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The Ultimate Exar Kun Respect Thread - Complete Edition.
Started by: AncientPower

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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


The Ultimate Exar Kun Respect Thread - Complete Edition.

This thread is the ultimate source for Exar Kun's power and maintains a full record of the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Exar Kun is recorded by history as being one of the most powerful of all the Sith Lords:


The most powerful and dangerous of all Sith Lords, Exar Kun was once the apprentice of the Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas.
- The Official Star Wars Fact File

Once the most powerful and dangerous of the Dark Lords of the Sith, he was responsible for the deaths of millions four millennia before the rise of the Empire. Killed by an overwhelming force of Jedi, the spirit of Exar Kun survived across the vastness of time to challenge Luke Skywalker and a new group of Jedi trainees.
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Odan Urr goes to the Force and the darkest power in the galaxy walks away with something that will make him even stronger.
- Tales of the Jedi

She discovers the accounts of the Great Sith War, and learns that though Kun was far more powerful than any one other Jedi of the time, A combined force had defeated him.
- The Jedi Academy Sourcebook

"Though Kun had enormous power, it seems that the key was that the other Jedi combined their might. They fought together as a unit where all the pieces fit together, as components in a much larger machine powered by the Force."
-Star Wars Jedi Academy Trilogy Volume 3 - Champions of the Force

Then, abruptly, he stiffened, his breath seeming to freeze in his throat. There in front of him, starkly visible against the blackness of space, he could see the faint images of Emperor Palpatine and Exar Kun, two of the greatest focal points of the dark side he’d ever had to face. They were standing there before him, gazing back at him and laughing.
- Star Wars Specters of the Past

Many of the most powerful, terrifying, and notorious Sith Lords through history have been Human or near-Human, including Exar Kun, Darth Malak, Darth Bane, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, and Darth Krayt.
- Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 3: Design

The most powerful Sith Lords possess a talent for the dark alchemy of the Sith. The Emperor, like Naga Sadow and Exar Kun long before him, became a master of manipulating the genetic building blocks of living creatures through the dark side. Over the millennia, many creatures have been broken, twisted, and rebuilt by this evil power.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook

Physical Ability:

Exar Kun has displayed immense feats of physical strength and Force Augmentation:


Their lightsabers clash with such force they can be heard for kilometers!
- Tales of the Jedi

But their is a second wall of protection-- constructed of Mandalorian Iron!

As Exar Kun adjusts his lightsaber to the highest intensity he feels a sudden chill -- standing on the threshold of the future -- Exar Kun senses a power moving around him-- a power that wants to help him

*Exar Kun smashes a large hole through the extremely thick wall.*
The tomb is breached the darkness within is a palpable evil!
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun does not intend to destroy-- but to release!
*Kun smashes his fist into the Holocron with such force it shatters*
-Tales of the Jedi

"Go to your higher plane teacher!"
*Exar Kun smashes through Baas' staff despite it previously being stated to be stronger than Kun's blade*
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun has displayed multiple after images and has fought evenly with Ulic Qel-Droma whom has dodged blaster bolts and moved in blurs:


"See how powerful the Sith teachings are, if used correctly!"
*Exar Kun produces such speed in combat he produces multiple afterimages with every turn of his blade*
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun was shattered by Freedon Nadd's cave-in but after giving in Kun is imbued physically with the power of the Dark Side:


Fascinated by tales of the ancient Sith and seeking greater knowledge, the Jedi Knight Exar Kun had defied his Master’s warnings and spoken with the spirit of Freedon Nadd on Dxun. On the Sith Lord’s advice, Exar Kun traveled to Korriban and began exploring its tombs. A cave-in soon pinned Exar Kun to the ground, nearly crushing him. The spirit of Freedon Nadd spoke to Exar Kun again, promising he would rescue the young Jedi if he gave himself to the dark side. Still believing he was strong enough to resist the dark side’s lure, Exar Kun gave his word and power filled his body. The cave-in was blasted away and Exar Kun’s injuries healed, but his promise had taken him much further into darkness. He left Korriban and, on Nadd’s advice, made his way to the forgotten world of Yavin Four.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Galactic History 52 - Exar Kun Faces Korriban


What kind of healing can come from the Dark Side of the Force? Exar Kun's fractured bones knit, and strength returns... but nothing is as it was before!
- Star Wars Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun had unmatched skill with the lightsaber blade and was a master of Niman, but also maintained proficiency in Djem-So or Juyo:


As a young Jedi Knight, Exar Kun exhibited a strong connection to the Force. Through long practice he achieved unparalleled prowess in lightsaber combat.

- Star Wars: The Old Republic - The Exar Kun War

An excellent student and a master swordsman, Exar Kun was fascinated with the powers of the ancient Sith Lords.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook

The Dark Jedi weilded the saber much as he would a quarterstaff, using one blade to block incoming attacks and then using the second blade quickly spinning the handgrip to strike a killing blow against his opponents.

Customised controls allowed him to quickly adjust the length of the blade from half a meter to one and a half meters. Panels controlled each blade's intensity: at its highest setting a blade was like any other lightsaber. With the ability to cut through dense materials such as armor plating and durasteel with virtually no resistance._
At the lowest setting a blade became a simple shaft of light delivering no damage and providing no resistance to incoming lightsaber strikes. By abruptly_shortening a blade or dropping it to the lowest power setting. Kun tricked his opponents into overextending themselves during attacks giving him an opportunity for a deadly counterstrike.

By coupling these tactics with his Force abilities to predict the attacks of his opponents, Kun became virtually unstoppable in combat.
- The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology

Exar Kun has defeated his master, the great lightsaber instructor Vodo Siosk Baas, multiple times:

In the process he once more faced his former master, Vodo Siosk Baas, this time armed with a double-bladed lightsaber of his own construction. Master Vodo did not have a chance, and fell to his former student.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook

The two fought, and Vodo-Siosk Baas was no match for Exar Kun's double-bladed lightsaber and deep reserve of dark side power. Vodo-Siosk perished, slain by his former apprentice.
- Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

Kun was a master of lightsaber combat and had even bested Master Vodo’s quarterstaff during a sparring practice.
- Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

Exar Kun faced Ulic Qel-Droma with a single lightsaber in a power duel, showing high proficiency in Djem So, drawing against the master combatant:

Both Jedi are master swordsman-- neither can claim an advantage with the lightsaber!
-Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun and Ulic fought, but they were too evenly matched for either to gain the upperhand. Their battle might have gone on for hours but for the macabre manifestation of a host of Sith Lords, led by the shade of Marka Ragnos.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook

While Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma battled, spirits of ancient Sith Lords observed the contest. The Sith spirits saw that the battle would ultimately end with both men dead; therefore, it would be of no use to the Sith if the fight continued. They immediately stopped the battle and declared that Kun and Qel-Droma would be the new Dark Lords of the Sith.
- Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

Among the Krath, Exar Kun came face to face with another fallen Jedi, whose strength matched his own - Ulic Qel-Droma. Qel-Droma had fully embraced the Dark Side, after unsuccessfully trying to infiltrate the Krath and dismantle their cult from within. After a long duel, Qel-Droma and Exar Kun joined forces; Exar Kun as the undisputed Dark Lord of the Sith, Qel-Droma as his apprentice.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic - The Exar Kun War

Exar Kun defeats Crado, then Sylvar, and after initially losing overpowers Vodo with powerful Jar'Kai displays:

Amidst peaceful ruins the apprentices of Vodo Siosk-Baas are tested in the art of the lightsaber!

But Crado knows his own worth-- He is no match for the fighting skills of Exar Kun.

If will is half the battle-- Then Sylvar has more than her share.
Lover of Crado she will take special pleasure in defeating Exar Kun!

Their lightsabers clash with such force they can be heard for kilometers!

Sylvar fails Master Vodo’s test when she gives vent to instinctive rage!

*Sylvar slashes Kun across the face with her claws so hard his iron helmet shatters*

But Exar Kun feels a rage of his own! He will carry the mark of Sylvar's anger forever.

*Exar Kun overpowers Sylvar and goes to finish her, Vodo interrupts*

With the Force Vodo can make his simple staff more powerful than Kun's lightsaber!

*Vodo sweeps Kun off his feet but after being afforded Crado's lightsaber he overpowers Vodo with Jar'Kai and destroys his staff, sending the Krevaaki reeling*

"Exar Kun you are the most formidable student I have ever had." - Vodo
- Tales of the Jedi


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 07:20 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


Exar Kun had an extremely powerful command over the Force:

Exar Kun was the greatest practitioner of the devastating technique Force Blast:


As the alchemical miscreation squeezes the life out of him a realization dawns on Exar Kun-- he must let go of his past.. forget the pathetic Jedi way... give in to his true power.. the power of rage!

Suddenly finding he can speak the Sith tongue, Exar Kun reaches towards the focus of power. With a clash of iron the amulet clamps itself to his arm-- Exar Kun suddenly feels his rage multiply a thousand times.. then a hundred thousand times!

*Exar Kun begins to unleash uncontrollable beams of pure dark side energy disintegrating Massassi and blowing holes in the chamber*

What Exar Kun understands is that the dark rage that fills his own heart can be focused in this amulet, unleashing tremendous energies! -- energies that can be turned on the evil of Naga Sadow!

*Kun then turns the blast on the gargantuan Sith Wyrm killing it instantly*

Freedon Nadd is pleased.

Following the impulse of anger, Exar Kun turns the amulet against his mentor-- As he dies a second death, Nadd reaches out in desperation to others he has led down the dark path--
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun's Force defences were advanced:


Odan-Urr immediately knows he is in the presence of a dark force, he reaches deep into the light, drawing on the bright power-- as he tried to teach Nomi Sunrider.
*Sever Force has no effect on Kun whom kills him shortly after*
- Tales of the Jedi

Below, a mysterious figure strides through the battlefield-- untouched by fire or shrapnel._
*Kun employs an invisible Protection Bubble to protect himself from the bombing runs*
- Tales of the Jedi

"Nadd only taught you the beginnings of Sith power woman, but I have learned everything!"
*Exar Kun to reflects Aleema Keto's Sith magic, now more potent back at her, knocking her out*
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun displays exceptional command over the Force, using Flight:


Now beneath the ancient temples on Yavin four, he penetrates the hidden world of Sith magic.
*Exar Kun descends down a cavern into a hangar-bay large enough to fit a Sith Battlecruiser*
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun's inner rage was vast and allowed for exceptional feats, such as destroying 30 Tuk'ata at once:


Exar Kun stands defenseless, guardian creatures leap down from the tombs.. they exist only to serve their long-dead master's purpose. Kun is not prepared to face further tests!

The creature's teeth at his throat, Kun attempts to retrieve his weapon with the force.. but the light side is mysteriously blocked. Exar Kun has only one option.

He's taken that option before.. and each time he has taken it more easily, with more confidence... he takes it now-- --the power of anger! A river of rage flows unimpeded through Exar Kun, and he easily demolishes the tomb guardians.

As the last guardian dies, a spectral voice resonates over the mummified remains of the ancient dark lords of the Sith.
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun has used telekinesis to grab lightsabers and even Force Push Jedi:


"Stay out of this Sylvar!"
*Kun pushes Sylvar out of his way with ease, after killing Baas and stunning the senate*
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun's battle precognition was said to make him unstoppable in combat:

By coupling these tactics with his Force abilities to predict the attacks of his opponents, Kun became virtually unstoppable in combat.
- The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology

Exar Kun's Force Sense is capable of great distances:


With his mind he reached across the galaxy and detected other users of Sith magic in the Empress Teta system.
- The New Essential Chronology

Standing on the threshold of the future -- Exar Kun senses a power moving around him-- a power that wants to help him
- Tales of the Jedi

But powerful as he was, he could sense a distant rival: Ulic Qel-Droma.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic - Galactic History 55 - Ascension of Exar Kun

Exar Kun's Force Scream echoed across the Galaxy:


Exar Kun let out a tremendous shriek that echoed across the galaxy, calling in despair upon Master Vodo, whom he had abandoned.
- The New Essential Chronology

What kind of healing can come from the Dark Side of the Force? Exar Kun's fractured bones knit, and strength returns... but nothing is as it was before!

At that moment on Deneba, as master Arca addresses the Jedi Assembly he stops in mid-speech--
- Tales of the Jedi

Force Lightning is an ability rarely displayed by Exar Kun, despite this he was a master of the technique as stated in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Tales Of the Jedi Companion, Dark Side Sourcebook and the Jedi Academy Sourcebook.

Exar Kun is one of the greatest sorcerers in all of the mythos, creating the Dark Reaper superweapon and all manner of Sith warbeasts, his spells could freeze over ten thousand beings at once and he has displayed Force Drain capable of absorbing thousands:


An extremely powerful figure now, Kun dabbled in dark side alchemy, creating freakish two-headed avians and hulking Terentateks that thirsted after Force-rich blood. He invented a glowing golden sphere that trapped the children of the Massassi and allowed him to feed off their energies.
- The New Essential Chronology

Exar Kun had also constructed a Sith superweapon, the Dark Reaper, that was capable of drawing in the life energies of thousands of combatants. Ulic unleashed the Dark Reaper against hundreds of Republic troops on the outpost of Raxus Prime.
- The New Essential Chronology

When the tainted Jedi Exar Kun later commanded the Massassi to expand the temples, he altered many of these beasts even further as a test of his new-found Sith abilities. The battle hydra is an example of Exar Kun's alchemical mastery and Naga Sadow's dark legacy.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook

During Ulic's sentencing, the doors crashed open and Exar Kun strode in, flanked by Massassi bodyguards. Before the whole assembly, the new Dark Lord of the Sith used his powers to hypnotize the observers and manipulate the president of the senate.
- The New Essential Chronology

Exar kun has learned all there is to know of the teachings of Naga Sadow.
- The Jedi Academy Sourcebook

The dark knowledge of the Sith teachings died with Kun, it is extremely unlikely that any records survive, either on Yavin IV or elsewhere(Keep in mind that even Darth Vader, himself a Dark Lord of the Sith, did not know all there is to know about Sith powers.)
- The Jedi Academy Sourcebook

Drained from thousands of Massassi sacrifices.. the power is rising. The ritual begun.. Sith power objects unleashed! Even as the Jedi approach, Exar Kun prepares himself to unleash his powerful spirit.. to shed the chains of his mortal body and run rampant throughout the cosmos!
- Tales of the Jedi

Exar Kun’s power grew. He ordered the Massassi to build immense temples and to seek out Naga Sadow’s lost battleship. He also used Sith alchemy to create horrific monsters, including terentateks that hungered for the blood of Force users.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic - Galactic History 55 - Ascension of Exar Kun

Exar Kun built numerous temples across Yavin IV to act as focal points for his enormous power:

"Kun seems to have built his primary Stronghold on this jungle moon. He enslaved the Massassi race to build all these temples as focal points for his power."
- Jedi Academy Trilogy Volume 3 - Champions of the Force


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Last edited by AncientPower on Dec 8th, 2014 at 07:25 AM

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 07:22 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force




Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 07:23 AM
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The Merchant
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Registered: Sep 2012



"Vader's pulse and breathing were machine-regulated, so they could not quicken; but something in his chest became more electric around his meetings with the Emperor; he could not say how. A feeling of fullness, of power, of dark and demon mastery -- of secret lusts, unrestrained passion, wild submission -- all these things were in Vader's heart as he neared his Emperor. These things and more."

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 07:38 AM
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Registered: Oct 2014
Location: Korriban

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Mine has scans :3


“The galaxy must experience the pain of death and the rapture of rebirth as I have. I will bring chaos. It is time for war.

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 07:41 AM
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The Merchant
Senior Member

Registered: Sep 2012


Oh! ILS I never saw your thread. PM though so we don't clutter the thread.

"Vader's pulse and breathing were machine-regulated, so they could not quicken; but something in his chest became more electric around his meetings with the Emperor; he could not say how. A feeling of fullness, of power, of dark and demon mastery -- of secret lusts, unrestrained passion, wild submission -- all these things were in Vader's heart as he neared his Emperor. These things and more."

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 07:55 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


quote: (post)
Originally posted by ILS
Mine has scans :3

Mine has three times the content. stick out tongue

So which moderator should I contact to edit my placeholder and post his spirit section?


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 08:25 AM
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Senior Member

Registered: Nov 2006
Location: EARTH


This is good effort. Useful.

Old Post Dec 8th, 2014 10:04 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


So I have messaged some moderators and they aren't replying, my reserved post is meant to host my spirit section but I can't edit it.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Dec 9th, 2014 05:33 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


Well apparently none of the moderators seem to care, I spent the better half of a day on that spirit section. sad


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Dec 9th, 2014 11:52 AM
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Registered: Feb 2013
Location: USA


No worries, I had same issues with my Revan thread, hence why then decided to make it on ComicVine.
It allows you to edit at any time, and has a simple and orderly structure to make it look decently professional.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Dec 9th, 2014 12:35 PM
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Registered: Oct 2013

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With Naga Sadow's spirit vanquished, the Emperor took Yavin 4 for his own, and established the Imperial Guard Academy[21] there to guard the Temple of Sacrifice, an ancient Sith edifice that held a powerful Sith artifact. With the accompanying ritual, the artifact would allow the Emperor to absorb all life on the moon, and thus it was kept as a failsafe plan in case the Voice was slain.[35] One of the Imperial Guardsmen who underwentt training at Yavin 4 was the hardened slave Iven, whose unchecked, murderous rage allowed him to resist the Emperor's indoctrination process longer than any other Guardsman—but his resistance caused his mind to snap. Now permanently in the Emperor's thrall, the insane Iven became the most ruthless and devoted of the Emperor's Guard.[36]

This is straight out of Kun's playbook but Kun isn't even mentioned in Vitiate's bio. I hate you bioware.

There's a man goin' 'round takin' names.
An' he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down.
When the man comes around.

Old Post Dec 9th, 2014 10:36 PM
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