Rate the following MA guys from best to worst
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here is a list of fighters. rate them from strongest to weakest based on their MA H2H skills.
Captain america
Black panther
Wild cat
Judge dredd
Wildcat/Captain America/Judge Dredd
Black panther
When your a damn tank like Hulk and the Juggernaut martial arts is not a major concern.
Judge Dredd above BP in MA?
Originally posted by CosmicComet
Judge Dredd above BP in MA?
The dot in between the names is my way of saying the difference is negligable.
Originally posted by golem370
When your a damn tank like Hulk and the Juggernaut martial arts is not a major concern.
so they are the best MA guys in this list?
Thats like, the opposite of what he said.
Originally posted by Dareangel
so they are the best MA guys in this list?
At best they are good streetfighters.
but if they fight in the ring right? MMA rules or boxing rules, juggernaut will beat lets say cap or daredevil.
Originally posted by Dareangel
but if they fight in the ring right? MMA rules or boxing rules, juggernaut will beat lets say cap or daredevil.
How to best put this?
Theyre at the bottom of the list because they are NOT good fighters.
but wait a minute. they are fighting in the ring ok? martial art rules. MMA rules boxing rules, wrestling, you name it. do you agree that juggernaut will beat cap and daredevil in the ring only by using straight H2H fighting? of course he will. martial arts is not only about being flexible and doing acrobatic jumps and kicks. its about fighting. therefor juggernaut is a better fighter and martial artist than them.
I don't think juggs would win if you take away power. cap if you take away SSS he's a wimp.
based just on hand to hand skills id give it to the guy that fights using martial arts more on a regular basis; so for me between jugs and cap h2h id give it to cap.
powers on I don't think anyone could do any damage to jugs to make him KO but I think he would lose by decision.
Originally posted by staxamillion
I don't think juggs would win if you take away power. cap if you take away SSS he's a wimp.
based just on hand to hand skills id give it to the guy that fights using martial arts more on a regular basis; so for me between jugs and cap h2h id give it to cap.
powers on I don't think anyone could do any damage to jugs to make him KO but I think he would lose by decision.
but taking away the powers means its not the character. lets take batman and daredevil and take a limb from them. they are who they are and they fight with the things they got. if they achieve their fighting abilities thru powers then there is nothing wrong with that since its the character.
so you say cap can beat juggs in H2H?
juggs would lose by decision? so you believe juggs cant ko cap or daredevil?
Captain America and Batman's technique is trumped by Juggernaut & Hulk's superhuman strength & durability not by their fighting skills. Bat and Cap are highly trained fighters where Hulk & Juggs are basically brawlers.
i believe cap and daredevil can stick and move enough to get a decision without being knocked out, yes.
if juggs connects he will lay everyone out but I'd say with MA rules in place he loses.
Originally posted by golem370
Captain America and Batman's technique is trumped by Juggernaut & Hulk's superhuman strength & durability not by their fighting skills. Bat and Cap are highly trained fighters where Hulk & Juggs are basically brawlers.
at the first days of the UFC, many black belt karate guys and kung fu masters got their asses handed to them by good brawlers. so those guys were not fighters? were not martial artists? again. just because you dont perform a spinning jump kick doesnt mean you are not a fighter and martial artist. hulk and juggernaut know how to fight, at least box. with their stats they are very good fighters and will beat all those guys in a fight. would you argue that a boxer is not a fighter?
Originally posted by staxamillion
i believe cap and daredevil can stick and move enough to get a decision without being knocked out, yes.
if juggs connects he will lay everyone out but I'd say with MA rules in place he loses.
with MA rules they fight in a ring. would you say that juggernaut wouldnt be able to land a single hit on those guys in a ring? they will get tagged eventually and very fast. even if they didnt fight in a ring. he can just create shockwaves that will stun them until he gets in and crush them. very high level of martial arts. thunderclaps are just like chi blasts and even more powerful.
Originally posted by golem370
Captain America and Batman's technique is trumped by Juggernaut & Hulk's superhuman strength & durability not by their fighting skills. Bat and Cap are highly trained fighters where Hulk & Juggs are basically brawlers.
Hulk was just taught martial arts from Ironfist and was using it.
Yeah but it is rare for his type to have training.
i wouldn't say handclaps are legal in a MA fight with rules. I was thinking just fists and kicks and grabs would be allowed with MA rules.
I could be wrong. but I'd still give to cap (maybe not overall) over juggernaut in a 3 round fight with rules. actually the rules
are the only reason I think cap has a chance against.
here's how I see it:
there isn't a whole lot of space to get a good momentum to activate jugs power as much as he would like. also caps agility to so I think he could flip, dodge, move around the ring better than he. juggs will get a good momentum but have to stop before he leaves the ring or change direction away from cap. if juggs doesn't try to build his momentum he's just really strong and cap can use his martial arts prowess to come out on top.
Originally posted by staxamillion
i wouldn't say handclaps are legal in a MA fight with rules. I was thinking just fists and kicks would be allowed with MA rules.
I could be wrong. but I'd still give to cap (maybe not overall) over juggernaut in a 3 round fight with rules. actually the rules
are the only reason I think cap has a chance against.
here's how I see it:
there isn't a whole lot of space to get a good momentum to activate jugs power as much as he would like. also caps agility to so I think he could flip, dodge, move around the ring better than he. juggs will get a good momentum but have to stop before he leaves the ring or change direction away from cap. if juggs doesn't try to build his momentum he's just really strong and cap can use his martial arts prowess to come out on top.
dude... you are saying that if juggernaut just stands and fight, cap will take him down in a ring fight??? how can cap come out on top in a H2H fight vs juggernaut?
Un. Real.

only by decision
Originally posted by staxamillion
only by decision
but how? you believe juggernaut wont ko him??? what damage can cap do to him? his fighting abilities are too much for cap.
well I am assuming that there are rules and point systems in play. I don't think it will come down to damage but points.
Originally posted by staxamillion
well I am assuming that there are rules and point systems in play. I don't think it will come down to damage but points.
if they fight in a ring, juggernaut himself as far as size already covers more than half of the ring. cap wont be able to avoid him. he can just thunderclap or smash the ring. his huge long reach will catch and tag cap easily. after that its game over for cap the lesser fighter. cap may do well with other heroes that dont want to harm him like even hulk. but juggernaut doesnt give a damn he is there to hurt cap and he will do it. his fighting abilities are too much for cap to handle. maybe galactus can match him in a H2H fight dont know. his fighting abilities are great as well.
so you agree with me?
I humbly disagree.
you had me and handclaps you lost me at
Originally posted by Dareangel
they are fighting in the ring ok? martial art rules. MMA rules boxing rules, wrestling,
it doesnt matter where they fight it was just to portray a situation. fact of the matter is, if they fight H2H juggernaut will win. he is the better H2H fighter.
^^^i miss posting drunk.
Silent Master
Originally posted by Dareangel
so they are the best MA guys in this list?
You requested they be ranked based on skill. that means they are at the very bottom of the list as strength and durability aren't skills.
Originally posted by Silent Master
You requested they be ranked based on skill. that means they are at the very bottom of the list as strength and durability aren't skills.
i said H2H skills. what are H2H skills? its not about doing flips and acrobatics. if you see a boxer in the ring that can take a shot and doesnt go down. his durability is of a monster. then you see him punch someones head off. insane punching power. would you argue that boxer is not a skilled fighter because thats his durability and punching power? thats part of him as a fighter and part of his abilities and skills. thats why juggernaut and maybe galactus are best H2H fighters. very high level of fighting and MA skills.
Silent Master
Originally posted by Dareangel
i said H2H skills. what are H2H skills? its not about doing flips and acrobatics. if you see a boxer in the ring that can take a shot and doesnt go down. his durability is of a monster. then you see him punch someones head off. insane punching power. would you argue that boxer is not a skilled fighter because thats his durability and punching power? thats part of him as a fighter and part of his abilities and skills. thats why juggernaut and maybe galactus are best H2H fighters. very high level of fighting and MA skills.
Strength and durability are stats not skills. A boxer who can do nothing but tank punches until he manages to land a lucky shot is not skilled.
H2H skills doesn't mean having an invulnerable forcefield and strength granted to you by an Elder God through a mystical gem, but I may be wrong.
1. Batman/Cap
1.5 Daredevil/BP
2. Wildcat
3. Dredd (I don't actually know, this is just going by recent hype)
4. Superman
5. Hulk
6. Juggernaut
7. Monarch (nothing to base a higher ranking on)
N/A. Galactus (even less to base a higher ranking on)
Originally posted by Silent Master
Strength and durability are stats not skills. A boxer who can do nothing but tank punches until he manages to land a lucky shot is not skilled.
fighters develop their stats with training and with skill. a fighter that can take a punch and deliver a good one means he is usually a trained and skilled fighter.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
H2H skills doesn't mean having an invulnerable forcefield and strength granted to you by an Elder God through a mystical gem, but I may be wrong.
H2H skills is skills to fight H2H. if cap fights juggernaut H2H juggernaut will destroy him. so his H2H skills are greater.
Being an effective fighter is not the same thing as being a skilled one.
Rocky Balboa is effective. But only mildly skillful.
but this is about overall H2H abilities. a good fighter is a good fighter. he doesnt have to know 212189239832902109 different styles of fighting. he just needs to be a good and skilled H2H fighter. if cap fights juggernaut h2h he will go down hard. juggernaut is the better fighter.
So a silverback gorilla is a more skilled fighter than Bruce Lee.
Originally posted by Dareangel
H2H skills is skills to fight H2H. if cap fights juggernaut H2H juggernaut will destroy him. so his H2H skills are greater. You're confusing capability or prowess with skill.
Yeah, the Bruce Lees of the world are going to lose every fight to the guy with the gun. No shit. That doesn't mean the guy with the gun is more skilled at fighting.
If you fought an elephant hand to hand, I'd wager that you're the more skilled hand to hand combatant of the two (especially since elephants don't have hands, but that's neither here nor there). You're still going to die every time.
Point is, there are other factors that come into play besides skill that determine the outcome of a fight. Juggernaut has a ridiculously OP weapon in the fight against Cap that would give him an easy win, but that does not make him more skillful.
Silent Master
Originally posted by Dareangel
fighters develop their stats with training and with skill. a fighter that can take a punch and deliver a good one means he is usually a trained and skilled fighter.
Are you claiming that the Hulk and Juggernaut got their stats through training?
Rarely have I seen so many people get so easily baited by an incredibly obvious troll.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Rarely have I seen so many people get so easily baited by an incredibly obvious troll. In my defense, I'm super bored

I am starting to think De is trying to make a point that trained fighter might not necessarily better fighters and despite have over abundant of physical advantage doesn't matter.
Cap has said that he and Panther are equals. I guess you could put Batman on that same level maybe. He would lose to either one though imo.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Rarely have I seen so many people get so easily baited by an incredibly obvious troll.
Originally posted by Cogito
In my defense, I'm super bored
Originally posted by Cogito
You're confusing capability or prowess with skill.
Yeah, the Bruce Lees of the world are going to lose every fight to the guy with the gun. No shit. That doesn't mean the guy with the gun is more skilled at fighting.
If you fought an elephant hand to hand, I'd wager that you're the more skilled hand to hand combatant of the two (especially since elephants don't have hands, but that's neither here nor there). You're still going to die every time.
Point is, there are other factors that come into play besides skill that determine the outcome of a fight. Juggernaut has a ridiculously OP weapon in the fight against Cap that would give him an easy win, but that does not make him more skillful.
the guy with gun is not using his own body to fight he just shoots. an elephant wont actually fight me he will just stomp. juggernaut and hulk got fighting abilities and they will fight.
but thats the thing. fighters will always have some inner stats with them. some are born with a very good chin. some bring to the table even before their training specific stats. so what? fact is they will fight H2H and juggernaut will simply beat him up thanks to his abilities and overall stats.
Originally posted by Silent Master
Are you claiming that the Hulk and Juggernaut got their stats through training?
they dont have to get them specificly thru training. there are fighters that bring a natural very strong chin that they didnt get thru training. or very hard hits or strong damage soak and durability. its natural to them. it doesnt have to be natural either. my point is that when you fight it doesnt matter where you got that from. you fight H2H with your opponent and if you are too tough for him to beat you are the better fighter. juggernaus punches are too strong for cap. he is too durable for cap. he will destroy him in a H2H fight. he is the better fighter.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Rarely have I seen so many people get so easily baited by an incredibly obvious troll.

Originally posted by NemeBro
Rarely have I seen so many people get so easily baited by an incredibly obvious troll. Yeah I gotta agree with you
Silent Master
Originally posted by NemeBro
Rarely have I seen so many people get so easily baited by an incredibly obvious troll.
I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and just assumed he was stupid.
So yeah, gorillas ftw.
No point getting belts and learning skills. Just be born with it.
Doomsday is more skilled than Karate Kid etc.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
So yeah, gorillas ftw.
No point getting belts and learning skills. Just be born with it.
Doomsday is more skilled than Karate Kid etc.
i wouldnt go that far because KK matched PC superman and he would destroy Doomsday. however doomsday is a better H2H fighter than cap or batman.
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