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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


All in in space!



1. Skimming the Hull

Manoeuvre Test (Level 6). You skim along the surface of Capital Ship, avoid gun fire and towers. Take 5 damage if you fail. If you pass, next turn you can commence a Bombing Run on this target. Ignore if there are no valid targets.

Test... passed!

2. Bonus Bombing Run

A hit for 3 as you join in with Alpha!

3. Dogfight

In the midst of combat you and an enemy ship get a brief chance to attack each other. Fight one round of combat only. Initiative is decided on highest die roll (ties broken by Thrust, then by player privilege).

One round makes little difference against Vulture droids- you kill it and take four, and the exact same appens with the bonus fighter attack on you.



1. You've got a Problem..

Draw again if you are undamaged. Damaged systems start to fail. Take 3 damage. You may make a Intelligence + Ficx-It Roll. Each success reduces the damage by one (to zero).

Just the one damage! You think you handled most of it, as a stabiliser comes loose.

2. Melee

In the swirling chaos of combat you and an enemy engage each other. Fight normally.

A kill for two hits.

3. Melee

In the swirling chaos of combat you and an enemy engage each other. Fight normally.

If you have Killer Instinct this event becomes a Closing In - You move in close to your opponent, ready for the kill. Fight normally, except you win initiative in the first turn and get a three dice attack bonus.

And a kill for another three- your manoeuvrability loss is troublesome. You keep drawing those ones!


Alpha squadron is destroyed entirely on the attack, and you are down to a mere handful of fighters as the final attack comes through...



Beta Squadron x1 (P5): 3
Beta Squadron x1 (P5): 2

Charlie Squadron x2 (P5): 2

Delta Squadron x1 (P5): 2

Nexu's Grin: (P7/T6): 31

Wentar's Interceptor (P8): 30

Vulture Squadron B x11 (P4): 0
Vulture Squadron C x12 (P4): 0

Droid Control Ship Damage: 150



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 10:41 AM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Well, I was going to push people on the ground for a plan, but it looks like that circumstances have saved you the difficult decision.


The lights flicker out on the Control Ship bridge.

"Our shield generator has failed"

"IMPOSSIBLE!" screams Cannes. "Why are we not clear? Why am I surrounded by incompetents? Why is that ship not destroyed? How has this happened? HOW?"


On the ground, the Marshall is watching the strategic situaiton on the command table.

Droid Control Ship shielding systems are off-line

"Order the batteries to resume fire!"


Everyone sees it, on the ground and in space. Suddenly, all at once, the ground batteries pulse upwards in a massive barrage of fire.

The bolts start to thud into the underside of the control ship, blowing away small chunks at a time, as if it is being nibbled to death. On your final pass out of there, the two of you see the ion shot that disables the engine systems and seals its doom.

As the ring starts to break apart, the central orb section comes loose, but without power it is just a falling, spinning ball of death surrounded by debris.

Xeth, you watch as the orb hurtles out of control into the atmosphere. As you watch, you are aware that the man on board has dominated your life for years now. In many ways, he gave you purpose, and made you what you are.

The orb explodes, spectacularly, and the billions of tiny shattered pieces burn away to nothing.


And on the ground- the opposing army just stops...


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 10:49 AM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
PSN ID > DarkJedireaper

Gender: Male
Location: Manchester, UK

Denzral looked up as the explosion brightenes the sky after the ground cannons had opened fire, and pushed over the droid te had frozed near him. "Thank the Force." He deactivated his saber and returned it to his belt. He suddenly found he had to catch his breath. "Is everyone okay?"


A long time have I waited for this, my little green friend!

Last edited by Jedireaper on Feb 15th, 2010 at 01:10 PM

Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 12:57 PM
Jedireaper is currently offline Click here to Send Jedireaper a Private Message Find more posts by Jedireaper Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Helpful if you actually read the posts there, Denz...


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 01:06 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
PSN ID > DarkJedireaper

Gender: Male
Location: Manchester, UK

When I checked the site and posted for some reason the Forum hadn't updated properly. Sorry I have edited.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Jedireaper
Denzral looked up as the explosion brightenes the sky after the ground cannons had opened fire, and pushed over the droid te had frozed near him. "Thank the Force." He deactivated his saber and returned it to his belt. He suddenly found he had to catch his breath. "Is everyone okay?"


A long time have I waited for this, my little green friend!

Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 01:11 PM
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Wentar watches the control ship explode as he swings his interceptor around to regroup with the remaining Alurans, the source of this pointless war burning in the sky.

"Exceptional work everyone," he says, feeling a little hollow as he realizes so few survived this battle. "We've put a final stop to all this fighting."

We shall serve the Old Ones until our dying breath. Warriors of Lustria shall not fail!

Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 02:54 PM
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Bespin Bart

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Location: Everywhere

Xeth watches as the Control Ship disintegrates before his very eyes, falling apart and then exploding in an immense and fiery explosion. In the explosion, his reason for being a renegade Knight is torn apart. Having parted ways with the Order due to Republic mismanagement of punishing the Federation after the Battle of Naboo, Xeth realizes that that part of his life is now done.

"Let's go home," Xeth says, simply.



Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 07:11 PM
Bespin Bart is currently offline Click here to Send Bespin Bart a Private Message Find more posts by Bespin Bart Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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On the ground, of course, there is much rejoicing as the army realises that the day is won.

Across the planet, the droid armies shut down. The Cult of Chrareus is unaffected, but you broke their back during the battle. The Techo-Pirates are finished forever.

In space, the remaining fighters brace for more opposition- but the Federaiton ships have no stomach for a fight with no purpose. One by one, they leave orbit and enter hyperspace. All of a sudden, the whole world is quiet.


You are the heroes of Alura. Your intervention has saved the planet. You have destroyed the BV-50 and avenged the Jedi and the crew of the liner it wiped out. You hav shut down an illicit Federaiton army that they had gone to great expense to secretly build. You have prevented the Federation and Union from gaining access to massive production works outside of the Republic. And you have brought the peoples of Alura together.

Everywhere they call your name and want your presence. They give you the treatment you need, patch your wounds and fix your ships.

Wentar- your ship is repaired and refitted with the benefit of some of the Elerian technology. And one thing they offer to all of you- access to their high-yield proton torpedoes that can penetrate the Union shielding. All Renegade players now have access to this technology.

For the Jedi, you are faintly embarrassed to explain that this was not actually a sanctioned operaiton- something you were doing on the quiet in the name of morality- and in preventing the Cult from launching further attacks on Republican space. Your suspicions of the Trade Federation, of course, now no longer need any confirmation- though events outside of the Republic do not cont as prroof of anyhting. Still, they will want to forget that this ever happened. Although it was not in the normal Jedi way, you can score one for justice tocdy.

You will all be welcomed here forever. But indeed, when the weeks have gone by and you are healed, fixed and rested... it is time to go home. Wherever home is for you.

"What will you do now?" asks Colonel Minas- now a rising star in their military- as you prepare to leave. A question all of you can answer if you wish.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 07:52 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Bespin Bart

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Location: Everywhere

Xeth is excited at the prospect of being able to take those high-yield torpedoes home with him, intending to return to Uridia's Third Moon and purchase a warehouse to start keeping some of the Investigation Force's equipment.

However, he is being surprisingly humble about the whole thing. He shifts the weight of celebrity off onto Vera-Kin and Wentar, letting them be the face of the heroes and only making a few appearances. Instead, he spends much of his time in his repaired ship, flying out to the areas of Selenia that saw the worst of the fighting, especially the occupied cities.

When Minas asks him what he intends to do now, Xeth shrugs.

"I have spent many years working on this operation," Xeth admits. "And here we are, at its end. Cirus Cannes died in the explosion, there's nobody to drive that conspiracy any more. Now, at least, we can focus on other parts of the Galaxy that need our help. A Jedi never rests, Minas."

He pats Minas on the back.

"Thank you for your help, friend. I will come visit Alura when I have time. Yours is a beautiful world, even with the scars it now bears. Scars that will no doubt be covered over."

Xeth looks out from a Selenian building in Myconus, looking out toward the place where the Alurans are cleaning up the battlefield where the Jedi and the Alurans staged their final fight against the Droid Army.

"This can't be allowed to happen again. It's my job to see to that. I'll head back to Uridia and start again. I'm sure this isn't the only conspiracy in the entire Galaxy..."



Old Post Feb 15th, 2010 11:17 PM
Bespin Bart is currently offline Click here to Send Bespin Bart a Private Message Find more posts by Bespin Bart Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Renegade of Funk

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Location: United States

Vlad spent the following week or so after the victory resting, meditating, and helping the Alurans progress with the repairs of their home world. He decides to report to the council directly when he is summoned after his return to Coruscant.

Vlad nods at Xeth's reply, smirking a bit.

"My vacation is over, Minas, and I'll happily recommend Alura to any other vacationing Jedi. Those will be few, I'm afraid. The galaxy is a big place, and the Jedi are spread thin. There's simply no time to be wasted."

I guess Vlad will be borrowing a ship from the Alurans to get back to Coruscant. Honestly, I don't remember on what starcraft Vlad even got to Alura. Denzral has a starfighter, which I believe can't fit more than two people.

Vlad tilts his head over to the Renegade group, smiling.

"As to the renegades... We stopped an increasing threat which could have posed great problems to the Republic. I thank you for that greatly. We wouldn't be able to have stopped them without your previous knowledge and progress, or your direct help in stopping the invasion. I don't know if this is the end, or just the beginning..."

Vlad's voice trails off as he is in thought, before resuming speech.

"Either way, if any of you every require any help, contact me through the Jedi Council or my own private comm. There's only so much I can do without the permission of the council, but I will bring certain things to notice if needed be."


Made by Me! Click here to see my work or request a sig!

Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 01:15 AM
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Wentar will spend most, if not all, of his time helping the Alurans rebuild and clean up the areas effected by the Federation's invasion, feeling that being an active part to the planets healing is the best way to put all the recent violence behind him.


Wentar stands with the other Renegades as they speak with Minas.

"Xeth is right, a Jedi's job is never done," Wentar says with a weary smile. "But even we need to take a break and wind down from time to time and I can't imagine a better place for it then Alura."

"And we wouldn't have been able to stop the Federation without the aid of the Jedi. There is no need to thank us for doing what was right," Wentar replies to Vlad. "Still, your offer is most generous Vlad. Unfortunately all I have to offer in return is a free ride back to Coruscant aboard the Free Flier."

We shall serve the Old Ones until our dying breath. Warriors of Lustria shall not fail!

Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 02:43 AM
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Vera Vera Vera!

Gender: Female
Location: The Dojo

Vera-Kin will be helping as well, though glad to get an extended amount of rest after the harshness of the war that Cannes waged on Alura. Her old body can only take so much, even if it is still young for her species.

"A ride that I will be taking," Vera-Kin adds. "I intend to wander some before I return to Xeth's investigative team. It does a mind good to see the Galaxy."


Nice trick.

Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 02:57 AM
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Vera Vera Vera!

Gender: Female
Location: The Dojo

In the event that Vera-Kin decides to use her xp to purchase a certain skill and schtick set, she is also going to ask if she can take a Selenian officer's pistol with her, as a souvenir.


Nice trick.

Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 07:42 AM
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Minas will give you his one! Those are light pistols, remember.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 09:32 AM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Its report made, the holographic image fizzled away to nothing.

The holograph was in the middle of a table in a large greay room; men and aleins are sititng all around it, a richly-dressed man with a white beard and a cloak were watching in detail.

The Techno Union representative shifted uneasily. He knew all eyes were on him. Though the Trade Federation had supplied many of the resources for the operation, it had been the Union that had planned and insisted upon the whole thing- and their secret weapon that had failed. Even so, he hoped to find ways to shift the blame as much as possible.

"Unfortunate," said Count Dooku. "Nothing gained for the loss of an entire army, quite valauble- and the BV-50 also, at least as valuable again. The work of many years wasted."

The represenative decided to get his strike in now.

"Obviously Cannes lost control of the situation. He was an administrator, not a General or Admiral. We disavow his hasty actions entirely, though I must say that the Federation fleet did a very poor job of protecting the Control Ship..." Dooku raised a hand to bring him to silence.

"Easy to disavow him when he is dead. Still, he did fail, and he paid the price. Now is not the time for recriminations, gentlemen. We are trying to build something here. Instead, we should consider what we must learn. I understand revisions are already under way on the weakness of a single control ship?"

The representative nodded.

"I am unsure about the long-term validity of vulture droids either, despite their cost effectiveness on a galactic scale," continues Dooku. "On the bright side, the hailfire droids performed well. I suppose Cannes can have some posthumous credit for that development. As for the BV-50..." Dooku shakes his head. "No mere robot can ever hope to match the most powerful in the galaxy, with the force behind them. Cannes' mistake was to think purely in terms of robotics. Ironically, he had the answer with himself, with those roobtic eyes. Robotic improvement of organics is the way to go. I think we shall continue with the programme of a superior droid. Perhaps one with a decent tactical and strategic capacity also, as was attempted with earlier BV models."

The Federation representative spoke now, in the typical Neimodian lilt.

"This is outrageous! We could have learned these things in testing, not in a wholesale disaster like this!"

"Some failures are required before success..." sais the Union man.

"And what of our production facilities?" said the Neimodian. "Since the Naboo incident, the absurd investigations of the Senate have crippled our ability to produce more droids. We must have those factories!"

"We have other plans in motion," said the Union man.

"None with the capacity of Alura."

"Ah," says Dooku. "There, gentlemen, I believe you may be in error. I also believe that diplomacy may succeed where brute strength has failed." Dooku wound back the holographic recording, to an image of the Nexu's Grin.

"Xeth Tam's ship."

"That man is a criminal!" exclaimed the Neimodian. "He should be tried for countless crimes against our legitimate activities!"

"Oh indeed," said Dooku. "But tell me... Xeth is from a species not commonly see. Are any of you aware whch world he is from? Because I am..."


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2010 at 05:39 PM

Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 09:47 AM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


TWENTY THREE YEARS LATER- Six months after the Battle of Lanzar

"... and then they left," finished Marshall Minas. "All there was to it. They came, they helped, they left. But they changed this world forever. We'd never had any reason to find anything good from the Republic before. After that we did. And from where we stand, everything has now polarised. Everything we hated about the Republic is embodied in this Galactic Empire. Everything we saw that was good in it in those desperate times... we see now in your Rebel Alliance."

"There's something fitting about the legacy of the Jedi still helping us today," said Galahad. "They embodied a higher cause."

"What were you doing at the time?" asked Minas.

"Oh..." said Galahad, uncomfortably. "Not a good time. My son was in a certain amount of trouble. And a Senatorial motion was being passed that was one of the foundation points of the Empire. We had no idea what was going on n the Rim at the time."

"But your son knew Xeth and the others- he didn't tell you?"

"I had fewer opportunities to talk to my son than you might have thought. But that was another life. So. We have a deal?"

"Of course. These 'Star Destroyers' are fearsome but no fundamentally different to to other ships. It seems the Empire puts a premium on intimidation and does not expect people to fight back. The fact is, if you put enough firepower into the exposed shield generators, they will become vulnerable. Just as we saw here."

"If we had the firepower to destroy the generators," said Galahad. "Your proton torpedo technology will be of immense aid to us." Galahad looked around at the empty room around him. "This is where all the decisions were made, yes?"

"The command room, yes."

Galahad's gaze fixed onto the command table- the white, circular table on which the updfates of the battle were displayed in various colours.

"The Alliance is buidling a hidden base for strategic reasons. We need a command and co-ordination suite."

"It's a bit old fashioned," says Minas.

"But it worked, yes? And worked well. That's really all we care about. We're not much for aesthetics in the Alliance- just practicality."

"Consider it done..."


A while later, Kyle and his giant insect friend were loading the Last Laugh with the first shipment of torpedoes for the Alliance. They took one last look at the city from the high hagnar bay- and the giant statues erected near the centre.

"Relative of yours, that one, was it" asked Kyhle. He got a set of angry clocks and buzzes in response. "Ok ok! I guess there are a lot of you around." More clicks. "What? He LOOKS bigger than you. They aren't all that big where you come from?" A long buzz resulted. "Yeah. Statues of a load of old Jedi. Saved this world a while back, so they say. Doesn;t make any diffefence now, does it?"

One last set of clicks as Kyle climbed aboard.

"Statues of us? I dunno. You'd get pretty annoyed if yours was the wrong size..."



"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Last edited by Ushgarak on Feb 16th, 2010 at 05:53 PM

Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 10:48 AM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Bespin Bart

Gender: Male
Location: Everywhere

Oooh, that's cold! A bad twist having Xeth be the reason that Dooku chooses Geonosis... but excellent game, Ush! I enjoyed the leadership position that you put Xeth in, and that final fight against the Control Ship was worth all the fights that Xeth didn't get in on.

Well done with the tie-ins. You mentioned them before and now they're more apparent.



Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 05:40 PM
Bespin Bart is currently offline Click here to Send Bespin Bart a Private Message Find more posts by Bespin Bart Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Location: Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Well folks, this story is done- but the grader story goes on for all time.

Things are already in motion- you may now all pick things up in the Interlude Thread 'Broken Lance'...

No need to read it all- there is a new post for you at the end.


"We've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you buds has the midi-chlorians to stop her!"

"You've never had any TINY bit of sex, have you?"


Old Post Feb 16th, 2010 06:06 PM
Ushgarak is currently offline Click here to Send Ushgarak a Private Message Find more posts by Ushgarak Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
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