machine he could indeed do this even if he never did it. I was responding to someones claim of Darkseid going back in time to kill Thanos by the way. This happened pre Mistress Death resurrection.
Originally posted by fangirl101
forgive me for butting in, but what gobbldegook is this you speak that the ig wielder can beat the spectre? It says right in DC universe 0 that the spectre can do anything he well pleases if it's right. I'm paraphrasing, and that the soul tied to it must understand that. There was no soul in the spectre so of course it wasn't operating at maximum capacity. and the spectre has merged and became god. the wielder of the ig couldn't even defy the will of the lt. or don't you remember when adam warlock destroyed the concepts and the lt simply remade them. had the ig been as powerful as you make it, the concepts wouldn't exist any more and the lt wouldn't have ever known what they were in order to remake them. a
and then you think thanos can take superman prime. what in the world. thanos can't even beat the justice league. let alone an entire world full of heroes. and superman prime is about to fight 3 different versions of the legion. thanos would be wishing he could die if he fought just 3 sets of monels, ultra boys, and element lads. i dare say on a good day, superman could stalemate thanos. The ig has more impressive on panel feats than the Spectre. The Spectre failed to put down the Am on his own and was utterly raped by an amped Captain Marvel. The Spectre never faced the combined efforts of all who opposed Thanos in the ig story.
Someone saying the Spectre can do whatever he wants fails on so many levels. On panel feats along with infinite power seizes the day. The soul in the Spectre gives it direction but does not increase its power. The Spectre merged with the Presence isnt how the Spectre normally is. Merging the Spectre with the Presence is what you would have to do because the Spectre as is has failed.
Have you read the legion book yet because I thought it wasnt out yet. Superman Prime has the legion of supervillains as well vs Superman and the legion of superheroes. Dont spread any of this misinformation any further.
Originally posted by smashyou
The powers Thanos has with tech, DS has on his own.
Also Grok has a point, if Thanos doesn't use his tech like that, but can use it. DS can use his powers like he doesn't use them.
Goes both ways Thanos Junior. Ds travelling back in time to deal with someone is rarely used but why cant I use Thanos' time machine in response to this. I can and choose to do so if we are going to debate on whether or not for a forum battle they are allowed to go back in time so this isnt even a forum battle. I responded to a radical point of view.
Darkseids powers have failed though. His omegas were fooled by a fake Supergirl death and were deflected by Marvel and WW as well. His omega effect was outright deflected by Superman's heat vision. His powers arent as reliable as others would have you believe smashey.
I am not saying time traveling can be used for DS. I am saying it shouldn't be used for either.
Originally posted by smashyou
I am not saying time traveling can be used for DS. I am saying it shouldn't be used for either. And again the only reason I brought it up was in response to someones claim that Darkseid could use it.
Considering the Anti-Monitor was backed by the infinite Multiverse minus 5 Universes and the fact that Spectre didn't know how to use his powers to the fullest extent yet still managed to stop him from fulfilling his goal, it's not really that bad.
Again, considering the fact that Captain Marvel was backed by all that power, Spectre fighting like an idiot and the impact of their fight had repercussions across a 'wide spectreum of magical dimensions', yet he still managed to win in the end, doesn't make it such a low showing. This is also considering the fact that Captain Marvel's power is not quantifiable since he only fought Spectre when he was at that level.
What Thanos w/IG faced and beatdown in the IG-saga is impressive indeed, but not when comparing them to the level Spectre is at.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Again this isnt a comparison I used.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I think both Odin and Thanos could take Yuga as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
Originally posted by quanchi112
it seems you try to to attach faulty comparisons to my name quite a bit.
How is:
Originally posted by quanchi112
I think both Odin and Thanos could take TOAA as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
Different from:
Originally posted by quanchi112
I think both Odin and Thanos could take Yuga as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
Horrible Logic? Well... It IS your logic.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I think both Odin and Thanos could take Yuga as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I think both Odin and Thanos could take TOAA as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
The rest of your post was discarded as its just your denial of your horrible logic and more of your already proven bias.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Ds travelling back in time to deal with someone is rarely used but why cant I use Thanos' time machine in response to this. . Rarely used is more frequent than never used. Look at the KMC rules again.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
Considering the Anti-Monitor was backed by the infinite Multiverse minus 5 Universes and the fact that Spectre didn't know how to use his powers to the fullest extent yet still managed to stop him from fulfilling his goal, it's not really that bad.
Again, considering the fact that Captain Marvel was backed by all that power, Spectre fighting like an idiot and the impact of their fight had repercussions across a 'wide spectreum of magical dimensions', yet he still managed to win in the end, doesn't make it such a low showing. This is also considering the fact that Captain Marvel's power is not quantifiable since he only fought Spectre when he was at that level.
What Thanos w/IG faced and beatdown in the IG-saga is impressive indeed, but not when comparing them to the level Spectre is at. The Spectre did manage to stall him but all the heroes were needed as well to stop him. It wasnt just the Spectre but Luthor,Darkseid,Superman,etc. were needed. The Spectre was comatose after his conflict with the Am. So again the Am was to big of a threat for the Spectre and the Spectre alone to defeat.
Captain Marvel wasnt backed by the entire dcu magical realm but by the remaining dcu magical realm which was still very powerful it wasnt near ig level. The Spectre was an idiot due to the fact he was hostless. He wouldnt have escaped if it wasnt for Eclipso who carried him away after Enchantress cut off the power supply.
Please feel free to point me out some of the Spectres impressive feats that you feel the ig would fail to produce.
Originally posted by Creshosk
Rarely used is more frequent than never used. Look at the KMC rules again. Going back in time to sop someones birth is ridiculous. This is a forum fight in which the characters battle.
Originally posted by Creshosk
How is:
Different from:
Horrible Logic? Well... It IS your logic.
The rest of your post was discarded as its just your denial of your horrible logic and more of your already proven bias. Yuga and TOAA are completely different. You take things out and focus on only a little to draw faulty conclusions with my logic. Darkseid was stated as having enough power to kill Yuga. He wasnt allowed to though according to the story. Facts. Thanos is more powerful and more durable than Darkseid. Therefore he kills Yuga Khan, as Yuga cant depower him.
Originally posted by The Great Galen
The guy freaking controlled the source wall, and owned pretty much all of the New Gods, at once.
Originally posted by Galan007
and owned pretty much all of the New Gods, at once.
So would Thanos.........biscuits
Originally posted by Galan007
and owned pretty much all of the New Gods, at once. Darkseid had the power to kill him but wasnt free to do so.
He depowered them as well which isnt quite as impressive as beating them fully powered.
Originally posted by quanchi112
The Spectre did manage to stall him but all the heroes were needed as well to stop him. It wasnt just the Spectre but Luthor,Darkseid,Superman,etc. were needed. The Spectre was comatose after his conflict with the Am. So again the Am was to big of a threat for the Spectre and the Spectre alone to defeat.
Captain Marvel wasnt backed by the entire dcu magical realm but by the remaining dcu magical realm which was still very powerful it wasnt near ig level. The Spectre was an idiot due to the fact he was hostless. He wouldnt have escaped if it wasnt for Eclipso who carried him away after Enchantress cut off the power supply.
Please feel free to point me out some of the Spectres impressive feats that you feel the ig would fail to produce. has the ig ever fought the power of god? has it ever merged with and became everything?
The Spectre stopped him from making only the anti-matter Universe exist when they fought, which was his goal. What happened afterwards is irrelevant.
A note to take is that even after his battle and his apparent state of being comatose he still had infinite energies which Phantom Stranger tried to summon, but the Spectre reisted and denied them the power.
No sh*t ? You just typed that to fill up space or something ?
We don't know the level Captain Marvel was at in that fight, so assumptions are useless here and don't add anything to the discussion.
Besides, the fight with Captain Marvel should be regarded as PIS anyway since Spectre, like I said, fought like an idiot. He showed later in the story that he can transform Captain Marvel back in Billy. Not to mention he was also shown as beign unstoppable in his fight with Shazam, when he proved he can't really be killed since he can just absorb Shazam's power, which he could have/should have also done against Captain Marvel.
Please point me some of IG's feats that you feel the Spectre would be unable to produce.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Darkseid had the power to kill him but wasnt free to do so.
He depowered them as well which isnt quite as impressive as beating them fully powered.
darksied has killed pantheons of gods. so exactly how is that a low showing for darksied to have the power to kill yugah. and i don't remember it being said like that.
Originally posted by Estacado
So would Thanos.........biscuits Thanos is quanchi's version of Superman Prime, (as viewed by masterbruce).
A TRUE God, my friend.
Originally posted by fangirl101
has the ig ever fought the power of god? has it ever merged with and became everything?
But the Spectre merging with the Presence isnt normal and is a considerable amp which he would need because on his own he would fail and lacks the impressive battle feats that the ig has.
Do you mind posting a few feats with the Presence merged? What issues did he become merged happen in so I can look this up for myself.
As a matter of fact you know what ?
Since we haven't seen one of these in a while, I challenge you to a battlezone on who is more powerfull, Thanos w/IG or Spectre.
Unfortunatelly, I can't do this right now, only twoards the end of June, but I'd like to know if you accept this challenge.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
As a matter of fact you know what ?
Since we haven't seen one of these in a while, I challenge you to a battlezone on who is more powerfull, Thanos w/IG or Spectre.
Unfortunatelly, I can't do this right now, only twoards the end of June, but I'd like to know if you accept this challenge.
I remember us having a lengthy debate on DoV spectre. Playing devil's advocate, it is POSSIBLE for an IG wielder to beat Spectre by virtue of the latter's fluctuating levels, dependent on the host and the Presence's backing, is it not?
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
As a matter of fact you know what ?
Since we haven't seen one of these in a while, I challenge you to a battlezone on who is more powerfull, Thanos w/IG or Spectre.
Unfortunatelly, I can't do this right now, only twoards the end of June, but I'd like to know if you accept this challenge. You know Ill always back Thanos. Now this isnt Spectre merged with the Presence correct? I havent read anything about the Spectre connected there. So I would have to read up on that if you would use that to make sure Thanos with the ig could beat that.
Originally posted by Ouallada
I remember us having a lengthy debate on DoV spectre. Playing devil's advocate, it is POSSIBLE for an IG wielder to beat Spectre by virtue of the latter's fluctuating levels, dependent on the host and the Presence's backing, is it not?
has the spectre ever been truly defeated besides by the power of god himself?
Originally posted by fangirl101
has the spectre ever been truly defeated besides by the power of god himself?
That isn't the same as what I am asking, is it?
Originally posted by quanchi112
You know Ill always back Thanos. Now this isnt Spectre merged with the Presence correct? I havent read anything about the Spectre connected there. So I would have to read up on that if you would use that to make sure Thanos with the ig could beat that.
It wouldn't be fair if I used that version, since he was literally God.
I'll just discuss how powerfull Spectre is without any power-up like that.
Originally posted by Ouallada
I remember us having a lengthy debate on DoV spectre. Playing devil's advocate, it is POSSIBLE for an IG wielder to beat Spectre by virtue of the latter's fluctuating levels, dependent on the host and the Presence's backing, is it not?
I really don't see the IG beating even the DoV version of the Spectre, to be honest.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
I really don't see the IG beating even the DoV version of the Spectre, to be honest.
i dont' either.
dov spectre beat nabu who is the mightiest lord of order in his own wrealm.
he beat mr. mxy who has far more power than the ig.
I can't see it beating spectre.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
It wouldn't be fair if I used that version, since he was literally God.
I'll just discuss how powerfull Spectre is without any power-up like that. Then you are on. I really wish I could get into a battlezone representing someone else but this should be fun.
Originally posted by fangirl101
i dont' either.
dov spectre beat nabu who is the mightiest lord of order in his own wrealm.
he beat mr. mxy who has far more power than the ig.
I can't see it beating spectre. Prime and Annataz beat Mxy and took away his powers as well. Gog also oneshotted him.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
I really don't see the IG beating even the DoV version of the Spectre, to be honest.
Fair enough. That debate will have to be for another time.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Then you are on. I really wish I could get into a battlezone representing someone else but this should be fun.

Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr

Was it during Hal Jordans run when the spectre merged with the Presence? What issues was it,I am curious now.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Prime and Annataz beat Mxy and took away his powers as well. Gog also oneshotted him.
lol. mxy was laughting at prime. he's fine. annataz didn't beat myx. she blocked his will. where are you getting your comics from? is there comics with like alternate endings like dvd's? that would be fun. clearly we aren't purchasing the same comics. and gog from kingdome come was powered by 5 beings who all happen to be uber. in the kingdome, everyone was more powerful. i would assume that that would include the quintessence. one of whom was the phantom stranger. the guy who is nearly as powerful as the spectre. fangirl101 score:3.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Was it during Hal Jordans run when the spectre merged with the Presence? What issues was it,I am curious now.
It was during Corrigan's era. (Spectre v3 58)
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
It was during Corrigan's era. (Spectre v3 58) Thanks.

Originally posted by Ouallada
Fair enough. That debate will have to be for another time.
I still remember our discussion on Spectre as one of the most enjoyable and civilized discussions I've had on this board.

Originally posted by quanchi112
Yuga and TOAA are completely different./b] Oh, does TOAA have the impressive battle feats? Or is this more of your selectivism?
Originally posted by quanchi112
You take things out and focus on only a little to draw correct conclusions with my faulty logic.Fixed.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Darkseid was stated as having enough power to kill Yuga. He wasnt allowed to though according to the story. Facts. Thanos is more powerful and more durable than Darkseid. Unproven biased speculation.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Therefore he kills Yuga Khan, as Yuga cant depower him. Ad hoc reasoning.
This is what I mean about you not using valid logic.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Going back in time to sop someones birth is ridiculous. This is a forum fight in which the characters battle. Just because its a forum fight does not mean you strip powers they are proven to have. And you certainly don't give them abilities they are NOT proven to have.
Go read the rules.
Originally posted by Creshosk
Oh, does TOAA have the impressive battle feats? Or is this more of your selectivism?
Unproven biased speculation.
Ad hoc reasoning.
This is what I mean about you not using valid logic. It was plainly stated in the comic that Darkseid had the power to kill Yuga.
Keep twisting what I say. Did you read the comic?
Your comparisons have been faulty from the start.
Originally posted by quanchi112
It was plainly stated in the comic that Darkseid had the power to kill Yuga.
Keep twisting what I say. Did you read the comic?
Your comparisons have been faulty from the start.
You don't get it do you?
your logic is "X doesn't have impressive battle feats Y does. Therefore Y will beat X".
That's the reasoning you're using. Selectively at that.
You only say they're faulty because they prove you wrong.
I'm not twisting what you say I'm pointing out what you're saying even if you don't realize it.
Yuga doesn't have impressive battle feats, therefore he loses. Right?
TOAA doesn't have impressive battle feats, therefore he doesn't lose? Talk about hypocritical.
Originally posted by Creshosk
You don't get it do you?
your logic is "X doesn't have impressive battle feats Y does. Therefore Y will beat X".
That's the reasoning you're using. Selectively at that.
You only say they're faulty because they prove you wrong.
I'm not twisting what you say I'm pointing out what you're saying even if you don't realize it.
Yuga doesn't have impressive battle feats, therefore he loses. Right?
TOAA doesn't have impressive battle feats, therefore he doesn't lose? Talk about hypocritical. TOAA is TOAA while Yuga is a guy who can be killed by Darkseid like power. Big difference and trying to compare the two is beyond wrong. Quit ignoring that little fun fact I keep posting over and over again thats right in the comic.
Show me a statement where someone claims they can defeat TOAA or that someone of Darkseid power can do so.
Originally posted by quanchi112
TOAA is TOAA while Yuga is a guy who can be killed by Darkseid like power. Big difference and trying to compare the two is beyond wrong. Quit ignoring that little fun fact I keep posting over and over again thats right in the comic.
Show me a statement where someone claims they can defeat TOAA or that someone of Darkseid power can do so. Red herring ignored.
I don't have to I never made the claim, I'm just using your ad hoc reasoning.
X doesn't have impressive battle feats,
Y does have impressive battle feats.
Therefore X loses to Y.
Do you deny using this argument?
Horrible logic? Its what you're using, rather hypocritically at that.
King Kandy
I think you missed the whole "Darkseid can kill Yuga Khan" part of Quanchi's argument. That's a rather important part.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I think you missed the whole "Darkseid can kill Yuga Khan" part of Quanchi's argument. That's a rather important part. Actually its quite a red herring.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I think both Odin and Thanos could take Yuga as he has lacks impressive battle feats.
Regardless of his conclusion(Odin and thanos could take Yuga Khan) being correct or incorrect his reasoning(because he lacks impressive battle feats) is horribly flawed.
You'll note that I've said nothing of his conclusion, just the reasoning.
"The sky is blue because ice cream is made from granite pebbles."
You'll note that the conclusion "The sky reflects a wavelength of light that is perceived and recognized by homo sapiens as 'blue' " is correct.
You'll not that the reasoning "Because a frozen dairy substance that is liquid at room temperature is generally composed of feldspar, mica and quartz." is incorrect.
I'm not arguing against his conclusion. I'm arguing against his flawed reasoning.
King Kandy
That was only PART of his reasoning. Besides, weren't you arguing with me just recently that the conclusion is more important then the logic/debating?
Originally posted by King Kandy
That was only PART of his reasoning.And its the only part I'm currently arguing against.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Besides, weren't you arguing with me just recently that the conclusion is more important then the logic/debating? You totally missed how I was arguing against flawed reasoning. You'll note that my continued argument against flawed reasoning continues. I'm being consistant not hypocritical.
Mr Master
Originally posted by Creshosk
TOAA doesn't have impressive battle feats, therefore he doesn't lose?
Talk about hypocritical.
I have to agree that TOAA does not need battle feats to prove himself.
Because TOAA/God create/draw everything that takes place on panel.
Here God draws a Marvel cosmos, and in an instant, it becomes reality:
Even Galactus is just an insignificant drawing on a piece of paper:
Toaa/God are literally manipulating everything that takes place in the Marvel Universe,
here we see them discussing the future arcs for the Silver Surfer and Black Panther:
Toaa/God is what makes characters in Marvel a reality,
doesn't seem logical that Toaa/God need to prove themselves
to their drawings with battle feats.
Especially when it's them that are creating said battles scenarios with a stroke of a pencil:
"The wellspring of ALL Reality is a Yellow Stick" (a Pencil)
In the end, "god" (the Artist) sends the FF home, notice the BACKGROUND!
It's a freakin SKETCH obviously made by the PENCIL!
The SKETCH becomes their Marvel Universe: (back home)
King Kandy
Originally posted by Creshosk
And its the only part I'm currently arguing against.
Well of course it's going to sound stupid when you take it out of context like that.
Originally posted by Creshosk
You totally missed how I was arguing against flawed reasoning. You'll note that my continued argument against flawed reasoning continues. I'm being consistant not hypocritical.
If Trick's bad debating doesn't matter since he got the right answer, shouldn't the same go for Quanchi?
No. Because Quan's reasoning is facetious and hypocritical.
Especially because the Darkseid can kill Yuga arguement isn't just based on power. It's prophecy. the son cannot kill the father is the only part preventing DS from acting.
and the rest of his arguement is horseshit. Trying to downplay Yuga's power by claiming that DS can kill him is assuming that Darkseid is weaker than Thanos and ignoring the context. Not to mention it's a high feat for Darkseid and a testament to his power, rather than a black mark against Yuga.
Or do I have to bring up what happened when Yuga woke up from the Source wall? He devoured a solar system after he nuked a few planets in the blink of an eye.
DS said to Orion, "I cannot kill Yuga Khan for the same reason you cannot kill me". Never once did DS demonstrate power on as grand a scale as Yuga, on panel - but if Darky's one comment makes him more powerful than Yuga, then I lulz @ this thread.

Originally posted by Galan007
DS said to Orion, "I cannot kill Yuga Khan for the same reason you cannot kill me". Never once did DS demonstrate power on as grand a scale as Yuga, on panel - but if Darky's one comment makes him more powerful than Yuga, then I lulz @ this thread.

Nobody's claiming that. Not even me. Yuga himself said that Darkseid's power was the only one that 'approached' his own.
The lulz is that anyone is arguing for Thanos. g_grin
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Nobody's claiming that. Not even me. Yuga himself said that Darkseid's power was the only one that 'approached' his own. I made that comment because of the people persistently bringing up that instance, as though it's some kind of black mark against Yuga (lol).
Originally posted by King Kandy
Well of course it's going to sound stupid when you take it out of context like that.The context of it only being applicable to those you and quanchi choose to apply it to?
Originally posted by King Kandy
If Trick's bad debating doesn't matter since he got the right answer, shouldn't the same go for Quanchi? What am I supposed to do go after trick for insulting people as his arguments? Have you forgotten that I tend to insult people as well?
Also that's circular reasoning. Quanchi hasn't proven his arguments.
One of them "Thanos is superior to Darkseid" is unproven.
Sure its proven in his and possibly your minds, but that's because of his and possibly your bias.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Creshosk
The context of it only being applicable to those you and quanchi choose to apply it to?
No... the context is necessary because the two parts of the argument are dependant on eachother. Ignoring one makes the other an inconclusive or bad argument.
Originally posted by King Kandy
No... the context is necessary because the two parts of the argument are dependant on eachother. Ignoring one makes the other an inconclusive or bad argument. No, it being an invalid argument makes it a bad argument. The only context is that its being selectively applied. Or do you deny he made the argument:
"X doesn't have impressive battle feats,
Y does have impressive battle feats.
Therefore X loses to Y."
Next I expect Phantom Zone and or Ouallada to come in and start championing his bad logic. Cause birds of a feather flock together.
Originally posted by Galan007
I made that comment because of the people persistently bringing up that instance, as though it's some kind of black mark against Yuga (lol).
I think only Kandy&Quan have claimed that.

Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Creshosk
Next I expect Phantom Zone and or Ouallada to come in and start championing his bad logic. Cause birds of a feather flock together. Well... that was unnecessary...
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Well... that was unnecessary... Well last time I attacked Quanchi's bad logic, Kandy, Ouallada and Kotex all showed up defending him.
Kandy showed up to defend Quanchi's bad logic this time... so is it really unreasonable to expect the other to to show up?
I mean I could be wrong and they won't try to defend that bad reasoning...
But I've noticed that people within certain groups tend to defend each other around here.
Though it was amusing to see Master Bruce call Quanchi a Marvel fanboy.
Originally posted by Creshosk
Though it was amusing to see Master Bruce call Quanchi a Marvel fanboy. I lol'd. *shrugs*
The Great Galen
Khan can generate enough concussive force to obliterate an entire planet, he can also move at hyperspace speeds. He would be throwing hundreds if not thousands of "planet busting"punches right into Thanos's face whom if I'm not mistaken got a bloody nose from Thor. This isn't even including Khans ability to generate the "Thanos Cide" energy to punch right through his chest.
Mr. Slippyfist
Originally posted by Creshosk
Well last time I attacked Quanchi's bad logic, Kandy, Ouallada and Kotex all showed up defending him.
Kandy showed up to defend Quanchi's bad logic this time... so is it really unreasonable to expect the other to to show up?
I mean I could be wrong and they won't try to defend that bad reasoning...
But I've noticed that people within certain groups tend to defend each other around here.
Though it was amusing to see Master Bruce call Quanchi a Marvel fanboy. It's still trolling... and it was still uncalled for.
Anyway... Darkseid outright admitted:
"I could kill Yuga Khan if I had the power to--"
Originally posted by Creshosk
Red herring ignored.
I don't have to I never made the claim, I'm just using your ad hoc reasoning.
X doesn't have impressive battle feats,
Y does have impressive battle feats.
Therefore X loses to Y.
Do you deny using this argument?
Horrible logic? Its what you're using, rather hypocritically at that. You ignore the whole reasoning as to why I came to my conclusion and thus have a false representation of my logic.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I think you missed the whole "Darkseid can kill Yuga Khan" part of Quanchi's argument. That's a rather important part. Exactly. He flat out ignores it and has been trolling for quite some time. Then he gets angry when others call him out on it.
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
It's still trolling... and it was still uncalled for.

I had an interesting discussion with a mod about what the definition of trolling is.
And no it wasn't trolling, it was a statement of expectation based on a recent past event.
Am I wrong to assume that something that has happened once before recently might possibly happen a second time?
So I'd like to see why you thought it was trolling...
Originally posted by Mr. Slippyfist
Anyway... Darkseid outright admitted:
"I could kill Yuga Khan if I had the power to--" You know something funny?
I could kill Yuga Khan if I had the power to. Does that make me superior to him?
Seriously, if I had the power to kill Yuga Kahn, I could kill him, because then I'd have the power to do just that. That same statement could be applied to anyone.
I could kill Wolverine if I had the power to.
"What's your special power?"
"I have the power to kill Wolverine. Pisses him off something fierce."
"Seems rather limited doesn't it?"
"Are you complaining about me having a power that I'm sure alot of people would love to have?"
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