X-Men: Evolution Review

by Chad Polenz (ChadPolenz AT aol DOT com)
November 14th, 2000

Me, Myself & Irene

>From the Farrelly brothers, the guys behind "Dumb & Dumber," "Kingpin" and "There's Something About Mary" comes this year's challenge to tasteful comedy starring none other than Jim Carrey - the man who may actually be a living, breathing cartoon. It's a shame this movie's not a cartoon though because all the gags that are supposed to work here come off as childish, amateurish, dumb and unfunny.

Carrey plays Charlie - an overly friendly, gutless Rhode Island bike cop who one day snaps and develops a split personality whereby he becomes Hank - a ruthless, twisted enforcer. At first the extreme lengths "Hank" goes to in order to get his way are funny, but it's a joke that can't carry an entire film. Especially one where the plot is non-existent and the screenplay so poorly developed the cliches are about the only thing going for it.

The jokes here are intended to appeal to the modern audience's craving of the extreme, but it comes off as tired and unoriginal. The film's vulgarity quotie nt is just absurd and offensive.


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