Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Review

by Gargoyle_Lord (sage_5 AT email DOT com)
June 6th, 1999

This is a review of StarWars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. It will probably not be like most reviews I won't cover the acting special effects and all of the visuals. What I want to talk about is the charectarizations in it. Especially a very strong positive image for young girls.

Quenn Amidala is a very good role model for young women. She is strong, confident, and very capable. She handles herself with poise, dignity, and confidence in whatever situations she is involved. I applaude George Lucas for her. Long has it been since such a strong young lady has graced the silver screen that isn't screwed up or warped or played as an airhead. Her charectar alone has given me a renewed hope in the art of scriptwriting. In an age that shows young ladies as hardened or dumb blondes or any of the other stereotypical archtypes she is a breath of fresh air.

To those that say that "science fiction" has nothing to appeal to women or "girls" will be woefully wrong if they think to include The Phantom Menace in the group without first watching it. Episodes 4-6 had Leia that was a strong female prescence and a good image for women to see. But in Phantom Menace and hopefully the next two movies of this trilogy there is Queen Amidala, a strong vibrant powerful caring young lady of 17 that is a good image for not only females but a generation of young adults that are looking for something out there. Let us hope that the charectar of Queen Amidala will give them something to believe in and to inspire them all.

Flesh of stone beating heart.
Gothic or Renaisance...
The difference is where the shadows fall

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