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The Revan Respect Thread: Update Thread
Started by: DarthAnt66

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Registered: Feb 2013
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Oh, the Star Forge without a doubt amped the Sith. The Star Forge is arguably the most powerful nexus ever. Look what it did to Malak and Bastila! I was positive I mentioned that in my respect thread, however.

"The Star Forge was an enormous space-station/factory that harnessed the power of an entire star. Within its hull was a vast, intricate network of automated machines designed to mass-produce weaponry, droids, and starships. However, it was more than merely a metal construct. Its shadowed cavities were infused with the dark side of Force, endowing it with evil, breathing life."

"Malak powered the Star Forge with captured Jedi Knights, drawing on their powers to augment the massive input if the Unknown World's star."

"Here on the Star Forge the power of the dark side is at its strongest!"

Bastila Also could've sensed Revan considering their bond, No?

Another excellent point, though I would argue the bond would be somewhat fractured by this point now. However, this doesn't really change much. Heck, Shan might have thought Malak wanted Revan to reach him so they can duel! There is just so many different arguments against Bastila supporting the Star Forge's defenses inside by a degree that would make a difference, I find it hard to believe it would happen.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Last edited by Jaggarath on Apr 22nd, 2014 at 11:20 PM

Old Post Apr 22nd, 2014 11:18 PM
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Fated Xtasy

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Oh, the Star Forge without a doubt amped the Sith. The Star Forge is arguably the most powerful nexus ever. Look what it did to Malak and Bastila! I was positive I mentioned that in my respect thread, however.

"The Star Forge was an enormous space-station/factory that harnessed the power of an entire star. Within its hull was a vast, intricate network of automated machines designed to mass-produce weaponry, droids, and starships. However, it was more than merely a metal construct. Its shadowed cavities were infused with the dark side of Force, endowing it with evil, breathing life."

"Malak powered the Star Forge with captured Jedi Knights, drawing on their powers to augment the massive input if the Unknown World's star."

"Here on the Star Forge the power of the dark side is at its strongest!"

Another excellent point, though I would argue the bond would be somewhat fractured by this point now. However, this doesn't really change much. Heck, Shan might have thought Malak wanted Revan to reach him so they can duel! There is just so many different arguments against Bastila supporting the Star Forge's defenses inside by a degree that would make a difference, I find it hard to believe it would happen.

Agreed dude, Malak maybe somewhat versed in military tactics, but his grudge against Revan and ego may have gotten in the way of him going in and telling bastila to amp the men in the star forge, he may be a great duelist and sith lord, but his arrogance will get in the way


Old Post Apr 22nd, 2014 11:27 PM
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Registered: Feb 2013
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thumb up I honestly can't recall one feat for Malak in terms of commanding an army. His entire strategy is just to blow up any planet that disagrees with him.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 22nd, 2014 11:29 PM
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Fated Xtasy

Registered: Mar 2014
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
thumb up I honestly can't recall one feat for Malak in terms of commanding an army. His entire strategy is just to blow up any planet that disagrees with him.

Yeah, I guess the majority of the Military tactics were from Revan or Karath


Old Post Apr 22nd, 2014 11:37 PM
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Interesting I'll be watching this.

Old Post Apr 24th, 2014 06:51 AM
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UPDATE 4/24/2014:
Accolade for Calo Nord, a bounty hunter who the character defeats twice.
"Calo Nord's one of the most famous bounty hunters in the galaxy. He's killed more people than the Iridian Plague!"
―Mission Vao (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)

Revan defeats Seleven without Force or a lightsaber.
"Now you'll see why I'm the most dangerous assassin on Taris."

Official accolade confirming Darth Revan>Darth Malak..
"Of the two traitorous Sith, Revan was the stronger. Malak grudgingly assumed the role of apprentice."
―Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

"You've got the skills of an elite commando, and you've saved my butt more than once. Between that and your facility with languages, I'm lucky you're here."
―Carth Onasi (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)

Also in total, Revan and Carth killed 36 Rakgouls. It should be noted just a few Rakgouls can defeat an entire squad of Sith Troopers.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 24th, 2014 06:59 PM
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Registered: Feb 2013
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I just got KotOR Prima Guide, and it states what happened on the Star Forge when Revan arrived, providing NUMEROUS quotes in favor of Revan's power:

Area Overview 1: Deck 1 This series of narrow winding walkways leads to one huge ledge overlooking the construction of the Sith fleet itself. Your progress is hampered by literally dozens of Sith soldiers, elites, heavy weapons, Sith apprentices, and Dark Jedi. Make sure you secure one area completely before attempting to breach the next. Remember to enter the control room and switch off the turrets before you move to enter the elevator to Deck 2.

Area Overview 2: Deck 2 Like the other deck, this is a series of narrow winding walkways leading to one huge ledge overlooking the construction of the Sith fleet itself. Your progress is hampered by literally dozens of Sith soldiers, elites, heavy weapons, Sith apprentices, and Dark Jedi. Continue your battle until you reach the door to the command center.

Area Overview 3: Command Center This area holds the source of power on this station, the Star Forge itself, and it’s teeming with Dark Jedi and Malak’s apprentices. When you enter the Star Forge, you are thrown into battle against specific adversaries, and then Malak attempts to destroy you by launching a droid production sequence in the construction pits area of the center. You must solve this conundrum, then move directly to the factory itself.

Overview 4: Factory This is the final location and is the main hive-center for activity on the station. Hooked up to stasis fields are eight Jedi that Malak uses to increase his power as he uses it. This is one gigantic chamber with two levels that you cannot leave until either you or Malak lie beaten, then move directly to the factory itself.

Now, they will go in depth, I will have to make two posts for this because it is just so long:

Action 1: Dark Jedi Attack! As you emerge from the Ebon Hawk, a fierce battle between the Republic and Sith is raging. You are briefed by a Jedi who states that a few strike teams have already entered the facility. Dark Jedi pour from the giant doors, and a battle commences. You can opt to attack as many Dark Jedi as you wish, or simply exit via the central door. The elevator is locked. Darth Malak is pacing, and waits to hear how the assault on this space station is playing out. An acolyte informs him of the strike teams that have entered the facility, and Malak deems it necessary to stop them by battle-testing a new type of assault droid. These appear as you run down a narrow walkway as the path splits left and right (Waypoint A). Hold the fight to this region until all droids are defeated. You can turn left or right at this junction, as more assault droids are at the base of the ramp on either side (Waypoints B or C). Either ramp leads to a doorway— keep the door closed until all enemies currently engaged in combat are nullified. Once this has occurred, head through the door to a large corridor with another door at the end. Assault droids lurk here. When you have defeated these, open the doorway, and enter another large open ramped area, complete with a defense turret and more assault droids. Tackle these enemies with haste and extreme brutality, and continue until you watch Darth Malak request a progress report from his retainer. He then learns that his former master is among the strike teams currently invading the Star Forge, and he’s about to arrange a surprise for Darth Revan…. For now though, he orders all his apprentices into battle against you!

Action 2: Cutting a Swath The next hour is spent frantically blasting, swiping, and crushing countless Dark Jedi and Sith heavy weapons and elite troopers on your way through the decks of the space station. Continue down your chosen path, down the ramp heading south (on either the east or west of Deck 1) and open the large door. Attack the troops inside, move to the second door, and open it. Take down another series of troops on your way to the southern walkway (Waypoint D). Here you encounter a large number of Dark Jedi crowding this thin, lit walkway. Wade into the fray and execute a number of techniques of your choosing, cutting a swath through the assembled troops until all have fallen. Inspect their remains for items. Then exit via either the west or eastern exits. Either exit allows you onto Deck 2 (Waypoint E or F). Once on Deck 2, take another slog through countless groups of Sith troopers and Dark Jedi. Continue with the melee fighting as you round a corner, and fight to a lower ramp and the rejoining of the two exterior corridors into a pathway leading directly south (Waypoint G). Slash and blast through more foes, open another huge blast door, and repel yet more of Malak’s troops before entering the tunnel and emerging into a gigantic central chamber (Waypoint H). Dozens of cruisers are ascending through the immense central ducts—an entire fighting formation of Sith fighters and troop transports is taking off from this area. However, you should be more concerned with the heavy Sith guard in the vicinity. Stay at the entrance until all of them have been dispatched, and then make a left turn, heading directly east. Turning right is also an option, but the groups of ground turrets on either side of the large walkway are vicious in their accuracy and damage. Instead, fight to the far end of the eastern part of the walkway (Waypoint I), and providing you have more than six computer spikes, enter the giant doorway. Remember to inspect the drums and canisters at the end of the walkway for extra items. You appear inside a large circular chamber where two terminals can be hacked into, the turrets along the western stretch of the pathway can be turned off, and a chamber in the southeast corner of Deck 2 can be opened (this takes several spikes). If you enter this chamber, you can create a set of Darth Revan’s robes (dark side) or Star Forge robes (light); check the Item Appendix for more information. These robes aid your combat potential. When the turrets have been disarmed, you need worry about only the humanoid foes. Run along the western part of the deck until you reach an identical entrance (Waypoint J). This leads to an elevator that takes you directly to the command deck.

Action 3: The Star Forge The command deck looks very much like the previous decks you’ve battled through. Start by fighting to the large main walkway, and continue down it to the first doorway. Enter it, heading east, open another doorway, then follow the ramp northward and up, then east to another door. During this time, Sith apprentices, Dark Jedi, and the finest Sith shock troops are waiting to demolish your party. As you reach the Star Forge itself (Waypoint K), you witness one of two happenings. The first (if you sided with Bastila atop the Rakatan temple) shows Darth Malak. Three Jedi walk up to him and bow. They ask why they have been summoned. Malak explains that they have been granted the ultimate honor: the chance to fight against Lord Revan himself! The Jedi swear they will destroy Revan. Malak watches them leave intently and comments that they won’t be able to destroy Revan, but they can slow him down long enough for Malak to finish readying the Star Forge defenses. If you didn’t side with Bastila atop the temple, you see Darth Malak greeting Bastila, who walks up to him and bows. She then asks why he summoned her away from the control room where she was using her battle meditation. Malak explains that she must face Revan again to prove her worth. He reminds her that here on the Star Forge her dark side powers are even stronger. She vows to destroy Revan. Malak watches her leave intently, and comments that she probably won’t be able to destroy Revan, but she can slow him down long enough for Malak to finish readying the Star Forge defenses. You must now face down three Dark Jedi (dark side) or Bastila herself (light side) in an epic battle next to the Star Forge! Combat is fraught and frantic, but should end with your victory. To bring Bastila back to the light side, when you confront her in the Command Center, beat her in the combat confrontations, and redeem her.

When victory occurs, move to the door to the south of the forge. As you are about to enter the construction pits (Waypoint M), two Jedi are forcefully flung out of the door, and wracked with lightning. As they lie twitching on the ground, Darth Malak himself strides into view.
Malak is becoming increasingly infuriated with your continued meddling. He tells you he will let the Star Forge itself destroy you while he oversees the ultimate victory of his fleet. Malak steps through the door, and it closes behind him. The door (and the other door leading into the room) locks. Behind you in the construction pits, six giant droid generators rumble into life. It seems Darth Malak is attempting to send you a construction line of droids that will eventually wear you down and destroy you!
This is a mixture of combat and puzzle-solving. Each generator stops when it finishes construction of five droid types, but it creates another droid when you destroy one. At first, the situation looks hopeless, as continuous droid construction means you’ll eventually yield to the forge’s infinite supply.
As each droid has computer spikes on them when they are destroyed, move to a computer beside each generator. You can hack into the computer and tell it to either shut down (8 spikes) or start spawning friendly droids (16 spikes). Shut down all six computers to open the exit door leading out of the room (Waypoint N). After you complete this puzzle, you can remove yourself from this potential death trap.

The renaming simply describes the Malak vs Revan fight.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 27th, 2014 01:05 AM
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Fated Xtasy

Registered: Mar 2014
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Also in total, Revan and Carth killed 36 Rakgouls. It should be noted just a few Rakgouls can defeat an entire squad of Sith Troopers. [/B]

This optional dude, they could've have easily snuck past the rakgouls


Old Post Apr 27th, 2014 07:04 PM
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Registered: Apr 2014
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Fated Xtasy
This optional dude, they could've have easily snuck past the rakgouls
what I did in kotor

Old Post Apr 27th, 2014 07:33 PM
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Lord Stark
Lord of Winterfell

Registered: Jan 2007
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Nephthys
Oh yeah.....

If you take that into account then you have to take into account that Revan was under the influence of her Battle Meditation when he dueled Malak.


The North Remembers

Old Post Apr 27th, 2014 09:21 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Fated Xtasy
This optional dude, they could've have easily snuck past the rakgouls

No, the ones I specified would charge you regardless, unless you did solo mode only with Mission who can do all that stealth stuff. Revan and Carth don't have high enough points for that.
If you take that into account then you have to take into account that Revan was under the influence of her Battle Meditation when he dueled Malak.

But he didn't...
what I did in kotor

Don't act like you played it.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 01:08 AM
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Fated Xtasy

Registered: Mar 2014
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
No, the ones I specified would charge you regardless, unless you did solo mode only with Mission who can do all that stealth stuff. Revan and Carth don't have high enough points for that

Game mechanics don't count dude, you know I love Revan as much as you, but this is all game mechanics and player choice


Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 02:54 AM
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There's a line between player actions and automade attackers, the rakgouls fit in the later. In fact, a large majority of those rakghouls appear in cutscenes. They are canon. Regardless, it was just there for the "oh cool", it won't even end up on my respect thread. The main part is the Star Forge battle, in which I wish you were focusing on instead. Who the hell cares for dozens of rakghouls when you have dozens of amped Sith? wink


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Last edited by Jaggarath on Apr 28th, 2014 at 11:05 AM

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 10:58 AM
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Fated Xtasy

Registered: Mar 2014
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
There's a line between player actions and automade attackers, the rakgouls fit in the later. In fact, a large majority of those rakghouls appear in cutscenes. They are canon. Regardless, it was just there for the "oh cool", it won't even end up on my respect thread. The main part is the Star Forge battle, in which I wish you were focusing on instead. Who the hell cares for dozens of rakghouls when you have dozens of amped Sith? wink

I just thought I should let You know, just so jackasses like Jack won't start bitching and moaning about how its game mechanics and how you're a fanboy, You know the usual Jack bullshit.


Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 03:35 PM
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Registered: Feb 2013
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He's banned now. smile


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 06:53 PM
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He is?

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 06:59 PM
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He was, until you make this sock. I'll report you to the mods.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 06:59 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
He was, until you make this sock. I'll report you to the mods.

You enjoy my company, don't lie.

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 07:00 PM
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At times I do, I must admit.
I do enjoy you beating down TOR fans, so I won't notify moderators till you piss me off.


"There is only Revan. Only he can shape this galaxy as it is meant to be shaped."

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 07:01 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
At times I do, I must admit.
I do enjoy you beating down TOR fans, so I won't notify moderators till you piss me off.

Very good, very good.

Old Post Apr 28th, 2014 07:03 PM
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