Movies - S


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Space Jam (1996)
Space Rage (1985)
Space Station 3D
Spaceballs (1987)
SpaceCamp (1986)
Spaced Invaders (1990)
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
Spanglish (2004) [T]
Spanish Fly (1999)
Spanking Shakespeare (2012)
Spanking the Monkey (1994)
Spanky Johnson: Monster Hunter (2007) [N]
Sparkle (2012)
Sparkler (1999)
Spartan (2004) [N]
Spawn (1997)
Speaking in Strings (1999)
Speaking Parts (1990)
Special Topics in Calamity Physics (2008)
Species (1995)
Species Human (2007) [N]
Species II (1998)
Spectacular Regret (2010)
Spectres of the Spectrum (2000)
Speechless (1994)
Speed (1994)
Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997) [T]
Speed Racer (2008) [N] [T]
Speed Zone (1989)
Speedo (2007) [N]
Speedway Junky (2001)
Spellbinder (1988)
Spellbound (2003)
Spent (2000)
Sphere (1998) [T]
Spice World (1998)
Spider (2003)
Spider-Man 3 (2007) [N] [T]
Spider-Man 5 (2012)
SpiderMan (2002) [N] [T]
SpiderMan 2 (2004) [N] [T]
Spies Like Us (1985)
Spike of Bensonhurst (1988)
Spiker (1985)
Spin the Bottle (2000)
Spiral (2008) [N] [T]
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)
Spirited Away (2002)
Spitfire (1984)
Splash (1984)
Splendor (1999)
Splinter Cell (2005) [N]
Split (1990)
Split Decisions (1988)
Split Second (1992)
Split: Portrait of a Drag Queen (1993)
Splitting Heirs (1993)
SpongeBob SquarePants (2004) [N] [T]
Spontaneous Combustion (1990)
Spook's Apprentice (2010)
Spookies (1988)
Sports Widow (2005) [N]
Spread (2010)
Spring Awakening (2010)
Spring Breakdown (2007) [N]
Spring Breakers (2012)
Spring Forward (2000)

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