Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Review

by M. Pierce (pierce80 AT aol DOT com)
June 15th, 1999

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

A simple review by M. Pierce

I have never seen a man so in love with himself than George Lucas. With the overt success of the three original Star Wars films, Lucas has become, not necessarily a filmmaker, but the head cheeze at a huge toy company, with The Phantom Menace the new product on the shelve. Only this toy was made for $115 million, but every kid wants it, and, like all other expensive toys, falls apart within an hour after playing with it.

The product in question, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (jeez!), is pure and simple: Its about the money, baby! No one in their right mind would create such a fiasco if they knew it wouldn't make a ton of money before its fourth week of release. I come to the SW franchise as a stranger, since I have absolutely no idea why the SW movies are so popular. I find them rather boring and full of nothing but eye candy.

Phantom Menace is like the first SW, minus 10. Nothing in the whole concept is remotely enjoyable. Even the special effects seem rather bland. The story in this new one is a mindless mess...the acting wooden...and the action sequences like something out of a video game.

SW: Phantom Menace is one of the worst films of the year so far. With a title like SW E1: TPM, Lucas has one big head on those shoulders. I thought Chris Carter did for releasing an X-Files movie, although, that movie adaptation was an excellent way to spend two hours. PM is one long headache.
*1/2 (out of ****)

1999 (c)

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