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Harry Potter and the Final Duel
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Harry Potter and the Final Duel

So this is my version of the 7th book, I found this site a few days ago, and I decided that instead of waiting for other people to work on their stories, I would just make my own.

It's call Harry Potter and the Final Duel

it starts out kind of slow, or atleast I think but it gets a little better

I'm not too good of a writer but anyway give it a shot

Here it goes:

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 09:29 PM
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Chapter One

Many strange things were happening through out the country. The greatest of which was the peculiar weather. A gray mist that seemed to take away ones happiness had filled the land and people were starting to worry. They were worrying because in the heart of summer, one should be able to enjoy warm temperatures and leisure activities, but neither was possible this summer. It was all because of the mist.
The mist was especially bad in one mountain town. It was in that town that one is unable to see a good three feet in front of you, which made living there particulary difficult. That is probably why no one lived in that town. Or so it seemed.
In the early evening two large CRACKS could be heard. “Hurry up, we’ll be late for the meeting!” And with that two figures covered completely with cloaks and masks started running off towards some un known destination.
“Slow down! You don’t want to run into it” It was at this point that both cloaked figures slowed to a walk and just in time too, for a building had appeared through the mist. “Well I think we should be getting inside.” One of the two figures tapped the building with a wand and a entrance way opened. “After you.”
The two death eaters hurried into a room and found places in parts of a large circle. It seemed that it was just in time as at this point a cloaked figure appeared in the center of the circle. “My faithful followers, we are gathered here tonight for the honoring of Severus Snape, who just destroyed are most dangerous foe!” With this a murmur rose up in the circle, mostly of people expressing that they knew all along that Snape was on their side. “Quiet!” Lord Voldemort commanded from the center of the circle. The silence that ensued from this command was overwhelming, and it was a few seconds before Voldemort spoke again.
“As you all know, Severous has just completed a long and dangerous spy mission which ended with him succeeding in something I have never been able to do, the murder of Albus Dumbledore.” Gasps of horror went up around the room, Voldermort speaking down about himself, honoring some one like this. “I am here to honor Snape with a knew position in our organization” The last word sounded like much of an understatement to everyone in the room. “He is know in command of all our dark creatures which as you know makes up a large part of our army. It should also be known that you will all answer to him in a seconds notice and follow his orders just as you would follow mine.” The outrage of many death eaters was sensed throughout the room.
“That is enough!!” Voldemort hissed with malicious contempt. “You will all do as I say, and now this meeting has ended, you may leave.” Many of the death eaters started to disapperate. “Draco, you shall stay.” One death eater sunk in his place, for he had been preparing to disapperate rather soon. In a matter of a few minutes the room, emptied out, all except for Lord Voldemort and Draco, the former who was pulling out his wand.
Draco opened his mouth to speak but Voldemort hushed him, “Draco, do not lie to your master by saying that you would have killed Dumbledore, because it is obvious that you were planning on taking his offer of being hidden. But do not worry, you will not die tonight, just learn a painful lesson. Crucio!” Draco writhed on the floor and started to scream, after a 10 seconds, Voldemort lifted his wand and said, “All is forgiven, now leave.”

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 09:33 PM
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H. S. 6
Approaching the End

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Leave a space in between every new paragraph. It looks easier to read that way. (It won't look like a big blod of text. wink )


Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 09:47 PM
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thanks for the advice

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 10:08 PM
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Chapter 2

Harry stared at the clock: 12:07. Harry jumped with a start. He had been of age for 7 minutes and hadn’t even realized it. He jumped up from his bed and pulled out his wand. He shot out some sparks that bounced off the walls of his bedroom, creating quite a lot of noise.

Vernon Dursley barged through the door and screamed as he saw the bouncing sparks. “What the bloody hell are you doing? You aren’t allowed to do magic!” Harry laughed and said, “I’m of age now, I can do magic whenever I want.” With that Harry pointed at his afore- packed trunk and the trunk began to shrink. “Now that I’m of age, I’m leaving, uh thanks for uh the room and stuff I guess.” With that Harry opened his window with a jab of his wand and, after shirnking Hedwig’s cage and storing it along with his trunk in his pocket, he nodded to a dumb founded Vernon and flew out into the night.

While enjoying the ride on his broom and the realization that he was now free, he also remembered that he would probably never see the Dursleys or Privet Drive again. Harry turned his broom to face the direction of The Burrow and thought, we’ll, I guess it’s time to go enjoy the last normal days of my life. And he flew off in the direction of the burrow.


Harry touched down at the Burrow slightly before dawn, and was surprised to see through the windows that many members of the order were in the Weasley’s kitchen, seemingly deep in a discussion. Harry decided that he might as well knock on the door to make himself known, before Mad-Eye-Moody thought that he was a spy inpersinating himself. A soon as Harry knocked he heard all voices stop talking.

“Who’s there?” The scared voice of Mrs. Weasley asked. “Don’t worry Molly, it’s Harry.” Said the voice of Moody. The door was thrown wide open and Mrs. Weasley flattened Harry with a large hug. “Wait just a moment Molly,” Mad-Eye-Moody continued, “Potter prove it’s really you.”

Harry thought and then produced his silver stag protronus. Lupin then said, “That’s good enough for me.” Many others murmured there agreements. Harry then walked in and looked at all the people in the meeting, Lupin, Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Tonks, and some people Harry didn’t know were all looking at him. A few moments of akward silence ensuded, which was broken when Fred conjured a chair between him and George and offered it to Harry. Harry sat down and was surprised to find that not one person had voiced an objection to his being there.

Clearing his throught, Mr. Weasley said, “well Alastor I see how you don’t think that we should be allowing any new members into the order, but just because we were betrayed by Snape doesn’t mean that there aren’t any good people left in the world.” Many people murmured their assent and Moody responded, “I see what you’re saying Arthur but as Snape is now no longer Voldemort’s spy, he will need another one, so I say until further notice we shall not let any new inductees in.” George then voiced his opinion, “I agree with Moody, but I think that there should be extenuating circumstances for people like Harry and all the other members of the DA that are of age as well. We know that they are trustworthy, well maybe besides for that rat Smith.”

Harry couldn’t help but smirk after hearing this comment. “George brings up an interesting point, Alastor,” Tonks chimed in, “Harry should be inducted into the order as soon as possible, the circumstances being as they are.” Moody said, “That’s a good point, but I’m saying that unless the person is known to be a hater of Voldemort and a friend to our cause, then they shouldn’t be inducted.” It seemed that no one had anything else to say on the matter, and after a few moments it seemed that everyone had turned towards Harry.

Harry should have seen this coming, they were going to ask the same question that everyone was asking. Moody was the first to talk, “Potter we’ve heard from McGonagal that you weren’t talking about what you and Dumbledore were up to the night he died. But it seems that it’s in everyones best interest that you should tell us so that we may help you.”

“Listen, what went on with me and Dumbledore isn’t anyone’s business except ours, and Voldemort’s, and I guess Ron and Hermione too. But anyway, the only thing I’ll tell you is that I’m heading down a path that will lead to a final duel between Voldemort and myself. When the need arises I may call for aid from the order, but otherwise Ron, Hermione, and I will be doing this on our own.” The silence in the room could have been cut with a knife, and was only broken by the sobbing of Mrs. Weasley.


Harry did not even realize that he had gone up the stairs and into Ron’s room. All he could think about were the astonished faces of the order as Harry had told them that he would be dueling Voldemort. He also had guilt as he knew that Mrs. Weasley had been crying because she knew, as did Harry, that there was no walking away from a fight like that, unless of course you were Dumbledore. Harry realized that he had been crying himself, while thinking about the sacrifice that Dumbledore made to protect Harry. Harry told himself for the umpteenth time that summer to stop blaming himself, for he knew it was the way Dumbledore would have wanted to go. But still, as Harry drifted into unconsciousness, he wondered about something that he had been thinking about since Dumbledore had died, why had he begged Snape to have save him, when he viewed death as just the next great adventure. And with that puzzling thought, Harry fell asleep.

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 10:13 PM
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Chapter 3

Harry awoke with a start, as a small ball of fur called Pig was currently pecking him in the face to wake up. Harry heard Ron laugh and he opened his eyes. Ron Weasley had grown atleast two inches in the few weeks since Harry had last seen him, yet he looked the same as ever. “Happy birthday mate!” Ron said to him, tossing him a large package. Harry ripped it open and found that inside there was a book titled The Art of Dueling: A guide to unorthodox techniques by: Albus Dumbledore, and Harry jumped up and reread the authors name. “Hermione and I were Diagon Alley the other day looking for your gifts and I kind of found this book behind a bunch of others.” Harry had no words to express what he was feeling now, although some that came close were amazment, disbelief, and hope. “I figured that when you duel Voldemort, you may as well have a few surprises waiting for him.” All Harry could do was sit there and smile.

It was at this point that the door flew open and Harry was crushed by a train with very bushy brown hair attached. “O, Harry it’s so good to see you, Happy Birthday!” She handed him a box shaped package. Harry opened it and found that inside was a large bottle of what looked like, and Harry’s heart began to beat a little faster, lucky potion. “I started brewing it a few months ago, I thought it would be useful for, you know…” Her voice trailed off and the room experienced a moment of awkward silence.

Harry finally found words after a moment, “Thanks you guys, I think that my chances have improved a lot because of these, but I want you two to know that you two will be using both of these gifts as well, because I’m going to need a lot of help.” Both Hermione and Ron looked relieved at what he was saying and Harry felt a pang of guilt, they really are worried about this. Harry got up off his bed and said, “So when’s the wedding?”

Hermione was the one to answer, “It’s in three days, Fleur and her family will be here tomorrow.” Harry’s heart jumped, he had only three days and then he was starting down the long path ahead of him. “Harry,” Hermione began, “Ron and I have been thinking, and we kind of agree that before we start searching, you should learn the techniques from Dumbledore’s book.” Harry did not object to this, for ever since he saw the book he knew that he would do just that.

“Ok, so after the wedding we visit your parent’s graves, and then we find a safe place to start learning,” Ron said.

“Ok,” Harry said, he was glad that his journey on his path was being postponed for a while at least. They all decided that they were hungry and headed downstairs to breakfast, and Harry experienced quite a lot of pain when he saw Ginny sit at the table. It seemed Ginny had as well. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat down at the table, Ginny excused herself and headed outside.

“Harry, dear, what would you like to eat?” Mrs. Weasley asked Harry, although Harry could tell that she was still upset over the order meeting the night before. Harry sighed wishing that he could take away the pain that Ginny and her mother were feeling, but knew that he couldn’t. He ate in silence and then, excusing himself, he went outside.

Harry sat down in the garden and couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Crookshanks chasing a gnome. Another gnome started running towards Harry and Harry got ready to hit it away. He then realized that he was allowed to do magic, and so he stupefied the gnome, and then banished it away from him.

Harry heard a loud cracking noise and found that behind him stood ex minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge. “Hello, Harry, good to see you.” Harry knew that something was on Fudge’s mind so he waited for him to speak. “Uh, Harry, we need to remove you and everyone else from The Burrow immediately. Last night an army of dementors showed up at Privet Drive.” Harry’s heart skipped a beat, and Harry wished that Fudge wasn’t saying what Harry though he was saying. “Every muggle on that street has had their soul sucked out, there was not one survivor.” Harry jumped up, with the realization that Fudge had only come for one reason. “Harry, the army of dementors knows you’re here, we need to get everyone out of here, and to the ministry.”

Harry jumped up and ran inside, he started yelling nonsense words until everyone inside the house came running. Harry then caught his breath and said, “We need to get everyone out of here, dementors are coming! Head to the ministry!” Hermione, Ron and Mrs. Weasley all disapperated, and Harry was going to do the same, not even caring about not having a license, until he realized with a start that Ginny was not here. He remembered that Ginny had gone outside as well and with a start, realized that Ginny was screaming.

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 10:49 PM
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Harry ran outside and found Ginny on her broom, being surrounded by at least a thousand dementors. Harry knew that he needed to save her. He summoned his broom and took off. He mustered up the happiest thought he could think of, which involved the end of Voldemort and him being with Ginny, and screamed “EXPECTO PATRONUM” Not one but three stags erupted from his wand and galloped on the air towards the mass of dementors. The dementors didn’t know what hit them until it was too late, and the stags split the army into the separate parts and then slowly got them to back down.

Harry saw in the distance another figure with on a broom, and Harry realized with a start, that he was shouting orders to the dementors. The dementors regrouped and the mysterious commander shot out three pure black beams, each one hitting a patronus and destroying it. Harry watched as the dementors advanced on him, and was shocked to see that Ginny was falling, slowly but surely, and Harry decided what to do in an instant. Harry dove summoning a shield while he went. His shield was supposed to be a protronus, but his will kept it as a large silver wall that the dementors could not get through. Harry was nearing Ginny, who was dropping slightly faster, Harry kept saying please don’t let her be dead in his mind as he raced to catch her. All of a sudden, Harry was knocked off course as his shield was destroyed by another blast from the unknown commander of the dementors.

Harry fought the voice of Lord Voldemort in his head, as he relived his most horrible memory. Harry was on the brink of losing it completely when he caught up with Ginny and caught her. Harry focused, and pulled himself through the tight space that was apparition, making sure to take Ginny with him, and he opened his eyes. He was flying in the waiting room of St. Mungo’s. Harry landed and ran straight to the front of the line. He told the receptionist that they had been attacked by an army of dementors and almost instantly two healers were there, one to take Ginny and another, to Harry’s displeasure, to take him.

Chapter 4

Harry did not remember being in St. Mungo’s, all tat he remembered was the mass of dementors surrounding the burrow, and he tried to jump up. He then realized that he couldn’t move, out of pure exhaustion. “Mum, look, Harry’s awake.” A mass of people, or so it seemed rushed over to the side of his bed. He couldn’t understand all that was being said but from what he did get he realized that he had been unconscious for a few hours, and that the dementors had all but left the burrow by the time the ministry and order had showed up. Harry couldn’t take all the talking and passed out again.


Harry awoke again and realized that the room he was in was filled with people. Most of the people were people Harry knew from the order, although there were some people he was very unhappy to see. One such person was the photographer from The Daily Prophet with some reporter he didn’t recognize.

The reporter saw him looking and quickly walked over. “Harry Potter, the chosen one, do you have any words for our readers right after you took on over a thousand dementors single handedly?” Harry tried to pretend he wasn’t awake again but the reporter continued to speak. “I can just see the first line now, The Chosen One fought impossible odds by taking on a thousand dementors all by himself, of course I’ll leave out the tragedy about the girl that he was trying to save.”

Harry shot up and asked, “what do you mean trying to save?”

The reporter looked down on him and said, “Well it seems that you don’t know that the girl you were trying to save is in a coma, the healers say that she most likely will never come out of it.

The impossible truth hit Harry like a bus, Harry didn’t even realize that there were people watching him when he started to cry. The reporter started writing furiously while the photographer started snapping photos. All of a sudden a flash went off and the reporter and photographer were thrown backwards, and the kind voice of Lupin said, “I think it’s time you left Harry alone.” Harry heard Tonks say, “that goes for all of you, get out!”

Slowly the room began to empty until only Lupin and Tonks were left. “We’re here watching you Harry, we think Voldemort might use this opportunity to attack.” These words by Lupin stirred him, and Harry said, “Did they catch that guy who was working with the dementors?”

Harry saw the looks of confusion on their faces and told them the story of what happened.


“So he reached Ginny and apperated her here?” Molly asked.

“It seems so,” Lupin answered. Harry heard this conversation outside his bedroom and for the 1000th time it seemed, he was wiping away his tears. This was all his fault and he couldn’t put them in danger any more. He had resolved that as soon as he was strong enough to get out of bed, he would be leaving everyone behind, and traveling down this dangerous road by himself.

The entire Weasley family, minus Ginny, and Hermione walked into the room. Harry and Ron rushed over to the bedside, both of them looking very relieved that Harry was alright. No words were exchanged between any one, probably because everyone who just entered, plus Harry were crying.

Some time later Harry was left alone with just Ron and Hermione, while nearly half the order was outside the room. As usual Hermione read him just like the countless number of books she has read, “Harry, this is your fault.”

“Yes it is, they were sent after me, and Ginny was outside to meet them because I came downstairs. Otherwise she would have been inside when the warning came.”

They sat in silence, until Ron broke the silence by saying, “Uh Bill and Fleur are going to hold of their marriage, cause of, you know…” Harry sat there and felt even more guilt then he had before.

“I guess in a way, that’s good. I’m leaving as soon as I get out of this hospital, I can’t put any of you in danger any more.”

Hermione responded, “Harry, we’ve told you once, and we’ll tell you again, we’re coming with you.” Ron added, “If you leave without us, we’ll track you down, we’re with you ‘til the end.” Harry knew that he had lost this argument and tried to relax a little and gain some strength.

“Who would have thought that dementors could breed that fast,” Ron said. And with that Harry rolled over and was instantly asleep.

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 10:51 PM
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Chapter 5

Harry got out of the hospital a few days later. He went to the Weasely’s house ad instantly started gathering his things together. He let Hedwig out of her cage and offered her an ultimatum, “you can come with me on my journey, or you can stay here with the Weasley’s and help out Errol.” Hedwig didn’t even think about, and just flew onto Harry’s shoulder, showing that she was coming along for the ride.


Harry’s last home cook meal with the Weasley’s was subdued, and most of the order showed up to pay their respects to him before he started his journey. After everyone had finished eating, Lupin asked Harry for a word.

“Harry, if you ever need help, at all, don’t hesitate to call on the order, the Weasley’s home is now or headquarters, for Snape knows the location of our Grimauld Place Headquarters.

“Listen, thanks for the offer, but I don’t think I’ll be taking you up on that,” Harry replied, “this is my fight, and chances are whoever comes with me won’t be coming back from it, and some one needs to be here when it’s over, to pick up the pieces.”

Harry went to walk away but Lupin stopped him, “Harry, be careful, and good luck.” And on that note both of them walked back into the kitchen.

It seemed like it was only minutes that Harry and Ron had to sleep, and then they woke abruptly as Hermione apperated into the room and told them it was time. Harry and Ron were awake instantly, and as they arose Ron asked how they were traveling.

“Well I figured we could all apperate to 12 Grimauld Place, seeing as how I own it. That could be our base of command for a while,” Harry answered.

“But Harry isn’t that dangerous?” asked Hermione, “Because Snape knows about it.”

“Well if he decides to show up, all the better for me, all the worse for him.” And with that they all gathered up there belongings, took one last look at the room, and disapperated.

Number 12 Grimauld Place had started to fall apart since its abandonment a year or so before. As the three teenagers stepped into the kitchen, Harry realized how much he still missed Sirius, and wished that he could talk to him one more time.

“So what next?” Ron asked.

“Well later today we’ll go visit Gordric’s Hollow, and after that, I guess it would be time to start training.”

Harry, Hermione, and Ron all apparated at the entrance of the cemetery. As they entered Harry felt a strong sense of Déjà vu. He started recognizing different tombstones, and then all of a sudden he let out a loud gasp. He saw on a tombstone five feet from him that said Thomas Riddle. Harry stopped walking and looked around, there were a few tombstones that were completely destroyed.

“Harry I found them!” Ron yelled over. Harry didn’t move. “Hey are you alright? Harry?” Ron walked over and looked at what Harry was looking at. He sat there dumbfounded. Hermione had nearly the same expression when she found what they were looking at too.

“Voldemort’s dad lived in Gordric’s Hollow?” Hermione asked after a while.

“Seems like my parents lived in hiding in a muggle town.” Harry answered. He then asked, “Ron where are my parents graves?”

“Over here.” Ron led them to two small tombstones that said Lily and James Potter. That was all. Harry sat there looking at them for a while, and then said, “Well we should be getting back.”

Old Post Jan 8th, 2006 10:51 PM
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alright so thats all i wrote in the past two days and yeah if it sucks let me know cause then i wont waste everyones time

Old Post Jan 9th, 2006 02:56 AM
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hey dudes

Location: Australia

awsam write more its good

Old Post Jan 9th, 2006 04:18 AM
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I luv my gorgeous face!

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Old Post Jan 9th, 2006 06:38 AM
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Chapter 6

Many of the members of the Order of the Phoenix were sitting around the Weasley’s table. “What are we going to do now?” one member asked.

“What we always have, try to slow Voldemort down,” Lupin answered.

“But how much time will that buy us, without Dumbledore, we don’t have much of a chance,” Arthur Weasley added.

“It seems that we’re going to have faith it what Potter is doing, and hope that Dumbledore was right in putting faith in him,” Tonks said. A murmur of agreement rose among the people at the table.

“But what if he can’t do it?” a woman asked.

“It seems we’re going to have to hope that he is able to, and add assistance in any way possible,” Molly Weasley answered.

“But what about the problem of finding him, because he, Ron, and Hermione left this morning, and no one has any idea where they went,” Arthur asked.

At these words, Fred and George’s faces split into their identical evil grins. “We figured that they were going to sneak out,” Fred said.

“And,” George picking up where Fred left off, “We also guessed that the order would want to find them sooner or later.”

“So we used a couple of the old extendable ears and staked out all night waiting for them to leave,” Fred said, completing the thought.

“Then where are they?” Lupin asked.

“Don’t you worry,” George said, “Leave them to us, we don’t want you guys scaring them into further hiding.”

Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 12:52 AM
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by the way guys, thanks for the support, I didnt think any one was gonna like it

Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 12:52 AM
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I luv my gorgeous face!

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Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 01:04 AM
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At first it seemed to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that Dumbledore’s book would instantly help them with unorthodox dueling moves, the likes of which Harry experienced during his second trip to the ministry, where Dumbledore and Voldemort dueled using things Harry had never would have thought of. As much as it seemed to them that they would instantly learn, they were wrong. The first chapter was titled, techniques of mind protection.

After reading this, Harry groaned, oh great, more occulemency. Dumbledore’s words were short and yet there meaning was great to Harry,

The best attack is one of surprise. If your enemy is able to see into your mind, then they have the ability to block whatever attack you are thinking of doing. Thus, occulemency is your greatest tool in dueling.

Harry thought back with pain as he remembered right after Dumbledore had died, he had chase Snape and went to fight him, but Snape saw every spell that he was thinking before he cast it, and therefore was able to stop everything. This memory made Harry want to learn occulemency as soon as possible.

Not even starting their training, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already experiencing problems. None of them were accomplished legilimens, which made it very difficult for them to practice occulemency. Harry was the only one who knew the incantation, so he volunteered to try legilimency first. Hermione volunteered to go up against him.

Harry casted the spell and was surprised that he had indeed broken through Hermione’s outer defenses and was seeing her memories. He saw her sitting in front of Hogwarts with the sorting hat on, and even heard the sorting hat discussing Ravenclaw with her. Harry felt that he was intruding on something private of Hermione’s and dropped his wand.

He opened his eyes, and was surprised to see Ron staring at him with a look of fear upon his face. “Ron, what’s the matter?” Harry asked.

“When you did that thing, with Hermione’s mind, your scar… it started glowing a bright red.” Harry just looked at Ron dumbfounded.

“Are you serious Ron?” Hermione asked.

“Do you think I would joke about something like this Hermione?”

“No I guess not.”

“I guess I may have inherited more abilities from Voldemort then just parslemouth.”

Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 02:23 AM
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ok i finished like 6 chapters and it would be really cool if you guys could tell me what you liked/disliked so that i can base my further writings on that

Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 02:24 AM
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Fanfic Crazy

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i think the lastest chapter is best one so far
will you be updating often? Coz I quite like your work

Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 02:36 AM
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I plan to post at least once a day I may have to do less next week because I have mid terms to study for, but after that I'll be posting as often as possible

Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 02:47 AM
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I wanted to write more but hw and other stuff got in the way so I'll do a lot tomorrow

Chapter 7

Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s progress in occulemency was great. With Harry as their opponent, Ron and Hermione were improving fast. Harry was worried that he would be unable to practice occulemency, but it seemed that both Ron and Hermione proved somewhat skilled in the field of legilemency. Once all three were fairly certain that they were able to close their minds, they decided it was time to move onto the next chapter in Dumbledore’s book.

After one has developed a strong mental defense, it is pertinent that one can do what was just learned to protect from. Every good duelist needs a mental offense as well.

Harry couldn’t help but laugh as he read this. It seems that they had caught a break, seeing as how they had all perfected legilemency in an attempt to work on occulemency.


After a hard day of practice duels where Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried to implement the new skills they had acquired, they all went to separate bed rooms for some much needed rest.

Harry went up into Sirius’s old room, giving Ron the bedroom they shared two years before, and instead of sleeping, Harry started pacing his room. Harry couldn’t help thinking, about the deaths and injuries that were caused because of him, his parents, Sirius, Dumbledore, his aunt, uncle, and cousin, and most recently Ginny. Ginny being hurt, that was indeed horrible, for he broke up with her to stop it from happening, and yet it did. Harry realized that he had stopped pacing, and with a vow to avenge Ginny he lied down to get what he hoped would be a peaceful sleep. How wrong he had been.


Old Post Jan 10th, 2006 09:41 PM
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Old Post Jan 11th, 2006 12:10 AM
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