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The SuperShadow giggletime happy thread!!!
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I am still laughing because of a certain sentence I have viewed ..."Sweers once stated openly that working for Mickey Suttle and his awful website was "the best days of his life"??? ... One question Sweers!!!! Is this statement true?


Old Post Feb 11th, 2007 07:11 AM
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Yeah it is true.

It was one of the best times of my life. I was helping someone, I was providing someone something with a special talent of mine, someone who deserves it with a very cool project. So why wouldn't that be cool?

He asked for help, so I made him some banners, he liked them, his site rocks, so it was mutually beneficial.

Its sad how few people help others.

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 02:45 AM
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Registered: Jun 2005
Location: The internet


Wow, you're pathetic..

Anyway, what propaganda am I recieving from movies about how f*cked some people are..? (such as keeping a pro-arms convention right after a kid shot someone at school) What do you know about propaganda anyway? I guess you hear this from your parents or something.
Propaganda is what influences you daily through television and movies who don't receive budgets, support or resources if they don't glorify certain stuff. If you have at least some knowledge about this stuff you should know what I'm referring to..

Thanks btw for a site for mental patients about how fossils are hoaxes and the world is not billions of years old. I guess it is impossible to date back the years of bones and soilment. Oh wait.. it's all a conspiracy!
Good going Sweers, keep embarrassing yourself by repeating others, lazy sh!t.


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Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 08:45 AM
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You are the pathetic one Cris.

Propaganda is any kind of message aimed to impact the actions or thoughts/views etc, of its viewers. It can be from Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine to a Burger King commercial. Propaganda usually exaggerates product/idea/event or may even give fourth misinformation, or half truths as Michael Moore was known for doing in Bowling for Columbine.

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 12:05 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by sweersa
Propaganda is any kind of message aimed to impact the actions or thoughts/views etc, of its viewers. It can be from Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine to a Burger King commercial. Propaganda usually exaggerates product/idea/event or may even give fourth misinformation, or half truths as Michael Moore was known for doing in Bowling for Columbine.

And SS is just doing this and still some fools do not believe it. He is spreading wrong information to people on subject of Star Wars and he is trying to defame GL as well by faking his interviews and being rude to people, as if GL would be rude to his fans! roll eyes (sarcastic)

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 12:56 PM
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Darth Locutus

Registered: Feb 2007
Location: Marne, MI


Sweers is a failure at life. Even in his teenage years he is a still, hmm, socially retarded!! He discounts all logical explanations of creation, cites the woefully inadequate film making skills of Michael Moore as an example for "leftist" propaganda. Sweers is that horrible, middle Amercan white kid, that is so universally loathed throughout the world. Imagine (hard I know) opemly admitting that helping Mickey was the "the greatest days of his life"! I think you should get a life and stop trying to ram your fake Christian, Americanocentrism down everyones throats. You don't like Blacks, Europeans or people of other religions. In school one can surmise that you are the outcast. A more refined less spurious and ostentatious Cory Morr. The traits you hold in common are:

1. You are attention whores.
2. You have no real friends and so follow 35 year old Mickey Suttle around (who does not talk to you).
3. You have no real life friends.

HAHAHA! To sum Sweers up, he is an ignorant little white kid who thinks the USA is the center of things worldy or he is a just an arrogant, racist little malignant cancer in human form.

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 01:19 PM
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Darth Subjekt
The beginning of the end.

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Thanks to Advent for the Sig!

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 09:14 PM
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General G

Registered: Nov 2005
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thumb up


Made by Tiffy!

Old Post Feb 12th, 2007 09:25 PM
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Sweers is a failure at life. Even in his teenage years he is a still, hmm, socially retarded!! He discounts all logical explanations of creation, cites the woefully inadequate film making skills of Michael Moore as an example for "leftist" propaganda.
(Sweers: I believe God created life in all aspects, if you don't agree, thats fine with me. Michael Moore is indeed a leftist filmmaker.)

Sweers is that horrible, middle Amercan white kid, that is so universally loathed throughout the world.
(Sweers: You don't even know me for real buddy.)

Imagine (hard I know) opemly admitting that helping Mickey was the "the greatest days of his life"!
(Sweers: I was being honest, what, you want me to lie?)

I think you should get a life and stop trying to ram your fake Christian, Americanocentrism down everyones throats.
(Sweers: I am a real Christian. You know i hate it when people tell other people they are not Christians, or something to that effect, like "you don't believe in God" "You are not a REAL Christian" Its like what the heck, who has the authority to judge someone like that other than God?)

You don't like Blacks, Europeans or people of other religions.
(Sweers: Who are you to say that, I never said anything about not liking anybody, again you don't know me. I have a few black friends, there are not many Blacks where I live so a few Black friends is moderate, and I am friends with several Europeans. Some of my favorite cars are German by the way. (BMW) Not that that mean anything, I don't need to prove to you I am not a racist, if you think I am, and if that feeling pleases you, think it, you may be wrong, but if you feel it betters yourself I guess there is no harm in you believing in false fabricated information unless you blab on about it.)

In school one can surmise that you are the outcast. A more refined less spurious and ostentatious Cory Morr. The traits you hold in common are:

1. You are attention whores.
2. You have no real friends and so follow 35 year old Mickey Suttle around (who does not talk to you).
3. You have no real life friends.

(Sweers: You are odd, you only commented about me for a few days and you try to talk to me like you know me! Freak!)

HAHAHA! To sum Sweers up, he is an ignorant little white kid who thinks the USA is the center of things worldy or he is a just an arrogant, racist little malignant cancer in human form.

(Sweers: I am not ignorant, I am not arrogant, I am not racist, but, I am white and I am a human, you are getting better at this, keep it up, and maybe you will guess my height. Just leave me alone ok? I never bother you unless you bother me, I try to never bother anyone but people can't just accept the fact that I have no problems with Mickey Suttle, and my opinions don't change that easily, your little speeches and flaming will never convert me to anything. The fact that you even attempt to hurt me proves that you are sad about yourself, and you feel that you need to take it out on someone else, thats fine, if you see it necessary to blow off some steam that originates of other non-related more important personal problems, but there are better ways to relieve yourself of stress, or low self esteem, like, talk to a girl, make some new friends, be nice, thats the key to success, build your self up, keep your chin up, smile. Its not that hard, being rude and mean to others sets a bad example, and it just scares you in the long run. Just hang out with your friends, host a party, watch a movie, its social events like that that make life so fun, that and a few other things, but I'll just let you figure out the rest as you go. Have a good day.

Old Post Feb 13th, 2007 12:39 AM
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Who's this sweersa chap?

Old Post Feb 13th, 2007 03:18 AM
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I'm Alex Sweers. Mickey Suttle commissioned me to create him a wave of banners for his site a while back. He like the banners I made him, but he only had them up for a week or less, then one of his older banners replaced mine, and his site was in the dumps ever sense, to this day I don't know what happened. Its possible he is in some sort of legal trouble. I get a lot of harassment for still supporting Mickey Suttle. I don't deny the fact that working for him was fun. Others around here don't seem to take to my personal opinion with much acceptance. I have sense then moved on to other things, creating digital art for both myself and others, professional and personal work.

Last edited by sweersa on Feb 13th, 2007 at 04:09 AM

Old Post Feb 13th, 2007 04:07 AM
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Registered: Jun 2005
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by sweersa
You are the pathetic one Cris.

Propaganda is any kind of message aimed to impact the actions or thoughts/views etc, of its viewers. It can be from Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine to a Burger King commercial. Propaganda usually exaggerates product/idea/event or may even give fourth misinformation, or half truths as Michael Moore was known for doing in Bowling for Columbine.
It's Chris, not Cris. Dumbass.. Why don't you try to translate your parents annoyance about politics and political movies in a more childly way, eh? Or talk about your commission of creating professional art for the incredible, which you respect for their misinformation output.

Surely you must realise it is not I who is clueless, or your other friend (locutus) who is the hypocrite. Keep pwning yourself and make yourself look silly while you still can.
It's laughable that you can't recover from the emotional damage brought to you by Suttle's ignoring, you immediately explain your "horrible" position when someone with a Suttle avatar comes by.
Haha, priceless...


backwards, forwards, backwards, forwards

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 10:50 AM
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Sorry Chris, I guess blending your first name with your internet Darth name isn't very funny uh? But, its a good excuse for a typo.

Neither of my parents have even seen Bowling for Columbine, my opinions are my own. They may share some of what I believe, but, a majority of people don't favor Michael Moore, if you really do some digging you will find that a number of people support him, but the majority is against him, of the people that know who he is. If you like him, thats okay, I am just voicing my opinion. I will admit a few things he has said and done worth good and worth while and good to think about.

I am a Republican, but, like more and more every day, I really don't support the United States President, George W. Bush, he is a nice guy, but his Iraq war policy is a waste of time, money, and more importantly, lives. He tries to invade a corrupt nation with too few troops, and then he changed motives of the war after finding no WMD's. It would have been wise to pull out right after we decided no WMD's were found. Because right now, we are in between to large groups of religious men in Iraq, many who refuse to live with the other, and this conflict is quite bloody, its surprising on how much religion can fuel a war. It was unwise for the U.S. to try to convert a nation to diplomacy, a nation can only acquire diplomacy if THEY want it, one can't just force it upon another. Its too bad they can't live to understand its possible to coincide with one another, as many Americans have successfully done over the many years.

Happy Valentines Day!

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 12:07 PM
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Registered: May 2004
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by sweersa
I'm Alex Sweers. Mickey Suttle commissioned me to create him a wave of banners for his site a while back. He like the banners I made him, but he only had them up for a week or less, then one of his older banners replaced mine, and his site was in the dumps ever sense, to this day I don't know what happened. Its possible he is in some sort of legal trouble. I get a lot of harassment for still supporting Mickey Suttle. I don't deny the fact that working for him was fun. Others around here don't seem to take to my personal opinion with much acceptance. I have sense then moved on to other things, creating digital art for both myself and others, professional and personal work.

Roysh.. any proof?

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 07:27 PM
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The Rover

Registered: May 2004
Location: Canada


quote: (post)
Originally posted by sweersa
Sorry Chris, I guess blending your first name with your internet Darth name isn't very funny uh? But, its a good excuse for a typo.

Neither of my parents have even seen Bowling for Columbine, my opinions are my own. They may share some of what I believe, but, a majority of people don't favor Michael Moore, if you really do some digging you will find that a number of people support him, but the majority is against him, of the people that know who he is. If you like him, thats okay, I am just voicing my opinion. I will admit a few things he has said and done worth good and worth while and good to think about.

I am a Republican, but, like more and more every day, I really don't support the United States President, George W. Bush, he is a nice guy, but his Iraq war policy is a waste of time, money, and more importantly, lives. He tries to invade a corrupt nation with too few troops, and then he changed motives of the war after finding no WMD's. It would have been wise to pull out right after we decided no WMD's were found. Because right now, we are in between to large groups of religious men in Iraq, many who refuse to live with the other, and this conflict is quite bloody, its surprising on how much religion can fuel a war. It was unwise for the U.S. to try to convert a nation to diplomacy, a nation can only acquire diplomacy if THEY want it, one can't just force it upon another. Its too bad they can't live to understand its possible to coincide with one another, as many Americans have successfully done over the many years.

Happy Valentines Day!

laughing out loud

I love how one moment, swersa is fiercely trying to protect his opinions, and the next, wishing us well on Valentine's Day! stick out tongue

Sigs are for noobz.

Old Post Feb 14th, 2007 08:08 PM
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Enforcer of the Republic

Registered: Feb 2005
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All I can say is laughing out loud


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Old Post Feb 15th, 2007 12:37 AM
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Proof of me working for SuperShadow? What do you want me to do to prove it? I can't do anything that could violate anyones privacy. A few here know I am Alex Sweers.

Old Post Feb 15th, 2007 12:41 AM
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Registered: Jun 2005
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What a weird block of useless information you force down our throats again. I've seen one documentary, in which some people are interviewed and some events reviewed and everyone hates him. Every goddamn time you and Cory Moron see a chance to spout out your semi intelligent political views you grab it.
Why don't you guys take a hike instead of trying to come across as if you actually know anything about those subjects. All that "zOMG filthy leftist, zOMG right wing pig" in my internets makes me wanna piss all over you, not to mention both your love for SuperShadow.
You two make me sick. Here you are outraged because of some "political" movie but you respect a man who lies to children for their money and who steals women their photographs only to say he did her and her sister.


backwards, forwards, backwards, forwards

Old Post Feb 15th, 2007 09:01 AM
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Darth Locutus

Registered: Feb 2007
Location: Marne, MI


Sweersa is a failure!

What makes me guffaw the most is Sweers persistence in trying to make himself look like the best friend of Suttle, when in fact Suttle wants f&*k all to do with him. We all know why that is! Because Sweers is the most prolific stalker of the interwebs and his banners were awful anyway. Lol!.

Sweers had made it more than apparent that he is an ignorant little fool. Anyone in the right mind would never dare to cite Michael Moore as an example because he is such an awful film maker. Sweers obviously has a closet liking for Moore's hamburger socialism. Alex teh stalker revealed to us recently he is a Republican. In other words, the political party of mild racists and arrogant wealth whores. Sweers fits in quite nicely with his pseudo/quasi political views and discourse, which are of course, deviod of substance or informed opinion.

All I need now is for Sweers to go through my post, point by point and try to prove what I have said is all wrong, which it is not. I await his stupid response.

"Sweers is a failure at life who should not contribute to existence". I think that is how his pimp Suttle would put it. LOL!!

Last edited by Darth Locutus on Feb 16th, 2007 at 11:44 AM

Old Post Feb 16th, 2007 11:42 AM
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You people have it all wrong. I never cited Michael Moore, I just talked of how I dislike him! I never, ever liked his opinions or points in his movies, I think he is a jerk who spounts half truths and political garbage. I don't know where you got the idea that I support him. You have a right to have that opinion of Republicans, and I have the right to believe a majority of Democrats are liberal pussies, homosexual lovers, and baby killers. You insult my political group, and thus I insult yours. As for my banners, you have no right to make fun of them, because you most likely have never seen even one of the four, especially given the fact that they were only posted for a few days to a week. I find it funny, we are arguing about politics and views and then you make fun of my banners. Thats pretty off topic. I highly doubt you have any digital art skills, so unless you can top my skill of which I doubt you have seen, just shut your mouth.

Old Post Feb 16th, 2007 12:08 PM
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