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What was Ben's and Yoda's plan?
Started by: Charlie512

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DARTH POWER
Oh Sorry for the late reply. Didn't mean for you to answer your own post.

No worries, I wasn't responding to you, I was trying to answer the overall thread question.

Yes perhaps Luke was just a faster learner than Anakin. Also if I
[check message length]
remember correctly Anakin complains about Obi-Wan and the Jedi holding him back in AOTC. Perhaps they just didn't hold Luke back. Gave him like a crash course in Jedi training. Also I do think Luke starting as an adult would speed up his training.

Perhaps, but it still doesn't seem like enough.

I think the dominant opinion is that Anakin's head was pretty screwed up when he fought Obi-Wan which is why he did not fight as effectively as he did against Count Dooku.

I don't know. Not too screwed up because after getting his limbs chopped off, burning alive, getting left for dead and told he lost the love of his life, he seemed pretty sane to me.
If he was really screwed up he should have gone off the deep end after Mustafar.

I dnt think we're supposed to mention EU stuff in this forum.

But I do think you are underestimating how powerful Anakin was by ROTS. Tooling Count Dooku (a guy who we saw competing against Yoda in the previous film) was no small showing. He certainly had the raw power at his disposal, although his focus was a little twisted at times, which probably effected his combat ability.

Remember one of Qui-Gon/ Liam Neeson/ Legend's first lessons to Anakin in TPM "Always remember your focus determines your reality". He probably should have spent more time reflecting on that!

I don't think so. I only used EU stuff as an example trying to show what I meant. I didn't use it as evidence for anything.

I found this article which helped explain why Luke's power increase was too quick.

TV Tropes: Instant Expert

For Luke it reads:

Luke becomes a Jedi in the unspecified period of time it takes the Millennium Falcon to reach Bespin sans hyperdrive. It takes only a few minutes of screen time and no indication is given of extreme time passing. Although real Jedi apparently started training in early childhood, Luke is able to put up a good fight against Vader and use powers such as force jump by the time he leaves the planet. By Return of the Jedi, Luke, who's otherwise spent most of his time looking for Han rather than training, is now a full-blown Jedi, being able to employ mind tricks and numerous other Jedi powers with little effort. He's also a far better swordsman, able to defeat Vader this time.

Last edited by Charlie512 on Mar 16th, 2012 at 02:42 AM

Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 02:39 AM
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Darth Thor
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
I can only guess that Yoda was going easy on Dooku. In ROTS, Yoda was going head to head with Sidious who was more powerful in the force to Dooku.

We can guess yet it would have been very stupid and incompetent of Yoda to go easy on Dooku considering what was at stake. Obi-Wan clearly told Anakin he cant stop Dooku alone and if Anakin helps him they can stop the war right now. If not Anakin would have been expelled from the Jedi Order.

But still Yoda was clearly going to defeat Dooku before the distraction. My point being though Dooku clearly did have the strength to compete against him. Put up a fight at least, despite having centuries less combat experience.

But yes Yoda definetely went all out against Sidious. But again with centuries more experience and sword fighting practice was unable to defeat him.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
Oh, my bad.
So, did Anakin not have this raw power in AOTC? If he did why didn't it help him much then? And where was this raw power in his fight vs Obi-Wan?

Well he wasn't a fully trained Knight yet, so probably could not apply/access that raw power anywhere near as effectively, if at all.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
Which even if only as powerful as Maul or Dooku, Luke circa ROTJ shouldn't stand a chance against that power.

Under the assumption he's less capable than AOTC Anakin then yes he wouldn't have a chance. But if he's like Jedi Knight Anakin from CW movie (not sure if that counts as EU?? Its technically a SW Movie) then maybe he'd have a chance right??

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
And you have to agree that Darth Vader got far more powerful than right after mustafar, if not then why did he become a Master of the Dark Side?

No Lucas has made it clear he was far less powerful after Mustafar. Master of the Dark Side is kind of hyperbole. Nothing that was mentioned in the movies. Was his Mastery of the Force greater than the Likes of Count Dooku?? I doubt it.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
Not to mention he felt confident in his fight against Ben in ANH. If he wasn't as powerful as back then, why did he say he was now a master and then he was a learner? Does this not indicate he considered himself more powerful than ever before?

Perhaps he just meant his knowledge of the force was greater. To be honest that line doesn't mean all that much. He's not exactly going to say "Im a weakling compared to what I was, so please take it easy on me.."

The fact is his younger self defeated someone considerably more powerful than Old Ben. That was Count Dooku. The fact that after all those years of Mastering the Dark Side he had trouble taking down Old Ben does not really help his case here.

Nor does the fact that in the audio commentary of that scene Lucas says this fight is not as good compared to the PT ones because Vader is mostly machine and Ben an old man.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
[B] What is Lucas definition of power?

This is a good question. Im guessing it means Raw Power at they have at their disposal. Possibly applied power.

But it certainly does not mean potential, because he's also talked about potential in the same line but in a different manner. By referring to potential he says "He's lost a lot of feasibility to become more powerful than the Emporer.."

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
I think it is held that Dooku's form of sword fighting was his downfall to Anakin. His form couldnt handle the agressiveness of Anakin. I don't think Darth Vader would have that problem.

I don't buy that. Dooku was a pure fencer, who has gone up against someone as powerful as Yoda. This idea that his style could not handle it comes from a line in the ROTS novel that says something like "his own elegant Makashi could not handle the striles of Djem So head on, especially while fending off another attacker.."

But as the fight becomes one on one and really heats up, the novel makes it perfectly clear the Only thing Dooku could not handle was Anakin's raw power.

And like I mentioned above.. Lucas states in ANH Audio commentary that Vader does not fight as well now because he's mostly machine. Implying he's a lot worse in terms of a Lightsaber fight at least. Less mobile, much slower, e.t.c.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
[B] I am not talking only about experience but also of knowledge.
Sidious and Yoda had about the same amount of knowledge in the dark side and the force respectively.

And again Dooku had more "Force Knowledge" than Anakin, much much more. And Sidious had more "Force Knowledge" than Mace Windu. Much more, but the latter still beat him in a Lightsaber fight.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
What does that mean? Why not train Luke immediately?? And I just thought of would could be a potential plot hole. Given that Obi-Wan left Anakin for dead, he wouldn't have known that Anakin was alive in Vader. So why would they send the twins off and plan to train them "when the time was right" if they didn't even know Darth Vader was still alive? So was it the Emperor that they planned to defeat with the twins? But Ben never mentions the Emperor in ANH.. What was the plan again?

Ben says to Luke in ROTJ "The Emporer knew as well as I did, If Anakin were to have any offspring they would be a threat to him.."

In other words They had to keep them hidden. The Emporer sensed Luke's powers growing in ESB. But he was an adult by then. He was with the rebellion, able to try and escape the Empire if they came after him.

So I'm guessing they thought teaching Luke as a child would have just been far too risky. They did not want to alert the Emporer of his existence yet.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
[B] Made only possible by the death star plans the rebel alliance acquired. An alliance Ben and Yoda didn't know would exist. .

But Luke was the only one capable of making that shot. In all fights against the Empire after that the Rebellion had Force endowed pilot on their side.

That was obviously a powerful weapon they had on their side. I think that was much more useful really than being able to defeat Vader or the Emporer in a Lightsaber fight.

I think the point was there will always be flaws to exploit in technology. Which is why the Force was the real weapon and decider of who controlled the Galaxy.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512
I don't really understand your theory, could you elaborate.

Well in the PT The Dark side seemed to be more powerful than the Light. Sidious blocked the Jedi vision completely so they had no idea what was coming. In AOTC Mace Windu says "I think we should inform the senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.."

And Yoda says "Only the Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness"

I think Anakin's prescence in the Force having the Force so strongly with him could have tipped the balance making the Light side stronger again. But problem was he was never truly attuned to the Light side was he?

Unlike Luke, whose prescence was clearly felt by the Emporer as a Disturbance in the Focre. And then it was the Emporer who could no longer see the future. He did not forsee Vader's betrayal or his own death.

It was the whole Balance of the Force shifting which is what I believe killed the Emporer in the end.

Last edited by Darth Thor on Mar 16th, 2012 at 12:21 PM

Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 12:13 PM
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Shifting back into balance you mean?


Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 03:05 PM
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Darth Thor
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by queeq
Shifting back into balance you mean?

Yeah I suppose. Due to Luke's presence in the Force.

Whilst in the PT it was the other way around. It was the Sith's presence which made the Jedi's ability to use the force useless according to Mace Windu.

Im guessing Anakin's presence in the Force did not do the same thing because well even as a Jedi Knight he wasn't really all that good was he. He has such a dark presence around him, and before he became a Jedi he murdered a whole village.

Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 03:23 PM
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Registered: Oct 2000
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Well, Palpy wasn't losing until Vader attacked him. So I don't think Luke's presence itself made any difference.


Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 03:27 PM
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Darth Thor
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^ In the sense that he could not forsee through the Force Vader's betrayal if he tried to kill Luke and blind to is own coming death. Much like the Jedi did not forsee the destruction of the whole Jedi order.

Remember The Emporer's line in ESB. There is a great distrubance in the Force (due to Luke). Much like the disturbance in the Force the Jedi are feeling in AOTC due to the Sith.

I just don't think it was all about beating Sidious in a Sword fight. Mace Windu already did that for all the good it achieved.

Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 04:27 PM
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Registered: Oct 2000
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But Sidious knew he was the Son of Skywalker... the Jedi couldn't see anything with a Sith Lord standing right next to them.


Old Post Mar 16th, 2012 08:37 PM
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Darth Thor
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Well they can only blame so much on the Force being clouded. A bit of Jedi wisdom and intellect could have helped wink

Old Post Mar 17th, 2012 12:19 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DARTH POWER

I think Anakin's prescence in the Force having the Force so strongly with him could have tipped the balance making the Light side stronger again. But problem was he was never truly attuned to the Light side was he?

Unlike Luke, whose prescence was clearly felt by the Emporer as a Disturbance in the Focre. And then it was the Emporer who could no longer see the future. He did not forsee Vader's betrayal or his own death.

It was the whole Balance of the Force shifting which is what I believe killed the Emporer in the end.

I have my own theory on balance of the force which I just came up with, I posted it on the Balance of the Force Thread in the PT section.
It reads:
quote: (post)
Originally posted by Charlie512

Theory of the Force:

The balance of the force corresponds with Anakin Skywalker's position in the force.

Through out the PT, Anakin becomes increasingly closer and closer to the Dark Side. At the same time the Dark Side is becoming more present in the Galaxy. The Jedi can't use the force as well. Plus when Anakin slaughters the Tuskin Village, Yoda feels darkness in the force. Then in ROTS, with Anakin in the Dark, Obi-Wan says the galaxy is in darkness. Later in the OT, when Vader is conflicted and loses committment to the DS we can see it starts to fail the Emperor. If imbalance depends in the existance of the Sith (Palpatine) and it helped Palps all thought out the PT, why is it not working anymore. Is this not an indicator that Anakin was directly responsible for the balance of the force?

Old Post Mar 17th, 2012 07:06 AM
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Darth Thor
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^ Very similar to what Im getting at. Basically we're both saying just the pesence in the Force of the Skywalkers, and the path they chose is what shifts the Balance in the Force and thereby shifts the Balance of Power in the Galaxy.

Old Post Mar 17th, 2012 08:31 AM
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Somewhat Liberal

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wow, thats alot of argument. lucas obviously needed to connect the prequel trilogy written after 20 years

Old Post Mar 18th, 2012 09:34 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by JediRobin23
wow, thats alot of argument. lucas obviously needed to connect the prequel trilogy written after 20 years

I think he did it in a poor way, though.

Old Post Mar 18th, 2012 10:46 AM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DARTH POWER
We can guess yet it would have been very stupid and incompetent of Yoda to go easy on Dooku considering what was at stake. Obi-Wan clearly told Anakin he cant stop Dooku alone and if Anakin helps him they can stop the war right now. If not Anakin would have been expelled from the Jedi Order.

Yes, it would be very incompetent. But look at the scene. Yoda never attacked Dooku with the force, all he did was deflect Dooku's attacks. Why wouldn't he attempt this like in his fight with Sidious (the force push)? So its not established that Dooku=Yoda in the force since Yoda never attacks back. Besides these are the prequels we are talking about characters do things that don't make sense all the time.

But still Yoda was clearly going to defeat Dooku before the distraction. My point being though Dooku clearly did have the strength to compete against him. Put up a fight at least, despite having centuries less combat experience.

Like I said. Yoda probably wasn't at his best in terms of combat power. He is old, it seems he doesn't see to much action as he just sends other Jedi to do tasks, there were no Sith before TPM so he may have slacked off on his sword training. Also there might be a peak of sword fighting skills that both he and Dooku might have reached. Dooku was a master of sword fighting its not that hard to believe he could match Yoda at that.

But yes Yoda definetely went all out against Sidious. But again with centuries more experience and sword fighting practice was unable to defeat him.

Yoda's experience means nothing because there were no Sith before, so Yoda would not have any extensive experience fighting Sith lords. You can say Sidious had as much experience in fighting Jedi than Yoda. Plus despite Yoda's age both have about the same amount of knowledge in their respective sides of the force. Therefore Yoda wouldn't hold an advantage in power. And just like you claimed Yoda was going to win against Dooku, Yoda was going to win against Sidious.

Well he wasn't a fully trained Knight yet, so probably could not apply/access that raw power anywhere near as effectively, if at all.

Neither was Luke but he had no problem accessing his raw power in Rotj. [B]

Under the assumption he's less capable than AOTC Anakin then yes he wouldn't have a chance. But if he's like Jedi Knight Anakin from CW movie (not sure if that counts as EU?? Its technically a SW Movie) then maybe he'd have a chance right??

[B] I don't think its officially EU. But I haven't seen it and pretty much ignore it. I wouldn't agree that we can use it here though because we are talking specifically about the films. Besides, I don't understand how Anakin goes from the incompetent guy in Aotc to a suddenly very effective war hero in such a short time between Aotc and the CW movie.

No Lucas has made it clear he was far less powerful after Mustafar. Master of the Dark Side is kind of hyperbole. Nothing that was mentioned in the movies. Was his Mastery of the Force greater than the Likes of Count Dooku?? I doubt it.

You don't know. He's been taught by Sidious for twice as long as Dooku was. Dooku was a Sith from the end of TPM to the start of Rots, that's around 13 years and I don't think they saw eadh other much since Dooku was busy with the CW . Vader had 20+ of Sith training/instruction. Plus, their force feats are similar. I don't see any reason to put Vader below Dooku.

Perhaps he just meant his knowledge of the force was greater. To be honest that line doesn't mean all that much. He's not exactly going to say "Im a weakling compared to what I was, so please take it easy on me.."
He was confident he could take Ben and even boasted his knew knowledge of the Dark Side. Why would he boast knowledge if it didn't come along with Power?

The fact is his younger self defeated someone considerably more powerful than Old Ben. That was Count Dooku. The fact that after all those years of Mastering the Dark Side he had trouble taking down Old Ben does not really help his case here.

This is done for dramatic purposes. There is no reason why a full-fledged Sith Lord should have any problems with a padawan in TPM yet it happens.

Nor does the fact that in the audio commentary of that scene Lucas says this fight is not as good compared to the PT ones because Vader is mostly machine and Ben an old man.

Which doesn't necessarily mean that they are weak it just means they have limited mobility.

I don't buy that. Dooku was a pure fencer, who has gone up against someone as powerful as Yoda. This idea that his style could not handle it comes from a line in the ROTS novel that says something like "his own elegant Makashi could not handle the striles of Djem So head on, especially while fending off another attacker.."

But as the fight becomes one on one and really heats up, the novel makes it perfectly clear the Only thing Dooku could not handle was Anakin's raw power.

I haven't really read the novel so I can't comment on that. But I think it most hold some water. If we take the even at face value and consider Anakin that powerful that powerful as to casually dispatch extremely powerful Sith lords than that elevates him to even more powerful than Sidious and Yoda, but he is clearly not yet as of the end of Rots. "Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us..."/B]

And like I mentioned above.. Lucas states in ANH Audio commentary that Vader does not fight as well now because he's mostly machine. Implying he's a lot worse in terms of a Lightsaber fight at least. Less mobile, much slower, e.t.c.

[B] Agreed. Darth Vader is inferior to Anakin Skywalker in lightsaber combat, not necessarily less powerful overall.

And again Dooku had more "Force Knowledge" than Anakin, much much more. And Sidious had more "Force Knowledge" than Mace Windu. Much more, but the latter still beat him in a Lightsaber fight.

You are repeating the same things.
Force Knowledge /=/ Lightsaber skills. Sidious also had been too busy the whole PT to practice his lightsaber skills, while Mace had been busy using his in a war. Also note that Sidious would have defeated Windu in the force, however, Windu was able to stand a chance because he had a special form which allowed him to counter the Dark Side.

Ben says to Luke in ROTJ "The Emporer knew as well as I did, If Anakin were to have any offspring they would be a threat to him.."

In other words They had to keep them hidden. The Emporer sensed Luke's powers growing in ESB. But he was an adult by then. He was with the rebellion, able to try and escape the Empire if they came after him.

So I'm guessing they thought teaching Luke as a child would have just been far too risky. They did not want to alert the Emporer of his existence yet.

There is no evidence that training Luke would have allowed the Empire to find Luke. He trained all of ESB in Dagobah and then later presumably trained on his own between ESB and Rotj yet, Darth Vader and the Emperor are never able to find him. Plus Sidious had been training Maul before TPM without the Jedi knowing, why couldn't the Jedi do the same with Luke??

But Luke was the only one capable of making that shot. In all fights against the Empire after that the Rebellion had Force endowed pilot on their side.

That was obviously a powerful weapon they had on their side. I think that was much more useful really than being able to defeat Vader or the Emporer in a Lightsaber fight.

I think the point was there will always be flaws to exploit in technology. Which is why the Force was the real weapon and decider of who controlled the Galaxy.

Yoda and Ben never planned for Luke to join any rebellion to destroy the Empire. If they believed in an armed resistance the Empire, than they would have started one themselves. In fact, that's a good question why DIDN'T Ben and Yoda try to start some kind of armed resistance against Empire? The Jedi were willing to go to war with the Seperatists why not the Empire?

Well in the PT The Dark side seemed to be more powerful than the Light. Sidious blocked the Jedi vision completely so they had no idea what was coming. In AOTC Mace Windu says "I think we should inform the senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.."

And Yoda says "Only the Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness"

I think Anakin's prescence in the Force having the Force so strongly with him could have tipped the balance making the Light side stronger again. But problem was he was never truly attuned to the Light side was he?

Unlike Luke, whose prescence was clearly felt by the Emporer as a Disturbance in the Focre. And then it was the Emporer who could no longer see the future. He did not forsee Vader's betrayal or his own death.

It was the whole Balance of the Force shifting which is what I believe killed the Emporer in the end.

Agreed. But Yoda and Ben had no idea that the force would shift when they made their plan.

Last edited by Charlie512 on Mar 18th, 2012 at 11:24 AM

Old Post Mar 18th, 2012 11:21 AM
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Darth Thor
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^ Maybe they did. Remember their whole hopes in the PT rested on The Chosen One restoring Balance to the Force.

In AOTC when Yoda is saying the Jedi are losing their way, even the older more experienced ones, Mace says to Obi-Wan "Remember if the Prophecy is true your apprentice is the only one who can restore balance to the Force.."

After Anakin's downfall they were hoping for Luke/Leia to do that.

Old Post Mar 18th, 2012 11:36 AM
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Registered: Oct 2000
Location: JP's bed



You're forgetting that there is also doubt about how this prophecy is to be understood. Not all their hopes were resting on that prophecy.


Old Post Mar 18th, 2012 08:26 PM
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Darth Thor
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Ok just re-watched ROTJ with the audio commentary and Lucas does say Luke is only half trained and not fully equipped to take on Vader..

*sigh* He's obviously just saying that to put things in line with the prequels. All the dialogue in the movie from Yoda, Vader and Luke himself suggest he was fully trained. Plus I have the original novel, and there was no hint of him not being fully trained. Quite the opposite. So again *sigh*

Old Post Apr 2nd, 2012 09:49 AM
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Registered: Oct 2000
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Yup, Lucas is changing everything after the fact.


Old Post Apr 2nd, 2012 06:16 PM
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Darth Thor
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Yeah well this one's annoyed me..

Yoda's line: No more training do you require. Vader's line: Your skills are now complete. Luke's line: Im a Jedi, like my father before me.

Every part of the novel points to the same thing..

Heck even the title of the movie says it!

Everything shows the original intention was for Luke to be a fully trained Knight.

And now that's changed. Just because.... it doesn't fit with the prequels Im assuming.

Old Post Apr 2nd, 2012 06:47 PM
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Registered: Oct 2000
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You assume well, my young apprentice.


Old Post Apr 2nd, 2012 09:45 PM
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Darth Thor
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by queeq
You assume well, my young apprentice.


Old Post Apr 2nd, 2012 11:10 PM
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