White Chicks Review

by Steve Rhodes (Steve DOT Rhodes AT InternetReviews DOT com)
July 17th, 2004

A film review by Steve Rhodes
Copyright 2004 Steve Rhodes
RATING (0 TO ****): * 1/2

If you've seen the trailers for WHITE CHICKS, you probably thought at the time, as I did, that the movie has to be either very bad or outlandishly funny. I'm here to report that not only did I find it bad, but my entire audience was as quiet as attendees at a funeral. This laughless comedy is as dead and tasteless as last week's leftovers.

Brothers Shawn and Marlon Wayans star as a doofus duo named Kevin and Marcus Copeland. Following in the buddy cop formula, these two FBI agents argue all the time. In the opening, they arrest real ice cream deliverymen instead of the drug dealers who are impersonating ice cream deliverymen.

To get their careers back on track after their ice cream fiasco, they volunteer to escort two airhead, blonde sisters who are going to the Hamptons for the weekend. The FBI has information that these bimbos are to be kidnapped on their outing. When our klutzy lads get the girls' faces slightly scuffed, the girls refuse to be seen by their wealthy friends and enemies in the Hamptons. This causes our guys to put on major amounts of latex to transform themselves into white chicks.

Once they become females, they repeat the lingo and the insults the girls they are impersonating prefer. "I am going to have a BF -- Bitch Fit," is one of the warnings they give a desk clerk who has the effrontery to demand to see their IDs. Typical of the insults traded is one thrown back at them by Heather Vandergeld (Jaime King), who says, "Your mother is so stupid that she exercises when she could get liposuction -- or something."

So how do our newly made girls answer the question of how they've become taller? They had their knees done.

WHITE CHICKS runs 1:37. It is rated PG-13 for "crude and sexual humor, language and some drug content" and would be acceptable for kids around 12 and up.

The film is playing in nationwide release now in the United States. In the Silicon Valley, it is showing at the AMC theaters, the Century theaters and the Camera Cinemas.

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