Do you believe Black panther became less skilled
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i see recent black panther comics and not good man. he is getting beat up and captured every next issue. ever since he got more powers his skills took a dive. now why? is it the wolverine effect? the more powers and protections you got the less skilled you get? where are his top notch skills? i dont know man i dont see it anymore. its like he lost the will to fight. i think top street guys today might woop his ass like daredevil and Cap without too much trouble. the way he is portrayed today. but what do you guys think?
He's still as skilled as he ever was. The difference is that his books aren't team books (in which the super smarts martial artist needs to get wanked in order to look impressive compared to the high heralds that comprise the team). Also, different writers have different interpretations of how powerful or skilled a character is. Every character is supposed to struggle a little in their own book, if they didn't, it wouldn't be interesting.
Well said by Deathslash. Besides, Dareangel your Daredevil is up their with Carver's Hulk and Abby's Superman.
I thought it was his Judge Dredd?
So true. Some posters/actual creators dont seem to get that.
Originally posted by deathslash
Every character is supposed to struggle a little in their own book
yeah but the question is who makes them sweat. black panther is made to sweat by average gang mambers. hitting him with the back of an assault rifle and knocking him out. capturing him every next issue. batman would never fall ot that.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Well said by Deathslash. Besides, Dareangel your Daredevil is up their with Carver's Hulk and Abby's Superman.
i dont think so

Everyone has favorites, though. Dare isnt obnoxious about his.
Originally posted by Dareangel
i see recent black panther comics and not good man. he is getting beat up and captured every next issue. ever since he got more powers his skills took a dive. now why? is it the wolverine effect? the more powers and protections you got the less skilled you get? where are his top notch skills? i dont know man i dont see it anymore. its like he lost the will to fight. i think top street guys today might woop his ass like daredevil and Cap without too much trouble. the way he is portrayed today. but what do you guys think?
I haven't been keeping up with Coates Series since issue 4. What happened? I mean in that same series he took an RPG to the chest. And I still have him as the best street leveler under Spider-Man.
Originally posted by riv6672
Everyone has favorites, though. Dare isnt obnoxious about his.

Originally posted by Vanguard
I haven't been keeping up with Coates Series since issue 4. What happened? I mean in that same series he took an RPG to the chest. And I still have him as the best street leveler under Spider-Man.
he is supposed to be upgraded but it seems to work the opposite when he is facing average gang members. he gets hit a lot and even knocked out by some random guy hitting him with the back of an assault rifle. i mean black panther is not suppose to get knocked out from that. hell no.
Originally posted by Dareangel
he is supposed to be upgraded but it seems to work the opposite when he is facing average gang members. he gets hit a lot and even knocked out by some random guy hitting him with the back of an assault rifle. i mean black panther is not suppose to get knocked out from that. hell no.
You're right, he shouldn't. What issue are you on?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by deathslash
He's still as skilled as he ever was. The difference is that his books aren't team books (in which the super smarts martial artist needs to get wanked in order to look impressive compared to the high heralds that comprise the team). Also, different writers have different interpretations of how powerful or skilled a character is. Every character is supposed to struggle a little in their own book, if they didn't, it wouldn't be interesting.
This ☝. If he waltzed thru every threat noone would read his stories. In order to make it compelling there needs to be a struggle.
I wish everyone thought like you.
Originally posted by Dareangel

Originally posted by Dareangel
he is supposed to be upgraded but it seems to work the opposite when he is facing average gang members. he gets hit a lot and even knocked out by some random guy hitting him with the back of an assault rifle. i mean black panther is not suppose to get knocked out from that. hell no.
Where was he koed by assault rifle?

Found it. Black Panther 6.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
This ☝. If he waltzed thru every threat noone would read his stories. In order to make it compelling there needs to be a struggle.
yes but again, it all depends on who is making him strugle. imagine if thor would be knocked out by some random thug hitting him with a baseball bat. would you say cool he has to strugle? black panther should strugle sure, but not at the hands of the people that are making him strugle recently.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Found it. Black Panther 6.
yep thats the one. there are more cases where he gets hit by random thugs. black panther is suppose to walk thru them like toys. in the art itself he even looks smaller and slimmer than usual. i think the writers in his recent portrayels see him as the slim agile street leveler type, robin, nightwing and daredevil type. black panther is the wakandian version of captain america he is suppose to toss all those guys like ragdolls.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Panther should be able to break those chains. Doesn't Coates know he's done it before?
Originally posted by abhilegend
Found it. Black Panther 6.
That makes very little sense, unless this version of BP is not wearing vibranium-weave threads. His vibranium suit should make such a blow harmless.
Even without it, someone of BP's caliber shouldn't be fazed by such a blow. Imagine Captain America or Batman (or even Bucky or Nightwing) being knocked out like that and strung up?
waiting for someone to come and use the good old "he got captured on purpose to find out some deep secret shit".
Originally posted by spetznaz
That makes very little sense, unless this version of BP is not wearing vibranium-weave threads. His vibranium suit should make such a blow harmless.
Even without it, someone of BP's caliber shouldn't be fazed by such a blow. Imagine Captain America or Batman (or even Bucky or Nightwing) being knocked out like that and strung up?
exactly. in his new run he is portrayed as the average slim agile street leveler. someone should tell the writers that its the wakandian captain america.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Dareangel
yes but again, it all depends on who is making him strugle. imagine if thor would be knocked out by some random thug hitting him with a baseball bat. would you say cool he has to strugle? black panther should strugle sure, but not at the hands of the people that are making him strugle recently.
Its not a low showing. He WAS hit in the back of the head with a butstock of a rifle. That would oneshot anyone. If anything it looks bad for his armor. If people paid less attention to feats and more attention to you kno...the story. None of this would matter0
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Its not a low showing. He WAS hit in the back of the head with a butstock of a rifle. That would oneshot anyone. If anything it looks bad for his armor. If people paid less attention to feats and more attention to you kno...the story. None of this would matter0
Yeah, it's the armour that looks bad, but I suppose people don't debate BP without the armour much.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by krisblaze
Yeah, it's the armour that looks bad, but I suppose people don't debate BP without the armour much.
I think it's due to instances like the one above is the reason y noone steers into that territory
I too am susceptible to butts.
dare I'm with you. they aren't doing him justice. this isn't like an old school comic like thanos can be arrested.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Its not a low showing. He WAS hit in the back of the head with a butstock of a rifle. That would oneshot anyone. If anything it looks bad for his armor. If people paid less attention to feats and more attention to you kno...the story. None of this would matter0
an assault rifle stock to the back of the head is not suppose to knock him out or any other peak human. it all depends who delivers the blow. he was hit by a random thug. a hit like that is not suppose to knock him out, and certainly not "anyone" as you stated. and it does matter because aside of story, some people care about the image of the character. pather is among my most favorite characters so i dont like to see him treated in a way his character doesnt deserve.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
If anything it looks bad for his armor. If people paid less attention to feats and more attention to you kno...the story. None of this would matter0
Originally posted by krisblaze
Yeah, it's the armour that looks bad, but I suppose people don't debate BP without the armour much.
Pretty sure a lot of MB posters dont much care about the characters any more, judt what they can do.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Its not a low showing. He WAS hit in the back of the head with a butstock of a rifle. That would oneshot anyone. If anything it looks bad for his armor. If people paid less attention to feats and more attention to you kno...the story. None of this would matter0
Hawkman smashed a grandfather clock(well half or so of one) on the back of Batman's head. Batman wasn't KOed. For the character and situation, I would call this a low showing.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Dareangel
an assault rifle stock to the back of the head is not suppose to knock him out or any other peak human. it all depends who delivers the blow. he was hit by a random thug. a hit like that is not suppose to knock him out, and certainly not "anyone" as you stated. and it does matter because aside of story, some people care about the image of the character. pather is among my most favorite characters so i dont like to see him treated in a way his character doesnt deserve.
So youd rather see him wanked? This unbeatable character that cant be put down? Would u rather some upstart one shot him? I dont get your grievance. Cap is one of my fav characters. But if some mook caught him unawares and koed him i wouldn't bat an eye. Y? Because that makes him believable. A sneak attack is a sneak attack.
Can be considered somewhat low... But in comics, even the mightiest of men have been laid low, by the proverbial cheap shot.
In all honesty the low part about that scene was getting caught in such a manner considering the martial ability of T'Challa's caliber.
I said he breaks chains dammit pictures
^^^That means he has to get capterd first.
it does make the character more believable as a person I give that. everyone can have an off day. as long as it not common and it goes with the story overall I can deal. like if the character doesn't have the same will or prowess as they did before or something along those lines.
we've seen BP pull off some batman like feats before so I would say for the time being less skilled
Originally posted by Sin I AM
So youd rather see him wanked? This unbeatable character that cant be put down? Would u rather some upstart one shot him? I dont get your grievance. Cap is one of my fav characters. But if some mook caught him unawares and koed him i wouldn't bat an eye. Y? Because that makes him believable. A sneak attack is a sneak attack.
why is everything black or white? respecting the characters abilites =/= wanting to see him wanked. i dont want him to be unbeatable. i just want his stats and abilities to be respected. an enhanced - low super human level character like black panther is not suppose to get knocked out by such thing. then dragged on the floor like a dog with chains around his neck by some random thugs. between this and showing him as undefeated the gap is huge. if you like to see a more human perspective in super human characters thats your thing and its all good. but i am simply asking to see the character portrayed the way he should be, based on his stats and abilities.
Its a fine line, though. For every poster like you, theres a poster that WANTS their characters unbeatable, good story telling be damned, and debate them as unbeatable, logic be damned.
As an example, i "met" a poster here years ago (at another site), when he was saying A could beat B, and no one agreed.
I backed him up by saying A could/would take a slight majority given the evidence.
This poster then flamed me. Because i didnt think it would be an overwhelming 10/10 victory for A.
Posters like that may not be the majority, but theyre often the most vocal.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Dareangel
why is everything black or white? respecting the characters abilites =/= wanting to see him wanked. i dont want him to be unbeatable. i just want his stats and abilities to be respected. an enhanced - low super human level character like black panther is not suppose to get knocked out by such thing. then dragged on the floor like a dog with chains around his neck by some random thugs. between this and showing him as undefeated the gap is huge. if you like to see a more human perspective in super human characters thats your thing and its all good. but i am simply asking to see the character portrayed the way he should be, based on his stats and abilities.
U cant respect his abilities AND have him knocked out? Anyone can get knocked out if they get cheap shot. Not sure if serious
Originally posted by abhilegend
Found it. Black Panther 6.
Isn't it funny how abhi turns into Sherlock Holmes when it comes to making Black Panther look bad?
I want to know what happened next.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Found it. Black Panther 6.
Shame on you Abhy and you Dareangel for even starting this sham thread.
As you can clearly see below it was all part of BP's plan to reveal who was really backing the rebels, and his Crew was watching the entire thing. I even put in the very next issue's intro which spells this out specifically.
He is skilled enough to beat Zeke Stane with both hands tied behind his back literally and figuratively.
So again shame
Originally posted by Sin I AM
U cant respect his abilities AND have him knocked out? Anyone can get knocked out if they get cheap shot. Not sure if serious
It's that it was random thugs who shouldn't be an issue(even with a cheap shot without other extenuating circumstances) that was his problem.
Though scans were posted showing it was a ploy to get information.
Thanks for the scans Supermutant

Sin I AM
Originally posted by Delta1938
It's that it was random thugs who shouldn't be an issue(even with a cheap shot without other extenuating circumstances) that was his problem.
Though scans were posted showing it was a ploy to get information.
👍. I generally reserve my opinion till the whole scene is shown. I still see no issue if that shot had koed him
Originally posted by Sin I AM
U cant respect his abilities AND have him knocked out? Anyone can get knocked out if they get cheap shot. Not sure if serious
I already explained the point twice. no problem with him being knocked out. question is by who. not sure if U are serious. thats already the third time i explain this point.
Originally posted by Supermutant
He is skilled enough to beat Zeke Stane with both hands tied behind his back literally and figuratively.
So again shame
and how does it change the fact he was knocked out by an assault rifle, then dragged on the floor by random thugs, which basically means he still took a big dive as far as his stats. maybe if you payed more attention to the little details instead of running and looking for the next GIF, you could use a little bit more cells. maybe..
Originally posted by Supermutant
Shame on you Abhy and you Dareangel for even starting this sham thread.
As you can clearly see below it was all part of BP's plan to reveal who was really backing the rebels, and his Crew was watching the entire thing. I even put in the very next issue's intro which spells this out specifically.
Knock out was legit as he was seeing stars.

Originally posted by Supermutant
Shame on you Abhy and you Dareangel for even starting this sham thread.
As you can clearly see below it was all part of BP's plan to reveal who was really backing the rebels, and his Crew was watching the entire thing. I even put in the very next issue's intro which spells this out specifically.
even if he allowed himself to be captured, it does not change the fact he was taken out by that stock hit. it still doesnt change the fact his stats were therefor low.
Originally posted by Dareangel
and how does it change the fact he was knocked out by an assault rifle, then dragged on the floor by random thugs, which basically means he still took a big dive as far as his stats. maybe if you payed more attention to the little details instead of running and looking for the next GIF, you could use a little bit more cells. maybe..
Maybe if you actually paid attention to the words and plot and not just the pretty pictures, you would stop embarrassing yourself.
BP took an ironman like repulsor blast to the chest, and still kicked Zeke Stane's ass with his hands tied. His stats look pretty fine to me. Daredevil has been taken out by worse. But the meanings of "allowed", "let", and even "plan" are lost on you.
If you want to focus on one low-showing with iffy context fine, just make sure you do the same for DD. Its not like BP has a history of taking blows from Namor w/o being koed.
By the way, I just helped you out with the Daredevil part.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Maybe if you actually paid attention to the words and plot and not just the pretty pictures, you would stop embarrassing yourself.
BP took an ironman like repulsor blast to the chest, and still kicked Zeke Stane's ass with his hands tied. His stats look pretty fine to me. Daredevil has been taken out by worse. But the meanings of "allowed", "let", and even "plan" are lost on you.
If you want to focus on one low-showing with iffy context fine, just make sure you do the same for DD. Its not like BP has a history of taking blows from Namor w/o being koed.
again, black panther got knocked out by that stock hit. thats a fact. that was a low showing for his stats, thats also a fact. why do you always fail to pay attention to simple facts?
as for the blast taking, you can clearly see his suit activated and acting as a shield when he is hit by that blast. his suit protected him. however the hit to the back of his head, puts his natural durability vs an impact.
what does daredevil have to do with anything? whats wrong with you? you see thats the difference between you and me. i am not some mentally ill fanboy that will go off because someone dared to offend "my character". and i am also not mentally ill enough to go and open bait threads for someones character, just because he slapped me with facts over something. you are acting like a very troubled person i must say.
Originally posted by Dareangel
again, black panther got knocked out by that stock hit. thats a fact. that was a low showing for his stats, thats also a fact. why do you always fail to pay attention to simple facts?
What you have still yet to realize is that every character has low showing. DD got knocked out by a chair swung from an elderly General then thrown out the window into garbage. That doesn't mean someone's stats are lowered b/c of one poor durability showing. Besides you were implying that BP's overall skills and abilities had diminished until I showed the real context, so nice try kid.
Originally posted by Dareangel
as for the blast taking, you can clearly see his suit activated and acting as a shield when he is hit by that blast. his suit protected him. however the hit to the back of his head, puts his natural durability vs an impact.
lol That wasn't a shield, that was his suit absorbing the blast.
Originally posted by Dareangel
what does daredevil have to do with anything?
Originally posted by Dareangel
i think top street guys today might woop his ass like daredevil and Cap without too much trouble. the way he is portrayed today. but what do you guys think?
You put DD into this from your OP. lol I guess you didn't believe DD had recent low showings.
Originally posted by Dareangel
whats wrong with you? you see thats the difference between you and me. i am not some mentally ill fanboy that will go off because someone dared to offend "my character". and i am also not mentally ill enough to go and open bait threads for someones character, just because he slapped me with facts over something. you are acting like a very troubled person i must say.
I am "going off" b/c I showed the correct context of misleading scans. And b/c I showed how DD whom you compared BP too, also has low durability showings. lol
So, I'm still waiting for these facts that show BP with diminish skills or stats, other than the rare low showing that all characters suffer from.
I would like to see them show off BP's superhuman strength and reflexes more. All he does now is use the suit.
Originally posted by Supermutant
What you have still yet to realize is that every character has low showing. DD got knocked out by a chair swung from an elderly General then thrown out the window into garbage. That doesn't mean someone's stats are lowered b/c of one poor durability showing. Besides you were implying that BP's overall skills and abilities had diminished until I showed the real context, so nice try kid.
lol That wasn't a shield, that was his suit absorbing the blast.
You put DD into this from your OP. lol I guess you didn't believe DD had recent low showings.
I am "going off" b/c I showed the correct context of misleading scans. And b/c I showed how DD whom you compared BP too, also has low durability showings. lol
So, I'm still waiting for these facts that show BP with diminish skills or stats, other than the rare low showing that all characters suffer from.
you seem to have real issues with reading comprehension. my whole point is that its a low showing for pather. the main subject is that recently he is portrayed a little too often that way, but of course its a low showing for him. what does bringing other low showings for other characters and stating the obvious has to do with anything???
again, you posting the rest of the story doesnt prove anything. he got knocked out by a hit to the back of his head by an assault rifle stock. thats a low showing for black panther. him taking the blast is a contribute to his tech suit which is clearly showed as his armor was activated and glowing. my point still stands. the way he is portrayed recently is not true to his overall average stats. as of right now we see a weaker version of him that gets knocked out, tossed into walls like garbage easily. thats not black panther. so my point that as of right now, it seems like cap or daredevil can take him out is based on his recent portrayel. now riddle me whats wrong with my statement?
the comparison of current black panther to average daredevil is still standing. i never intended to say or said that overall - black panther is weaker. i am talking about him as of recently. do you understand the differences? not his average his recent. is that clear enough for you?
as of your mental illness, the point still stands. you are a troubled person to open bait threads and take it that personal, instead of just expressing your opinion like the average, standard human being would.
Stop being a fool kid. The scans I showed of DD being knocked out from a chair by an old General are recent. So again, what other evidence do you have of BP's diminished skills or stats? Your interpretations lacks much to say the least.
So that even you can understand the obvious, all the characters you are comparing BP too have recent low feats. I also like that you didn't mention how skillfully BP perform against an iron man foe in the same arc with his hands tied.
BP doesn't have any more recent low showings than any other characters. He also have plenty of good showings, so your thread was doom from the beginning. Next time due some research besides looking at images from a google search.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Stop being a fool kid. The scans I showed of DD being knocked out from a chair by an old General are recent. So again, what other evidence do you have of BP's diminished skills or stats? Your interpretations lacks much to say the least.
So that even you can understand the obvious, all the characters you are comparing BP too have recent low feats. I also like that you didn't mention how skillfully BP perform against an iron man foe in the same arc with his hands tied.
BP doesn't have any more recent low showings than any other characters. He also have plenty of good showings, so your thread was doom from the beginning. Next time due some research besides looking at images from a google search.
trash talking is not an argument. i will explain again. i was refering to the current way black panther is portrayed vs average portrayals of captain america and daredevil. this trio is always the head of the spear IMO as far as street levelers. i always agreed that daredevil lacks in strength and durability but he makes up for that with agility and his reflex. but current black panther is portrayed in a way he seem to fall down not only from his average self, but also from cap and daredevil. nit picking and finding me specific portrayals of current daredevil getting hit from a chair has nothing to do with my statements. everybody have their low showings, my point is that as of right now for some time , black panther is portrayed in a weaker depiction. do you understand the things right now? or are you just a child that feels the need to continue and argue over nothing, just to show he wont back down and keep his "line". because it only looks weaker and weaker with every post of yours.
again, reading comprehension. i was talking about his stats, mostly his durability. just because he presented fair enough skills, doesnt mean it automatically cancel other attributes. also, explain to me why is it so great to beat zeke stane in his human form without his armor? is it suppose to be something impressive?
you stating he has good showings is face palm worthy. i was never claiming he doesnt. however, recently, he seem to have more showings of his suffering from lower durability or getting tossed like a feeb. average black panther would never let that happen. i think you should pick up recent black panther issues.
I had to read this issue and a couple more after seeing this thread go to 3 pages. IMO BP is not less skilled now. its just that they are trying to build something up here story wise. I don't think that he was ever even knocked out because his internal monologue never stopped. this is not indicative of panthers skills diminishing so i think he's still good man, no worries. hadn't been into DD books for awhile so ill say nothing on that.
one could argue that he is less skilled because he has to let himself pretend to get knocked out or that he had better options but that is a different thread.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Dareangel
I already explained the point twice. no problem with him being knocked out. question is by who. not sure if U are serious. thats already the third time i explain this point.
And like i said a cheap shot is capable of that. Not sure y u cant get it
Originally posted by Dareangel
also, explain to me why is it so great to beat zeke stane in his human form without his armor? is it suppose to be something impressive?
More nonsense but this part is amusing, lol @ without his armor. Zeke Stane doesn't need armor, he's basically a cyborg.
Originally posted by Dareangel
i think you should pick up recent black panther issues.
I think you should pick up any comic issues.
Originally posted by Supermutant
More nonsense but this part is amusing, lol @ without his armor. Zeke Stane doesn't need armor, he's basically a cyborg.
I think you should pick up any comic issues.
good thanks for clarifying that for me because i dont know much about the character. this is why i asked. i see you got issues with responding like a normal human being and you have to add some of your nerve breakdown problems. please, take a rest or something for your own good. however, what are his physical and fighting feats even as a cyborg? being a cyborg, doesnt make it too impressive on its own to take you down with several hits. at least by the standards of the likes of black panther or captain america.
and it still doesnt change the fact his durability was portrayed low in this issues based on the reasons i stated earlier.
your last response is not a valid response. please read his new appearances and tell me i am wrong.
Originally posted by staxamillion
because he has to let himself pretend to get knocked out or that he had better options but that is a different thread.
how can one let himself get knocked out? you either get knocked out or not. even if you mean he wanted to get knocked out, it still doesnt change the fact he got knocked out from such thing. i dont think one wants to get knocked out on purpose. captured? maybe. knocked out? during the time he can be knocked out they can deside to just kill him. if you want to be captured thats 1 thing. but wanting to get knocked out? i dont think so.
Originally posted by Dareangel
please read his new appearances and tell me i am wrong.
You are wrong.
I sense much fear in you, Daredummy.
Fear is a path to the darkside of KMC.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.
Suffering leads to
Originally posted by Supermutant
You are wrong.
I sense much fear in you, Daredummy.
Fear is a path to the darkside of KMC.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.
Suffering leads to
so no then? good

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