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Sam Harris Slaughters Christianity
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What I said directly addresses your points.

Matthew 10:
He says it's better to fear God than fear people.

Matthew 22:
He says you should love God.

1 John 4:
Says that fear and love are two different things.


If I said it's better to fear God than fear people, but you should love God instead of fearing him. That's not a contradiction.

If i then said there is no fear in love, it supports what I just said, it's not a contradiction.

The scriptures are not contradicting themselves when they are saying exactly this.

The scripture could be paraphrased thus:
"It's better to fear God than people, but it's even better to love God than fear him."

It's not a contradiction.

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Old Post Oct 27th, 2020 06:49 PM
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What's really funny is, if a chimp did give birth to a human, all our understanding of evolution would be wrong and we'd have to rethink everything. Yet, the creationist retards would have to say "ok, we came from monkeys, evolution is real" so even when they're supposedly right, they're still wrong!

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Old Post Oct 28th, 2020 10:48 AM
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Re: Sam Harris Slaughters Christianity

Not that Sam needs to slaughter Xtianity, because it basically slaughters itself from the very beginning if you actually bother to pay attention...


Old Post Aug 29th, 2021 08:02 PM
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Via Blackmore:

What's really funny is, if a chimp did give birth to a human, all our understanding of evolution would be wrong and we'd have to rethink everything. Yet, the creationist retards would have to say "ok, we came from monkeys, evolution is real" so even when they're supposedly right, they're still wrong!

You misunderstand how crucial DNA is to life, especially in regards to reproduction. There are plenty of mad-scientists in the world that would love being the front stage of the world, having successfully reproduced a human-being-monkey hybrid. They would be set for life. Read Darwin's Black Box.

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Old Post Mar 21st, 2022 02:39 PM
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The most admired Christian philosopher and intellectual William Lane Craig exposes just how intellectually bankrupt he is. This is truly astonishing...


Old Post Aug 22nd, 2022 05:23 PM
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Patient_Leech
I love this guy. I just ordered a couple of his books. Some highlights from this video:

~ If you're born in the wrong part of the world, then sorry, you just missed the correct revelation to get to heaven.

~ Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice and when put in different contexts makes it look like the beliefs of a lunatic.

~ Serial killers can go to heaven after a life of evil brutality just by saying a few words on death row.

~ God is praised with some activities, but does he get the blame for atrocities? No, it's said that he's "mysterious."

~ When Elves die in The Lord of the Rings they can be reborn in Middle Earth. lol

~ The God of the Bible is morally corrupt, but because it's declared that "He's God," it doesn't matter what he does or says, it's automatically good because he's God.

Except that in biblical canon it isn’t quite that simple to get to Heaven which according to the Bible will pass away with the Earth, as it writes that a new Kingdom is where Gods children are supposed to go for eternity. Hmmm, back to what I began saying, God knows your heart, so no it truly isn’t just by uttering a few words and you make it into the Kingdom. Not how it works.

I’ve been pondering something recently. If there was an Ice Age, could there have truly been a world wide food? No? Then how was there ever an Ice Age? Could that have been the cause of other humans species to have gone extinct?

Do we truly know anything other than what has been spoken of, speculated upon, taught, or simply instilled in us? I was once told that people that believe in organized religion lack the ability to think on a critical level, but what about people walking around with their pants pulled down for the simple purpose of looking the part? Are rumors now fact? And they found what they believe was the Ark that Noah and his family were in.

The heart, and the treasures within aren’t easily hidden by someone capable of seeing everything if biblical canon is actually true.

Kind of funny how the world is pretty much in the exact shape spoken of in the Bible in these day, I mean with all of the mass extinctions, poor quality of water, famine at levels beyond comprehension, wars and rumors of war, that all that’s left to happen is for a third of mankind to be wiped out. Wait a sec… how much do you trust your politicians? You sure they are plotting on wiping out a huge portion of civilization? COVID hasn’t convinced you yet?

It’s gotten so bad, that I’m betting that when China finally crosses the Euphrates in a bid to take over the world as the premiere super power, that people will still be as unbelieving as they are right now. This generation has the least knowledge of the Bible out of all generations before it, and it seems that this trend will grow.

It would be a shame for many, that when we die, we actually see God’s face. Because at that point, it will be too late.


Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 06:34 AM
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Old Man Whirly!

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Stoic
Except that in biblical canon it isn’t quite that simple to get to Heaven which according to the Bible will pass away with the Earth, as it writes that a new Kingdom is where Gods children are supposed to go for eternity. Hmmm, back to what I began saying, God knows your heart, so no it truly isn’t just by uttering a few words and you make it into the Kingdom. Not how it works.

I’ve been pondering something recently. If there was an Ice Age, could there have truly been a world wide food? No? Then how was there ever an Ice Age? Could that have been the cause of other humans species to have gone extinct?

Do we truly know anything other than what has been spoken of, speculated upon, taught, or simply instilled in us? I was once told that people that believe in organized religion lack the ability to think on a critical level, but what about people walking around with their pants pulled down for the simple purpose of looking the part? Are rumors now fact? And they found what they believe was the Ark that Noah and his family were in.

The heart, and the treasures within aren’t easily hidden by someone capable of seeing everything if biblical canon is actually true.

Kind of funny how the world is pretty much in the exact shape spoken of in the Bible in these day, I mean with all of the mass extinctions, poor quality of water, famine at levels beyond comprehension, wars and rumors of war, that all that’s left to happen is for a third of mankind to be wiped out. Wait a sec… how much do you trust your politicians? You sure they are plotting on wiping out a huge portion of civilization? COVID hasn’t convinced you yet?

It’s gotten so bad, that I’m betting that when China finally crosses the Euphrates in a bid to take over the world as the premiere super power, that people will still be as unbelieving as they are right now. This generation has the least knowledge of the Bible out of all generations before it, and it seems that this trend will grow.

It would be a shame for many, that when we die, we actually see God’s face. Because at that point, it will be too late.
Biblical Canon

Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 06:38 AM
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That is the topic right?


Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 08:33 AM
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Old Man Whirly!

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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Stoic
That is the topic right?

Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 08:41 AM
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I wonder why all of the big wigs are looking for a new planet to live on Whirls and twirls. Have you ever thought of that? We know that there was an Ice Age. Scientific proof, that the entire planet Earth, was covered in ice. How is that even possible? Seems to me like there was a flood. Or, can you get something from nothing? We can’t even piece together what exactly killed all of the others races, or species of humans. Disease? We warred against them until we finally wiped them out? They were possibly hybrids incapable of reproduction? <— bullshit. I’ve read several opinions, but what about a flood? Is it even plausible? Even with evidence of an Ice Age, you will still have people with their own opinions, their own choices that will find a reason to disagree.

Giants actually walked the Earth, and I am not referring to T-Rex. Humanoid giants existed, and has been covered up by the Smithsonian, and likely the Catholic Church, which has quite a few bones rotting under the Vatican til this very day.

The Catholic Church claims to be the face of Christianity, and while it is Christ-like, the introduction of Druid philosophy sets it apart from the actual teachings of Christ. Seems to be more or less an issue with understanding the differences between what Christ taught and near replicas of what he taught.

Blurting, with the intent of bringing a sort of condescending humor aimed at belittling a subject that you aren’t fully schooled in is pure vanity in my honest opinion.

Hey Whirls, Christianity is biblical canon right?


Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 09:02 AM
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Old Man Whirly!

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I think, Jesuits, Roman Catholics, Quakers, different brands of protestants might disagree with each others biblical "canon". Not to mention wrong translations, omissions of books in early Christianity, books probably written centuries later, books definately written centuries later etc.

Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 09:34 AM
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Very true Whirls, or is that a rumor? Do you really know? Faith is the only thing that these people can lean on. However Christians that live their lives by what Christ taught, stand apart from the others. Add-ons actually exist, which leads many away from what Christ taught.

Faith nothing more, nothing less.


Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 05:27 PM
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Whirls, I challenge you to read the New Testament for yourself. King James is the version that I’m challenging you to read. I want to see if you begin dreaming strange dreams, and seeing through any of the principles and facades that have been set into play in present day society. I just want to see how you feel. If you wouldn’t mind doing something while reading it though. Honestly pray for understanding every time before sitting down to read it again.

Forget for a second what the rumors say, and find out for yourself. That is my challenge for you. I promise you that after reading all the way through to Romans, that you will be somehow changed if you are willing to read it with an open mind.


Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 05:35 PM
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Always found the targeting of religion only from western nations, while being respectful of other religions, kind of insulting to other parts of the world tbh.

It's a "white man's burden" logic if you say we're too enlightened for religion, and castigate any of ours who buy into our superstitions, but we accept and love you backwards noble savages.

What CDTM believes;

Never let anyone else define you. Don't be a jerk just to be a jerk, but if you are expressing your true inner feelings and beliefs, or at least trying to express that inner child, and everyone gets pissed off about it, never NEVER apologize for it. Let them think what they want, let them define you in their narrow little minds while they suppress every last piece of them just to keep a friend that never liked them for themselves in the first place.

Old Post Dec 15th, 2022 05:47 PM
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I didn’t discover Christianity, my great grandmother read the Bible to me and my brother, which were our bedtime stories as children. I can attest that my relationship with a Christian God wasn’t because of anything that I did. I heard the stories as a child and the things that I did understand were simply agreeable with my personality.

In my honest opinion, the spirit of God chooses the person, we don’t naturally choose God, because it isn’t in our natures to be submissive. After God chooses someone (which happens whenever the subject arises), It is then that the person chooses whether or not they’re willing to continue.

Faith in a higher power, which for me is what Jesus taught, only grew with knowledge. So then it becomes the knowledge that is being scoffed at, and not the person.

It goes beyond many of the opinions held out there, especially since many of those opinions are more or less broad generalization’s based on other opinions and theories.

Imagine this, your best friend taking a beating that will lead to their death just so that you, a person that betrayed them in the past could escape a similar fate, (it being your fault as well) and through all of it never giving you up, barely even screaming out in pain as you watch from a safe distance. What kind of love is that great?

The idea of it is something that has always affected me on different levels. Are we worthy of that? Am I?

I’m convinced that it really just depends on the individual persons perspective and attitude.


Old Post Dec 16th, 2022 05:29 AM
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