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Darth Bane vs. Darth Revan
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
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Its from the Bane of the Sith Short Story you can get it on SWtimeline under the Magazines section, its more of KJA bullshit, makes Bane a ***** and scared of his fellow Sith Lords spirits, one of whom he tooled himself in PoD. Anything KJA touches turns to shit.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 20th, 2006 09:23 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
Oh I already knew that but he can't definitively prove that he nudged the moon so it has no place here, Bane could have found anther ship, since the moon is littered with them. Or some other means of transportation, but you can't use nudging the moon with out definitive proof.

then read this
"Taming a flying beast using the powers of the dark side, he mounted it like the fabled Beast Riders and rode towards the edge of the atmosphere, where he planned to "nudge" the entire moon closer to its planet, Onderon, so he could cross to the inhabited world to find his apprentice.", try again, that was AFTER pod

seems you got your ass handed to you again

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
Stop being a rtard, PoD mentions Revan in the same breath of power as those you said would own him, one of those (Tulak Hord) you know NOTHING about accept Kreias "LAWL he was teh best duelist evar!" How the **** would she know? Was she there 1000's of years ago to witness his ownage with a saber? No. Was he pretty much the only Sith using a saber at that time? Ya. [/B]

stop being a revan fanboy, can revan contend against exar kun who frozen over a hundred thousand people in the senate? can Revan compare to freedon nadd who can hurt some one while he is halfway across the galaxy, can revan kill some one like nihilus who would in the end wtf pwn him with his drain?
fanboy of revan you got owned again

by the way, Drew Karpyshyn the writer of Pod is a fanboy of revan since he was the one working on Kotor the game.

Last edited by BoratBorat on Oct 21st, 2006 at 02:40 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 02:31 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


then read this
"Taming a flying beast using the powers of the dark side, he mounted it like the fabled Beast Riders and rode towards the edge of the atmosphere, where he planned to "nudge" the entire moon closer to its planet, Onderon, so he could cross to the inhabited world to find his apprentice.", try again, that was AFTER pod

seems you got your ass handed to you again

Look above your post you ****ing retard, I already knew. Key Word: Planned, It NEVER says he does, Sidious planned to live forever. Didn't happen. Revan planned to take the galaxy. Didn't happen. You have no proof, he could have just as well used one of the ships littered across Dxun, He could have been rescued, the fact is my assumptions carry just as much merit as KJA's Bullshit because KJA never said how he got of Dxun.

And by looking at the fact you've stop responding to the actual topic and the fact that I have actual proof to back up my argument it looks like you are the one who's had their ass handed to them.

stop being a revan fanboy, can revan contend against exar kun who frozen over a hundred thousand people in the senate? can Revan compare to freedon nadd who can hurt some one while he is halfway across the galaxy, can revan kill some one like nihilus who would in the end wtf pwn him with his drain?
fanboy of revan you got owned again

How did you own me? I was under the impression that to be "owned" you needed to present an actual argument that in fact "owned" mine, all I see is a loser trying to save face by throwing up red herrings that have no actual relevance to the topic.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 02:42 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01

Look above your post you ****ing retard, I already knew. Key Word: Planned, It NEVER says he does, Sidious planned to live forever. Didn't happen. Revan planned to take the galaxy. Didn't happen. You have no proof, he could have just as well used one of the ships littered across Dxun, He could have been rescued, the fact is my assumptions carry just as much merit as KJA's Bullshit because KJA never said how he got of Dxun.

planned? hey you ****!ng retard i will say this, his apprentice zannah was on onderon, and he is on dxun, so are you going to tell me he only planned and did not cross to onderon? what kind of idiot are you? then how did the sith survive, then how did bane cross over? through a ship? hell no, what id i told you this came from the NEC or NEGTC or the DS source book.

these are the sources
Secrets of the Sith
The Dark Side Sourcebook
The New Essential Guide to Characters
The New Essential Chronology
Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
And by looking at the fact you've stop responding to the actual topic and the fact that I have actual proof to back up my argument it looks like you are the one who's had their ass handed to them.

How did you own me? I was under the impression that to be "owned" you needed to present an actual argument that in fact "owned" mine, all I see is a loser trying to save face by throwing up red herrings that have no actual relevance to the topic.

how did i own you? you said revan was equally strong as the sith i had mentioned and you cant prove it, and i proved to you that its a no no, it was them who was stronger than him.

and you didnt want to believe that bane pulled a moon out of orbit and now im handing your ass to you and you still come for more,you diverted this off topic, i followed, want to blame any one? blame your self

what am i doing? im proving to you that bane did pull the moon out of orbit and that it proves his telekenesis is much higher than revans which you cannot accept due to your a hard core fan of revan

darth bane P O D is a major contradiction to what the NEC and the NEGTC wrote about bane, a major contradiction, hell it might even be excluded from canon as SOTME was

Last edited by BoratBorat on Oct 21st, 2006 at 02:53 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 02:47 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


planned? hey you ****!ng retard i will say this, his apprentice zannah was on onderon, and he is on dxun, so are you going to tell me he only planned and did not cross to onderon? what kind of idiot are you? then how did the sith survive, then how did bane cross over? through a ship? hell no, what id i told you this came from the NEC or NEGTC or the DS source book.

these are the sources
Secrets of the Sith
The Dark Side Sourcebook
The New Essential Guide to Characters
The New Essential Chronology
Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties

Sigh...debating with idiots...I never said he didn't get off Dxun, I said you can't prove he nugged a moon, The same way I can't prove he didn't thus it shouldn't be included in the debate.

All of those sources says Bane gets off the moon and countiues the Sith, the however DON'T say he moved Dxun. Reading comprehension anyone?

how did i own you? you said revan was equally strong as the sith i had mentioned and you cant prove it, and i proved to you that its a no no, it was them who was stronger than him.

You know I actually looked back in the topic to see if I said ANYTHING of the sort, I NEVER said that stop putting words in my mouth you dumbass. And even if I did say this, all you did was list Sith Lords thats not proving ANYTHING. This is not Revan vs Such and Such lord, Its Revan vs Bane. Period. But what can I expect from someone who rides the short bus to school.

and you didnt want to believe that bane pulled a moon out of orbit and now im handing your ass to you and you still come for more,you diverted this off topic, i followed, want to blame any one? blame your self

You didn't prove shit.

what am i doing? im proving to you that bane did pull the moon out of orbit and that it proves his telekenesis is much higher than revans which you cannot accept due to your a hard core fan of revan


darth bane P O D is a major contradiction to what the NEC and the NEGTC wrote about bane, a major contradiction, hell it might even be excluded from canon as SOTME was

Novel>New Essential or Sourcebook

OBAMA 2008

Last edited by Dr. Styles on Oct 21st, 2006 at 03:04 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:02 AM
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Ok smart ass tell me, how did bane cross to dxun? smart alec.

how the hell did the sith survive if bane is stuck on dxun? huh no? then shut up

now, Pod DOES contradict the NEC and NEGTC

The NEC NEVER stated revan made a holocron

Prove to me novel > sourcebook

vader did lightning in Sotme, and guide books say he cant, so does that mean vader can because novel > sourcebook?

honestly, you are the most idiotic debator i have seen yet

Last edited by BoratBorat on Oct 21st, 2006 at 03:07 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:02 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


quote: (post)
Originally posted by San'Doria

Ok smart ass tell me, how did bane cross to dxun? smart alec.

how the hell did the sith survive if bane is stuck on dxun? huh no? then shut up

now, Pod DOES contradict the NEC and NEGTC

THATS THE ****ING POINT! We don't know how he crossed Dxun therefor the whole "He nudged a moon" Is not admissible in this debate, Jesus Christ its like I'm talking to a god damn 6 year old.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:07 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by San'Doria

Ok smart ass tell me, how did bane cross to dxun? smart alec.

how the hell did the sith survive if bane is stuck on dxun? huh no? then shut up

now, Pod DOES contradict the NEC and NEGTC

The NEC NEVER stated revan made a holocron

Prove to me novel > sourcebook

vader did lightning in Sotme, and guide books say he cant, so does that mean vader can because novel > sourcebook?

honestly, you are the most idiotic debator i have seen yet

YESi knew that, since he planned to nudge the moon it must have been the only way to cross to onderon!Becuse how else could he have crossed! That "plan" was the only way known!
god feels like im talking to a 12 year old

and read this post i quoted again

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:08 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


Now back on topic, you have yet to prove Bane can stand against Revan, Im still waiting.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:09 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


quote: (post)
Originally posted by San'Doria
YESi knew that, since he planned to nudge the moon it must have been the only way to cross to onderon!Becuse how else could he have crossed! That "plan" was the only way known!
god feels like im talking to a 12 year old

and read this post i quoted again

OMG, No the plan wasn't, you can't prove it, WE DONT KNOW THEREFORE IT IS NOT ADMISSIBLE.

And honestly if we go by your "NEC didn't talk about Revan's Holocron so its not canon" BS nothing new that wasn't said in an as of now out of date guide book nothing would be canon. Let alone the fact NEC was written from a In univere perspective.

OBAMA 2008

Last edited by Dr. Styles on Oct 21st, 2006 at 03:13 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:10 AM
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how? firstly will revan risk creating a storm? yes its destructive but it takes a few seconds to do so right? And is banes blast faster than revans? Creating a storm would leave revan open to be attacked,

And note that in fights, the 2 sides always depend on their lightsabers, they only use force powers once they get disarmed, proven in ROTS when sidious lost his lightsaber, prove in DE when palpatine got his hand hacked off,

And id this is bane with orbalisk, it wont even go that far to force fights, why? because darth bane in the orbalisk armour is immune to lightsaber strikes, And bane would kill revan during the duel, If revan DOES back up then he can unleash the storm, but during a duel? its a no no

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
OMG, No the plan wasn't, you can't prove it, WE DONT KNOW THEREFORE IT IS NOT ADMISSIBLE.

And honestly if we go by your "NEC didn't talk about Revan's Holocron so its not canon" BS nothing new that wasn't said in an as of now out of date guide book nothing would be canon. Let alone the fact NEC was written from a In univere perspective.
no, im saying p.o.d contradicts so many things, NEGTC the NEC and there is nothing to prove revan did create a holocron other that a novel,Hell did any source prove vader can use lightning because he did it in a novel? hell no.

your idiotic logic is novel > source book

Last edited by BoratBorat on Oct 21st, 2006 at 03:15 AM

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:12 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


how? firstly will revan risk creating a storm? yes its destructive but it takes a few seconds to do so right? And is banes blast faster than revans? Creating a storm would leave revan open to be attacked,

And note that in fights, the 2 sides always depend on their lightsabers, they only use force powers once they get disarmed, proven in ROTS when sidious lost his lightsaber, prove in DE when palpatine got his hand hacked off,

And id this is bane with orbalisk, it wont even go that far to force fights, why? because darth bane in the orbalisk armour is immune to lightsaber strikes, And bane would kill revan during the duel, If revan DOES back up then he can unleash the storm, but during a duel? its a no no

Um no,

1. I never said Revan would create a storm now did I, And even if Bane did use his force wave It would still be ineffective against Revan since he can simply put his shield up to block it like Kas'im did, then what Banes completely drained of energy Bane = Dead.

2. BULLSHIT. NO fights aren't ALWAYS Lightsaber duels and you using one battle to prove this also proves what a damn retard you are, lets look at anther Yoda v Dooku in AOTC, FORCE FIGHT FIRST.

3. Thats assuming Revan doesn't simply obliterate him with the force why would he even bother engaging in a Lightsaber duel?

no, im saying p.o.d contradicts so many things, NEGTC the NEC and there is nothing to prove revan did create a holocron other that a novel,Hell did any source prove vader can use lightning because he did it in a novel? hell no.

your idiotic logic is novel > source book

Let me clarify, Novel > Sourcebook if the novel is newer and no official sources dispute it such as LeeLand Chee. Both of those Sourcebooks are written from an in universe perspective how in the hell would they know what Bane was doing on Lehon, and NEC is now out of date, Revan did create a holocron POD says so and nobody at LFL disputes, hell they LET Drew put that in the book. You are a idiot.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:25 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01

Um no,

1. I never said Revan would create a storm now did I, And even if Bane did use his force wave It would still be ineffective against Revan since he can simply put his shield up to block it like Kas'im did, then what Banes completely drained of energy Bane = Dead.

2. BULLSHIT. NO fights aren't ALWAYS Lightsaber duels and you using one battle to prove this also proves what a damn retard you are, lets look at anther Yoda v Dooku in AOTC, FORCE FIGHT FIRST.

3. Thats assuming Revan doesn't simply obliterate him with the force why would he even bother engaging in a Lightsaber duel?

Firstly you idiot, dooku wanted to intimidate yoda, to show how powerful he was, That was only once we see it in the movies. Most of the times they start to engage in a duel, Then when they get disarmed they turn to the force.

What is there to assume they will get into a force fight first?What is there to say when they see each other they will be chucking powers at each other? Its like anakin vs obi wan, dooku vs the duo, vader was luke.The majority shows that they DO get into a duel before they start opening their powers. try again

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
[Let me clarify, Novel > Sourcebook if the novel is newer and no official sources dispute it such as LeeLand Chee. Both of those Sourcebooks are written from an in universe perspective how in the hell would they know what Bane was doing on Lehon, and NEC is now out of date, Revan did create a holocron POD says so and nobody at LFL disputes, hell they LET Drew put that in the book. You are a idiot.

let me clarify this then, What you are saying is that novels came out and they got new info, good, i like that point of yours, GL states vader is 80% of sidious and yet the RODV novel, the newest novel of vader stated that there would be a day when vader would become equal to sidious. But no, because sources and GL stated they would be 80% and yet GL himself allowed jamesluceno to write that quote in the book, does that mean vader did become as powerful as sidious? get my example? IT contradicts with the words of george lucas and yet he allowed james to write that comment.

Your point falls on this one again

and about revan vs bane, what power will revan use anyways

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:35 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


Firstly you idiot, dooku wanted to intimidate yoda, to show how powerful he was, That was only once we see it in the movies. Most of the times they start to engage in a duel, Then when they get disarmed they turn to the force.

So what? Since when are we only using the movies? There is no norm for how battles will engage, there is no majority rules.

What is there to assume they will get into a force fight first?What is there to say when they see each other they will be chucking powers at each other? Its like anakin vs obi wan, dooku vs the duo, vader was luke.The majority shows that they DO get into a duel before they start opening their powers. try again

No, as I said before there IS NOT Majority rules, hell even the very duel you pointed out Yoda vs Sidous STARTED as a FORCE FIGHT. You are so ****ing stupid its sad, i honestly have never hated anyone on a message board but due to your sheer stupidity you are the first.

let me clarify this then, What you are saying is that novels came out and they got new info, good, i like that point of yours, GL states vader is 80% of sidious and yet the RODV novel, the newest novel of vader stated that there would be a day when vader would become equal to sidious. But no, because sources and GL stated they would be 80% and yet GL himself allowed jamesluceno to write that quote in the book, does that mean vader did become as powerful as sidious? get my example? IT contradicts with the words of george lucas and yet he allowed james to write that comment.

You see heres were you fail, New Essential Chronology =/= George Lucas. Mr. Wallace did not create the SW universe, Mr. Wallace has as much control as LFL allows him and LFL allowed Drew to create a new book that features Revan with a Holocron, LFL apporved, simple as that, your wrong...again.

and about revan vs bane, what power will revan use anyways

Lets see, Revan could simply use the force to destroy his brain, he is certainly capable at this since he can easily tool around with ENTIRE RACES of species minds and rid and move languages into their heads and take knowledge out. Or he could use his Force Storm to destroy Bane.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 03:52 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
So what? Since when are we only using the movies? There is no norm for how battles will engage, there is no majority rules.
Because movies are higher canon? and sidious lightning yoda, why? because he wanted to show yoda the true power of the dark side, yoda himself expected it, and they are at a distance, not upclose.
your point falls again

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
No, as I said before there IS NOT Majority rules, hell even the very duel you pointed out Yoda vs Sidous STARTED as a FORCE FIGHT. You are so ****ing stupid its sad, i honestly have never hated anyone on a message board but due to your sheer stupidity you are the first.

As i said above sidious again wanted to show yoda how powerful the dark side is and to really show yoda how powerful he is, it wasnt much of a force fight wasnt it? sith lightning then force push? thats called a normal force fight?

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
You see heres were you fail, New Essential Chronology =/= George Lucas. Mr. Wallace did not create the SW universe, Mr. Wallace has as much control as LFL allows him and LFL allowed Drew to create a new book that features Revan with a Holocron, LFL apporved, simple as that, your wrong...again.

yes but again you claimed novels > sourcebook which i find really stupid, read my post about the RODV novel you idiot then you will understand. HE may have allowed that guy to write a book that revan created a holocron but does it mean its really true? after all has been said in the NEC and in the NEGTC? Does that also mean Vader has lightning because George lucas the god of star wars allowed some writer to write SOTME? Does that mean its true? hell no. Point moot

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AcStylesVer01
Lets see, Revan could simply use the force to destroy his brain, he is certainly capable at this since he can easily tool around with ENTIRE RACES of species minds and rid and move languages into their heads and take knowledge out. Or he could use his Force Storm to destroy Bane. [/B]
but would it work agaisnt force users? since when revan can pop peoples brains, Nothing can prove he did, all he did was drill galactic basic in the the rakatans minds, if he could really destroy brains then revan would > LOTF luke.

And look into the minds of others you trying to say? Bastila could do that, Vader does that, does that mean they are super powerful? jacen solo luke skywalker, mace windu, yoda all could tap into the minds of their opponents and take out information

last but not least, DO NOT back up your arguements with childish insults, i am sorry if i had insulted you but keep it cool.

i believe yes revan could storm him with lightning but could not bane do the same with the blast while revan creates the storm? obviously revan cant create a shield while he summons a storm

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 04:01 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


Because movies are higher canon? and sidious lightning yoda, why? because he wanted to show yoda the true power of the dark side, yoda himself expected it, and they are at a distance, not upclose.
your point falls again

And what are we debating? Two EU characters. It doesn't amtter the reasons why Sidious did this or why Dooku did this, its the fact that you said all duels start with Lightsabers and I called you on your BS.

As i said above sidious again wanted to show yoda how powerful the dark side is and to really show yoda how powerful he is, it wasn't much of a force fight wasn't it? sith lightning then force push? thats called a normal force fight?

The reason and length don't matter, Its the fact that I just proved the shit you said wrong.

yes but again you claimed novels > sourcebook which i find really stupid, read my post about the RODV novel you idiot then you will understand. HE may have allowed that guy to write a book that revan created a holocron but does it mean its really true? after all has been said in the NEC and in the NEGTC? Does that also mean Vader has lightning because George lucas the god of star wars allowed some writer to write SOTME? Does that mean its true? hell no. Point moot

Yes it means its really true, let me introduce a new concept to you its called a RETCON, all Banes abilities are RETCONED to come from Revan, no higher source of canon disputes this, LFL doesn't dispute this, Lee Land Chee doesn't dispute this, NEC is and older and as of now out of date source of canon when on the topic of Banes life, it has been retconned, YOU GET?

but would it work against force users? since when revan can pop peoples brains, Nothing can prove he did, all he did was drill galactic basic in the the rakatans minds, if he could really destroy brains then revan would > LOTF luke.

Considering the Rataka Elders are force users: It works. The point was of course he can't jut tool around with Banes mind, Bane would simply put up a shield in the force to block it, but if Bane drains his energy on an force wave and Revan blocks it which is what would happen since Kas'im did it easily, He would be drained and out of energy as POD states he was after he did the attack. Then Revan would mind Rape him since he would be to weak to create an adequet defense in the force.

And look into the minds of others you trying to say? Bastila could do that, Vader does that, does that mean they are super powerful? jacen solo luke skywalker, mace windu, yoda all could tap into the minds of their opponents and take out information

I was only proving he could do it and had they done it to an entire Race at a time? No maybe Vader with the Nagai but I can't remember.

last but not least, DO NOT back up your arguments with childish insults, i am sorry if i had insulted you but keep it cool.

Thats funny coming from you especially when you insulted me in this very post, Im not backing up my posts with insults you are, mine are backed up with facts yours are with Bull SHIT.

i believe yes revan could storm him with lightning but could not bane do the same with the blast while revan creates the storm? obviously revan cant create a shield while he summons a storm [/B]

Why wouldn't Revan just let Bane attack him and put his shield up? And really if Bane fought Revan he'd already be pissing his pants in fear of Revan since he basically hero worships him in PoD and fears his knowledge of the force.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 04:18 AM
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ok, now prove to me, WILL THEY START AS A FORCE FIGHT, prove to me that they will. Because in SW most of the time we see then start with a duel,

i know what RETCONS are, first it was said bane was the first darth, then it was revan now its andeddu due to him being part of the ancient sith empire.

the way you say it that revan taps into the mind of his opponents is like he is god which you are wrong,

you yourself has give some bull shit, and for fu#ks sake please properly quote peoples post

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 04:30 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by San'Doria
you yourself has give some bull shit, and for fu#ks sake please properly quote peoples post

How about this:

They learn to quote properly, and you learn the advantages of proper grammar.

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 04:39 AM
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Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 04:40 AM
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Dr. Styles
Papa Bear

Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Sitting on my ass


B]ok, now prove to me, WILL THEY START AS A FORCE FIGHT, prove to me that they will. Because in SW most of the time we see then start with a duel,

Well what are they just placed in a random space face to face? No, this is assuming there walking up to each other with enough distance between them that there not about to kiss, and have the fact that Bane would be pissing his pants if he saw Revan, and especially since Revans main talent that we know of is the force so he would keep it to a force battle.

i know what RETCONS are, first it was said bane was the first darth, then it was revan now its andeddu due to him being part of the ancient sith empire.

Then you should have no problem understanding the Revans Holocron and POD are canon.

the way you say it that revan taps into the mind of his opponents is like he is god which you are wrong,

No, I gave a complete response as to how and why this power would apply to the duel, Bane would have to tire himself first.

you yourself has give some bull shit, and for fu#ks sake please properly quote peoples post

No I haven't everything I've said is a fact, and as for quoting its easier to see what Im directly responding to and Im from GameFaqs and thats how we do it so Im used to that way.

OBAMA 2008

Old Post Oct 21st, 2006 04:47 AM
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