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Vaylin and Arcann vs Darth Vader and Galen Marek
Started by: Deronn_solo

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Senior Member

Registered: Aug 2016


quote: (post)
Originally posted by XSUPREMEXSKILLZ
Vaylin never destroyed the sanatorium via her own power, lol.

AP lied about ANOTHER feat? 0_0

An shocker. smile

"I like big sweaty testicles." - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

"I worked Jack in" - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 03:30 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


LMFAO are you that desperate that you're trying to insult me right out of the gate? Wow, this'll be even easier than I thought.

Going to need you to elaborate on that[. . .]

When he reached the base of the skyhook, he was momentarily given pause. How to bring about the ruin of six constructs several stories high? Their super-strong materials were designed to handle the stresses of holding the massive station directly above, against all the laws of physics. How could he overcome their resistance?

The answer, as always, lay in the Force. The Force was beyond physics. The Force could not be resisted, when wielded by confident hands. The Force would always be sufficient.

Turning his back on the body-strewn battlefield, he put both hands on the base of the nearest mooring. Closing his eyes and his mind to all forms of distraction, he imagined himself at one with the metal, permacrete, and stone. He felt the mooring’s strengths and its weaknesses. He resonated with it, until it was hard to tell where his hands stopped and the mooring began.

When he could achieve no greater focus, he reached out for the dark side and let it guide him.

Energy came like a dam bursting, as wild as every predator on Kashyyyk combined but as pure as a laser. He tilted his head back and relished the wonder and terror of what he had brought into being. This was a power far greater than Sith lightning, designed for one single task. He lost himself utterly in that task. He became destruction.

The mooring shook. Its more delicate components—nanowires, sensitive self-regulating systems, microscopic hydraulic channels—fused almost immediately. Once the complex processes maintaining its stability were disrupted, a chain reaction began that could not be stopped. Pressures mounted in areas close to exceeding their maximum load; hairline cracks formed and spread; a deep vibration sprang up that could not be dampened. Even if left to its own devices, the mooring would shake itself to pieces in minutes.

The Apprentice maintained his assult until hairline cracks became gaping rents and the vibrations shook the world, howling material agony over the renewed firing of blaster cannons. When the first shower of boiling dust and pebble-sized fragments rained down on him, he decided it was time to step back and take stock--and to prevent some hapless stormtrooper creeping up on him and shooting him in the back.

He opened his eyes and looked up. The mooring was barely recognizable as the same structure. Electrical discharges danced across its conduccting surfaces. Ultrastressed permacrete flowed like treacle. Larger fragments began to fall and he batted them away with the Force, feeling no more drained by his exertion than he would have from a light run. He almost smiled at his accomplishment, but one stark fact sobered him to the core.

One down. Five to go. The Imperials were rallying. They needed to be reminded of who they were dealing with. While crossing to the next mooring in line, detonated fuel tanks and exploded ammunition stores. AT-STs cracked open like seedpods and burst into short-lived flames. He reached his target without encountering serious resistance and brought it down as he had the first.

That gave him an idea. When the two remaining TIE-Fighters came around for another pass, he sent them both into the third and fifth moorings. The fourth took so much collateral damage that it fared almost as badly as its siblings. Only one mooring remained.
-- The Force Unleashed


1.You implied he destroyed all six, when he actually only destroyed two directly.

2.You lied, he is stated to be incapable of achieving greater focus before destroying the first mooring, and having unleashed much more power than just Sith lightning.

Whilst it's an incredibly impressive showing of his Force reserves, due to it stating that he didn't lose much energy, you are way off ball comparing it to Vaylin's feat. They're not even in the same ballpark.

So not the size of a mountain. Thank you for your concession.

Are you being this dense on purpose? I certainly hope so, would hate to waste my time with somebody idiotic enough to actually make that argument.

The Sanitarium is a structure built within a mountain, it is an enormous complex. Thus the Sanitarium being completely overloaded and reduced to ash by Vaylin's mere thought, from outer orbit, would mean that the mountain itself would obviously be severely damaged, if not outright collapse.

Keeping in mind that to overload BRAIN and annihilate the Sanitarium, means that she must have more than doubled in power when she was unchained. Simply because she was almost killed, her powers almost literally torn apart, by BRAIN, until her willpower broke her out of it and unchained her.

All of that sounds great. Now please give me something other then meaningless hype about "being formed in the void" and a willpower feat.


A secretive group of powerful Force-sensitives, the Nathema Zealots live in total isolation on the blighted world. Founded by Valkorion, the Nathema Zealots are among the only Force-sensitive beings able to withstand the horrors of the void through a regime of daily rituals and intense meditation. However, while their mental conditioning focuses their power, it simultaneously erodes their free will.

This was not accidental, as Valkorion sought to create an army of completely subservient yet incredibly powerful Force users.

Noting that the void of Nathema caused the likes of Surik intense mental and spiritual damage.

I'm curious where you're getting the idea that Marek "concentrated" to disintegrate stormtroopers.

Oh my bad, I forgot, Marek didn't even do that, Starkiller did. So he hasn't even ashed stormtroopers yet.

Are you referring to Vaylin or the random fodder she killed? Because one of those is a point that was actually being addressed while the other is a side tangent you brought up. If you want to discuss a feat/scaling comparison between Galen and the Outlander, we can do that too.

Vaylin, the power which ashed the Zealot is the same power threatening to kill the Outlander on contact and destroy the entire Asylum.

Because tanking the energies that power a hyperdrive takes less energy then creating the energy that powers it.


But I'm afraid that's a massive assumption. Pouring enough power into a hyperdrive that it starts in a completely unstable state, doesn't compare to shielding yourself and another from a point blank explosion, in less time than Senya took to even realise that it was going to explode.

If you're talking about pure Force shielding feats though, I'd have to say Galen's shields diminishing lightning that broke through Sidious's force barrier to non lethal levels is better then Vaylin tanking a release of energy equivalent to what a start of the novel Galen Marek can create on a whim.

Thanks for biting.

Chained!Vaylin scaling above Arcann actually kind of kills that.

First, let's analyse the facts:

Valkorion was capable of insta-killing hundreds of Zakuul knights with a death field wave. (Without killing the Outlander's allies.)

Valkorion in a far less powerful incarnation killed nine Dark Councillors with a 'flash'.

Valkorion in a far less powerful incarnation overwhelmed the Force defenses of Revan in an exchange of raw power, and would've killed him if not for T3-M4's interruption. This being a much more powerful incarnation of the same character who defeated and killed Darth Malak on the Star Forge.(A feat strongly implied by Drew Karpyshyn to be due to Revan's Force power, despite being massively hindered by the nexus.)

Darth Malak who is amplified by the Star Forge, which is a far more powerful source of energy, by some orders of magnitude, than the Star Maps. The Star Maps, which provided the likes of Karness Muur with such power that he was more powerful than Vector!Vader and Darth Krayt.

Arcann tanked his Force Lightning Storm, without needing to achieve Oneness to even compete, unlike Marek:

"Energy surged through him. He felt as though a star had blazed to life in his chest. Driven by concern for his friends rather than himself, he embraced the Force completely, utterly, and was rewarded with strength that made his efforts with the dark side look like those of a child. His nerves were on fire. Streams of light radiated from his skin. His bones glowed like radiant lava."

Which is confirmed here:

"Lightsabers clashed inside of the Emperor's observation dome, but Starkiller was ultimately no match for the power of Darth Sidious. Bombarded by Force lightning, Starkiller did not fight back but instead unleashed all the power of the Force within him, causing a tremendous blast that shattered the Emperor's tower and caused enough of a distraction to allow Eclipse and the Rebel Senators to escape."

Yet Chained!Vaylin is confirmed to be more powerful than Arcann by some degree:

Vaylin is the most dangerously unhinged of Valkorion's children - and the most powerful.

Far before, as I mentioned, Vaylin's powers vastly grew due to the events of Nathema.

Is your ass sore enough yet or do you want me to go deeper?


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 04:33 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


quote: (post)
Originally posted by XSUPREMEXSKILLZ
AP, Vaylin never destroyed the sanatorium via her own power, lol.

Whilst in the BRAIN her power is so strong that it's stated she would die and destroy the entire Asylum as a result of her power. Hence them hiding in Valkorion's tree house, the only place capable of withstanding it. Then she goes to her ship in outer orbit and overloads the entire system with her Force power, a system designed specifically for controlling Force power, and ends up levelling the place. To 'ash' as she put it.

Your memories are off.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 04:36 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


quote: (post)
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
AP lied about ANOTHER feat? 0_0

An shocker. smile

Aw, you thought he was going to save you.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 04:41 AM
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Registered: Sep 2017
Location: White House

Account Restricted


Wow. All four characters are absolute trash

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:02 AM
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Registered: Feb 2015
Location: Homeworld


quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
The fact canon Vader has a vision of him kicking Palpatine's ass, should he choose to redeem himself, is ****ing amazing.

EU Vader has the exact same thing... In fact, he has multiple visions of him killing his Master. It means jacksh!t.


"Hello, Starlight."

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:05 AM
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Registered: Mar 2014


The only trash in the thread is AP

"Happiness is a lie. Life is horror. The light is always dying all across the universe. The last star will flicker out someday, when it does, all that remains is shadow. And I will be its king!"'-Amahl Farouk

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:05 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


quote: (post)
Originally posted by MythLord
EU Vader has the exact same thing... In fact, he has multiple visions of him killing his Master. It means jacksh!t.

The Canon one seems much more profound and carries more weight, though that's just me.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:06 AM
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Azronger Reborn

Registered: Jun 2016
Location: The Throne of the Sheevites


Vader solos


Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:17 AM
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The Chosen One

Registered: Aug 2014
Location: The balance of the Force


That's about as likely as the Caedus RT.


Within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:18 AM
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Senior Member

Registered: Aug 2016


quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
LMFAO are you that desperate that you're trying to insult me right out of the gate? Wow, this'll be even easier than I thought.

You literally stated that the graphic novel supported the idea that Galen "strained" to accomplish the feat when the feat didn't even occur within the graphic novel. You lied. There's no ifs ands or buts about it. I'm sorry you got caught ( I'm actually not ) but now you have to deal with the consequences. I.E. me ribbing you a bit for it.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower

1.You implied he destroyed all six, when he actually only destroyed two directly.

2.You lied, he is stated to be incapable of achieving greater focus before destroying the first mooring, and having unleashed much more power than just Sith lightning.

Whilst it's an incredibly impressive showing of his Force reserves, due to it stating that he didn't lose much energy, you are way off ball comparing it to Vaylin's feat. They're not even in the same ballpark.

1. I didn't imply anything. If your interpretation of my statements lead you to an incorrect assumption, that's your fault.

2. Where did I lie? I didn't say he hadn't focused his energies beforehand. I stated that he didn't strain to accomplish the feat. Something that's true given the following:

"He opened his eyes and looked up. The mooring was barely recognizable as the same structure. Electrical discharges danced across its conducting surfaces. Ultrastressed permacrete flowed like treacle. Larger fragments began to fall and he batted them away with the Force, feeling no more drained by his exertion than he would have from a light run." - The Force Unleashed.

Nowhere does it state how long it took him to gather that energy ( considering he was surrounded by Imperial forces it wasn't long ). It could have been more or less time then it took Vaylin to carry out the feat you claimed. Though, according to Skillz, your claim may be less then valid. As such I'm going to have to require some proof that the feat you claimed Vaylin accomplished actually occurred.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Are you being this dense on purpose? I certainly hope so, would hate to waste my time with somebody idiotic enough to actually make that argument.

The Sanitarium is a structure built within a mountain, it is an enormous complex. Thus the Sanitarium being completely overloaded and reduced to ash by Vaylin's mere thought, from outer orbit, would mean that the mountain itself would obviously be severely damaged, if not outright collapse.

Keeping in mind that to overload BRAIN and annihilate the Sanitarium, means that she must have more than doubled in power when she was unchained. Simply because she was almost killed, her powers almost literally torn apart, by BRAIN, until her willpower broke her out of it and unchained her.

A structure being built WITHIN a mountain does not mean it is itself the size of a mountain. The extent to which the mountain would be damaged depends on the size of the structure within it and the type of attack Vaylin launched against it.

And? Does Unchained have a feat that would make what you're saying relevant?

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower

Noting that the void of Nathema caused the likes of Surik intense mental and spiritual damage.

"able to withstand the horrors of the void through a regime of daily rituals and intense meditation."

I highlighted the relevant part of the passage for you. Now, I'll ask again, other then meaningless hype and willpower feats, what do they have to suggest they're beyond the standard Force user these types of quotes are applied to?

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Oh my bad, I forgot, Marek didn't even do that, Starkiller did. So he hasn't even ashed stormtroopers yet.

You seem to be forgetting a lot of things. That's alright though. I'll ask again, provide evidence to back your statement that Starkiller had to "concentrate" to disintegrate those stormtroopers.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Vaylin, the power which ashed the Zealot is the same power threatening to kill the Outlander on contact and destroy the entire Asylum.

Going to need the context for that claim tbh. It seems off given the Outlander was actively moving against an Unchained Vaylin's bursts of power and was no worse for wear afterwards.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower

But I'm afraid that's a massive assumption. Pouring enough power into a hyperdrive that it starts in a completely unstable state, doesn't compare to shielding yourself and another from a point blank explosion, in less time than Senya took to even realise that it was going to explode.

It's not an assumption. It's a fact. Directly creating the energy needed to power a hyperdrive is > then tanking the energy that powers it since you're only matching/neutralizing a fraction of the overall energy.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Thanks for biting.

Chained!Vaylin scaling above Arcann actually kind of kills that.

If you're attempting to say that Arcann having defended himself against Valkorion's lightning and Vaylin being more powerful then him means she's better at shielding then Galen, that line of reasoning is wrong for two reasons. The first being that Force user's are not necessarily better at using specific abilities simply because they're more powerful and the second being that Arcann shielding himself from a weakened Valkorion's lightning who was not even able to destroy the ships that were hit with it is not better then Galen shielding himself from lightning that pierced Sidious's force defenses.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
First, let's analyse the facts:

This should be good.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
*Copy pasted feats from Valkorion's respect thread*

Cool. Cool.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Darth Malak who is amplified by the Star Forge, which is a far more powerful source of energy, by some orders of magnitude, than the Star Maps. The Star Maps, which provided the likes of Karness Muur with such power that he was more powerful than Vector!Vader and Darth Krayt.

Going to need a quote stating it was the star maps that put Muur above them and not, you know, his own power.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Arcann tanked his Force Lightning Storm, without needing to achieve Oneness to even compete, unlike Marek:

Arcann's feat was addressed above. Galen was not in Oneness at the time he shielded himself against the Force lightning generated by himself and Palpatine.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Which is confirmed here:

Your attempts to lie/mislead have been noted yet again.

The novel specifically has Galen going into Oneness only AFTER he'd already dropped his Force defenses.

"No!" the apprentice cried, DROPPING HIS DEFENSES to strike one last time at the Imperials. Energy surged through him. He felt as though a star had blazed to life in his chest. Driven by concern for his friends rather than himself, he embraced the Force completely, utterly, and was rewarded with strength that made his efforts with the dark side look like those of a child. His nerves were on fire. Streamers of light radiated from his skin. His bones glowed like radiant lava.

He saw rather than felt the massive shock wave that consumed a large portion of what remained of the observation dome. A glowing bubble of fire tore the stormtroopers to shreds and engulfed Vader and the Emperor. Shrapnel filled the air like dust caught in the beam of the Death Star's powerful laser.

Tossed like a leaf, the Rogue Shadow fled in haste, ramp snapping shut on its precious cargo." - The Force Unleashed.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Yet Chained!Vaylin is confirmed to be more powerful than Arcann by some degree:

It's not to some degree. It's to an unknown/unmentioned degree.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Far before, as I mentioned, Vaylin's powers vastly grew due to the events of Nathema.

Is your ass sore enough yet or do you want me to go deeper?

(please log in to view the image)

Don't worry. I hear performance issues are common amongst the handicapped. smile

"I like big sweaty testicles." - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

"I worked Jack in" - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

Last edited by UCanShootMyNova on Sep 13th, 2017 at 05:35 AM

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:23 AM
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Senior Member

Registered: Aug 2016


quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Aw, you thought he was going to save you.

Nah. I just trust the word of a guy who's never lied on an internet forum ( LMFAO who does that? ) more then someone who has. smile

"I like big sweaty testicles." - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

"I worked Jack in" - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 05:32 AM
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The Immortal Emperor

Registered: Aug 2013
Location: The Eternal Throne


quote: (post)
Originally posted by AncientPower
Whilst in the BRAIN her power is so strong that it's stated she would die and destroy the entire Asylum as a result of her power. Hence them hiding in Valkorion's tree house, the only place capable of withstanding it. Then she goes to her ship in outer orbit and overloads the entire system with her Force power, a system designed specifically for controlling Force power, and ends up levelling the place. To 'ash' as she put it.

Your memories are off.

I explicitly recall Vaylin destroying BRAIN, which caused some sort of power overload (Theron noted that "power readings were spiking," and as a result "the whole place was gonna blow.") She destroyed BRAIN under her own power (immensely impressive feat,) but she didn't destroy the entire sanitarium under her power alone.

Her power destroying the entire asylum could just be referring to it overloading BRAIN and causing its destruction. For what it's worth, we don't actually see the entire sanatorium blow up either.


”You presume limits to my power. There are none.”

Last edited by XSUPREMEXSKILLZ on Sep 13th, 2017 at 02:32 PM

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 02:28 PM
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Pyromaniacal Humanitarian

Registered: Jul 2013


Team two takes the majority with difficulty.


Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 02:35 PM
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The Immortal Emperor

Registered: Aug 2013
Location: The Eternal Throne


I'm still gonna go with Team 1 here, as I feel Vaylin has the feats and hype to be the MVP here regardless of whether or not she destroyed the entire Sanitarium. Arcann can also certainly contend with Marek.


”You presume limits to my power. There are none.”

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 02:42 PM
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Registered: Sep 2017
Location: White House

Account Restricted


I hate Arcann but he's still > Marek

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 03:11 PM
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The Immortal Emperor

Registered: Aug 2013
Location: The Eternal Throne


The argument can certainly be made, yeah. thumb up


”You presume limits to my power. There are none.”

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 03:57 PM
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Senior Member

Registered: Aug 2016


quote: (post)
Originally posted by godemperortrump
I hate Arcann but he's still > Marek

No he's not.

"I like big sweaty testicles." - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

"I worked Jack in" - DMB, Gchat, 2017.

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 04:04 PM
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freedom fighter

Registered: Dec 2016


quote: (post)
Originally posted by XSUPREMEXSKILLZ
AP, Vaylin never destroyed the sanatorium via her own power, lol.

She didn't?

Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 08:41 PM
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Registered: Jan 2013
Location: USA


IIRC she just wrecked a machine core, like Exal Kressh did, and that caused the entire facility to blow.


Old Post Sep 13th, 2017 09:59 PM
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