Soule is writing, so I'll read. Interesting thing about the cover art is that Ren(former leader of the KoR) will evidently be playing a part in this... Wasn't really expecting to see him again. /shrug
Someone has also pointed out the throne Palpatine is in, as well as the window behind him, indicate this is the throne room on the second Death Star. So it's possible at least part of Crimson Reign will take place concurrently with Return of the Jedi.
I am very excited to be getting more content with Ren! He was my favorite part of the Rise of Kylo Ren comic, so I'm really looking forward to more with the character. Don't know why I wasn't expecting to see him further fleshed out, since Soule obviously loves bringing back the character's he's written (Momin being a perfect example).
You're right. Looks like at least 3 new knights. Didn't expect that.
And when is this story supposed to be taking place? Because the last issue of Bounty hunter wars concludes with Jabba getting carbonite Han back, so it seems like the timeline here is literally right before ROTJ.
I think there's a bit of time between Jabba acquiring Han and the Rebels executing the plan to rescue Han. That small window, straight up to Return of the Jedi, appears to be when Crimson Reign takes place (the first teaser image we had for Crimson Reign seemed to show Palpatine in his throne room on the second Death Star, meaning Crimson Reign would be concurrent with RotJ)
The DS2 was still around before it appeared in ROTJ, so Sidious chilling on his DS2 throne doesn't necessarily mean this will be taking place at the same time as ROTJ..And I honestly hope it doesn't take place at the same time, because that would muddy the waters.
But I mean there is only 1 year between ESB and ROTJ, so either way we have to be getting REALLY close to the events of ROTJ at this point.
If I'm not mistaken, it's heavily implied (if not outright stated) that Palpatine's trip to the DS2 was his only time aboard the vessel. It's kind of why Jerjerrod freaks out so much at the prospect of the Emperor arriving.
Yeah, Jerjerrod was absolutely shook when Vader told him that Palpatine was going to pay them a visit. I always took that as a heavy implication that Palpatine himself had never actually been to the station prior to his arrival in the film.
Although I'm not sure if the film explicitly states that it was the *only* time Palpatine had ever been aboard the Death Star II, so I suppose it's possible that he might've cruised by at some point before RotJ... But I'm not sure why he would bother, given that the DSII wasn't even fully operational until the events of the film itself. /shrug
That said, I would certainly prefer if the bulk of Crimson Reign weren't set concurrently with RotJ, because yeah... It would potentially muddle things quite a bit, given the purported scope of this event.
Vader is supposed to be integral to crushing Crimson Dawn in this series, and apparently CD has infiltrated every major facet of the galaxy, so that's a lot of weeding out for him to do, if it is also taking place at the same time he was weeding out Luke and the Rebellion in ROTJ..
But the fact that we already know he was allowed to live(and continue serving Vader/Palpatine) after this event, obviously suggests that Oochi's supposed 'treason' isn't as cut-and-dry as it seems.
I'm betting Vader sent in Ochi as a sleeper agent. Ochi is really, really fixated on the idea that Vader and Palpatine are flat-out unbeatable. I doubt he'd actually turn on Vader.