god swamp thing vs celestials
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God swamp thing vs arishem,scathan,tiamut and exitar
who wins
Scathan kills them all.
Those who think Scathan > LT will say Celestials win.
Those who think that was pure PIS in it's grandest form will say ST.
I'll go ST. F*** Scathan.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by Cogito
I'll go ST. F*** Scathan.
scathan just has some measure of authority, and PIS from on high backing him
Originally posted by Cogito
Those who think Scathan > LT will say Celestials win.
Those who think that was pure PIS in it's grandest form will say ST.
I'll go ST. F*** Scathan.
i think they would give him a decent fight, how much power would GST be able to put out ?
Quick question, what exactly did "God" Swamp THing do? I saw Galan's excellent and comprehensive respect thread and couldn't find anything "OMG" worthy by GST.
Originally posted by zopzop
Quick question, what exactly did "God" Swamp THing do? I saw Galan's excellent and comprehensive respect thread and couldn't find anything "OMG" worthy by GST. Having power > the Word. Having enough power to replace the God (per the Word himself.)
Hell, even at base levels, ST spitefully owned a version of Arcane whose power was ranked in the same tier as Corrigan-Spectre and classic Trigon.
Originally posted by Cogito
Those who think Scathan > LT will say Celestials win.
Those who think that was pure PIS in it's grandest form will say ST.
I'll go ST. F*** Scathan.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
scathan just has some measure of authority, and PIS from on high backing him

God Swamp Thing I'd say.
Originally posted by Galan007
Having power > the Word. Having enough power to replace the God (per the Word himself.)
Hell, even at base levels, ST spitefully owned a version of Arcane whose power was ranked in the same tier as Corrigan-Spectre and classic Trigon.
If that's what it takes to replace "God" in the DCU, then they got problems. I see a regular Celestial (forget about Scathan) owning "GST". But you know more about DC than I do, so if you think "GST" is that powerful, then http://www.japan-legend.com/emoticons/simple/shrugs.gif
Originally posted by zopzop
If that's what it takes to replace "God" in the DCU, then they got problems. It actually took quite a bit of effort for ST to get to that level of power. Either way, the elemental Parliaments are often underplayed around here, but the simple fact is: once ST began usurping their powers, he became a significant enough 'threat' that the Word himself had to directly intervene- and even HE doubted his power against ST. Also keep in mind that all of the above happened before ST gained the power of the Parliament of Flames (ie. he was not yet at the 'height' of his power.)
Additionally, there was also this statement: "Earth, air, fire, and water. The whole of creation, he said, is MADE of these elements." Thus, if one controls the aforementioned forces (as ST did), then said character can effectively control all of creation. So the Word's comment that ST could have replaced the God does make sense.
Originally posted by Galan007
Thus, if one controls the aforementioned forces (as ST did), then said character can effectively control all of creation. So the Word's comment that ST could have replaced the God does make sense.
See what I mean? DCU "God" got major problems if this is all it takes.
Originally posted by zopzop
See what I mean? DCU "God" got major problems if this is all it takes. You act as though usurping the power of the elemental Parliaments is some easy task. It isn't.
It took the Word to kill them.
Originally posted by Galan007
You act as though usurping the power of the elemental Parliaments is some easy task. It isn't.
It took the Word to kill them.
That's the thing though, I'm not impressed at all with "The Word". There's nothing I saw in that respect thread that couldn't be accomplished by a Celestial, let alone THE Celestial that took down the Protege.
I'll take a literal aspect of God over a Celestial whose power varies tremendously, depending on which fanboy you talk to. Just MO.
Anywho, I'm siding heavily with ST. Feel free to choose whomever you want.

Originally posted by zopzop
That's the thing though, I'm not impressed at all with "The Word". There's nothing I saw in that respect thread that couldn't be accomplished by a Celestial, let alone THE Celestial that took down the Protege.

Just what did Scathan do that was so impressive for you to consider he wins?? He came up behind The Protege and placed on him a muzzle, chained him up and blinded him so he couldn't use his use his powers... The Celestials don't have that luck when taking on the GST....
Originally posted by kevdude
God Swamp Thing I'd say.
Originally posted by kevdude

Just what did Scathan do that was so impressive for you to consider he wins?? He came up behind The Protege and placed on him a muzzle, chained him up and blinded him so he couldn't use his use his powers... The Celestials don't have that luck when taking on the GST....
WTF did "GST" do that would place him above a Celestial, let alone Scathan?
The Protege surpassed the LT and claimed he was the new TOAA! So Scathan "attacking" an omnipotent being "from behind" is pointless. Scathan's attack stopped all hostilities and he muzzled a being that was above the LT and claimed to be the new TOAA. Then he HELD that being down while the LT passed judgement.
Originally posted by zopzop
WTF did "GST" do that would place him above a Celestial, let alone Scathan?
The Protege surpassed the LT and claimed he was the new TOAA! So Scathan "attacking" an omnipotent being "from behind" is pointless. Scathan's attack stopped all hostilities and he muzzled a being that was above the LT and claimed to be the new TOAA. Then he HELD that being down while the LT passed judgement.
Well Galan already mentioned this but it merely took The Voice to speak to condemn the Parliaments as they grew more insane (with trying to overthrow Him), which released The Word on them, His patience ran out! I would take GST over the Celestials seeing as it took the intervention of The Word (Destiny) to bring about Alec's change of mindset from remaking everything!
Btw claiming something and actually being TOAA is 2 different things! Scathan seems to be just another Celestial, with his specialty of being the Silent Celestial is why he showed up, he was the being who could stop the Protege!! Even with all that power of LT's the Protege could not move or do anything since he was silenced by Scathan! Also Scathan did not by force physically hold the Protege down, Scathan touched Protege which kept him from moving any longer while The Living Tribunal passed his judgement on Protege. Scathan may have been special for what he is , but you and others should not make him something he's not!

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