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League of Champions Week Five: Charlotte Vs. Scoob/Leo
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aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Warning League of Champions Week Five: Charlotte Vs. Scoob/Leo

Week 5 Battlefield: The Savage Land (Marvel)
Duration: Monday, October 20th @ 10am thru Friday, October 24th @ 12am)

Charlotte Vs. Scoob/Leo

Judges: Red, Symmetric Chaos, Citizen V


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Oct 20th, 2008 05:17 PM
illadelph is currently offline Click here to Send illadelph a Private Message Find more posts by illadelph Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Charlotte's Opening Post (Part 1)

Prep for week 5

Fielded team
Emeralda (Emma Frost\Miss Martian)
Sybil (Oracle\Zachary Zatara)
War Dancer (Magik II \Lex Luthor)

Prep area- Lex Corp
Prep duration- 10 minutes[/b]

At the start of our prep Emma mindlinks MagikII (later referred to as Amanda Sefton or merely Amanda) and Lex. The purpose of said linking is following.

During 52 storyline, Lex Luthor infused himself with artificial metagene, giving him all the powers of Superman (superstrength, superspeed\reflexes, heat vision, enhanced sences, flight, super-durability, X-Ray vision). Interestingly enough, that gene was never permanently removed, merely deactivated- so it's still in Lex' body, but in sleeping state:

So via said mind link we use Amanda’s magic and Luthor’s knowledge of exogene to restart it. Proof that Amanda's magic can affect human physiology on molecular level (and thus with sufficient knowledge (taken from Luthor’s mind) restarting exogene is a piece of cake):

After we have our “brand new Superluthor” (not on level of your good old Superman, but closer to the cybernethic Supes from Graduation Day storyline).We also use Amanda’s occult\soul magic skills (most skillful occultist at Marvel after Doctor Strange) to reach out for Brainiac cybernethic data stored in Oracle’s soul memory and reactivate it, restoring Oracle’s cyberpathic powers.

Proof that the data on Brainiac virus is STORED in Oracle's soul\physical memory, and the virus "switched itself off" voluntary:

Barbara regained control over virus and made it switch itself off. With little help from Emma’s TP and Amanda’s soul magic we partially restart it, giving Oracle vast technopathic powers she had while being infused by Brainiac.

Takes control over LexCorp satellites.
“I’ve never had that kind of raw, unlimited power before..."

When we have those tweakings done to Oracle and Lex, we'll start our amalgamation.
Emma amalgamates with Miss Martian (just like it was done during all the previous rounds, to increase Miss Martian’s reserve of psionic energy and thus put her stamina closer to peak Martian levels, putting "Supergirl-stalemating" level at average for her).

Supermanified Lex amalgamates with Amanda Sefton (who wears her magical armour and her trusty Soulsword- those attributes pass to amalgam).

Zachary Zatara and Oracle (with re-activated Brainiac-granted technopathy) amalgamate. That amalgam gets to wear Lex’ War Suit- the current generation of suits is made according to Apocolyps design, but if we're not counting specific kinds of Cryptonite projectiors made to beat S-types, offensively those suits don't exceed tourney cap, being around Iron Man level cap in terms of offence.;section=Techs
The description of suit in text form. Scans highlingting some abilities of suit are to be presented below.
Forcefield (sufficient to defend against both energy attacks and punches from herald-level beings such as Loeb-written Superman)
Withstands temperature extremes (heat vision of Loeb’s berserker Supergirl)
Energy shield
General energy projection (destroys three OMACs in a single shot)
Holoprojector to create holograms
Targeting system
More on targeting systems and energy projection- knocks down Starfire
Functions independently in space, also great durability showing as Lex (and his suit) survive being thrown to the Moon by berserker Loeb’s Supergirl.
Lex vs Superman- strength and speed high enough to fight Supes mano a mano for a while(with aid of Kryptonite blasts, but still). Also allows to react on speedblitz.

In fact, restored technopathical abilities would allow Oracle (or the amalgam named Sybil) to control suit with much greater degree of precision than Lex does himslef.

Apart from the suit, our team also takes a few other gadgets from Lex’s arsenal. First is universal decoder, allowing to override commands for such advanced technology as Kryptonian battleship:
Another one is forcefield generator, a separate, belt-like version of the one that used to protect the suit.
We duplicate it using Zachary’s magic and then give it to Emeralda and War Dancer to wear for additional protection.

It should also be noted that the team collected (via telepathic assimilation) the bunch of additional skills during the tourney. Sybil has, along with Oracle’s own skills and abilities, Nyssa Raatko’s knowledge of alchemy and Stuart Clarke’s knowledge of technology downloaded into Oracle’s photographic memory last round.

Emeralda has downloaded the combat skills of Judomaster, Wolverine, DCAU Hawkgirl and the skills and experience of Cable and Jean Grey (assimilated the same way Emma did to Astrid Bloom there):

Those skills allow her to use Emma’s latent TK\raw psionic energy manipulation to much greater extent Emma herself does, doing what Jean did when her mind was in Emma’s body (powers DO NOT transfer with mind, only skills). That includes effects like levitation and protective TK forcefield:

Just before we go into the battle, we mind link all our team so everyone functions in the perfect synch.

Before the battle starts Emeralda goes invisible\intangible.
Sybil cloaks herself with the help of holographic projector (shown in the scans above).

At the very start of the battle War Dancer (whose reflexes are now superhuman due to Lex' exogene being restarted) teleports both Sybil and Emeralda at the very edge of battlefield.

Even at Max 10 (BTW, everyone in my team can move at that speed now) and with Ultimo's mass you can't possibly spread your amalgam (providing you use the same system as in the last match, doing "grand amalgam" of Diablo, Ultimo, Quicksilver and Shift and leaving Cho and Cortez solo) across the very battlefield and still have it effective. Ultimo is not the best grower there is, and making full use of Shift's abilities makes you sacrifice his cybernethic perks.

What does it means? It means that Emeralda IMMEDIATELY upon appearing at the battlefield attacks your team via TP, KOing whoever has their minds unprotected. That probably kills every one of your single characters.

An example of long range TP attack (from NY into Tokyo without Cerebro\Cerebra)

If you’ve decided to use Ultimo separately or in amalgam with Cho, then it’s cyberpathic attack from Sybil to add to the bunch. Non-using Ultimo in “grand amalgam” also leaves it open for TP attack.

After teleporting his comrades to safety, War Dancer, moving at tourney peak speeds, attacks your “grand amalgam” (Shift\Diablo\whoever). She\he uses the following attacks against it:

Heat vision (even the low level one Supermanified Lex possesses has proven to be really effective against Shift):
Rune magic explosions at superspeed:
Blasts of raw magical energy

Besides superhuman durability and protective forcefield there's also combat teleportation (combined with superhuman reaction speed) to keep War Dancer safe.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Oct 20th, 2008 05:30 PM
illadelph is currently offline Click here to Send illadelph a Private Message Find more posts by illadelph Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Charlotte's Opening Post (Part 2)

It should be noted, that despite Shift can explode himself and reform, he’s not that great against outside explosions- at least being dispersed not on his own will hurts:
Not that good against energy blasts either

If War Dancer can't manage the beating of your prime amalgam alone, there's also a backup to teleport in in the fractions of second.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Oct 20th, 2008 05:31 PM
illadelph is currently offline Click here to Send illadelph a Private Message Find more posts by illadelph Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Leo/Scoob's Opening Post

Heh ... 5 whole minutes to spare!

big grin

Scoob & Leo - (desperately trying to even out our 1 & 2 record)




Prep will be performed in Pre-Psycho-Wanda Avengers Mansion (QS's base)

Quicksilver/Amadeus amalgamate - 2 minutes Cortez boosts the creation to a safe but powerful degree.

Ultimo/Diablo/Shift amalgamate - 6 minutes

Quickcho immediately speedhacks through the computers (made easier with QS' access codes) and goes through the Avengers records searching for specific data.

1. psi blockers/scramblers
2. information on the atomic structure of adamantium
3. information on the atomic structure of antarctic vibranium (Anti-Metal)

If this info is not available on the Avengers servers then he hacks SHIELD for it, if they haven't got it (which they do) he'll access Department H, etc, etc ....

Cho has already shown that with his regular cyber skills he can take down SHIELD all by himself ... with QS' power upgrading his thinking speed by a hell of a lot then further boosted by Cortez I see no reason he couldn't find and steal any of this info within a couple of minutes tops.

Once this info is gathered, Quicksilver and Cho demalgamate (is that a word?)

Quicksilver then amalgamates with the Ultimo/Diablo/Shift creation - a further 2 minutes.

The info would all have been gathered in the 4 extra minutes it took the others to merge ... plus maybe 1 extra minute (margin for error)

Cortez amps the 4 man amalgamation beyond regular levels

Cortez & Cho are now fairly vulnerable, so the amalgam, we'll call him Mercury, uses his combined abilities to create a small compartment within his own body where they will reside for the duration of the match, they will have radio/video hook ups in order to monitor the fight and convey any advice/tactics.

With this info now available, the knowledge and powers of Shift & Diablo use the info to create head to toe grade A adamantium armour for their Ultimo shaped body. This armour in no way hinders the giants ability to move ... to top this off we will also be coating the giant with a layer of Vibranium (the regular kind) which Diablo/Shift can create on demand already.

(the anti metal knowledge is something we downloaded just in case it's needed)

They also recreate the psi scramblers and each remaining member of the team is given their own, even Mercury takes one as a precaution (even though he's part robot and probably wont need it ... better safe than sorry though)

This will all, obviously, be done at amazing superspeed thanks to QS' involvement.

The instant the match starts we create a dome shield most of the way over us:

CDB may or may not be able to phase through it but it will certainly slow/stop any initial attack .... if it does crack we'll have more than enough time with QS' boosted reaction speed to evade anything that could be thrown at us ... on the slim chance something does get through and connects, I seriously doubt it's going to damage our vibranium/adamantium armour.

So we're starting off impervious to physical, energy and psionic attacks.

hmm... that doesn't leave much to be worried about.


As for our offense, we'll be keeping things simple to begin with.

Using Diablo's knowledge, Shift's ability to become/create any chemicals & Quicksilver's speed enhanced further by Ultimo's size, we'll be moving at tourney cap speeds blanketing the area with these concoctions:

You'll either fall asleep:

Be knocked out:


Or be paralysed:

Not the most violent choices considering we're a gigantic engine of destruction ... but we can always follow them up by speedily squishing your team beneath a massive adamantium foot.


Basic summary:

We're impervious to any attack.
CBD's team is unconscious.
We're faster, larger and stronger.
We can adapt to any situation.

I look forward to seeing what we're up against.


big grin


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Oct 20th, 2008 05:32 PM
illadelph is currently offline Click here to Send illadelph a Private Message Find more posts by illadelph Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Charlotte's post #1

Wow, you guys couldn't come with anything better that brutally plagiarising my Shifter plan from Red's last tourney? I expected better from you...

Really, really predicable plan. Expect you're a solid giant robot for thatsmile

But first let's deal with a "few" misconceptions.
First of all, despite what you're thinking our mobility>>>your mobility. Not only ALL THREE of my team members are able to move and fly on tourney cap speeds, we can teleport across the batttlefield easily.

That also ruins your anti-metal stuff. In fact, you're either producing it in miniscule amouths (and forcefield that shielded from Superman's attacks is sufficient defence against vibrations), or destroying your own tech with it.

The waves travel slowly and simple teleportation behind concrete wall ruins the chance of that part of your plan affecting us:

Ironman is saved by Black Panther here, and our team members are either far away from you at the start (Sybil and Emeralda), or have reaction speeds of Superman-light (War Dancer). Also, those vibrations do dissolve photonic SHIELD generator there, but it's a shield, hard-light replica of Cap America one, and thus has little area of coverage compared to body-covering forcefields we're using. Vibrations (not energy waves) got around shield. Getting around omnidirectional skin-tight forcefields=impossible. So your anti-metal goes to hell.

More examples of antimetal vibrations (that's VIBRATIONS, not radiation, it make metal resonate and dissolve) being blocked by very simple stuff, such as glacial ice.

As for the "SHIELD-designed psi-blockers"... I seriously hope you aren't referring to those:
Not standart stuff, but Extremis Iron Man vaunted psi-defences, which are supposed to be BETTER than standart stuff.
Or those?
They've made more advanced model for Sentinel pilots later, but even that is\was bypassed eventually- with ridiculos ease and WHILE coordinating X-Men in Antarctica from Werchester without Cerebra.

So...telepathic\cyberpathic assault works just well. Teleporting inside Mercury and killing its inhabitants (Supermanified Lex can detect radio waves) and then blasting it from inside- works even better.

Your gas attacks. I've already shown Lex's forcefield allowing him to survive in space. It won't let any gases in. So your gas attack is...ineffective.

And it's even more uneffective on Emeralda.
Martian physiology makes poisons and drugs designed for humans\human metas less effective on Miss Martian.

Emma controls her own brain chemistry via her psionic powers- the best mental surgeon in MU isn't a title gained for nothing.

Also, it's horrible if used in jungles against highly mobile shielded targets. And by horrible I mean horribly uneffective.

Slightest alteration of humidity, such as dive into the lake, and they might as well not be there (protective forcefields is effective in that regard as well).

Also the weak point of Diablo's chemicals is that they're either environment-sensitive or extremely short-living. If you try to speed up reactions- you may as well PWN yourself.

A simple dam to alter currents in the lake was all that was needed to cancel "water into vinegar" transformation.

So...where do you see the edge, darlings?


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Last edited by Charlotte DeBel on Oct 20th, 2008 at 07:09 PM

Old Post Oct 20th, 2008 07:06 PM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: The Scoob Cave

Re: Charlotte's Opening Post (Part 1)

Scoob/Leo: Post #1

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Emeralda (Emma Frost\Miss Martian)
Sybil (Oracle\Zachary Zatara)
War Dancer (Magik II \Lex Luthor)

During 52 storyline, Lex Luthor infused himself with artificial metagene,

Interestingly enough, that gene was never permanently removed, merely deactivated- so it's still in Lex' body, but in sleeping state.

Because Lex is the kind of guy that wouldn't try to get his powers back if it was that simple?

The gene was fried. His powers are gone forever.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
So via said mind link we use Amanda’s magic and Luthor’s knowledge of exogene to restart it.

Causing a body to regenerate skin and blood is not the same as genetic microsurgery.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Emma amalgamates with Miss Martian - and thus put her stamina closer to peak Martian levels, putting "Supergirl-stalemating" level at average for her).

Just because someone believed that in a previous round doesn't make it cannon ... do you mind going over your reasoning for those of us who are sceptical?

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Zachary Zatara and Oracle (with re-activated Brainiac-granted technopathy) amalgamate. That amalgam gets to wear Lex’ War Suit

I don't think anyone believes Iron Man can hold his own against Superman (just look at the CIS resolved fight he had with Sentry) ... that suit may well be above caps and get banned.

Not that an Adamantium Ultimo can't pummel them to dust anyway.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
*random stuff about Lex's armour*

None of that can dent Mercury.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Emeralda has downloaded the combat skills of Wolverine

Sweet ... here's hoping you rush in growling in a straight forward kind of way like he always does.

stick out tongue

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Even at Max 10 (BTW, everyone in my team can move at that speed now)

It's "Mach" not max ... and I really don't see where you think your getting this speed from (unless your just talking about teleportation)

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
*bunch of stuff about telepathic attacks*

Good thing we preped for that then.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
After teleporting his comrades to safety, War Dancer, moving at tourney peak speeds, attacks your “grand amalgam” (Shift\Diablo\whoever). She\he uses the following attacks against it:

*heat vision, explosions, energy beams*

The most you could accomplish with those attacks is making Ultimo more powerful (he absorbs heat energy making himself larger/stronger/more powerful)

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Besides superhuman durability and protective forcefield there's also combat teleportation (combined with superhuman reaction speed) to keep War Dancer safe.

Not fast enough, seriously .. Wind Dancer + Lex Luthor and you think that's faster than a majorly upgraded Quicksilver?

Or even either of these other pairings?

Emma Frost\Miss Martian
Oracle\Zachary Zatara

Where is this monstrous reaction speed coming from? even with the metagene, Luthor never displayed any speed feats (and it's highly doubtful you can activate it even if that were possible)

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Wow, you guys couldn't come with anything better that brutally plagiarising my Shifter plan from Red's last tourney? I expected better from you...

You'll have to blame and excuse me for that, Leo and I haven't been in touch much the last couple of days and I never read any of your matches in that last tourney ... only match in it I read was the final and that was only because some judge dropped out and they needed me to fill in (unless that was a different tourney, in which case I never read any of it)

stick out tongue

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
First of all, despite what you're thinking our mobility>>>your mobility. Not only ALL THREE of my team members are able to move and fly on tourney cap speeds, we can teleport across the batttlefield easily.

We can fly too if we choose to, we're at cap movement speed and we have better reaction speed (many Quicksilver scans available on request)

I'm pretty sure we can teleport when need be as well (Leo will elaborate as I don't have those scans)

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
*lots of stuff about anti-metal*

check again, I said we took the info on it in case we decide to use it, we didn't make any yet.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
As for the "SHIELD-designed psi-blockers"... I seriously hope you aren't referring to those:
Not standart stuff, but Extremis Iron Man vaunted psi-defences, which are supposed to be BETTER than standart stuff.

Do you see a suit of Iron Man armour there? Tony and Emma are/were, on occasion, more than friends, it's clear that he wasn't treating her like an enemy and didn't go in with full defenses.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Or those?

Your scans defeat themselves, it's clearly stated how/why she was able to "access" the pilots minds, that isn't something that can be replicated with Ultimo (who is far more advanced than any Sentinel)

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
So...telepathic\cyberpathic assault works just well.

Not at all, other than the "proof" you've shown (which actually only works under specific conditions) We could also be packin' these:

Either way, Ultimo's mind isn't organic and wont be susceptible to mental attack.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Teleporting inside Mercury and killing its inhabitants (Supermanified Lex can detect radio waves) and then blasting it from inside- works even better.

I'm pretty sure teleporting inside your opponent is illegal, even if it isn't you won't be detecting anything through the vibranium armour ... you also wouldn't have enough space to teleport into (the compartment is very small)

Also, as Lex sort of pointed out in your scan, he doesn't have the best grip of the super senses, he couldn't even hear a person talking next to him because there was too much stimulus that he isn't used to.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Your gas attacks. I've already shown Lex's forcefield allowing him to survive in space. It won't let any gases in. So your gas attack is...ineffective.

Yeah ... you kinda drafted Tony Stark then brought Iron Man to the fight with that one ... for 10 points ... erm

Doesn't matter, we're not a one trick pony and we can definitely work around a couple of shields.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
And it's even more uneffective on Emeralda.
Martian physiology makes poisons and drugs designed for humans\human metas less effective on Miss Martian.

It seems, by that scan, that it only makes them wear off quicker. We wont need to paralyse you for any great length of time before we stomp you into liquid.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Emma controls her own brain chemistry via her psionic powers

Can she do it while she's asleep?

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Slightest alteration of humidity, such as dive into the lake, and they might as well not be there.

So you're banking on a PIS lake? what if, while you're in this lake, we trasnmute it into Vibranium?

That's not really the case though, we're going to constantly be there with a never ending supply of chemicals via Shift ... having a quick shower isn't going to do anything other than short circuit your tech after we put holes in it.


Basically your team is going to get the IM treatment of being repetitively B!tchslapped by Ultimo:

(please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image) (please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image) (please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image)

Except now it's happening a thousand times faster and the pimp hand is made of adamantium.


Do you even KMC???

Old Post Oct 20th, 2008 11:37 PM
Scoobless is currently offline Click here to Send Scoobless a Private Message Find more posts by Scoobless Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Planning to take over the WORLD!

all righty, back in the saddle.

first, i'd request a halt to this match to get a ruling on lex's armor. IF cdb drafted lex for 10pts, the armor is illegal. i have a pm from ill that specifically says that if the armor is brought in, lex=30pts. i can produce it if needed.

thing is, i'm not 100% sure cdb DID draft lex at 10. if you paid 30 for him, cdb, my bad. embarrasment if you paid 10, the armor must be ruled illegal. erm

now then, first, let's deal with our supposed 'psi-vulnerability'. allow me to introduce cassanadra. now, cassandra was one of the enormously formidable gatherers who beat down the avengers a few times. here, she gets annoyed and unleashes a brutal psi-assault:

what was the result of said attack? well, with that single psi-attack, she ko'd thor, hercules AND SERSI! she ko'd the rest as well, INCLUDING THE PSI-RESISTANT VISION:

that is one of the best single psi attacks i've ever seen. now, let's look at the rematch:

dane's PSIONIC ARMOR completely negated the attack. that's why we chose the avengers HQ. those schematics (dane is black knight, btw) would be easily accessible and with cho and QS's amped speed, recreating them (or simply pulling them out of storage . . . why on earth would they have been thrown out? confused ) would be easy. if said armor can protect against a psionic attack capable of wiping out HERALD LEVEL BEINGS, i'm afraid YOUR psionic assaults will be . . . less than successful. smile

so, issue #1 PSIONIC VULNERABILITY--dealt with.

issue #2: you have a maneuverability advantage.


we can teleport just as easily, think faster than you and have faster reaction times. there are other teleporting scans available upon request.

so, issue #2--cdb's people are more maneuverable--dealt with.

umm, what else does she offer in terms of offense? confused

even if lex DOES have his powers (i'd like proof--and i'd imagine any judge would ALSO like proof--that that gene CAN be turned back on . . .) he's not gonna do a damn thing to our adamantium hide. without your TP, you're relegated to trying to beat us physically. trying to tackle an adamantium ultimo that attacks at mach 10 is NOT a recipe for success, i'm afraid. erm

and read her BATTLE section over if you don't believe me--she mentions her TP attack, and she mentions blasting with energy and magic.

we are invulnerable to her TP, and adamantium makes us immune to her other attacks. she has even LESS offense than digi! heh we on the other hand can quite literally SQUASH any of her charaters in one hand, or use our disintegration beams to wipe them out. we have LOADS more options, but frankly see no reason to bring them up. i ask anyone: what can she possibly do against a giant robot that is stronger, faster, more maneuverable and utterly impervious to damage? confused

oh, and ps--i too would love to see some of these speed feats that you believe somehow make you our equal in speed. please. smile


Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 12:56 AM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Lex's armor would be illegal for use since Lex was drafted at 10 pts (akin to drafting Tony Stark without the Ironman Armor for 10 pts then bringing the suit).

An armored Lex would be equal to Ironman and cost 30 pts. Charlotte drafted him at 10 pts (unequipped) and therefore would not have access to the armor.

Sorry Charlotte, I have to be consistent.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 05:03 AM
illadelph is currently offline Click here to Send illadelph a Private Message Find more posts by illadelph Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Post #2

Well, the ready-made suit is illegal, and I agree on that. However, creating one from scratch in the prep via magic is legal- so...we can just recreate one from scratch via magic (like it was done in rds 1-3), not take ready-made one (which is not standart equipment anyway, Iron Man's suit is integral part of his body now and it's his standart equipment).
But now to your points:

Because Lex is the kind of guy that wouldn't try to get his powers back if it was that simple?

The gene was fried. His powers are gone forever.

Nice try, darlingsmile
Well, first of all- not "fried".
"The exogene would recover in seconds".

Then he gets KOed and while he lies unconscious, stuff happened preventing him from repairing the exogene.
The Everyman facility was destroyed in the same arc and lawsuit was brought against Lex, so he never had chance to recover powers granted to him. So...he can't restart it, but it had nothing to do with it turned off irreparably.

Now to organic matter manip you need proof of:
Human into mermaid. On genetic level.

As for typo- I keep confusing English and Russian spelling of Mach (russian version spells with X at the end). Sorry on that.

And to your prep:
Quickcho immediately speedhacks through the computers (made easier with QS' access codes) and goes through the Avengers records searching for specific data.

1. psi blockers/scramblers
2. information on the atomic structure of adamantium
3. information on the atomic structure of antarctic vibranium (Anti-Metal)

If this info is not available on the Avengers servers then he hacks SHIELD for it, if they haven't got it (which they do) he'll access Department H, etc, etc ....

Cho has already shown that with his regular cyber skills he can take down SHIELD all by himself ... with QS' power upgrading his thinking speed by a hell of a lot then further boosted by Cortez I see no reason he couldn't find and steal any of this info within a couple of minutes tops.

Once this info is gathered, Quicksilver and Cho demalgamate (is that a word?)

You darlings do know the difference between an actual technopath and a hacker with superspeed? The speed of you downloading information depends on the operating speed of your workstation, not on how fast you can type or move mouse. The amalgam is pointless and the time of getting all that information is rougly equal to the one Cho would get at normal speed- all you speeded up is his ability to input information. Not the speed you get it on. It's not Speed Force-enhanced Black Box you're using there.

Also, since when can Shift copy unknown material simply by formula? He usulally needs physical or visual contact with sample to copy it:
With adamantium you need to be extremely careful (I do think the same stuff is valid to vibranium). For one stable form it's ton of unstable poisonous isotopes sharing the same chemical formula:

The chances of getting wrong one by being guided only by chemical formula is extremely high. A grade adamantium my asssmile

Also, vibranium=\=adamantium. It does absorb kinetic energy, but it's less durable.


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 06:22 AM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Oh, a little clarification from Ill:

Charlotte DeBel wrote on Oct 20th, 2008 10:54 PM:
Iron Man's armour is his standart equipment, while Lex's suit is not, but I do agree than "ready-made". "Ready-made" suit is illegal, but is recreating one via magic means from scratch using Lex' knowledge and the abilities of our mages (like it was done in 1st-3rd rounds) legal?


illadelph12 wrote on Oct 21st, 2008 09:21 AM:
Yes, you could create an armor legally. The ruling is that you couldn't just grab Lex's pre-existing armor without paying for it (like when Smurph paid 5 for Boy Blue then grabbed the blade and cloak).

So... copying existing one or recreating it via magic is legal, as long as the real deal doesn't leave prep area.
Our team got plenty of expertise with armour recreation in rds 1-3, Sybil has technological skills of Stu Clarke and there's mindlink with Lex for additional guidance.

We simply recreate existing suit, without taking real deal from prep area. Legal? Yes. Pwns you? Yes. Simple duplication spell would be enough, since the sample of real one is in prep area.

No speed feats?
Blitzing Steel while going "intangible" on super speed to phase though the hammer.
Yeah. You're right. No speed feats. LOL.


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 06:30 AM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Now to your psi-blockers part.

You use that scan of standart psi-bafflers of Reed's desing. The same ones that get bypassed eventually.
The end result. And you do know that Emma is > Pre-Shaman Nate in terms of skills? And I've shown her bypassing various kinds of psi-defences with ridiculous ease.

As for Whitman stuff you're adressing there...

You DO KNOW that was retconned?
Exodus attacks the flagship of SHIELD. Maria Hill and her crew either don't have any psi-blockers or they're uneffective against telepath of that level.
The telepath Rogue refers to is Emma- Xavier was depowered back then.

Exodus himself admits that Emma is his equal in terms of skill (she's the last of five listed).

Emma shows that those aren't idle words by stalemating Exodus.

Emma's psi-interference (from Werchester to Antarctica without Cerebra)>Exodus psi-interference.

Emma temportary depowers Exodus long enough to have him PWNed by Nightcrawler.

On the other hand, Exodus' psi-interference is relatively insignificant to Emma (she manages to psi-freeze Harpoon regardless of that).

Now, does Emma >Exodus in raw psi-power? Definetley no, but she's his equal in skill. She has successfuly ignored or bypassed various kinds of psi-defences. Your (retconned) psi-blockers from god forgotten 80ies won't make any difference there.

That's provided you GET them, as the most complex things Shift was shown to create were relatively simple mechanical devises (such as chainguns), not complex electronics. You don't have him amalgamate with someone with good engineering skill, neither you're mind-synching him with one.
So you most likely won't have said psi-blockers (providing they're not retconned).


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Last edited by Charlotte DeBel on Oct 21st, 2008 at 07:17 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 07:12 AM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Charlotte's scans-only post #1

First, we'll deal with Emeralda and why mental reserve is important for Martians.
Martians reproduce not in the way we humans do, they cut off parts of their body mass and then combine them to create a child. As long as psyche stays intact, the body can be cloned, regrown etc. The mind is prime over body for Martian. A martian "child" body can be "aged" to "adult" form instantly providing it posesses "adult" psyche\mental reserve.
Martians' physical powers are deeply connected to their TP, mental reserve. Weak mental reserve- weak Martian. They STUDY, train their mental reserve and thus achieve their physical prowess. The only things that are not affected by TP reserve increase based on the scan is invisibility and intangibility (and probably Martian vision).
M'gann left her mental reserve untrained after her parents died, she restrained herself by the "code of the rules". That's why future personality of M'gann tries to trick her into breaking the "rules" and receiving mental training (in Teen Titans #62 M'gann leaves the team to get one, as evil persona starts dominate and M'gann subconsiously shifts in her true form in front of her teammates).
More proof of undeveloped mental training\lots of restrains compared to normal Martian. "Weakness" for Martians is weakness of psyche (meaning that one can never develop stable mental reserve), not the one of body.
The evil adult personality tries to destroy M'gann's restraining barriers with TP. Result- physical form gets torn to shreds, more experienced mind survives inside that timeline's body (the physical body not only gets destroyed,but it gets retconned from timeline).
Personality survives and later temporary separates into new body after Disruptor's blast.
Adult personality in charge uses M'gann's powers more effectively than the real deal (like planting TP suggestions into minds of people to fabricate false documents for M'gann).
The mind over body thing is why Miss Martian separates into two bodies when hit with the blast from Disruptor (the evil personality is forced to "separate"). A new body is "offshooted" for a second mind, once two minds are separated.
The guy suffering from the same problem- great potential yet due to the lack of training and CIS he uses but a tiny margin of it. Emma provides quick remedy.

Now, to the Mach speeds\superhuman reflexes part.
I'm starting with the simple thing such as keeping up with\outspeeding supersonic jet.
Reflexes\reaction feat. In time needed for guardian to look at Cyborg's direction she shapeshanges into Robin, takes his place and pushes real deal aside.

And since due to "undeveloped psyche" part fixed Emeralda is close to peak Martian now, I'm adding a few scans of said "peak Martians" and their speed feats. Those are not to claim "feats from non-drafted character" but to show a level (since there's no other way to do that).

Next part is durability, strength etc
Blunt force punch from Supergirl, who is >Ultimo, does very little to M'gann.
Strength feat- stops a train with passengers from derailing. With more trained psyche with more developed mental reserve she'll be even stronger.
Invisibility doesn't decrease fighting effectivity (PIS second personality interferring does, but that won't happen in that fight).

Now to teleportation. I don't think the kind of "teleportation" Diablo uses is going to help you there...with all those unstable isotopes, you know- and that's not combat teleportation.

Now to Amanda's teleportation.
From USA to Bavaria. With passengers.
Shorter range and after being beaten up by her mom, who is Sorceress Supreme of Earth.
Teleporting others separate from herself
Or together with herself. Also continuation of "human to mermaid" scans.
Teleport in conjunction with paralysing spell
Some weather manip to blow your gases away (BTW, everyone in the team is equipped with skin-tight forcefield generators, which were duplicated by magical means in prep, so skin contact needed for them to be effective won't happen).


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 09:17 AM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: The Scoob Cave

Amalgamated Scoobeo's post #3

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Well, the ready-made suit is illegal, and I agree on that. However, creating one from scratch in the prep via magic is legal- so...we can just recreate one from scratch via magic

Within the 8 minute window? (after amalgamating time is taken out) along with everything else you claim to be doing?

let's see:

Mind linking solo characters - not too long.

Reactivating defunct meta-gene (Using Magik) - quite a while (probably days at least) considering it's one Lexcorp invention that Lex never had a part in building - he had whole teams of people doing it for him as genetics isn't his strongest field of interest.

Tampering with Oracle's head to dig out Brainiac induced abilities (using Magik again) - quite a while again.

Recreating force field belts - Not sure this is possible, no idea how long it will take.

Mind linking amalgams - not too long again (but it is building up)

And with the proposed prep retcon:

Building Lex type battle armour from scratch (using Magik again) - I'd guess this would take the whole 8 minute prep time by itself.

I personally don't think there's a hope in hell of all of that being completed within 8 minutes, even less so when you take into account that you're proposing that it is almost all done by a single character.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
"The exogene would recover in seconds".

Hyperbole! ... it was never seen to be used again, so you'll need more than that to convince our logic minded judges of success in this area.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Now to organic matter manip you need proof of:
Human into mermaid. On genetic level.

I'd wager that a whole body transformation is easier for a mage than altering a single gene by a very precise degree (or else the X-Men would have had one of their magic buddies reactivate the mutant gen immediately after HoM)

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
As for typo- I keep confusing English and Russian spelling of Mach (russian version spells with X at the end).

Did not know that ... cool.

thumb up

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
The speed of you downloading information depends on the operating speed of your workstation

Avengers Mansion has high end Stark tech computers that are probably better than 99% of anything else on the planet, their servers can go operate as fast as the user.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Also, since when can Shift copy unknown material simply by formula? He usulally needs physical or visual contact with sample to copy it:

Maybe but Diablo has centuries of experience dealing with this type of thing, couple that with Shift's powers at Quicksilver's speed and it's all reproduced in moments.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Also, vibranium=\=adamantium. It does absorb kinetic energy, but it's less durable.

Meh, we're still using both.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
No speed feats?
Blitzing Steel while going "intangible" on super speed to phase though the hammer.

Um, no!

No! to this being called a "speed feat" and No! to Lex being "intangible".

Steel clearly aimed to free ... his daughter? niece? from the metal chair, the hammer wasn't intended for Lex and did not go through him.

As for it being speedy - all he did was go in a straight line 6 feet across the room and Steel still had time to free the girl, and Steel has no super speed at all.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
You use that scan of standart psi-bafflers of Reed's desing. The same ones that get bypassed eventually.

You missed the part where Nate physically tampers with the Thing's psi-bafflers:


Kind of puts that "feat" back into perspective.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
As for Whitman stuff you're adressing there...

Exodus attacks the flagship of SHIELD.

If you look closely at the Dane scan again, you'll notice that the psi-blockers involved wear rather bulky and obvious to see .... I don't see Maria Hill sporting anything remotely similar in the other pic.

We can incorporate these right into Ultimo's body so that they wont be seen.

quote: (post)

I see Sand weakening and defeating Exodus, doesn't really matter to our psi shielded robot though.


Ok, we've been over the psi stuff a few times, we took anything that was currently in Avengers Mansion and recreated some that weren't.

On top of that, we're a giant freakin' robot, robot's are not affected by telepathy in the first place.

Telepathy will not be of help to you in this match.

As for the force field belt stopping the gas idea ... well, what exactly does Lex breathe when wearing these force fields built into his everyday clothest? he isn't wearing oxygen tanks and respirators ... seems obvious that they are designed to buffer physical assaults while still allowing him to breathe, with our potions & gases filling the air you simply wont be able to avoid contacting them.

The main fact is that no one on your team can take down a super fast, super durable, Ultimo.

Nothing you have shown is close to equal to this type of speedblitz:

You stick Ultimo's mass and strength behind any one of those punches and it would KTFO anyone short of high herald level (and none of your guys are there)

On top of that we're surrounded by trees, we have incredibly intense heat blasts....



.... and you have a martian who loses her powers in the presence of fire (which we'll know through Shift)

Time for a barbecue methinks.

One last thing that I noticed during the end stages of our last match, Ultimo adapts to attacks he has been hit with in the past:


Then later:


Add to this that he has a speedsters healing levels now, along with the ability to chemically alter his form and reassemble circuits at an atomic level and nothing that has ever hurt him before should have any affect on him again.

Brings another level to his already nigh-invulnerable status.

Which mean, if you do find any way to do any damage, he'll heal fast and wont be vulnerable to the same attack again (or any of the attacks from the last match either)

Our defense is insurmountable, our speed is unmatched & our power is unsurpassed.

With the forest ablaze and our team forced to breath either potion that will render them unconscious or smoke that will weaken them, it's really only a matter of moments until Mercury crushes the three little soft things in his way.

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Charlotte's scans-only post #1

There are a hell of a lot of arguments and tactics displayed in your "scan only" post.

It's either a match post or it needs to get edited to the point where it is "scan only".


Do you even KMC???

Last edited by Scoobless on Oct 21st, 2008 at 05:42 PM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 05:40 PM
Scoobless is currently offline Click here to Send Scoobless a Private Message Find more posts by Scoobless Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Charlotte's post #6 (so called "scan-only" goes into the match)

To deal with your claims:

Mind linking solo characters - not too long.

Reactivating defunct meta-gene (Using Magik) - quite a while (probably days at least) considering it's one Lexcorp invention that Lex never had a part in building - he had whole teams of people doing it for him as genetics isn't his strongest field of interest.

Tampering with Oracle's head to dig out Brainiac induced abilities (using Magik again) - quite a while again.

Recreating force field belts - Not sure this is possible, no idea how long it will take.

Mind linking amalgams - not too long again (but it is building up)

And with the proposed prep retcon:

Building Lex type battle armour from scratch (using Magik again) - I'd guess this would take the whole 8 minute prep time by itself.

The retcon means simply "recreate something based on the mental model of it" or "replicate pre-existing stuff" as long as real deal doesn't leave prep area (it can be used as sample as long as it isn't used in the battle itself- just like you did with explosive Bat-tech in your first match stuff).

And I won't be using Magik (aka Amanda Sefton) to replicate\recreate things- the transmutation of inorganics isn't her forte (that's why she's drafted for 25 points- she's not good with inorganics).

Zachary, however, is good at transmutation and simply duplicating things he sees isn't beyond his power level.

Examples of his transmuting powers:
Doves into fireworks
The box of pizza from thin air (though he added less cheese than wanted but it was almost right after date with Raven who has destabilising effect on his concentration- thanks god there's no such distraction there).
Living animals from thin air
Animating stone statues (not actual matter manip, but still)

"Off\on" mechanism was designed by Lex personally. As Natasha was what he added to the project.

The thing is that Lex was beaten to the point of becoming comatose while trying to restart "on" button- and then he didn't have access to Everyman project anymore. What's more, the project itself was compromised in the eyes of society, and Lex under pressure decided to try something more...reliable.

Lex was comatose and isn't about "restarting" anything. Upon recovering in hospital...well, a lot has changed that made recovering of said superpowers impossible. Most notably Superman restoring his powers and Lex having to go underground.

Also we DO practice recreating tech via mental models in previous rounds, knowing schematics.And having something like holographic images of that tech to look or actual samples to copy from (as long as we won't take them from prep area) surely helps with that.


Charlotte DeBel wrote on Oct 21st, 2008 10:54 AM:
The only way I'm going to use it and any other tech mentioned is to look at them and then duplicate it via magic. Is that legal (providing we didn't even touch it)?


illadelph12 wrote on Oct 21st, 2008 09:12 PM:
So long as the tech doesn't exceed caps, yeah, it's good.

So we can simply say "tius etacilper" while standing next to the real thing. We won't even touch it.

Zachary states he's roughly equal to his cousin when it comes to inamimate stuff. As long as we have real deal to look at, it's pretty fine.

With Oracle it would be "restarting of mentally supressed powers". Read the scan attentively:
"The virus somehow shut itself off". It was "willed" by Oracle (who partially took control over it) to stop killing her body.

Emma uses "mental surgery" to tweak with Polaris' body and halt the Famine transformation. Also shows her level of expertise in genetics:

Restarting self-supressed, presumably "gone" powers:

Oh, and while we're on that. Being technoorganic doesn't save you from being mindblasted. Phalanx copies of Storm and Iceman were psiblasted just fine:
quote: (post)
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Emma Psi-Bolts the Phalanx

That idiot Banshee thinks the X-Men detained Emma because she snapped. However the Phalanx detained Emma so she wouldn't ruin its plans.

Once Sabertooth frees Emma she Psi-Bolts Phalanx replicas of Storm and Iceman destroying them.

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Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 06:32 PM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

Gender: Male
Location: Planning to take over the WORLD!

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Oh, a little clarification from Ill:

So... copying existing one or recreating it via magic is legal, as long as the real deal doesn't leave prep area.
Our team got plenty of expertise with armour recreation in rds 1-3, Sybil has technological skills of Stu Clarke and there's mindlink with Lex for additional guidance.

We simply recreate existing suit, without taking real deal from prep area. Legal? Yes. Pwns you? Yes. Simple duplication spell would be enough, since the sample of real one is in prep area.

No speed feats?
Blitzing Steel while going "intangible" on super speed to phase though the hammer.
Yeah. You're right. No speed feats. LOL.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Now to your psi-blockers part.

You use that scan of standart psi-bafflers of Reed's desing. The same ones that get bypassed eventually.
The end result. And you do know that Emma is > Pre-Shaman Nate in terms of skills? And I've shown her bypassing various kinds of psi-defences with ridiculous ease.

As for Whitman stuff you're adressing there...

You DO KNOW that was retconned?
Exodus attacks the flagship of SHIELD. Maria Hill and her crew either don't have any psi-blockers or they're uneffective against telepath of that level.
The telepath Rogue refers to is Emma- Xavier was depowered back then.

Exodus himself admits that Emma is his equal in terms of skill (she's the last of five listed).

Emma shows that those aren't idle words by stalemating Exodus.

Emma's psi-interference (from Werchester to Antarctica without Cerebra)>Exodus psi-interference.

Emma temportary depowers Exodus long enough to have him PWNed by Nightcrawler.

On the other hand, Exodus' psi-interference is relatively insignificant to Emma (she manages to psi-freeze Harpoon regardless of that).

Now, does Emma >Exodus in raw psi-power? Definetley no, but she's his equal in skill. She has successfuly ignored or bypassed various kinds of psi-defences. Your (retconned) psi-blockers from god forgotten 80ies won't make any difference there.

That's provided you GET them, as the most complex things Shift was shown to create were relatively simple mechanical devises (such as chainguns), not complex electronics. You don't have him amalgamate with someone with good engineering skill, neither you're mind-synching him with one.
So you most likely won't have said psi-blockers (providing they're not retconned).

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Post #2

Well, the ready-made suit is illegal, and I agree on that. However, creating one from scratch in the prep via magic is legal- so...we can just recreate one from scratch via magic (like it was done in rds 1-3), not take ready-made one (which is not standart equipment anyway, Iron Man's suit is integral part of his body now and it's his standart equipment).
But now to your points:

Nice try, darlingsmile
Well, first of all- not "fried".
"The exogene would recover in seconds".

Then he gets KOed and while he lies unconscious, stuff happened preventing him from repairing the exogene.
The Everyman facility was destroyed in the same arc and lawsuit was brought against Lex, so he never had chance to recover powers granted to him. So...he can't restart it, but it had nothing to do with it turned off irreparably.

Now to organic matter manip you need proof of:
Human into mermaid. On genetic level.

As for typo- I keep confusing English and Russian spelling of Mach (russian version spells with X at the end). Sorry on that.

And to your prep:

You darlings do know the difference between an actual technopath and a hacker with superspeed? The speed of you downloading information depends on the operating speed of your workstation, not on how fast you can type or move mouse. The amalgam is pointless and the time of getting all that information is rougly equal to the one Cho would get at normal speed- all you speeded up is his ability to input information. Not the speed you get it on. It's not Speed Force-enhanced Black Box you're using there.

Also, since when can Shift copy unknown material simply by formula? He usulally needs physical or visual contact with sample to copy it:
With adamantium you need to be extremely careful (I do think the same stuff is valid to vibranium). For one stable form it's ton of unstable poisonous isotopes sharing the same chemical formula:

The chances of getting wrong one by being guided only by chemical formula is extremely high. A grade adamantium my asssmile

Also, vibranium=\=adamantium. It does absorb kinetic energy, but it's less durable.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlotte DeBel
Charlotte's post #6 (so called "scan-only" goes into the match)

To deal with your claims:

The retcon means simply "recreate something based on the mental model of it" or "replicate pre-existing stuff" as long as real deal doesn't leave prep area (it can be used as sample as long as it isn't used in the battle itself- just like you did with explosive Bat-tech in your first match stuff).

And I won't be using Magik (aka Amanda Sefton) to replicate\recreate things- the transmutation of inorganics isn't her forte (that's why she's drafted for 25 points- she's not good with inorganics).

Zachary, however, is good at transmutation and simply duplicating things he sees isn't beyond his power level.

Examples of his transmuting powers:
Doves into fireworks
The box of pizza from thin air (though he added less cheese than wanted but it was almost right after date with Raven who has destabilising effect on his concentration- thanks god there's no such distraction there).
Living animals from thin air
Animating stone statues (not actual matter manip, but still)

"Off\on" mechanism was designed by Lex personally. As Natasha was what he added to the project.

The thing is that Lex was beaten to the point of becoming comatose while trying to restart "on" button- and then he didn't have access to Everyman project anymore. What's more, the project itself was compromised in the eyes of society, and Lex under pressure decided to try something more...reliable.

Lex was comatose and isn't about "restarting" anything. Upon recovering in hospital...well, a lot has changed that made recovering of said superpowers impossible. Most notably Superman restoring his powers and Lex having to go underground.

Also we DO practice recreating tech via mental models in previous rounds, knowing schematics.And having something like holographic images of that tech to look or actual samples to copy from (as long as we won't take them from prep area) surely helps with that.

So we can simply say "tius etacilper" while standing next to the real thing. We won't even touch it.

Zachary states he's roughly equal to his cousin when it comes to inamimate stuff. As long as we have real deal to look at, it's pretty fine.

With Oracle it would be "restarting of mentally supressed powers". Read the scan attentively:
"The virus somehow shut itself off". It was "willed" by Oracle (who partially took control over it) to stop killing her body.

Emma uses "mental surgery" to tweak with Polaris' body and halt the Famine transformation. Also shows her level of expertise in genetics:

Restarting self-supressed, presumably "gone" powers:

Oh, and while we're on that. Being technoorganic doesn't save you from being mindblasted. Phalanx copies of Storm and Iceman were psiblasted just fine:


Last edited by leonidas on Oct 21st, 2008 at 09:12 PM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 09:06 PM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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no expression

okay, so, i REALLY hope someone (judges) out there is reading carefully . . .

you do realize that she hasn't really SAID anything in all of those posts, right?

i mean, literally, next to nothing. she tries like heck to salvage her armor which was banned by saying zach can simply "recreate it" with a word. i'd love to see something really complex he has replicated in that fashion cuz that suit is pretty friggin uber and being able to replicate something that complex at the drop of a hat would be a one hell of a thing to showcase . . . on top of that--we couldn't care less IF she had it. it can do absolutely NOTHING to an adamantium ultimo. LESS than nothing. and it can be swatted and crushed because we're faster, and can instantly increase our size. who CARES about the armor??

then she tries to mount some confused retort for our psi-armor, going so far as to say that it was retconned?? huh?? HUH??

the gatherers storyline most CERTAINLY WAS NEVER RETCONNED! the schematics for that psi-srmor would be safe in the avengers databanks or still in storage more likely and would be easily accessed by us either way.

psi-armor that blocks out psi-attacks from people who one-shot multiple herald levellers=your TP being less than useless.

she spends soooooooo much time trying to defend this whole gene thing she is trying to do. here's a simple question: has ANY gene that has been turned off EVER been turned back on? there are MANY people with the gene. should be easy to find someone who had it turned off then turned on again . . .

i'd argue more stridently except . . . again, it doesn't MATTER! lex with his powers STILL can't do a single thing to us. we still swat super lex and crush him. cdb's 'proof' of speed is ridiculous. we would hit him a thousand times before he knew what happened.

seriously--she has spent the bulk of her time (far more than the bulk of it) saying she gets armor, saying she gets lex's gene, and saying she uses tp on us.

lex's armor is smushed. lex is smushed. we are immune to tp via our robotic nature and psi-shields.

we're faster, stronger and invulnerable. ask yourself this--without her tp, what exactly CAN she do to us? i sure as hell have no idea . . .


Last edited by leonidas on Oct 21st, 2008 at 09:43 PM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 09:28 PM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12
Pretty much. If you made an error in your prep and left something out that you'd intended to do, you pretty much shot yourself in the foot if your opponent pays attention to detail. Not that you can't simply do things on the fly during the match if you could buy yourself time and had the means to do so. Prep is set in stone as is. The only exception is when tactics done in prep are illegal and get disregarded. Beyond that, it's up to you to adapt after the fact during the match.

Always have contingency plans.

thought this was worth posting here. so to be clear--to get this precious armor of hers, she would need to recreate it IN THE MATCH. that is to say--while our giant adamantium mach 10 engine of destruction is pounding her into nothingness.

beyond that--she tried to simply REPLICATE THE SUIT how? by looking at it and just copying it. well . . . guess what? she screwed up her prep and so HAS NO SUIT TO COPY. she would literally have to make it from scratch in the middle of the match.

translation: 2 of her characters (oracle and zatara) are unprotected and killed at the outset of the match. without the armor (not that it would offer much in the way of protection) they are COMPLETELY defenselss and dead immediately, and not only do we now have an overwhelming power advantage, but we also have a numbers advantage.

she really has no chance in this thing. erm

ps--judges, don't forget--we're in a VAST FOREST. setting fire to the forest will NOT be making things easier for the MARTIAN on her team . . .


Last edited by leonidas on Oct 21st, 2008 at 11:06 PM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2008 10:58 PM
leonidas is currently offline Click here to Send leonidas a Private Message Find more posts by leonidas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

The answer to the Leo's post above

The protective suit doesn't matter anyway, as two of my amalgams got teleported to the edge of battlefield anyways.
So...forget the suit- at least that particular onesmile I was not going to capitalise much on it anyways.

At the edge of a battlefield with one of our characters keeping your amalgam busy Sybil has plenty of time to equip herself properly. During the battle, as that particular amalgam is teleported as far away to the edge of battlefield as possible.

The strategy that was approved by 5 judges in 2 matches (including the one with B-Dub and Smurph). Note- the character referred as Alchemist is amalgam of Nyssa Raatko and Zachary Zatara- Nyssa's skills as well as Stuart Clarke's skills were uploaded into Oracle's perfect photographical memory via TP:
quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12

Emeralda mindlinking Alchemist with Barbara and Stuart for tech-creation. This time we won’t be doing anything too complicated- simply recreate Rocket Red suit based on Barbara's knowledge of its specs, simply recreating existing model and giving it to Alchemist. It would be totally legal as nothing any wielder of the Rocket Red suit did was beyond standart Iron Man level. Think of Rocket Red corps as “Russian Ironmen”.

Emeralda then quickly uploads Stuart Clarke’s piloting knowledge with various types of armour (he has piloted both Stark-designed stuff and various armours of his own design, Rampage being the most well-known) as well as any manuals on how to use that stuff Oracle has in her database. Oracle has complete data on every single active superhero on DC Earth as shown there:

One of Rocket Red Corps officers, Dimitry Pushkin, was on both Justice League International and Justice League Europe rosters and then was basically the ambassador of JLA in Russia.

So data on him should be in Oracle’s own memory as she perfectly remembers basically anything that she sees. Her photographic memory is so perfect that she physically can’t forget stuff (which makes her immune to brainwashing).

So locating all the Dimitry Pushkin related memories in Oracle’s well-catalogued mind would be a piece of cake for a telepath with Emma’s level of skill who also frequently practices uploading the vast amounts of information (language and cultural data) into the minds of her teammates as part of her X-Woman responsibilities.
That’s a “textbook routine” for her.

So...after teleportation we can simply create the armour- not Lex one but still good.
Plasma guns and electrically charged nets
Perfectly insulated (hermetic) and protected against explosions
More protection
Survives against Despero
Tourney cap speeds (survives agaist Flashes)

With being teleported FAR away at the start of the match Sybil WILL have a second needed to recreate already done AND known magical procedure.
Really, why should we focus on one model of suit when we have done another one multiple times?

To reinforce it a bit. Zachary recreating\replicating stuff.

And I can allow that particular character to become a "roadkill"- you have demoted TWO of yours as potential roadkills.
So...there's no vital problem with my plan. Let's proceed with WHY YOUR PLAN FAILS.

First, I'd like to highlight Leo's own words in regards to Shift:
quote: (post)
Originally posted by leonidas

he didn't ABSORB the soda, he COPIED it. big difference . . . don't forget, he CAN see molecular structures . . .

So...he barely replicates chemicals. However, the difference between alchemy and chemistry is not only in the name. You need specifically collect ingridients for potions (connected to moon cycle etc). If you don't have ingridients collected at the right time your potion won't work.
That has nothing with "non-fresh ingredients" or any other BS you may try to produce to explain that.
Simply replicating a chemical formula without particular rituals etc would get you nowhere.

And as to who's smashed, let's look at the scan Leo tries to present as teleportation.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by leonidas

we can teleport just as easily, think faster than you and have faster reaction times. there are other teleporting scans available upon request.

Leo claims that Diablo teleported in that scan.
The story retold from the POW of Diablo himself. Transformed into gaseous state and flew away. Feel free to disrupt yourself into incoherent gase that's easy to blow away.
No teleportation for you.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12

Quicksilver/Amadeus amalgamate - 2 minutes Cortez boosts the creation to a safe but powerful degree.

Quickcho immediately speedhacks through the computers (made easier with QS' access codes) and goes through the Avengers records searching for specific data.

1. psi blockers/scramblers
2. information on the atomic structure of adamantium
3. information on the atomic structure of antarctic vibranium (Anti-Metal)

If this info is not available on the Avengers servers then he hacks SHIELD for it, if they haven't got it (which they do) he'll access Department H, etc, etc ....

Cho has already shown that with his regular cyber skills he can take down SHIELD all by himself ... with QS' power upgrading his thinking speed by a hell of a lot then further boosted by Cortez I see no reason he couldn't find and steal any of this info within a couple of minutes tops.

Once this info is gathered, Quicksilver and Cho demalgamate (is that a word?)

Quicksilver then amalgamates with the Ultimo/Diablo/Shift creation - a further 2 minutes.

The info would all have been gathered in the 4 extra minutes it took the others to merge ... plus maybe 1 extra minute (margin for error)

All you did there was speed up a human hacker. The computer he's operating with is still performing on human speed. No matter how fast you type or move its mouse, the data depends on computer- and it works on FINITE speed despite the speed of operator.

You also look for the ton of obscure information there. It's not that you can read it up anywhere.

Detailed (still awaiting proof from you that Shift can replicate chemicals without seeing samples) description of adamantium and specifically antarctic vibranium is not that easy to find.

Wakandian scientists doesn't even have their computers connected to the global Internet (and they're the only ones possibly having data detailed enough for Shift to replicate). And data on adamantium was either destroyed, or... I've shown that you have a BIG chance of getting unstable poisonous isotope instead.
Scan again. The isotopes have the same basic chemical formula and copying it without actual sample is VERY dangerous.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by illadelph12

They also recreate the psi scramblers and each remaining member of the team is given their own, even Mercury takes one as a precaution (even though he's part robot and probably wont need it ... better safe than sorry though)

I do want the scans of Shift creating complextech separated from his own body. He can cause chemical reactions and transform into chemicals, but he can't transmute shit from what I've seen of him.

I'll be glad to be proven wrong, but without proof (and with idle speculations) no psi-blockers for you. Especially the ones designed in god-forgotten 70ies (good 7 to ten years on Marvel time scale) and never ever used by SHIELD agents after that. There's not even proof that the detailed schematics of them is avaliable online.
Scans or that part of prep never happened.

Absence of armour makes Sybil amalgam a roadkill, but it's the LEAST important of my amalgams in the match.

You have what? 6 posts to my 6 posts and you never ever reinforced your strategy, just frantically attacked mine and centered on wrong thing aka Lex's armour.

Oh, and another proof that speeding up Diablo's alchemical reactions won't do you any good. This time Scoobs can't disregard that as "PIS" as it's stated by DIABLO himself, who has no reason to diminish his own powers.

Only temporary.


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Old Post Oct 22nd, 2008 11:42 AM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Now to genetics.
Once again, Lex was comatose after the fight and not in mood of restarting anything.
Exogene also becomes poisonous after being "on" constantly. After Lex recovered after the beating, he was not in mood of restarting anything- he basically lost his company (Lana Lang become its managing director), the lawsuit was brought against Everyman project, and the worst thing happened- Superman got his powers back.

The very point of installing exogene was to outshine Superman while he was depowered. "Infinity Inc" was meant to compete with JLA. As I've said in my very prep, the level of Lex with exogene is= Superman biorobot (the ones from Graduation Day arc which Leo has read and enjoyed AFAIR) and with those powers he would lose to real deal 10\10.

The competition become pointless and DANGEROUS if being "on" constantly exogene was forgotten. It was never removed, just switched "off". And afterwards abandoned as pointless. So your "if Lex can do it at any time, why won't he do that" become pointless.

The same thing with Oracle\Brainiac.

She took control over virus and MADE it switch itself off. She PERSUADED the thing to do that, taking conscous control over her.

The very reason virus was to be surgically removed is that it started to obey outside destructive command and a part of it's orginal programming was returned.

Even then, Oracle was able to OVERRIDE Brainac's initial code and MADE virus switch itself off. She was in TOTAL CONTROL of it.

Also the partial reason why she switched virus off instead of letting it being removed was that even in passive state it was healing her body.
The virus is rendered passive and at the same time it partaiily regenerated her neural tissue.

So... your idle slapfest is moot point. Especially since you provided no proof of anything on your part, minus misinterpreted "teleportation" scan, inventing non-existing context for other scans (like the fact that Emma and Stark shared the bed once (that night of hot sex later resulted in Frost Enterprises undermining a position of Stark Enterprises on electronics market) to disregard the fact that Extremis Iron Man (the one in the scan) armour is stored into his body and the thing that a successful businessman would think twice before going without any mind-reading blockers to the person who runs rival company and HAS STOLEN his clients' contracts more than once while Tony was too busy thinking about boobs and not wearing psi-protection), and the scans that are centered on Ultimo smashing capability (which is moot point).

In the next post I'll deal with reinforcing my other points. You guys were too busy playing "huzzah! that particular armour is illegal!" as if it gives you teh autowin. The fact is, PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF LEX'S ARMOUR IN THE MATCH MATTERS NOTHING. While your fantasy psi-scramblers (Emma has bypassed stuff of more current generation with easy- your antiquated things are silly toys for the most skilled psionic in Marvel) is REALLY IMPORTANT for you.

And being part cybernethic won't save your asses there. I've shown Emma psi-blasting technoorganic Phalanx units, destroying their structures with psi-energy.

I can repost those if needed.

Also, faster speed of thought that the one of actual telepath? Or time-consuming mind-linking?
The mind linking\psionic conversation takes less than a second.

And with all those talks about Emeralda we've forgotten another perk of that amalgam- aka diamond form
1\100 of a second. She gets blitzed in the scan, but Northstar moves
on lightspeed there, which is>>>>>your speed. Also if not for him blitzing Emma, the mindrape would have been successful. The thinking speed of telepaths in general=or>speedsters.
Partial diamond transformation. Doesn't need food or water (thus can't be poisoned by convinient means you're using there) and STILL has the use of her TP powers (using it for scanning, that also meabs that diamond form can be used in conjunction with psionic-based Martian powers).
There goes your poisoning. Which is your major trump card.
And your afterthought flame attack, BTW.

It should be noted that the fear of flame isn't based on simply watching'em. The physical contact should be made.
Speedbitzes Firebug (who barely manages to teleport away). Also dodges her flame blast in process AND continues dodging'em. There's a misconception there that ALL the Martians run away from the matches.
Same battle, rd 2. Firebug is PWNed. Also shown that simple forcefield is enough to make flame attacks pointless (as if it was doing something anyway without direct physical contact).
Furure M'gann keeps herself immune to flame due to forcefield.

Also, there's a horribly ridiculous idea to use poisonous gases on person who is immune\resistant to the most poisons.

Scoobs tried to disregard Martian physiology by emphasing on the effect "wearing off". Truth is, the thing used on other Dark Side Club prisoners (designed with Apocolyps technologies which are>>Diablo) did nothing to her but make her dizzy.

Note that previoius to that she was blasted into submission by Disruptor- it were blasts and not chemicals KOing her. And she still has her telepathy active.
If you wonder if being a bit dizzy or a bit sleepy stops a world class TP user from using TP, the answer is "no".

And scans of Quicksilver vs Exodus=moot point. Exodus was telepathically fighting Thena, the Eternal, at that point, so he can't fully concentrate on Pietro.

Emma was labelled by Exodus himself as his peer (scans in my post that is actually #5). She also stalemated him (Scoobs was trying to disregard the stalemate - Emma and Bennet entered clynch blocking each other powers but Emma turned stalemate into victory by having Dust (Scoobs calls her Sand so there's another proof he doesn't know WTF he's talking about and tries to invent a context favourable for him based on his scotch-clouded imagination) enter Exodus' lungs while he was unable to use his powers other than TP).

Now to put to rest Scoob's smashfest.

You honestly do believe that your fugly gigantobot (damn, you ended up looking almost like B-Dub and Smurph- what a disgrace) hits harder than say Lobo?
Has faster reaction speed than said Lobo (who is doubleblitzed by Miss Martian and Wonder Girl there):

Dishes out more damage than Mephisto's elite guard in Mephisto's realm?

Or>than WWHulk?

That's for solidifying. But now I'd like you to adress the parts about your own prep. Either "solidfy" it with scans or it never happened. As to my part, Shift's ability to transform into chemicals and induce chemical reaction=\=transmutation and he has NEVER created complex devises or even REMOVABLE ones. Producing streams of gases or acids=\=creating removable complex tech such as your psi-blockers. No psi-blockers=you're dead in millisecond. Armour or no armour plays no role.

Its absence isn't vital. No armour=\=Scoobs and Leo authomatically win and is MUCH less vital than NO PSI-BLOCKERS.

No proof was shown that SHIELD still has data on that tech or that it can be replicated, and current ones, even the latest generation ("Brawler" unit) are easily bypassed by Emma.


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Old Post Oct 22nd, 2008 12:04 PM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Charlotte DeBel
White Queen of KMC

Gender: Female
Location: Belarus

Now, the actual scans-only post #1 (posting or reposting scans with brief descriptions

Comments on Miss Martian potential
Future personality (also comment on the role of "weak" or "strong" psyche)
Bombshell. "The most powerful member of Teen Titans".

Emma unlocking others' potential



More Iceman

Miss Martian powers being "unlocked" by TP suggestion

In non-unlocked state the alternate M'gann toys with Miss Martian (note that):


"Brawler Unit"

Designed by Tony Stark and SHIELD:

(please log in to view the image)
(please log in to view the image)

Professor Emil Winston a genius in Cybernetics and A.I. has also contributed to the Sentinel's Upgrades.

(please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image)

Locating IronMan Telepathically?

Emma Frost is able to telepathically locate Iron Man's position and is also able to tell Scott the exact moment of Tony's arrival.

(please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image)

Bypassing Maradeurs' psi-shielding while physically paralysed

Affecting Extremis Iron Man


The Psi Shields are making it really hard for Rachel Summers to psychically manouver around. Yet Emmas telepathy seems uneffected since she's aware of the occurences happening below.


Beware Blonde Badasses Emma Frost K' Dante

RIP Fluffy

Last edited by Charlotte DeBel on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 01:26 PM

Old Post Oct 22nd, 2008 01:13 PM
Charlotte DeBel is currently offline Click here to Send Charlotte DeBel a Private Message Find more posts by Charlotte DeBel Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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