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The Unforgiven: Registration and OOC
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Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

The Unforgiven: Registration and OOC

Enter the world of Lysandria, a world at war for the past 368 years. Countless lives have been lost, countless more families destroyed. In a matter of moments, however, the tides of the war may be turning. Lysandria holds a legend... A legend of individuals who lived countless centuries ago who possessed certain unique abilities. Some consider these legends nothing more than fairy tales, urban myths created to give hope to the hopeless, and to put fear in the fearless. Some consider them a religion of sorts, praying to the spirits of the warriors to return to the world, in hopes that they might end the struggles of the people. Some hunt them for redemption, and some for personal gain. Certain factions wish to recruit them, and others, to destroy them. However, this legend may be more than meets the eye. A young girl in Calrania, the capital province of Lysandria, has been having visions as of late. Visions of the "heroes" of legend... And of many misdeeds that may have been committed in their lifetimes. Hunted by the religious sects, who view her visions both as witchcraft and blasphemy, the girl is taken hostage, meant to be executed by year's end, to quell these rumors and put an end to the unbelievers. But the girl has not given up faith. For in her darkest hour, she calls out to the spirits in desperation, making a blood oath with them... "Save me," she cries forth, "and not only will I join you in freeing this land... I will aide you in cleansing the evils from your souls, redeeming you as the heroes that you are thought to be by countless souls throughout this land."

Meanwhile, several hundred miles away, a group of people are drawn to meet one another at a clearing in the Forests of Rysendia. Their purpose is unknown, however fate has brought forth a grand scheme... One that these few have been written into, whether they are appeased by it or not.

So, I hope you've all enjoyed the introduction to this tale, short as it may have been. I assure you, it looked much longer on notepad as I was typing it up. Players will take control of whomever they like within the world of Lysandria, whether it be the religionists, the non believers, the girl to be executed (who I'm going to go ahead and call a blood mage, or the equivalent therein), or the Unforgiven themselves. The different factions of the world are as follows......

The Almsmen -- Those who have come to view the legends of the Unforgiven as a sort of religion, worshipping the tales of their past battles, and revering them as the saviors of the world.

The Calranians -- Those who live in the Calranian Province, most of whom follow the Almsman faith. In the war, they are a tactical lot, thinking ahead every move before acting upon it. They are the most technologically advanced people of Lysandria, though it has proven to be a downfall on more occasions than they care to admit.

The Wildlings of Rysendia -- A primal race, by the standards of Lysandria. Their technology rivals what we would consider modern, though in this world, it is inferior to most. They have a primal belief in a single God, whom they believe will deliver the world from its pain by destroying all those who bring forth misery upon the world and its people.

The Freyans -- A war-like race, their technology not quite as superior as the Calranians', although it is nowhere as inferior as the Wildlings'. They believe that there is no conflict that cannot be resolved by violence, and they enforce this belief by crushing the skulls of any who disagree with them.

The Unforgiven -- (Known to the religious faith as the Almsmen of Yore) Beings of legend. It is said that they once walked this land, freeing the oppressed and destroying the conquerors. No one knows how true these legends are, nor do they know what became of these individuals. Recently, a young girl has come to claim that she has seen visions of their past, and that they were an impure sort, destroying the world rather than saving it.

Couple of quick notes that have been added: First of all, if you're one of the Unforgiven, note that you can come from one of the other backgrounds. These are ancient spirits brought back in the form of people who are living day to day lives in "modern" society for this world.

As for the abilities that they have, I'm thinking something, I dunno... If you have an idea you're unsure of, PM me, and we'll see if we can't work something out. As long as I don't see the potential of the character being ridiculously OP, I'm probably gonna be fairly lenient on powers, to be completely honest.

Character sheets are as follows, and I'll post mine in the next little bit, just to give you an idea as to what we're working with.

Faction: (if Unforgiven, post the faction they belonged to previously, as well)
Powers: (if Unforgiven or the little girl. otherwise, skip this)
Weaponry: (if any)


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Sep 29th, 2013 12:11 AM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

Name: Faowind Caelholdt (or just Cael, for short)
Age: 23
Faction: Unforgiven, previously of the Freyans
Powers: Telekinesis, Telepathy
Weaponry: Short sword and heavy pistol
Appearance: The one in the blue. I couldn't find a picture of him by himself, so... Eh. I'll hunt out a better one later.
(please log in to view the image)
Bio: Faowind was born into a war like no other, one that had engulfed his people centuries before anyone he ever knew had existed. He never knew what the origin was, nor did he question it. All he knew was that it was expected of him to one day become a great warrior for his people, like his father before him. He was, however, not gifted with the natural strength that normally befell his people, but rather with a natural talent for agility and stealth. As such, he was trained not for frontline combat, but rather for more tactical approaches. He found himself finally growing proficient in the arts of war, when he began having these strange dreams... And then the voices came. At first, he thought he was losing his mind, but over the course of a few weeks, he found that he recognized most of them as the voices of his allies, and sometimes those of his enemies. He began to hone the ability, though he hasn't quite fine-tuned it yet, and sometimes still picks up chatter from others without meaning to. He also found himself able to manipulate and move objects with his mind, making his missions twice as efficient and half as time consuming... When he could make it work to his advantage. The dreams grew worse, until one night he awoke and found himself inexplicably drawn toward the nearby forests. Though he couldn't explain it, he knew that this night would change his life forever...


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Sep 29th, 2013 12:28 AM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Steward of RP

Gender: Male
Location: Tending the throne.

Eh, why not.

Name: Jared Rockabilly

Age: 23

Faction: Unforgiven (Wildling of Rysendia)

Powers: Teleportation

Weaponry: Brass Knuckles

Appearance: Jared's clothes are loud, the better to really make an entrance. He wears bright green bell bottom pants and a hot pink tee under an orange sweater-vest. His hair is slicked down to one side and swept back, as if he's lost a fight with a particularly strong gust of wind (he swears it's all the rage). He wears large sunglasses, removing them during a performance to reveal his red eyes (they're just contacts). His face is a bit wide, but basically perfect. Perfect teeth, perfect nose, perfect (actually, his nose is a bit narrow, and his right earlobe is longer than his left, but we don't talk about that). He's physically fit, but not muscular (he's still hitting the bench to fix that) and stands at about five foot, ten inches (about four of those inches are the platform shoes).

Bio: Born Jeremiah Benton, Jared Rockabilly knew he was destined for greatness. At the age of fifteen, he "emancipated" himself from his parents house by moving in with his aunt and uncle in Das Engels. From there he steeped himself in the popular culture, and hounded every event trying to put his name out there. It wasn't long before the name change came along, and it got him some bit parts in tween sitcoms, but Jared knew he would do more. He got into dancing, finding himself a choreographer and a capoeira instructor (hey, it's still dancing!). His first outings didn't show much promise, but that changed when he turned 18. One night, during a show, he took a stage dive, making a twirling leap into the crowd. Where he landed surprised even him as he turned around on the sidewalk to look up at the buildings marquee scrolling his name.

From there, his career really took off. He took dancing to a whole new level, setting up shows that had him bouncing all over the place, on stage and off, between his backup dancers or in the crowds. Whenever someone asked how he did it, all he ever said was, "I've got those magic moves, y'know!" His clothes set the trend for generations of teens, establishing an era of bright and loud (The Rockabilly Life!). Then, on the eve of his 21st birthday, something started to change. He stopped doing performances and started behaving erratically. Most people said it was to be expected, the pressures of stardom finally getting to him. During his final concert, he collapsed on stage complaining of headaches and terrible dreams. Since then he'd more or less stayed out of the public eye, though he can usually smile for the camera when the chance arrives, before vanishing completely after his 23rd birthday. Where is the former star now? What is he doing?

-"My internet is currently so bad I'm time traveling. Don't worry about it."

-"You have the best problems, Scenario. You really do. haermm"

Old Post Sep 29th, 2013 12:36 PM
XanatosForever is currently offline Click here to Send XanatosForever a Private Message Find more posts by XanatosForever Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

Character coming soon.

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Sep 29th, 2013 05:16 PM
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Steward of RP

Gender: Male
Location: Tending the throne.

For the record.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by iKinneas
Alright, guys, I think that's enough. I'm gonna run out and grab a bite to eat, and within the next 12 hours or so (sorry to be vague, but I'm not sure of an exact time) I'll have the OOC thread up and ready so we can get this thing running!!

-"My internet is currently so bad I'm time traveling. Don't worry about it."

-"You have the best problems, Scenario. You really do. haermm"

Old Post Sep 30th, 2013 11:38 AM
XanatosForever is currently offline Click here to Send XanatosForever a Private Message Find more posts by XanatosForever Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

Yeah, I know. I get sidetracked. >.>

And Xan, you're good to go.


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Sep 30th, 2013 01:26 PM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Steward of RP

Gender: Male
Location: Tending the throne.

Awesome. thumb up This should be interesting.

-"My internet is currently so bad I'm time traveling. Don't worry about it."

-"You have the best problems, Scenario. You really do. haermm"

Old Post Sep 30th, 2013 03:25 PM
XanatosForever is currently offline Click here to Send XanatosForever a Private Message Find more posts by XanatosForever Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

I hope so. I'm looking forward to getting it up and running.


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Sep 30th, 2013 03:35 PM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

Wait. I have a question. I wanted my character to do something with teleportation. Would it be too wild to have two characters who possess this ability?

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Oct 1st, 2013 05:51 PM
The Big O is currently offline Click here to Send The Big O a Private Message Find more posts by The Big O Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Steward of RP

Gender: Male
Location: Tending the throne.

He didn't say that characters couldn't have similar powers.

-"My internet is currently so bad I'm time traveling. Don't worry about it."

-"You have the best problems, Scenario. You really do. haermm"

Old Post Oct 1st, 2013 06:03 PM
XanatosForever is currently offline Click here to Send XanatosForever a Private Message Find more posts by XanatosForever Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

Xan's right. I never went in-depth on what powers the Unforgiven had, simply because I didn't want to limit it. Originally, it was going to be where each of them controlled a specific element, or something of the sort, but then I thought... Let's just see what everyone comes up with.

So, for two Unforgiven to have similar powers would not be unheard of. Some of the lore I've prepared for the RP (yes, I actually wrote up some lore for this. no, I won't share ahead of time. >.> ) actually makes mention of certain points in history wherein the entire group of Unforgiven all happened to exist with solely the power of Pyromancy. It's a rather interesting read, and I'm anxious to get it posted once we get up and going.

Anyway, for those who didn't read the whole of my rant... Yes, two characters can have the same powers.


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Oct 1st, 2013 06:48 PM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

Okay, then. Character coming soon.

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Oct 1st, 2013 11:46 PM
The Big O is currently offline Click here to Send The Big O a Private Message Find more posts by The Big O Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

Name: Solomon Calormen

Age: 21

Faction: Unforgiven (previously, The Almsmen)

Powers: Remote teleportation

Weaponry: N/A

Appearance: Solomon has an olive colored skin-tone with angular facial features. His eyes are amber colored and he has mid-length, jet black hair that always looks wind blown along with a wisp of facial hair. He stands at a height of 5'10" and has a lean, but toned build. Solomon does not have a set style, preferring to dress in whatever he feels comfortable in after his escape from the church.

Bio: It all started with those dreams. Everything could be traced back to those blasted dreams. The loss of his fiancee. His lack of freedom. The vanishing of his normal life. These are the things that were lost once those dreams started.

Solomon was as normal an Almsmen as could be. He went to church and practiced his faith regularly. He studied for school. He loved a girl and asked her parents permission to make her his wife. Once the permission was given, he asked for her hand in marriage and it was given to him.

And then the dreams started.

Dreams of a life lived but yet, his own. Dreams of battles long since fought. Dreams of spectacular and frightening things. Dreams where he could do things not many could. Dreams of others.

To this day, Solomon does not know how his fellow Almsmen knew of his dreams. He still thinks too highly of his past love to think she could have doomed him to this life. Either way, he has long since let it go.

His people took him from his home. Stripped him naked. Bathed him in various scented oils and fragrances that stung his nose. They layered him in hot robes. They sat him in a church and began to worship him.

Solomon knew his faith. Solomon knew the "legends" his people kept. Solomon was being worshiped as one of the gods reborn.

He was not allowed to see his family. He was not allowed to see his love. He was not allowed to have anything from his old life as he was told it was unclean and impure.

He had to escape.

Months passed by the time he finally came up with a plan to escape his holy confinement. However, things did not exactly go as planned. The day before he was to put his plan into effect, he was out on his daily walk though the courtyard of the church. There were people all around him crying and worshiping and shouting for him to help the world.

As he was heading back to the church, there was a man that bypassed the guards and ran straight for Solomon. The man was shouting how Solomon's very life a blasphemy to the faith and he held up a jagged looking dagger. In order to warn those who could not see what was happening, Solomon pointed to the man and shouted out that he had a dagger.

As soon as he uttered the word dagger, the sharp object disappeared out of the man's hands and into Solomon's. The screaming people instantly grew quiet and all looked to Solomon standing there, still pointing but now holding the dagger, as guards tackled the man. There was no denying it now. Solomon was something.

Later that night, the dreams returned. But something was different. They seemed to call out to him. They beckoned him to a placed beyond the wall of the church. Beyond the city he was worshiped as a god in. They beckoned him. And he followed.

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 01:53 AM
The Big O is currently offline Click here to Send The Big O a Private Message Find more posts by The Big O Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Scenario
Greater Sci-Fi combatant

Gender: Unspecified

Question on the tech level of this. I see that the Wildlings have the lowest tech base, though it's apparently modern by our standards. So how far exactly is the tech tree here?

Just want to ask before I possibly throw a Power Armored AI made of plasma or something into the mix.


Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 02:13 AM
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The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

big grin SCENARIO!!!

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 04:02 AM
The Big O is currently offline Click here to Send The Big O a Private Message Find more posts by The Big O Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Steward of RP

Gender: Male
Location: Tending the throne.

Hey. Hey O. Hey man. What the what, man.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by XanatosForever
His hair is slicked down to one side and swept back, as if he's lost a fight with a particularly strong gust of wind (he swears it's all the rage).

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The Big O
His eyes are amber colored and he has mid-length, jet black hair that always looks wind blown along with a wisp of facial hair.

Pssh, first you copy my power, now you copy my looks?
You tryin' ta start somethin'?

[SPOILER - highlight to read]: Joking, of course. stick out tongue

-"My internet is currently so bad I'm time traveling. Don't worry about it."

-"You have the best problems, Scenario. You really do. haermm"

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 09:25 AM
XanatosForever is currently offline Click here to Send XanatosForever a Private Message Find more posts by XanatosForever Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

quote: (post)
Originally posted by The Scenario
Question on the tech level of this. I see that the Wildlings have the lowest tech base, though it's apparently modern by our standards. So how far exactly is the tech tree here?

Just want to ask before I possibly throw a Power Armored AI made of plasma or something into the mix.

Hm... The best comparison I could think of would be... About the Tech Level of Final Fantasy XIII (as ashamed as I am to admit I played it...)


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 01:52 PM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

What can I say, Xan? Great minds think alike.

And Kin, I've never played FF (although I kinda want to) so I don't know what the tech is like.

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 03:30 PM
The Big O is currently offline Click here to Send The Big O a Private Message Find more posts by The Big O Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black Swordsman

Gender: Male
Location: Aincrad II

Hm... Alright, small example, then:

Antimatter Manipulation Principle (AMP) forms the foundation for variety of technological wonders, enabling phenomena ranging from phase-space interference to the manipulation of gravitational force.
Humans ordinarily lack the means to wield magic, but through the use of manadrives—another product of the principle—it is possible to synthesize its effects.

The Grav-Con Unit is a military-issue manadrive device, which generates a modified gravity field that allows whoever the field surrounds to perform feats of near-superhuman agility and survive jumps from immense heights that would normally result in death.

One might also find flying airships and mechanical creatures, pulse and energy weapons, etc.


A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I'll expect a good fight. - Heathcliff, SAO 1:13

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 07:15 PM
iKinneas is currently offline Click here to Send iKinneas a Private Message Find more posts by iKinneas Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
The Big O
The Original O

Gender: Male
Location: In the midst of it all

So, fantasy-science. Got it. I also posted a character, Kin. Let me know if he's okay or if I need to change anything.

Still looking for that sig....

In the mean time, I never DID see that anime where I unintentionally got my name from. Is it any good

Old Post Oct 2nd, 2013 08:30 PM
The Big O is currently offline Click here to Send The Big O a Private Message Find more posts by The Big O Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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