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the law of oaths
Started by: nate9939

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the law of oaths

nate looked around the vilage he used to call home the bulidings were burning and monsters kiling his friends and family nate ran towrds an enemy carying his sword not kowing what was happining nate kiled one after the other but soon became outnumberd at that moment nate was about to be kiled his dad came and took the blow "run" my dad said as he died nate in fear ran to the gates of the town crying at the death of his parent and the confusion suronding him as he found the gate he ran to the woods seeing many outhers following him he had no clue if they were enemys or friends but his legs just whouldent stop he didnt know what to think any more evreything he had known was burning down and he had no way to stop it at that moment he swore that he whould kill the one who did this.

With time comes growth and new possibilities.

Old Post Aug 11th, 2012 09:58 PM
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Annie sat on a roof top starring at the chaos below, death and violence wasn't something she enjoyed but something she was accustom to. The assassin had no ties to these people she had no reason to help them so she sat and watched as families were slaughtered by these monstrous creatures. "And even if I did help I couldn't keep them safe, they would just die off anyways, because they are weak..." Annie's words did not bring her comfort but her mind was not changed, so she sat and continued to watch.


Old Post Aug 11th, 2012 10:17 PM
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RP Legend

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Location: The Land Beyond what Time can Touch

"Run!" a sudden voice cried through the smoke. Creatures snarled loudly while they tore deep into the bodies of the dead, leaving none left standing in their path. A girl with hair of green and eyes filled with determination lunged herself from the fire and tackled a monster. Together, the two fell through the picket fence laid out before a home and the wood snapped under their combined weight; *CRACK!* The monster scurries out from beneath the girls body and quickly follows off in the direction of more evacuating villagers. The girl lays on the ground with splintered wood pieces inside her arm, the smell of blood comes from her. "D-Damn it.." she trembles with pain filling her body. "Mo-Mom.. Da-Dad..?" she raises to her feet slowly and in pain, looking quickly from one direction to another. Her face covered with smut from the smoke that fills the air, she coughs heavily while stumbling toward the exit of the village.
"Help me!" a young voice cries out quickly and a little boy runs into her view. "Shota!" he screams.
"Ethan!" the girl looks at him in desperation, she raises her hand-- but she is too late. The boy is grabbed by his arm and picked up into the air, the monsters right arm skewers the boy harshly; blood bursts from his chest and scatters on the ground. The girl covers her eyes quickly with her arm, shaking her head. "This... This is insanity..." her body continues trembling. She stands and begins to move on toward the exit. The monsters seem distracted by the dead bodies. Quietly, Shota exits the village with blood dripping from her body... she is worn from the use of magic. *splash, splash* the sounds of her feet drag across the dampened ground, mud and blood spread thin across it.
"Can't... Can't breath.." The woman begins gasping, taking step after step, her right hand raises. She tightly clenches her throat and feels the smoke still within her choking the bit of oxygen from her body. In her free arm, she holds a book close to her stomach. Upon it, she falls forward and hits the ground. *SPLASH* She goes quiet. Silently awaiting her end.


Old Post Aug 11th, 2012 10:35 PM
Phoenix3068 is currently offline Click here to Send Phoenix3068 a Private Message Find more posts by Phoenix3068 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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nate chouldent take it anymore and turned around now seing the the peopole who where flowing him were monsters nate kiled them all and ran back to the vilige right before entering he saw a girl laying on the floor barley breathing nate new that he chouldent leave her and she chouldent take her back into the vilage to save more pepole nate knew all this and put her on his back nate ran back to the forest so that he chould save the girl nate lafed at himself he wanted to become a docter but yet he chould only save one persone when he finaly got to the forest he set he under a tree nate used his magick to heal the mortal wounds useing the bandages in his pouch nate exausted nate pased out a few minutes after finishing the surgery

With time comes growth and new possibilities.

Old Post Aug 11th, 2012 10:52 PM
nate9939 is currently offline Click here to Send nate9939 a Private Message Find more posts by nate9939 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Annie had about enough death and destruction for today, "These poeple are not my people, I don't owe them a damn thing." Again her words did not bring her comfort she decided it was time to leave, there was nothing here for her anymore, she gets up and leaps roof to roof and finds no problem. After all she has been trained to not be heard, not to be seen and it looked like today it saved her life.

It wasn't long before she reached the edge of the village, there seemed to be no monsters around but Annie noticed a girl laying in the middle of the rode. The assassin was going to leave her where she lay but something tugged at her, she couldn't explain what it was but for some reason she walked over to investigate. Annie nudged the girl with her foot, "Yo kid, you still alive?" When there was no answer she bent over and checked for a pulse, when she found one she felt excited but didn't know why. Upon closer inspection the girl was about her age and had weird green hair and covered with blood, "Guess you'll die here if I just leave you..." Annie sighed and picked Shota's arm up and tossed it over her shoulder and left herself and the girl up , "Damn your a lot heavier then you look." Annie then noticed a book clutched in the girls hand and was surprised that she was able to hold onto it as badly as she was injured.

Annie slowly made it to the cover of the forest and carefully set the girl with green hair down and propped her head on the pack she carried, she took out a satchel of water from one of the side pockets and poured it on her hands. The water seemed to cycle around her hand and glow bright, "guess your lucky I have some healing abilities but don't get too excited I really suck at it," Annie said to the unconscious girl then found the wound most life threatening and begun to heal it.

(Sorry Nate...I ninja'd Phoe away from you but we had this planed. >< )


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 12:01 AM
starryknight is currently offline Click here to Send starryknight a Private Message Find more posts by starryknight Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Scenario
Greater Sci-Fi combatant

Gender: Unspecified

Donny ran, while around him the world seemed to go insane. In the space of a heartbeat, a normal day of deliveries turned into a living nightmare. It was a routine trip to the merchant district, selling his catches to shops, when some strange creatures began swarming everywhere. Things like this just didn't happen. Not in Zerab, the arcane center of the world. Yet there they were, big as life, and as terrifying as death itself. Whatever they were, they were big, they were fast, and they didn't like people. Donny risked a look over his shoulder, hoping for a better look, and caught an image of claws, teeth, and blood before turning back and putting on more speed than ever.

There was only one place Donny knew he'd have a chance: the harbor. That's where his father would go, and that's where the boats were. There, in the water, he could escape. Donny turned a corner, and nearly stopped in his tracks. The monsters were there, too, crawling all over the piers and vessels in the water. As Donny watched, a man was torn apart in a flurry of claws, while another, younger man was dragged into an alley by something unseen. The only thing keeping them from noticing Donny was the mist. Part of Zerab's magic, Donny had some affinity for water and the dark, affording a quick difficult to notice escape in the mist. Again, Donny started running, trying to ignore the chaos around him. This wasn't some scuffle in a bar, it was a massacre. There were too many of the things to fight, and they seemed to be aiming for the destruction of the city itself. And they would only be fooled by the magick of the mist for so long.

After several panicked seconds, Donny reached a suitable ship. Quickly checking behind himself for more of the creatures, and spotting one, Donny drew his skinning knife and hacked at the boat's mooring line with all his strength. It split after a few tries, and Donny leaped onto the boat, feeling the swish of a claw narrowly missing his back. He landed roughly, but sprang back up in a defensive stance with his knife, waiting for what he knew was coming. Donny was no knife fighter, but he did know a few things about combat.The monster leaped toward the ship, all muscle and bone and teeth flying through the air. With no way to change direction. Donny took a step forward, drew back his arm, and planted his fist squarely in what passed for the creature's jaw. There was a snap, and the monster abruptly stopped in mid air, then flew backwards into the water. Donny shook his hand a few times, put away his knife, and too a few seconds to rest. The running had been exhausting. Once his breathing returned to normal, Donny turned to try and take control of the now drifting vessel.

"Oh," he said to himself as he turned around, "you've gotta be kidding me."

It was on fire. The door to the cabin was open, and more of the creatures were pouring out of it. One of them seemed to have knocked over a lamp the previous occupants had been using, starting the fire. Or maybe someone had been trying to kill them with it. Either way, Donny counted 12 of them altogether, and judging by the wind, the ship was getting further and further from the city. Before the things could pounce, Donny stepped back, off the ship, and into the water.

Donny emerged on the beach some time later. He knew vaguely where he was, outside the city but not much beyond that. It seemed the monster hadn't followed him. If they had, it might have turned out differently. In the water, Donny was the monster. The beach was clear of anything threatening, so Donny began to walk. Towards the forest? Somewhere else? All Donny could do for now was walk, and hope to find shelter.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 12:19 AM
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Location: United States

when nate awoke nate saw whoever the girl was ran mabye scared of who i was or saw something firghtining not knowing what to do know nate started traning thinking of the monsters who kiled his father the blood in the city he didnt know what hapend to his sister and mother but it seemed that who ever was there was dead and that thought started the proces of his arm transforming nate hit a tree and knoced over a whole line of trees after that "why cant i controll this power im lucky i can even make it this far but why chouldent i use it i a battle " nate started crying after he decided hed done enough of that he went to the sea so he chould make some whater but while he was stroling he saw somebudy at that moment he unsheted his sword" who are you did you come to kill me to" nate yeld in anger at donny geting ready for a fight.

With time comes growth and new possibilities.

Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 12:50 AM
nate9939 is currently offline Click here to Send nate9939 a Private Message Find more posts by nate9939 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Scenario
Greater Sci-Fi combatant

Gender: Unspecified

Donny lifted his head when he heard the voice. It was angry, and when he looked up saw that the voice belonged to a younger boy. Seemed like he wanted to know who Donny was, and was more than ready to fight if the sword he held was any indication. Donny took up his own fighting stance. After those monsters, he was relieved to be back to fighting a human opponent. On the other hand, there was a thought scratching at the back of his mind: those monsters were too organized not to have a leader of some.

"Name's Donovan," Donny said, shelving his fear for later. "You gonna tell me your name, kid, or are we gonna have to throw down first?"

Donny's fists began to glow with a faint purple light, the manifestation of his second Element. Aside from water, Donny also had an affinity for darkness, and his strikes could drain the strength of anyone he hit. He figured the fight would be pretty quick, and then maybe he'd get some answers.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 01:57 AM
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Location: United States

"my names nate" said nate still enraged " and even though you kiled my father you wont kill me" as nate said that his sword was engulfud in elctricity "now its time for reveng" as nate said that he ran towards donny with bloodlust in his eyes at this moment he chouldent tell between left and right but he knew one thing he wanted to kill the person infront of him " you willnot walk on this earth for much longer" as nate said this he slashed without a moment of regreat

With time comes growth and new possibilities.

Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 02:41 AM
nate9939 is currently offline Click here to Send nate9939 a Private Message Find more posts by nate9939 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Gender: Female
Location: The Land Beyond what Time can Touch

The splinters still embedded into the girls arm, she awakens at the sight of the other girl in a freight. Her body launches itself upward and with fierce reflexes, Shota clenches Annie's throat with her left hand and sits upon her body; quickly turning the tables as she seems to pin the other girl to the ground.

"Who are you!?" Shota screams, frightfully while she holds onto Annie's throat. She takes the time while she holds onto the other girls throat to study her features. She is not normal, not to say like the other children she encounter of the town. What was she? Magic, this much was obvious. She stared at Annie's eyes and seem drawn. Her head begins pounding, the feeling so overwhelming that she rocks her body forth and back again, her heart begins racing. Quickly, she gasps and her hand moves from Annie's throat and instead her arms find themselves holding onto the girl. As if... to cling to the last sign of life that she is to know. She lay there still holding onto the mysterious girl as long as she be given seconds to do so. Finally... she speaks again.

"I-I.." She stumbles with her words. Shy at the sight of this girl, she backs away from her and stands to her feet then as quick as she backed away, she offered a hand of friendship to help Annie up. "I'm sorry. My... My name is Shota. What is your name, are you from the town as well?" Her words come calmly from her lips while she offers a hand of kinship to this new girl. Each word carries its own weight, as if her now showing confidence speaks truths to bolster her belief in herself. Why is she suddenly so interested in helping this girl that she only moments ago tried to kill? Why would this girl try to help her, was there reason? Only a slight look of blush upon her cheeks gives hint.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 04:26 AM
Phoenix3068 is currently offline Click here to Send Phoenix3068 a Private Message Find more posts by Phoenix3068 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Scenario
Greater Sci-Fi combatant

Gender: Unspecified

"my names nate" said nate still enraged " and even though you kiled my father you wont kill me" as nate said that his sword was engulfud in elctricity "now its time for reveng" as nate said that he ran towards donny with bloodlust in his eyes at this moment he chouldent tell between left and right but he knew one thing he wanted to kill the person infront of him " you willnot walk on this earth for much longer" as nate said this he slashed without a moment of regreat

"What? I didn't..." Donny blinked in surprise and confusion at the kid, at Nate's, words. He saw the electricity coursing through Nate's blade, and realized the boy must have had an energy element. Even if he was human, Donny knew he couldn't afford to be careless, and there was no longer time to talk. Donny leaped to the right, dodging the blade itself, but he couldn't quite clear the electricity. He grunted in pain, but lashed out with his fist, aiming a punch at Nate's stomach.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 04:57 AM
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Location: United States

nate quickly side steped completly avading the move but after that he almost colapsed at the power of the darkness elemental that stole his energy "so your a darkness elemental this should be fun" nate lafed so that he almost enjoyed himself the anger a few minutes ago he had disapeard nate felt no harmfull arora around this person he seemed almost confused but nate whouldent let this stop him nate qucily grabed his short dager and thrown it at him after he doged nate charged energy into his feat making his pownce 3 times more efective nate some how knew he wasent evil but he needed to make sure like his dad alwaysed said you chould always fell the nature of your enemy in a fight "if you whant to survive show me that your not the one who started all of this" nate yeld so that donny chould be ready to fight

With time comes growth and new possibilities.

Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 05:36 AM
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The Dark in a Starry Sky

Gender: Male
Location: The only place cool

An explosion is heard booming through the fiery village monsters rampaging everywhere, the sounds of dying screams piercing the sky, and the smell of death on the breeze. The Star family stood in the middle of the mess trying their best to protect other's while fending off the creatures. Faust stood right beside his parents, two siblings, and grandparents fighting the creatures with little as no fear in their heart. Faust's father and him simultaneously shot light element charged fist in one of the monsters making it cough out blood then collapsing to the floor dead. They then spotted themselves surrounded each of them taking out two monsters with ease but more and more kept coming. They where cornered till with a yell shouted "Rapier" and four airborne kicks flew in from behind the monsters smashing their faces into the ground. The four kicks were none other then his mother, sister and grandparents to their rescue. Faust's father knew they couldn't win this even a man whose killed a whole army by himself couldn't kill all those monsters which where way stronger then humans.

Faust's father asked him to leave, but he refused. Finally however, he had not asked but commanded Faust to leave. He did not have to do as asked but he would do as he was told. So Faust bowed to his family and ran off he then turned back just in time to see his mother getting slashed across her chest. Faust yelled out, the sight distracted him enough to catch a punch from one of the monsters to his right arm sending him through a wall. Faust got up dusting himself off then quickly rushed the monster he hopped a little into the air spinning his body and feet at extreme speed yelling "Shadow skills Chainsaw". his body looked like a buzz saw as he flew at the monster slicing it in two landing behind it. Faust needed to hurry up in his escape attempt. His arm was in pain and he knew why the hit from the monster dislocated his arm. Faust had finally made it out of the village but he knew he couldn't stop just yet. He kept going till he was sure he was out of danger as he slowed down and sat under a tree panting heavily.

Faust looked at his arm it was lifeless he was lucky it wasn't broken after doing such a rookie mistake. He gritted his teeth took hold of his arm and popped it back in place which was follwed by a loud grunt of pain. Faust drifted off for a bit but in his fading into sleep in the corner of his eye he had faintly spotted two girls in the distance.



Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 06:40 AM
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Annie was still healing the girl and it seemed that her life was not in danger anymore but still, she had a long way to go until she was done. Suddenly the girl burst to life knocking Annie to the ground and pinning her down then threaten to strangle her, the assassin reached for her kama that was sheath behind her but she looked into the girls eyes and saw something she had never saw before, her own cold gray eyes locked to hers and she could not act. When the girl let go of her throat and embraced her she laid there frozen, either unable or unwilling to move.

The girl gets off of Annie and she backs away, Annie looks at Shota's hand as it is offered then into her eyes again and for some reason she felt she could trust this girl.The assassin takes the hand of the girl and gets to her feet but in one quick motion Annie pulls herself into Shota and puts her leg behind the girls knees and throws her down but before she hits the ground Annie catches her so she doesn't get farther injured. "Stay down, I'm still not done healing you..." Annie crouches down and poured more water then began working on the wounds on the girls arm. "My name is Annie. You have strange eyes and weird green hair" she says bluntly as she works the water into the wounds taking out the splinters and hints at a blush.


Last edited by starryknight on Aug 12th, 2012 at 07:06 AM

Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 06:57 AM
starryknight is currently offline Click here to Send starryknight a Private Message Find more posts by starryknight Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
RP Legend

Gender: Female
Location: The Land Beyond what Time can Touch

A smile forms over her face as her hand is grabbed and she helps Annie up but in a heartbeat, she gasps as her hold on the ground is broken and she falls. Her eyes close quickly as she was preparing to descend, only to hesitate at opening them to see that she was saved from the slight fall. She exhales her breath once... then thinks to herself. "Weird eyes?" she stares into the girl who heals her and then... she lets out a light giggle before commenting back "and you have pretty eyes." The comment was made to be teasing. After speaking, she lets out another exhale of breath while the healing continues.

Relaxing now that she is in the hands of Annie's healing power, Shota begins to think back to the town. She thinks of the people who died, she fears what happened to her parents, she thinks of... The book! Her eyes open widely quickly and she lets out another gasp, sitting up quickly and looking for the book that she grabbed before running from her house. She see's nothing at her stomach where she had it after escaping. "Excuse me, A-Annie? Have you seen a book- one of old fabric upon the cover with the words in a luminescent color titling it Tome of Lyrical Magicka?"


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 08:09 AM
Phoenix3068 is currently offline Click here to Send Phoenix3068 a Private Message Find more posts by Phoenix3068 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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Annie didn't say anything back when Shota complemented her eyes but her red cheeks said it all she had no idea how to respond to something like that. When the girl began to question about the book she was holding when Annie found her she simply reached underneath the pack the Shota's head was laying on and slid the book out, "you mean this, you were holding it so tight I figured it was something important." Annie hands her the book not really knowing what it is, she then began to wrap the girls wounds with bandages doing all she could with her healing magic.

A sound could be heard from the distant causing Annie to focus on her hearing, it was foot steps that belonged to a human, upon farther investigation she could hear who ever it was was in pain from the sound he was making. Annie pulled up her mask over her mouth that was around her neck and readied herself to get a closer look. "Be ready to fight or flee," Annie said standing up and taking her kama's out from behind her. The assassin quickly and silently starts moving to the sound, if it was a threat she would eliminate it without question but what she found was not a threat but a boy. Annie did not feel the same way about this boy as she did for Shota, she could easily leave him to die out here but as she turned away she could see those woman's strange eyes what would she think if she just left this boy. Annie sighed, "Why the hell do I suddenly care what people think..." The assassin cut a branch off a tree and begun poking Faust, "Yo kid, you still alive?" Annie questioned staying as much away as possible.


Old Post Aug 12th, 2012 04:03 PM
starryknight is currently offline Click here to Send starryknight a Private Message Find more posts by starryknight Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Scenario
Greater Sci-Fi combatant

Gender: Unspecified

quote: (post)
Originally posted by nate9939
nate quickly side steped completly avading the move but after that he almost colapsed at the power of the darkness elemental that stole his energy "so your a darkness elemental this should be fun" nate lafed so that he almost enjoyed himself the anger a few minutes ago he had disapeard nate felt no harmfull arora around this person he seemed almost confused but nate whouldent let this stop him nate qucily grabed his short dager and thrown it at him after he doged nate charged energy into his feat making his pownce 3 times more efective nate some how knew he wasent evil but he needed to make sure like his dad alwaysed said you chould always fell the nature of your enemy in a fight "if you whant to survive show me that your not the one who started all of this" nate yeld so that donny chould be ready to fight

Donny shifted his weight to his right side, holding his burned left arm. The energy crackling on the kid's sword had hurt more than he thought it would, leaving a patch of blackened skin. For a water element, Donny wasn't any good at healing magick, so the wound was going to have to stay for now. Donny tensed, bringing up his other fist. Nate was a powerful one, and fast, too. Donny wasn't sure why the kid thought he was the source of the monsters, but he could see he wanted a fight, so why not? It wasn't too different from most nights at the tavern, after all.

When Nate threw the dagger, Donny lunged forward, twisting his body to avoid the projectile. As he did, he noticed the energy building in Nate's feet. Donny went low, dropping onto his uninjured hand and swept his legs under the boy's feet. With the rest of his momentum, Donny continued the motion until his legs were once again under him and stood up.

"The one who started this?" Donny asked seriously, raising his fist as the dark element faded. "You attacked me! Do I look like a monster to you?"


Old Post Aug 13th, 2012 03:16 AM
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The Dark in a Starry Sky

Gender: Male
Location: The only place cool

Faust's reflexes went off using his hand to grab the branch. Faust opened his eyes getting on guard quickly standing up. He readied himself for a fight surveying the area studying the two girls before him. Faust was confused on who these women were, where they came from and what they wanted with him. "Who are you?.... Are you witht hose things that attacked my village?" Just from looking he could determine that these girls where capable of something but he did also notice that one of them had a fresh injury so their was less of a chance of then teaming up on him.



Old Post Aug 13th, 2012 03:35 AM
Regelion1 is currently offline Click here to Send Regelion1 a Private Message Find more posts by Regelion1 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
back in action

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Location: United States

"sory" nate said droping his sword " eh i was just stresed i saw my dad killed infront of me and well that i chouldent think strate its quite funny actualy im a realy good docter but i can kill esaly" nate looked at donnys arm "let me heal that" nate grabed some whater in his pouch and coverd it in donnys arm and heald it after he was done he heard a sound in the town and desided to go over there "well im going back to town to see if anyone is alive that i can heal" nate sproted wings and flew to the vilage.

With time comes growth and new possibilities.

Old Post Aug 13th, 2012 04:11 AM
nate9939 is currently offline Click here to Send nate9939 a Private Message Find more posts by nate9939 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
RP Legend

Gender: Female
Location: The Land Beyond what Time can Touch

Shota moves her body with only a slight tense pull on her muscles from the injury. Her right arm drags over her torso and touches her left arm, before she pulls herself into the sitting position. She begins to flex her individual fingers in order to test their ability to still properly move, as she continues along the joints of her body. She checks her hands, fine. Her arms are damaged, she checks them again, they work. With this single area of her body confirmed well, she nods. Shota then begins checking along the rest of her body; her torso, her hips, her thighs, her knees, her feet, her neck... Injuries present but... she confirms she is in decent enough condition to properly move. She nods to her confirmation and slaps her right palm to the ground as a sudden force of magical expulsion in short amount sends her launching upward onto her feet with her book in her other hand. With this in mind, she pulls unbuckles a belt loop behind her waist and safeties the book within its hold.

With everything now confirmed working and her book secure, Shota begins to take notice of the two nearby. The girl, Annie, who saved her.. and the boy, Faust... who is now picking up a stick as a weapon against her new friend. She smiles as an idea pops into her mind and playfully she moves in behind Annie and with a quick movement of her arms, she moves them beneath the arms of Annie and captures her chest with her palms beginning to grope. She looks over Annie's shoulder at the boy, Faust, upon the ground and begins speaking while she attempts to tease and bother her female friend.

"Well hi there," Shota speaks aloud to Faust. "My name is Shota, just Shota." Her eyes study the distance between herself and the boy, subtracting the distance of the weapon, then adding possible variables. Her smile is playful and can easily be seen as not harmful though the likeliness of such a thing being true after such an event is unlikely.


Old Post Aug 13th, 2012 07:10 AM
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