In the story I guess it would eventually, but there will always be problems. Just like there will always be people who discriminate against blacks.
But in my own personal opinion evolution is a load of crap, and in real life we won't have to worry about mutants anyway. :P
I don't even get WHY there is this issue. People should want to be mutants and have special powers. I never got why mutants were so ostracized. And if I were a mutant I wouldn't give a f*ck. Just tell Scarlet Witch to warp reality and you got your solution.
We have learned the first lesson. They will always hate us.
We will never live in a world of peace. Which is why control and non-violence are essential. We must prove ourselves a peaceful people. We must give the ordinary humans respect, compliance and understanding.
Once again Emma is spot on....imagine....if mutants really existed in our society....say you're in school...and 25% of your year have manifested however are still human...the ones with powers are able to minds...etc...
Yes mutants will always be hated, but so what? Why do they care? They're clearly superior to the average humans. What I don't understand is why mutants are so scared of other humans. They have reality-warpers among them. If things get too bad, just tell them to warp reality.
Gender: Female Location: United States/Mississippi
Depends on what you're talking about,if you're talking about in the real world,and if they actually existed...then no.I believe that the world would look down on them as they do all other different people.Face it,the world is racist.I'm sure there aren't any "mutants" out there,but I do believe that people can be given gifts,but I'm not talking about anything like teleportation. I know someone who has had visions of things that actually have occured later down the line. But as far as super-human,that's not something I believe in,it'd be nice,but I don't think it's real.
__________________ ~*You're just going to sit there while the world goes to hell?*~
Well to the average human yes, but there are plenty of humans that are dangerous to mutants.
Dr Strange
Captain America
Tony Starks
Dr Doom
In the MU the line between human and superhuman in some cases are slim. Alot of humans if they train really hard can defeat superhumans look at Shang Chi and The Cat. Have you seen how the Cat owned deadpool.
Futhermore there are very intelligent humans like Dr Doom and The High Evolutionary. They are so intelligent they could be amassive threat through the use of technology. The White Bishop is another dangerous human.
Also there is magic as well. Dr Strange is not a mutant but his magic power is greater than a lot of mutants.
So mutants are not actually superior. You have to bear in mind that The Celestials altered the DNA of the human race. All humans are potentially mutants.
__________________ Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack.
- General George Patton Jr