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Whatever You Want It to Be
Started by: SweetMagnolia17

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making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

Love Whatever You Want It to Be

I am starting a new story, i haven't written anything in a while so bare with me.

I have a new found love for the Draco/Hermione ship, although i still believe 100% ron/hermione, i find it fun to read the relationship stories of hermione and draco.

oh, and by the way, i do realize that some of the stuff i write may not correspond with the HPB but hey, that's why it's fan fiction.

and so we go.

"Harry! Ron! Ginny!" The three turned around to see..
"Hermione?!' Ron managed to sqeak out.
She ran up to her three best friends and gave them a huge hug. After stepping away from the embrace her friends could truly see her transformation.
"Oh my God Hermione you look gorgeous!" squealed Ginny.
"Yeah what she said." Ron managed to say.
"Ginny's right Hermione, you look great."
She smiled. "Thanks guys, I knew you would like it."
she was acutally quite proud of her new look. Her hair was cut shoulder length and it was straightened. She had on a denim mini skirt with white flip flops and a white tight fitting tshirt. To top it off she had on makeup that excentuated her features basically speaking, she looked amazing.
She remembered wanting to change her look for the upcoming year when she got her Hogwarts letter.

tap tap tap
Hermione groggily came to her senses.
tap tap tap
There it was again. She slowly lifted her head from her pillow to see wher the wretched noise that woke her up was coming from. Looking to the far side of her room she saw a twany barn owl outside her window.
tap tap tap
it was tapping it's beak to be let in, and it had a letter tied to it's leg. Instantly forgetting her tiredness, hermione jumped out of bed and flew to her window, opening it immediately.
The bird flew in and landed with a soft thunk onto her dresser lifting it's leg as a gesture for Hermione to untie the letter. She did so and took a look at the Hogwarts seal.
My last Hogwarts letter she thought sadly before opening it.

Dear Miss Granger,
I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts will re-open for your seventh year.
As of the tough times ahead it is not mandatory to come back, though i strongly recomend it, finishing off you education will be good for you in the years to come. Also, this year you have been chosen to serve your school as Head Girl. Becoming Head Girl is a great honor and is a role that is to be treated with the utmost respect. As Head Girl you will share commons with the Head Boy and will be working with him closely throughout your year. Have a good rest of the summer!

Term starts September 1st.
A booklist is enclosed and I hope to see you soon!

Minerva McGonagal
Deputy Headmistriss

Hermione was elated she couldn't believe that she had gotten it, after all the years of becoming head girl, it was actually happening. She skipped off downstairs.
I think a makeover for my last year would be nice


"So are you ready to find out who the Head boy is?" Ginny asked
"Yeah, I've actually have to meet him in the heads compartment of the train before we actually get to school."
"We'll save you a seat."
"Thanks guys. I'll see you in a little bit."
With that she took off towards the nearest door of the train with her trunk. She moved slowly through the train anticipating who she would be sharing commons with for the rest of her year at Hogwarts was going to be.

She shuffuled around a group of disgruntled first years and finally was able to clambor into the Heads cabin 10 minutes early.


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Old Post Feb 4th, 2007 12:14 AM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

Hermione sat in the cabin for what felt like ages when finally the door opened. A farmiler mop of platinum blonde hair came into view as Draco Malfory came strolling into the cabin. His hair was slicked back as usual and he was in Muggle jeans and a muggle shirt.
"You're not supposed to be here Malfoy." Hermione sneered.
"What are you going to do about it Mudblood." he replied placing much emphasis on the last word.
And with that he swiftly took a seat across from her and got out a magazine. Completely ignoring her presence. After ten minutes of sitting in silence. The door opened again and in came Professor McGonagal.
"Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy. Good, you're both here."
Hermione stood abruptly up.
"You can't be serious Professor! He's can't be the Head boy!"
"On the contrary Miss Granger he is the Head Boy."
Malfoy sat watching the exchance between the professor and Hermione with a smirk on his face.
"You think this is funny!" Hermione scathed to Draco as he saw his amusment in the situation.
"There is NO WAY I can live with him for a whole year!" She said turning back to her professor.
"What makes me think I want to live with you!" Malfoy finally said getting up and facing Hermione.
"Oh yeah and why's that Granger?"
"The way that you're not challenging this!"
"Are you kidding? Of course I don't want to room with you for a year! How could i live with a Mudblodd Know-it all attention snob! But i know better! I know that challenging this will get you nowhere!"
Hermione was about to say something reproachfully mean back but Professor McGonagal cut her off.
"ENOUGH! I have enough to deal with without having to worry if my Head Boy and head Girl have torn off eachothers heads! Now, I suggest that you at least try and get along, because like it or not, you are going to have to live together and work together this year. Now when you get to the school you are expected to meet me after the feast so i can show you to your dorms. You are dismissed."
And with that Hermione stormed out the room. In search for her friends cabin. it didn/t take her long to find it. She opened the door and sat down next to Ginny.
"What's wrong Hermione?" harry asked.
Hermione didn't answer right away. Ginny and Ron then asked the same.


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Old Post Feb 4th, 2007 03:41 PM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

I love your story.
Pleasse contiue to finish it.


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 6th, 2007 12:32 AM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

"You're kidding!" said Harry incredulously.
Hermione shook her head with a sick look on her face.
"Oh, i guess it can't be all that bad." Ginny tried comforting her friend.
"Not that bad! ha, this is Malfoy we're talking about." Scoffed Ron.
Ginny flashed him a heated scowl and Ron instantly shrank down in the sheet as Hermione groaned.
"This is going to be a long year." She said to her friends.
After criticizing Malfoy for a while more Hermione drifted off to sleep. She dreamt of her new commons and saw to her surprise that there was only one bed and Malfoy was lying in it winking suggestively, and with that she awoke in a deep sweat, only to find that they were almost to Hogwarts.
Dressing in her robes and getting off the change she saw that Malfoy had Pansy Parkingson clung to him. She smirked at his discomfort and truged her way to the the horseless carriges with her friends.

tis only a little.
more laterrr


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Old Post Feb 6th, 2007 09:58 PM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

good job
please continue


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 6th, 2007 10:10 PM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

They entered the Great Hall. It still looked the same. With Professor Dumbledor and all the other teachers sitting in the front of the room deep in conversation. And there were four tables. Griffindor, Slytherin. Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. As you all know Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in Griffindor. They sat at their table talking and laughing with their fellow Griffindor's while they waited for the first years to arrive. The first years came in about 10 kinutes after they arrived. They were all put into their places, and the feast began!
Hermione caught a glance of Malfoy from the corner of her eye. He too was having a good time with his friends. Hermione was so dissapointed inside. This was her final year and she had to spend most of it with a guys she's hated since she's been here. The feast was over, and it was time to go. Proffessor Mcgonagal led her and Malfoy to their dorm. It was somewhere near Professor Dumbledor's office.
"I hope you to have a good night. And no fighting." said Proffessor Mcgonagal firmly. She closed the door and left them alone. Hermione decided to unpack her stuff and get ready for tomorrow. Malfoy went into the bathroom and changed. He went straight to bed. They never said a word to each other.

To be contiued................


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 9th, 2007 06:49 PM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nickey
They entered the Great Hall. It still looked the same. With Professor Dumbledor and all the other teachers sitting in the front of the room deep in conversation. And there were four tables. Griffindor, Slytherin. Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. As you all know Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in Griffindor. They sat at their table talking and laughing with their fellow Griffindor's while they waited for the first years to arrive. The first years came in about 10 kinutes after they arrived. They were all put into their places, and the feast began!
Hermione caught a glance of Malfoy from the corner of her eye. He too was having a good time with his friends. Hermione was so dissapointed inside. This was her final year and she had to spend most of it with a guys she's hated since she's been here. The feast was over, and it was time to go. Proffessor Mcgonagal led her and Malfoy to their dorm. It was somewhere near Professor Dumbledor's office.
"I hope you to have a good night. And no fighting." said Proffessor Mcgonagal firmly. She closed the door and left them alone. Hermione decided to unpack her stuff and get ready for tomorrow. Malfoy went into the bathroom and changed. He went straight to bed. They never said a word to each other.

To be contiued................

Sorry about the spelling errors. sad
I just noticd them.
Sorry. embarrasment


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 9th, 2007 07:03 PM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

Since it was the beginning of the school year, they only had one class for the entire day. Hermione forgot she even shared a dorm with Malfoy. Ron and Harry invited her to come to the Griffindor common room to hang out, but before she could answer, Malfoy said "Sorry, she can't." Hermione was too shocked to say anything. "Who died and left you the boss of her?" said Ron "Mcgonagal. She gave me and Granger here a whole stack of stuff to do." Malfoy sneered "Where is this imaginary list?" said Harry. Malfoy took a list from his bag, and handed it to Hermione. When she unfolded it the paper it reached all the way to her knees. She looked at Malfoy. "When does she expect us to finish this, and how come I wasn't aware?" said Hermione "Me and you have different classes. I have potions, you have Defense Against the Dark Arts. Apparently, she saw me first and gave me the list. Second, she expects all of this done by the end of the week." he said annoyed "She's seriously gone mad." said Hermione staring at the list "Tell me about. She said when we're done with that one, she has another one the same size for us to do. Anyway, we'd better get going, or we'll never finish this list." he said. Hermione desperately wanted to go with her friends, but she knew Malfoy was right. "Well, I have to go now guys. Maybe next time." she sighed "All right." Ron sighed as he walked away. "See you at lunch." he pulled her close to him and whispered in her ears "Be careful. If he hurts you, you know I'll kill him."said Harry "She whispered back in his ear, "You won't have to worry about that. I'm a big girl. I can handle him." She winked at him and walked away with Malfoy.
"What's the first thing have to do?" said Hermione "You have the list, remember?" said Malfoy "Oh. Why do we have to help set up the tables in the Great Hall?" said Hermione. "Don't know." said Malfoy "Let's go and put or bags down." said Malfoy. They got to their dorm and put their bags down on their bed. "Hold on." "What now?" "Let me go and change." said Hermione. She quickly put on a pair of black jeans and a blue T-Shirt. Malfoy changed into a green shirt, and blue jeans. As they were leaving Hermione tripped and fell. Malfoy didn't notice and fell right on top of her. Malfoy was hypnotized by Hermione's eyes. "What beautiful hazel eyes she has." Malfoy thought. "Uh, sorry. I tripped." said Hermione laughing. "It's alright." Malfoy smirked. He got up and helped her up. "Come on, now. We have to go. Lunch arts in an hour and we have to set up four giant tables." said Malfoy. They ran down to the Great Hall. Hermione nearly bumped into Harry. "Sorry Harry." she yelled. Malfoy grepped her hand and said "Let's go. We're late." Harry was confused by this little episode. "Oh great, we've only got 50 minutes." said Hermione
They started with the Griffindor table, which took them 10 minutes to finish. Then they did Hufflepuff's table, then Slytherin, then Ravenclaw's table. They all took them 10 minutes to finish. In total they spent 40 minutes arranging the tables. They were so tired, that they went back to there dorm and collapsed o their beds. They both fell fast asleep. It was dinnertime when they woke up and went to eat. Everyone of the seventh, and sixth years had on muggle clothing. They entered the Great Hall and went their separate ways. "Why weren't you and Malfoy at lunch?" said Ginny "We're you two, you know... at it?" said Ginny jokingly. "Thanks a lot, Ginny. You made me lose my apatite." said Hermione pushing her plate in front of her. "What were you two doing?" said Ron "We had to prepare all the tables for lunch time, with no magic. We got tired, and went to bed." she said "Why is everyone making such a big fuss about me and Malfoy staying in the same dorm?" she thought


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 03:32 AM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

I'm so sorry for the grammatical errors.
I'm telling you guys.
Something is wrong with my keyboard.
I press the letters but they don't appear.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
I might have to take my laptop to the shop if it continues to do this.
I'm once again terribly sorry.


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 03:38 AM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

tis okay.
sorry for lack of updates.
a family friend was killed in iraq recently and everything is just crazy at the moment.


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Last edited by SweetMagnolia17 on Feb 13th, 2007 at 02:18 AM

Old Post Feb 13th, 2007 02:04 AM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

i'm deeply sorry for your loss
welcome back!


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 13th, 2007 08:42 PM
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Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

"So, what did you guys do today after class?" Hermione asked her friends. "Nothing much. We just sat around and talked about how sorry we felt for you." said Ginny "Why do you guys feel sorry for me?" said Hermione "Well, you're stuck with Malfoy for a whole year. I mean the guy has been so horrible to you, so we could just imagine how you feel." said Ron Hermione had a flashback of her and Malfoy on the floor. She loved the way his beautiful grey eyes stared at her. "Hermione? Hermione?" Harry was shaking her a little. She back down to Earth "Are you okay?" said Harry "Yeah. Of course. Thanks guys for the sympathy." she smiled

But deep deep deep down in Hermione's heart, she knew she didn't mean it. Hermione went back to her dorm. She sat on her bed, just waiting to fall asleep. She heard a voice. Two voices. She crept slowly towards the door and opened it just a crack for her to see what was going on. "Draco. How can you stand staying in there with that filth?" said Pansy putting her arms around Malfoy. "Pansy, not now." said Malfoy "Are you starting to feel for her, Draco?" said Pansy "No. I'm just saying that I'm not going to criticise anyone this year. It's my last year here and I need a job after I graduate. So I'm not in the mood this year." he said. They kissed and he watched her leave. Hermione quietly closed the door and sat on her bed.

Malfoy came in seconds after. "You know, you should try to learn how to close a door properly." said Malfoy taking off his shirt to reveal a T-Shirt underneath. "I was not behind the door if that's what your trying to say." Hermione lied "Sure you weren't." he said "What makes you think I would want to listen to your pathetic conversation with your girlfriend." "Ah ha. You were listening. I never told you I was with Pansy. He said moving up so close to her she could feel him breathing. "Alright fine. I admit it. I was listening." Hermione said blushing "Thanks for not calling me a mudblood for the first time." said Hermione moving away from him. He picked up his towel and headed toward the bathroom. "You're welcome." he muttered, and shut the bathroom door behind him.

Malfoy stayed in the bathroom for thirty minutes. When he came out Hermione was sleeping. He changed into his pajamas and crept over to Hermione's side of the room. He looked at her and whispered very quietly "My my my, Granger. You've grown over the years." he smiled and turned the lights out. He went to bed and fell fast asleep. The nest day was almost like the previous day. They only had one class. Harry and Ron didn't bother to ask Hermione to hang out, because as soon as class was finished, Malfoy and her left to do some more things on their list. "Today, we've got to clean and reorganize the entire trophy room." said Malfoy "That'll take us hours. Especially since we've got to do it by hand." groaned Hermione "No. She's allowed us to do it with magic." he said. "Oh, I suppose it won't be that bad." she said. They dropped their bags at their dorm and changed their clothes. They headed toward the trophy when they bumped into Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Nellive, and Dean. "Hey guys." said Hermione "Hey Hermione." they all said. "Where are you heading to? said Dean "We've gotta go and clean up the trophy room." said Hermione "Where are you off to?" she asked "We're going to play some Qudditch." said Ron "


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 12:25 AM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

"Why don't you come? We need someone to be the score keeper." said Harry. "You guys have no idea how much I wanna come, but I can't. Me and Draco have to go and clean. I'm telling you guys, I would but I can't." she said sadly "Come on. You know you wanna." said Neville
She whispered in Malfoy's ear, "Come on. We'll just stay for an hour and we'll leave. Come on, we deserve it." she said. He whispered back in her ear, "We can't. If Mcgonagal doesn't have everything by Saturday, we're toast. We can't." she whispered back in his ear "I promise never to ease dropon your conversations." "Nope. Sorry, that isn't going to work." he whispered "Come on please. Pretty please?" she pleaded. "No." "Ok. How about I put this way. I'll annoy you till the day we graduate from here. I don't think you want me to do that." she said aloud. Malfoy rolled his eyes and said "Fine. But we can't stay for more than one hour." he her a 'I mean it' look. She agreeded

She turned to her friends


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 02:20 AM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

Sorry guys
I accidentally pressed the Submit button instead of the Spellcheck.

She turned to her friends and said "Are we going are what?"
They walked to the field. Ginny, Dean, Ron, Harry, Luna, and Neville in one group in the front. Malfoy and Hermione in the back. "Granger, your friends there had better not start anything funny to try and insult me." he said "I promise, they won't." said Hermione

They got to the Qudditch field. Ginny, Luna, and Harry were team one. Neville, Dean, and Ron were team two. Malfoy and Hermione were in the stands watching and keeping track of the game. Harry's team was up by 20 points. 60 - 40 the score was. The game was taking long and Malfoy and Hermione had to leave. "GUYS. WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW! WE'RE 15 MINUTES LATE. SEE YOU AT DINNER!" she yelled loud enough for them to hear. Her and Malfoy left.

"Is it just me or are Malfoy and Hermione nicer to each other than usually?" asked Ginny "Yeah. I mean since when has Hermione ever called him 'Draco'?" said Luna "It's kind of disgusting really. Uhhh, I just had a bad thought." said Neville "What?' said Ron "What if.. you know Malfoy and Hermione like each other." said Neville "Sorry to break your heart, Neville. Hermione hates the guy's guts." said Harry "Well you must admit it Harry. I mean since when do they ever agree on anything?" said Dean "Well, we're about to eat lunch. Let's not talk about it, or else I'm gonna throw up."

Back in the trophy room, Hermione and Malfoy were cleaning. "Finally, the last trophy is finally put in place." said Malfoy "Yeah, it is. Man I'm too short to put it up there." said Hermione "Why don't you just use your magic?" said Malfoy "It's a waste if we did. Why don't you do it? You're taller than me." "Yeah, by one inch." "Okay. You pick me up and I'll put it there." "Fine." Malfoy picked Hermione up by her waist and she put the trophy in place. "There. Can you put me down please?" she asked. "What if I don't want to?" he asked jokingly "Well, you're gonna have to." she said laughing "Fine" he pretended to drop her but caught her and carried her as if she were unconscious. Her arms were around his neck. "What is this Hermione?" said a familar voice. Hermione turned around to see Ginny, Dean, and Neville staring at her and Malfoy in shock.

"It's not what you people think." said Malfoy as he put Hermione down. "Yeah, he was just helping me put the last trophy in place. That's all. Right Draco?" "Yeah. She's telling the truth. We weren't doing anything. What are you guys even doing here anyway?" We were bringing Hermione some lunch." "Well thanks guys." said Hermione "You're welcome. Oh yeah. We promise not to tell anyone what we saw." said Ginny slyly "GINNY!" screamed Hermione "Calm yourself woman. I was only joking." she said giggling and they left.

"Do you mind if I share your lunch with you. I didn't have any breakfast." Malfoy asked Hermione "Sure. Let's eat these in our dorm. We're done anyway.She picked up the brown paper bag and her and Hermione left to their dorm.


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 03:00 AM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

After a hearty lunch Draco excused himself.
"I need to go see Pansy and some other friends. I feel like i haven't talked to them in ages."
"Okay." Hermione said.
She decided she'd go and hang out with Harry and Ron.
She traveled from the trophy room leaving behind Draco.

She got to the Fat Lady's portrait and realized that she didn't know the password. Ron came running into sight with a worried look on his face but when he saw Hermione it changed to a smile.
"What's wrong Ron?"
"I've just been caught by Professor Snape on the third floor, i just kinda ran."
"oh, why where you up there?"
"We're playing a game of truth or dare up in the Room of Requirement."
"Care to join me."
He held out his arm and Hermione linked hers with his.
"MR WEASLEY!" they heard Snape yell. Ron and Hermione ran away laughing all the way to the room of requirement.
"Well? Did you do it?" Ginny asked
Hermione looked around. sitting in front of a burning fireplace was Harry, Ginny and Luna.
"Yup." Answered Ron defiantley "Nearly got caught by Snape though, and looked who i found on the way back!"
"Hello Hermione." Came a dreamy voice.
"Hey guys! Hermione greated. "Mind if i join?"
"Of course not." Harry replied, "come sit down, it's your turn."
Hermione took a seat next to Ginny who gave her a deck of cards Hermione took one out that said dare. She flipped it over and read :
"Kiss the boy/girl that you have a crush on and then kiss your worst enemy then compare the two, in front of everybody."
She glanced over at Ron who shifted uncomfortabley.
Ginny saw this and pushed Hermione towards Ron.
Hermione sat in front of him and Ron gulped.
"You fancy me then." Ron asked in a nervouse voice.
"Have for a long time." Hermione wispered.
She closed her eyes and leaned forward.
Then his lips are on hers, they kiss with closed lips then Ron slowly opens his mouth and Hermione opens hers. They kiss for what seems like forever but then they come back for air.
Both red faced.
Ginny winked at her and said "Now time for Draco."
"No way!" Ron exclaimed.
"She's bond to it ron, after she touched the card."


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 05:24 PM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

They entered their dorm, and ate the turkey sandwiches Ginny brought Hermione. "I'm thirsty." said Draco "So am I. Let's go to the kitchen and we could start a new task before dinner." she suggested
They went to the kitchen and drunk some some water. "What task do you suggest we could before dinner?" said Malfoy starring at the list. "We could always just make arrangements for the dance that's coming up." "That's seems alright." he said. They went to Professor Mcgonagal's office and asked her if they could start the phone calls. She told them to go to the library and use the two extra phones they had in there. They walked to the library. And guess who they bumped into this time. "Pansy. What are you doing here?" said Malfoy "What are you doing with this Mudblood?" she said giving Hermione a dirty look. "If you have a problem with me Pansy, why don't you just say it to my face. Unless you're afraid of a real challenge." said Hermione returning the dirty look. "Oh yeah Mudblood?" said Pansy "Is that the only vocabulary word you know?" said Hermione "Enough! The both of you." he turned to Hermione and said "Ignore her. Go and wait for me by the library. I'll meet you there in a second." "Fine." she said. She left and walked to the library. Now he turned Pansy. "What did I tell you last night? I asked you many times to leave her alone." Malfoy said to his girlfriend. "Oh, so now she's your friend?" said Pansy "As a matter of fact, she is. I told you last night. We are too mature for this anymore. We've had our fun, but now we've gotta start thinking about our future, and I'm not gonna let you stop me from succeeding in what I want." he said as he started to walk away. "Draco. Are you breaking up with me?" she said "Yes. I need time for to think about what's best for me, without my girlfriend trying to get into fights in the process. I'm sorry Pansy. You've been a great girlfriend, but your becoming uncontrollable. I'm sorry, but I've gotta go." he said and he ran to the library leaving Pansy in shock.

"Finally, you're here." said Hermione "Yeah. Look, I'm sorry Pansy attacked you like that." said Malfoy "It's alright. Are you okay? You don't look to good." said Hermione. "I just broke up with Pansy." said Malfoy. "Oh. Was it because of me? If it is, I'm deeply sorry. Maybe you should go back and talk to her." said Hermione "No. I'm tired of telling Pansy to grow up. I mean I know she got use to the fact that we've been teasing you all these years. No offense." "Non taken" "But she must understand that this is our last year here. After this we've gotta go and start our own careers. She refuses to grow up, and I can't handle that." he said "Oh. I'm sorry." "It's not your fault Hermione." said Malfoy "And besides, she never trusted me. I mean, how can you have a relationship when your partner doesn't trust you?" he asked "You're right. That's why me and Ron never made it as a couple. He didn't trust me whenever me and Krum hang out together. I mean people are allowed to have friends of different genders, right?" "Yep. Well let's forget about Pansy and Weasley and finish this before dinner." "Okay" said Hermione. They made at least 12 phone calls each before everything was complete. "Let's go to dinner, I'm starving." said Hermione. They went to dinner. When they got to the Great Hall they went their separate ways. "So Hermione. How did you and Malfoy handle your little incident?" said Ginny "Ginny!" said Hermione "Alright, alright. You take the fun out of everything, woman." said Ginny disappointingly. "What happened with you and Malfoy?" said Harry "Nothing. We were just cleaning the trophy room, and we needed to put the last trophy in place. So he lifted me up so I could put in place. Me being clumsy as usually, almost fell. So he caught me, and little miss Ginny here is making a big deal out of it." said Hermione "Why didn't you just use your magic?" said Ron "It would've been a waste. I mean it was only three inches above heads. What's the use of magic for a little thing like that?" she said. "Man these people make a big deal out of everything. Don't they?" Hermione thought. Hermione ate in silence for the rest of their dinnertime. "Hermione?" said Malfoy when she got back for dinner "Yes." she replied "When is that dance?" he asked "November 19. Why?" "Oh, nothing. Just asking." "Can I go into the shower before you, please?" "Go ahead. I already took a shower." "Oh. Okay. Thanks."
She grabbed her towel and went to take her shower. Malfoy fell asleep. Hermione cane out of the bathroom an hour later. She changed into her night gown and went to Malfoy's side of the room. Malfoy was a heavy sleeper so he didn't feel anything she did. She sat beside him and gently ran her fingers through his hair. "If only you knew." she said

It was finally Saturday and everything on the list was checked off. They handed Mcganagal the list. She was impressed. "You'll get the other list next Saturday. Good job. Now go and have some fun in the village. You both deserve it." she said "Thank you Professor." they both said. They left and walked down to the village together. "Have you heard the rumor about Weasley and Thomas?" said Malfoy "No" "They broke up." "Don't worry about it. They do this all the time. They'll be back together by next week." she said . They reached the village. "Where do you wanna go?" he asked her "How about we go and get a butterbeer." she suggested "Alright." They went into The Three Broomsticks and Malfoy ordered two butterbeers for her and him. "Thanks." No problem. So where are your little friends?" Quddtich practice. What about yours?" "Crabbe and Goyle have detention for two weeks." The two finished their butterbeers and headed outside. "Oh boy. I knew I should have brought a jacket." said Hermione. It suddenly turned a little chilly outside. Malfoy took off his jacket and put it on her. "You need it more than I do." he smiled "Thanks." she smiled back "Come on. I have something to show you back up at our dorm." he said. When they reached their dorm, he opened his closet and pulled out a case. It was a case in the shape of a guitar. When he opened it, he pulled out a beautiful black guitar. "You play the guitar?" asked Hermione "Yeah. I've been working on a song. But I was wondering, since your good at writing, it you could help me with the lyrics." "Sure. I'd love to!" she said excitedly (I know this is beyond cheesy, but just go with the flow. I know you all know this song. Don't ruin it for the other people who don't. Thank you!) He started to play a beautiful beat. Then he began to sing.

"Staring out at the rain with her heavy heart
It's the end of the world in my mind
Then your voice brings me back like a wake up call
I've been searching for the answer, somewhere....

I couldn't see that it was right there
But now I know what I didn't know

Because you live and breathe
Because you made me believe in myself
when nobody else could help
Because you live (girl)
My world has twice as many stars in the sky."

"Do you like it?" he asked
"Like it? I LOVE IT!"
"Can you help me finish it?"
She grabbed a notebook and a pencil and sat right next to him on his bed. They worked for at least three hours on the song. "Finally we've finished it." he said. "Yeah. Why don't you start from after the first chorus." He picked up his guitar, and began to play.

"It’s alright, I survived, I’m alive again,
’Cause of you, made it through every storm,
What is life? What’s the use, if you’re killing time?
I’m so glad I found an angel…

Someone…who was there when all my hopes fell.
I want to fly, looking’ in your eyes…

Because you live, and breathe
because you made me believe in my self
When nobody else can help
Because you live (girl…you live …)
my world (my world) has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live … I live

Because you live, there’s a reason why
I carry on, when I lose the fight.
I want to give what you’re giving’ me, always…

because you live (and breathe)….
because you made me believe in my self
When nobody else can help
Because you live (yeah)
my world (my world) has twice as many stars in the sky …

because you live (and breathe)….
because you made me believe in my self
When nobody else can help
Because you live
my world, has everything I need to survive…

Because you live…I live…

I live."

Two months past, and it was finally November. People were going crazy trying to find dates for the dance. "So who are you guys going with?" Hermione asked her friends two weeks before the dance. "I'm going with Ginny. Ron's going with Luna. Dean's going with Pavarti. And Neville is going with Pavarti's sister." said Harry "Who are you going with?" he asked her "I can't tell you that. You guys would never talk to me if I did tell you. All I'm telling you guys is that he's changed and if guys are really my friends, you would accept my decision no matter who it is." said Hermione "Of course. We're your best friends. We'd never stop talking to you because of someone you're dating. What do you take us for?" said Ron slurping his spaghetti. "You guys promise?" she said "We promise." said Ron and Harry

If was finally the nineteenth and everyone was at the dance. Ginny was wearing a strappless red knee lenght dress. Her hair was in a bun. Luna wore a long silver dress, and she had her hair in a elegant ponytail. All the boys wore black suits and ties. "Where's Hermione?" asked Luna
As soon as those words left her mouth, Ginny answered "There she is. And you won't believe who her date is." They all turned around and saw how beautiful Hermione looked. She wore a beautiful silk black dress that showed off her figure. She had her hair in big beautiful curls. And on her left wrist was a diamond watch. But when they saw who she was with, their mouths dropped.


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 06:43 PM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

Oh snap
I'm so sorry girl.
I was writing and I didn't know you wrote something.
By the time I submitted my part you already entered yours.
Just ignore my part and continue yours. I'm sorry.
I really didn't mean it.
Please don't get upset.
Just ignore my part and continue yours.



Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 06:47 PM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

oh, dont worry about it.
no big deal;
i just felt it was going really fast between them, so i decided to slow down.
but i like the ball idea, we should use it later on.


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 06:49 PM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Fallen Angel

Gender: Female
Location: Falling from Heaven

Thanks for understanding.
Please finish your part.
Ignore mine.
Thank you


Thanks Neha for the sig!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 06:52 PM
Nickey is currently offline Click here to Send Nickey a Private Message Find more posts by Nickey Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
making it count

Gender: Female
Location: the middle of nowhere.

I actully can't continue right now, I'm leaving for a funeral in a bit and afterwards i have to babysit 3 kids blink I wont be be back for a long time. so i'll continue when i can.


thanks melane!

R.I.P Lance Cpl. Brandon J. Van Parys

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 06:56 PM
SweetMagnolia17 is currently offline Click here to Send SweetMagnolia17 a Private Message Find more posts by SweetMagnolia17 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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