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David Icke - You Don`t Want to Know about this - Shut Up!!
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David Icke - You Don`t Want to Know about this - Shut Up!!


"How about this? Shut your mouth...Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you."

Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 05:13 PM
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About what?


Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 05:14 PM
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About Deano spamming the boards constantly with David Icke bullshit.

I say permaban.


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Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 05:22 PM
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Re: David Icke - You Don`t Want to Know about this - Shut Up!!

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Deano!

so what should we do?

Nothing. Icke is ignoring the fact that stress in the modern world is far less than in the past. If anything there is a conspiracy to improve the human condition.


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A juvenal prank.

Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 05:31 PM
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"How about this? Shut your mouth...Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you."

Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 06:35 PM
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icke is an idiot and this belongs in the conspiracy forum


Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 07:51 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Deano

I don't know man. I think Sym here has as much credence as David Icke. Could go either way really...


Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 08:21 PM
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you get thorns
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2 minutes into the vid I realize it was going to end as 15 minutes of my life I can never get back. I cut my losses at 2.


Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 10:04 PM
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why dont u tell me what u think is wrong in the video instead of ranted hysterically smile


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Old Post Oct 6th, 2010 10:50 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Deano
why dont u tell me what u think is wrong in the video instead of ranted hysterically smile

The fact that he can't even focus on what he wants to protest against. He just rambles on about completely random topics that annoy him. He doesn't provide a single example of what he says is happening actually occurring. He just hopes you'll believe him and continue to buy his books and give him the money to enjoy a massively wasteful Christmas with his family.


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Old Post Oct 7th, 2010 01:44 AM
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sure that's the real reason he is doing this.

lets travel the world hundreds of time researching and spending my entire life trying to uncover the truth, while in the process having me and my family subjected to horrible taunts and abuse throughout our entire lives, because people cant comprehend the massive conspiracy. all in the name of earning a lot of money?

i dont think so smile


"How about this? Shut your mouth...Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you."

Old Post Oct 7th, 2010 05:08 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Deano
sure that's the real reason he is doing this.

lets travel the world hundreds of time researching and spending my entire life trying to uncover the truth, while in the process having me and my family subjected to horrible taunts and abuse throughout our entire lives, because people cant comprehend the massive conspiracy. all in the name of earning a lot of money?

i dont think so smile

Who's to say he isn't like anyone else who gets up on stage and does an act for money. It's not like he does these public appearances for free is it?

People who play characters in soaps get abuse for what their characters do on screen because that's the face they show to the public. Some people never actually appear in public out of character....Sacha Baron Cohen and Leigh Francis for example. Does this mean they're actually like what they portray in public?...Obviously not.

These people travel the world doing just as much work as David Icke does. Perhaps he's laughing to himself because he has thousands of gullible mugs like you believing his shit and forking out money to read it and listen to it while he rakes in the cash....At least corporations make no secret of the fact that they're out to make money...People like David Icke and Michael Moore and Alex Jones are the opposite...They protest against big business and basically claim that making a lot of money is somehow immoral yet each of them has made a personal fortune by slamming others who dare to make personal fortunes.

Absolutely disgusting hypocrites who do the exact same thing that they rally against...In other words making tonnes of money off the back of getting people to believe their bullshit.

it's telling that you didn't actually bother to address my criticism of the video though...Which is what you're asking people to do....Probably because you have no answer to it.


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Old Post Oct 7th, 2010 09:22 PM
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if he has got money then so what? what do you expect him to work for free? thats stupid. icke is genuine and could of easily stayed in tv and made lots of money.

and when did icke say making money was immoral?

i didn't reply to your previous comment because it was daft. and you are just as gullible for taking the newspapers as truth, you cant take the fact that icke is right in most things he talks about.


"How about this? Shut your mouth...Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you."

Old Post Oct 8th, 2010 04:24 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Deano
if he has got money then so what? what do you expect him to work for free? thats stupid. icke is genuine and could of easily stayed in tv and made lots of money.

and when did icke say making money was immoral?

i didn't reply to your previous comment because it was daft. and you are just as gullible for taking the newspapers as truth, you cant take the fact that icke is right in most things he talks about.

Since when do I take the newspapers as truth? I've never even gave that impression once....I've even stated the opposite on several occasions. .Where as you quite clearly swallow every little morsel of shite that David Icke throws your way without questioning it in the slightest.

As for Icke staying in TV and making lots of money...Doubtful that would ever happen after he was laughed off the TV for his little green men bullshit on Wogan...Doubtful he'd ever make a lot of money being a sports presenter either.

No...Instead he can market books to gullible and questionless **** like you and you lap it up....

Does Icke not protest against capitalism continuously...Yet it's the system that has made him a millionaire...Oh the irony....Hypocritical lying scum is what he is...And you're even worse for being blind to the fact that you're being taken for a ride by him.

Surely if he was as interested in the fate of the world as he claims then he would work to a not for profit method whereby he'd have a average income and have enough to publish his books and travel to where he does his speeches and then the books would be priced to make that the case...

Do yourself a favour...Read Jon Ronson's book...Them: Adventures with Extremists.

There is it for 1p.


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Last edited by jaden101 on Oct 8th, 2010 at 06:24 PM

Old Post Oct 8th, 2010 06:15 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by jaden101
Since when do I take the newspapers as truth? I've never even gave that impression once....I've even stated the opposite on several occasions. .Where as you quite clearly swallow every little morsel of shite that David Icke throws your way without questioning it in the slightest.

well you see no i don't swallow everything he says. i respect him as a person and how he continues to go on even though he puts up with shit from know it alls like yourself. when you have done as much work as david icke then i will start to respect your opinion.

As for Icke staying in TV and making lots of money...Doubtful that would ever happen after he was laughed off the TV for his little green men bullshit on Wogan...Doubtful he'd ever make a lot of money being a sports presenter either.

they edited out alot of stuff on that show. and plus he was just starting out on the conspiracy road and he was obviously a bit overwhelmed with the information he was receiving and couldn't articulate it in a way that people would understand what he was talking about. maybe you should watch the 2nd wogan interview with icke and you will see it is wogan looking the fool

No...Instead he can market books to gullible and questionless **** like you and you lap it up....
he has never marketed any books to me laughing

Does Icke not protest against capitalism continuously...Yet it's the system that has made him a millionaire...Oh the irony....Hypocritical lying scum is what he is...And you're even worse for being blind to the fact that you're being taken for a ride by him.

sorry to disappoint you. He lives in a small flat and drives a cheap car. All his money and effort goes into his work and that's the truth. so research it before you talk a load of rubbish theres a good boy.

Surely if he was as interested in the fate of the world as he claims then he would work to a not for profit method whereby he'd have a average income and have enough to publish his books and travel to where he does his speeches and then the books would be priced to make that the case...

he has never overpriced his stuff. all the effort and hard work that goes into his work, he deserves whatever money he can get. but ive alreadt stated he does not have as much income as you think he does

Do yourself a favour...Read Jon Ronson's book...Them: Adventures with Extremists.

i remember him. i think he is a shill. a bit like michael Moore really.

i read this quote on him somewhere and it echoes my thoughts exactly

At first I thought he was alright because his Icke documentary was very balanced. A few years later he is attacking 'conspiracy nutters' with real venom. He did a series for BBC radio 4 a couple of months back and each episode was unbelieveably self absorbed with Ronson droning on about various incidents from his life. One stood out in it's subject matter it featured the July 7th 'terrorist' bombings in London. It was 30 minutes of Ronson telling us there was no evidence for anything but the official explanation as this one woman (who had been in the tube explosion and spent most of that time in pitch dark amongst mangled bodies) hadn't seen anything to contradict the official story. He was using that poor woman's experience as an emotional bargaining tool. It was like he was saying - if you even dare to question anything about what happened it's the equivalent of spitting in this womans face after all she's gone through, you evil conspiracy nutters! In the same programme he conducted an interview with David Shayler that ended in childish insults being hurled. He's an Arse, probably one with a nasty little agenda.

I am more concerned with the fact he had the audacity to say there was no evidence pointing to 9/11 being an inside job and was generally evasive when AJ probed him on subjects....

Hey John.....
Do some more research...
Watch ZERO, watch Aaron Russo, refelctions and warnings, Read TOWERS OF DECEPTION and David ray Griffin.....
You may be driving an Aston Martin pal, but you have sold your soul, ask yourself....Just who are you trying to protect?!!!
You think we would all be on here posting if we weren't sure 9/11 was an inside job?!!

You think that makes me happy?!!

I remember reading an article Ronson wrote in the Guardian also telling people they were ant semitic by calling him Zionist...Seems the oh so clever Ronson doesn't seem to know the difference either....
Read the following...

And Ronson....You keep spewing out the bullshit about the boogeyman OSAMA(CIA asset) hiding in his cave as that is such a rational take on events.....Us Conspiracy "loons" and "cranks" really need help for not believing that one.....
I'll await your piece debunking the gaping holes in the offical story of 9/11 with baited breath...
Otherwise SHUT IT....

and plus you slag icke off for having money but here we have ron jonson

[b](please log in to view the image)

i think you should stop slagging icke andmove your energys towards the information he provides instead of finding a way out of accepting the truth thats right in front of your eyes.


"How about this? Shut your mouth...Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you."

Old Post Oct 9th, 2010 08:20 PM
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well you see no i don't swallow everything he says. i respect him as a person and how he continues to go on even though he puts up with shit from know it alls like yourself. when you have done as much work as david icke then i will start to respect your opinion.

When David Icke does research that gets him the letters Dr before his name then I'll respect his.

they edited out alot of stuff on that show. and plus he was just starting out on the conspiracy road and he was obviously a bit overwhelmed with the information he was receiving and couldn't articulate it in a way that people would understand what he was talking about. maybe you should watch the 2nd wogan interview with icke and you will see it is wogan looking the fool

From 2008?...I did...It's not.

he has never marketed any books to me

So you harp on about his stuff but don't actually read it?...Makes your opinion worth even less doesn't it.

and plus you slag icke off for having money but here we have ron jonson

Does Ron Johnson go around attacking people for having the audacity to make money???...No...So well played Deano...Way to utterly miss my point...again.


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Old Post Oct 10th, 2010 04:20 AM
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david icke has never attacked anyone for making money. he is just pointing out the money scam and its insanity, and that we all need to change the system or forever be enslaved by it. you see?

i have bought one icke book from a charity shop for 3 pounds and the rest were downloaded ebooks.

and im not sure icke wants a dr in front of his name. the majority of doctors are useless careless prats anyway.


"How about this? Shut your mouth...Or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you."

Old Post Oct 10th, 2010 12:07 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Deano
david icke has never attacked anyone for making money. he is just pointing out the money scam and its insanity, and that we all need to change the system or forever be enslaved by it. you see?

i have bought one icke book from a charity shop for 3 pounds and the rest were downloaded ebooks.

and im not sure icke wants a dr in front of his name. the majority of doctors are useless careless prats anyway.

YAY...If you can't make a decent argument....Make a blanket statement based on ignorance.

Fits the bill entirely.


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Old Post Oct 10th, 2010 01:57 PM
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Back in the early 20th century here in america, there was a common belief that a secret cabal of bankers & entrepreneurs were plotting for world domination. Same thing in europe: A cabal of zionist bankers with supernatural powers were blamed for every problem. Somethings never change, Icke is trying to push a theory that the royalist and bankers [Prominent jewish rothchilds]. Are infact vampiric extra-terrestrial dragon men that perform human sacrifices and are responsible for all the worlds problems. confused

The same theme appears over and over again. A small successful minority is responsible for all the tribulations of an unsuccessful majority.


Last edited by Classic NES on Oct 11th, 2010 at 12:23 AM

Old Post Oct 11th, 2010 12:20 AM
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make up your mind Deano.Is Icke a shill or not? You said so yourself not too long ago he was a shill.if thats true,then that means he is lying about Lizard people. roll eyes (sarcastic)


Old Post Oct 23rd, 2010 07:24 PM
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