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The Battle Bar, Our Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
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Registered: Mar 2014
Location: The Proud Nation of Kekistan


Yeah all the sexist shit I said in the past hour and a half on here was me trolling you Aayla.

Here's me being serious. If you honestly think women are treated like second class citizens in America you are delusional.


Shadilay my brothers and sisters. With any luck we will throw off the shackles of normie oppression. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Praise Kek!

Old Post Mar 9th, 2018 12:02 AM
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Registered: Jul 2016


quote: (post)
Originally posted by Emperordmb
Yeah all the sexist shit I said in the past hour and a half on here was me trolling you Aayla.

Here's me being serious. If you honestly think women are treated like second class citizens in America you are delusional.
except i have laid out reasons why they are and can list some more:

1. gender pay gap which means women are being paid around 20% less in many instances (don't say we can't close this when iceland made steps to do so recently, also don't say it doesn't exist when MANY studies have said it does)

2. sexual assault and rape are an intrinsic part of our society that have not been rooted out. you just have to see the recent #metoo movement to see how rampant it is. also there is the 1 in 5 statistic which IS NOT a myth. there was actually a study done on it and it was around 1 in 5.

3. abortion restricted to women in many states which means they don't have right to bodily autonomy

4. more women in poverty than men especially single mothers which is a sign of the backward nature of our society that abandons those who do not choose marriage.

5. low representation of women in high positions like CEOs. this means they lack power to change things and are denied higher salaries.

6. the recent inability of the most qualified woman to ever run for president to be rejected despite voters actually agreeing she won the debates.

7. the lack of maternity pay healthcare and childcare as rights as they are in european countries

8. women being objectified and sexualized in mass media and underrepresented as authors/actors/directors.

to say that women are not disadvantaged to men despite all these things (and more), is actually the delusional path. you are not equal to a woman if you earn more, are richer and have never had the experience of being sexually assaulted or raped. they are therefore second class citizens because they have less opportunity and suffer institutional barriers to success. obviously it is not as bad in america as it is in more backward regions of the world but that does not remove america's flaws.

"Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right." - Hillary Clinton.
"I don't feel no ways tired. I've been too far, from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy! I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me! "- Rev. James Cleaveland
yesterday, today, and tomorrow - the fight continues:
love and kindness:

Last edited by aaylasecura95 on Mar 9th, 2018 at 12:31 AM

Old Post Mar 9th, 2018 12:23 AM
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Undefeated and Undisputed

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5 in 1 women are raped.


Old Post Mar 9th, 2018 02:13 AM
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I'm one episode away from finishing the series, and I can't emphasize enough how great the original Teen Titans show was. Almost hard to believe how much of a masterpiece it was when you compare it to the kids' shows of today. It had a wonderful balance of dark, serious themes with just the right amount of goofiness and humor to remind the audience that it's a youths show while still passing on some important messages to children about good character.

Highly underrated and I only regret being unable to find other people to discuss it with.


"Technology equals might!" "Evolve or perish"

Old Post Mar 9th, 2018 04:07 AM
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The Insane Jedi Master

Registered: May 2016
Location: United States


I am not sure why I am taking the musings of a troll seriously, but I think this is a funny conversation nonetheless.


1. gender pay gap which means women are being paid around 20% less in many instances (don't say we can't close this when iceland made steps to do so recently, also don't say it doesn't exist when MANY studies have said it does)

A lot of claims with not a lot of evidence. Is there evidence of a 20% gender pay gap due to discrimination? It is empirically true that the average man earns more money than the average female on an annual basis. It is this comparison which creates the idea that men make 20% more than the opposite gender. This discrepancy is demonstrated in this chart:

(please log in to view the image)

The obvious problem with this comparison is that it does not account for the myriad factors which influence revenues, i.e., hours worked, maternity leave, experience, and general work ethic.

The Discrepancy In Pay Among Industry and Location

If we assume revenue is a valid indicator of discrimination would it be fair for me to say that men are discriminated among bakers (104 percent), teacher assistants (105 percent), nutritionists (101 percent), and occupational therapists (102 percent)? There are also ten more jobs where females are paid more than males. From these statistics alone, it is evident that this sort of data is clearly flawed. Are those 15 industries the only ones which do not discriminate? How about in these 11 cities where women make far more then men do? These are not small numbers either as shown by Atlanta (121 percent), New York (117 percent), and San Diego (115 percent). It would be absurd to presume that men are discriminated in those cities and industries.

The Discrepancy Between Race and Sexual Orientation

These comparisons include but are not limited to Asians making more than whites, Japenese making more than Koreans, and Lesbians making more than straight women.

How Can This Be?

As aforementioned, there are numerous factors which dictate gender pay. A study conducted by the American Association of University Women, a group which are strong and vocal supporters of the wage gap, found,

[o]verall, the regression analysis of earnings one year after graduation suggests that a 5 percent pay gap between women and men remains after accounting for all variables known to affect earnings.

So, would it be fair to say that this 5 percent gap is due to discrimination? Honestly, no. It is nigh impossible to account for every variable in a regression analysis. I recommend this podcast on this podcast the subject. But, my skepticism is not just based on a distrust of regression analyses. There are two reasons I do not think this 5% gap is due to discrimination.

1. There is too much variance across occupation, race, age, and location to draw any meaningful comparison on the basis of prejudice.
2. There was a 2003 Census Bureau Current Population Survey which showed that,
When women and men work less than 40 hours a week, the women earn more than the men. 134 percent for between 25 to 34 hours and 107 percent for between 35 and 39 hours.

This type of comparison leads to my next point. So, what gives? I would guess the difference arises from mentality specifically in regards to career goals. To quote a survey looking at career choices,

Men acquiring an MBA aspire to become President or CEO of both public and private companies. … Women MBAs, however, ranked management consulting, executive level vice-President positions and non-profit executive management high among their career goals. … Men expect to hold the top leadership positions, and for women, it is still the exception.

The Mises Institute sums up this topic quite handily,

This would also explain why men are more likely to seek after dangerous jobs with hazard pay. Thus, men make up 93 percent of workplace fatalities. Professor James Bennett found 20 differences between what men and women do in the workplace that influence income that aren’t found in the raw numbers — which is all the “77 cents on the dollar” takes into account. These reasons include,

Men go into technology and hard sciences more than women.

Men tend to take more stressful jobs that are not "nine-to-five."

Men are more likely to work longer hours, and the pay gap widens for every hour past 40 per week.

Women are more likely to have "gaps" in their careers, primarily because of child rearing and child care. Less experience means lower pay.

The reason women are more likely to have a gap in their career is what economist Walter Block coined as Marriage Asymmetry Hypothesis in a study criticizing the wage gap back in 1981. Namely, when a man and woman get married, what typically happens is the man will take on the lion’s share of making money and the woman will take on the lion’s share of raising the children (a fact that has been demonstrated time and time again).

This difference in work ethic explains why Unmarried Women make more than their male counterparts. According to a study published in the Journal of Economic Perspective, there is no wage gap between men and women living alone from the age of 21-35. And among unmarried college-educated men and women between forty and sixty-four, men earn an average of $40,000 a year and women earn an average of $47,000 a year! The CONSAD Research Group conducted the most comprehensive study done on this topic for the Bureau of Labor. They found,

Research also suggests that differences not incorporated into the model due to data limitations may account for part of the remaining gap. Specifically, CONSAD’s model and much of the literature, including the Bureau of Labor Statistics Highlights of Women’s Earnings, focus on wages rather than total compensation. Research indicates that women may value non-wage benefits more than men do, and as a result prefer to take a greater portion of their compensation in the form of health insurance and other fringe benefits. In principle, more of the raw wage gap could be explained by including some additional variables within a single comprehensive analysis that considers all of the factors simultaneously; however, such an analysis is not feasible to conduct with available data bases. Factors, such as work experience and job tenure, require data that describe the behavior of individual workers over extended time periods. The longitudinal data bases that contain such information include too few workers, however, to support adequate analysis of factors like occupation and industry.

Cross-sectional data bases that include enough workers to enable analysis of factors like occupation and industry do not collect data on individual workers over long enough periods to support adequate analysis of factors like work experience and job tenure. Although additional research in this area is clearly needed, this study leads to the unambiguous conclusion that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers.

This demonstrates that hidden variables in conjunction with career goals are likely the cause of any gender pay gap. I will address your other points later, but I would appreciate the courtesy of capitalization if you chose to respond.

Old Post Mar 9th, 2018 04:18 AM
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Yo Da Best

Registered: Nov 2013
Location: Above Anakin


quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthSkywalker0
I am not sure why I am taking the musings of a troll seriously
probably cause your excess economics knowledge is no more useful than showing off to internet freaks


"That is why you fail."

Old Post Mar 9th, 2018 04:36 AM
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Registered: Jul 2016


apologies for late response but i have been very busy.
quote: (post)
Originally posted by DarthSkywalker0
I am not sure why I am taking the musings of a troll seriously, but I think this is a funny conversation nonetheless.
um excuse me?? i have said many times that i am not a troll but a human being who has my own opinions. i have been here since june 2016 and have contributed in that time with many threads and posts which other members have appreciated. that is not behavior of a troll but speaking of a troll you created a troll 'sidious disrespect thread' not too long ago so maybe look in the mirror next time????

A lot of claims with not a lot of evidence. Is there evidence of a 20% gender pay gap due to discrimination? It is empirically true that the average man earns more money than the average female on an annual basis. It is this comparison which creates the idea that men make 20% more than the opposite gender. This discrepancy is demonstrated in this chart:

The obvious problem with this comparison is that it does not account for the myriad factors which influence revenues, i.e., hours worked, maternity leave, experience, and general work ethic.
ok so we have established that there is a gap. you can say that there are other reasons but there is a gap. and it is actually smaller in countries that have tried to fight it like the scandinavian countries which would tell us that it is not some immutable thing.

(please log in to view the image)

also notice that the countries with the smallest gaps tend to be western and with more advanced societies whereas the ones with the largest are where women are oppressed. rwanda and phillipines are exceptions but for the most part it is clear that countries which are more socially advanced and have accepted modern concepts like feminism tend to have smaller pay gaps.

If we assume revenue is a valid indicator of discrimination would it be fair for me to say that men are discriminated among bakers (104 percent), teacher assistants (105 percent), nutritionists (101 percent), and occupational therapists (102 percent)? There are also ten more jobs where females are paid more than males. From these statistics alone, it is evident that this sort of data is clearly flawed. Are those 15 industries the only ones which do not discriminate? How about in these 11 cities where women make far more then men do? These are not small numbers either as shown by Atlanta (121 percent), New York (117 percent), and San Diego (115 percent). It would be absurd to presume that men are discriminated in those cities and industries.
i never said that the gap was always due to discrimination. it is more due to our patriarchal society as a whole and its gender norms which i will explain later on in the post (and which by the way can sometimes disadvantage men too but usually not most of the time). also looking at the situation at the micro level does not take away what is happening on the macro level. you are strawmanning my argument and saying that i am always blaming things on discrimination. no there are obviously other factors involved but that does not change the nature of the gap and the feminist arguments.

There are two reasons I do not think this 5% gap is due to discrimination.

1. There is too much variance across occupation, race, age, and location to draw any meaningful comparison on the basis of prejudice.
2. There was a 2003 Census Bureau Current Population Survey which showed that,

This type of comparison leads to my next point. So, what gives? I would guess the difference arises from mentality specifically in regards to career goals. To quote a survey looking at career choices,

The Mises Institute sums up this topic quite handily,
so this is what i'm talking about when i said earlier in the post about gender norms and the nature of our patriarchal society affecting the pay gap more than just discrimination. throughout most of history the best paying jobs have been reserved for men and more high paying and STEM related jobs have been male dominated. there is also the issue of internalized oppression which opens up a whole new set of problems (ie. most women will not strive for the top because they do not believe they can make it). child rearing and child care is directly caused by historic religious norms which have pressured women to have children even if they don't want to. this is why feminists ask for women to be able to control their own body and control their lives. so once again i don't disagree that there are other factors but they do not debunk the overreaching feminist narrative. give women more power over their lives and destroy the gender norms which keep them away from higher paying fields and women will thrive.

This difference in work ethic explains why Unmarried Women make more than their male counterparts. According to a study published in the Journal of Economic Perspective, there is no wage gap between men and women living alone from the age of 21-35. And among unmarried college-educated men and women between forty and sixty-four, men earn an average of $40,000 a year and women earn an average of $47,000 a year! The CONSAD Research Group conducted the most comprehensive study done on this topic for the Bureau of Labor. They found,
again there are some issues with this:

1. exceptions on micro level do not debunk trends in society as a whole
2. feminists do not deny that men can sometimes be disadvantaged by gender norms, and men being disadvantaged in some places does not debunk the feminist narrative
3. career choices and "work ethic" are strongly influenced by gender norms and internalized oppression. this are things that feminists have been calling out.

This demonstrates that hidden variables in conjunction with career goals are likely the cause of any gender pay gap. I will address your other points later, but I would appreciate the courtesy of capitalization if you chose to respond.
you can read my comments anyway so is it really necessary??? sorry but i am used to text talk and chat boxes so it is not my default to use capitals and i think it does not affect the meaning of what i say.

"Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right." - Hillary Clinton.
"I don't feel no ways tired. I've been too far, from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy! I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me! "- Rev. James Cleaveland
yesterday, today, and tomorrow - the fight continues:
love and kindness:

Last edited by aaylasecura95 on Mar 10th, 2018 at 08:49 PM

Old Post Mar 10th, 2018 08:41 PM
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The Insane Jedi Master

Registered: May 2016
Location: United States


um excuse me?? i have said many times that i am not a troll but a human being who has my own opinions. i have been here since june 2016 and have contributed in that time with many threads and posts which other members have appreciated. that is not behavior of a troll but speaking of a troll you created a troll 'sidious disrespect thread' not too long ago so maybe look in the mirror next time????

Pardon me; I assumed based on the quality of argumentation and the nature of your positions that you must be a troll.

ok so we have established that there is a gap. you can say that there are other reasons but there is a gap. and it is actually smaller in countries that have tried to fight it like the scandinavian countries which would tell us that it is not some immutable thing.

We established that there is a disparity in revenue, not wages. The same disparity exists between Asians and Whites, but that does not mean that whites are paid less when accounting for the relavent variables. Before establishing a gap, we must run a regression model and see whether or not a distinguishable gap exists.

also notice that the countries with the smallest gaps tend to be western and with more advanced societies whereas the ones with the largest are where women are oppressed. rwanda and phillipines are exceptions but for the most part it is clear that countries which are more socially advanced and have accepted modern concepts like feminism tend to have smaller pay gaps.

The wage gap in the 3rd world countries is likely due to actual injustice. But, I only care about data which includes hours worked, marital status, and the litany of other pertinent factors. The infographic provided fails to make to include these essential data-points and therefore has little value.

i never said that the gap was always due to discrimination. it is more due to our patriarchal society as a whole and its gender norms which i will explain later on in the post (and which by the way can sometimes disadvantage men too but usually not most of the time). also looking at the situation at the micro level does not take away what is happening on the macro level. you are strawmanning my argument and saying that i am always blaming things on discrimination. no there are obviously other factors involved but that does not change the nature of the gap and the feminist arguments.

You seem to misunderstand my point. THERE IS NO GAP. If we account for the vast array of variables which underlie wages, no discernible gap exists that is not due to different working habits and/or incomplete regression analysis. Additionally, this does not address my point whatsoever, why are women paid higher than men in ten of the United States's largest cities? Do we assume that there is a wage gap for men there?

so this is what i'm talking about when i said earlier in the post about gender norms and the nature of our patriarchal society affecting the pay gap more than just discrimination. throughout most of history the best paying jobs have been reserved for men and more high paying and STEM related jobs have been male dominated. there is also the issue of internalized oppression which opens up a whole new set of problems (ie. most women will not strive for the top because they do not believe they can make it). child rearing and child care is directly caused by historic religious norms which have pressured women to have children even if they don't want to. this is why feminists ask for women to be able to control their own body and control their lives. so once again i don't disagree that there are other factors but they do not debunk the overreaching feminist narrative. give women more power over their lives and destroy the gender norms which keep them away from higher paying fields and women will thrive.

Well, no. The documentary, "The Gender Equality Paradox" demonstrates that difference in genders rears its head even one day after birth. Based on toy choice, males seem more interested in system understanding whereas females are more interested in emotional connection. This difference explains the difference in goals and industry. It is not merely a societal construct. And it still does not explain why women are paid more in a litany of industries or why Asians are paid more than whites.

again there are some issues with this:

1. exceptions on micro level do not debunk trends in society as a whole
2. feminists do not deny that men can sometimes be disadvantaged by gender norms, and men being disadvantaged in some places does not debunk the feminist narrative
3. career choices and "work ethic" are strongly influenced by gender norms and internalized oppression. this are things that feminists have been calling out.

1. Maintaining constancy is not "micro level." The equality of pay among never-married mothers and fathers dictates the fact that "work ethic" and career goals are the primary cause rather than social pressure. But, I did not just mention a single variable, I cited the most extensive study done on the matter by CONSAD.
2. This is not pertinent to my point.
3. I have already addressed this point above.


"I killed them, of course. Just as I killed the Guardian. Just as I now kill you."

Last edited by DarthSkywalker0 on Mar 11th, 2018 at 01:05 AM

Old Post Mar 11th, 2018 01:03 AM
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Registered: Jul 2015
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Man get this shit out of here. Continue this dumpster fire in the gen discussion forums with the other low-lives.


"Technology equals might!" "Evolve or perish"

Old Post Mar 11th, 2018 02:44 AM
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Registered: Mar 2014
Location: The Proud Nation of Kekistan


Damn Aayla, make that man a sandwich cuz you just got RAPED


Shadilay my brothers and sisters. With any luck we will throw off the shackles of normie oppression. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Praise Kek!

Old Post Mar 11th, 2018 03:03 AM
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Registered: Jul 2014
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Emperordmb
Damn Aayla, make that man a sandwich cuz you just got RAPED
oh jesus


Old Post Mar 11th, 2018 05:06 PM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
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quote: (post)
Originally posted by Emperordmb
Damn Aayla, make that man a sandwich cuz you just got RAPED

Could you not.


Old Post Mar 11th, 2018 05:53 PM
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Registered: Mar 2018

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LMAO dmb is absolutely against women getting equal rights to men lol

Old Post Mar 11th, 2018 06:04 PM
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just like jordan peterson.


Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 07:39 AM
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Registered: Nov 2013


Why did the feminist cross the road?

Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 09:30 AM
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The Gr8est!!!!!!!!

Registered: Dec 2007
Location: The End


I was out of milk.


Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 09:40 AM
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Registered: Mar 2014
Location: The Proud Nation of Kekistan


Someone tell me what rights women need to have equal rights to men that they don't already have.


Shadilay my brothers and sisters. With any luck we will throw off the shackles of normie oppression. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Praise Kek!

Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 04:43 PM
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Registered: Aug 2015
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equal an hero percentage imo

suicide is the need, not a product


They are angry because they have been forced to recognize that their hour has arrived; that the time has come to surrender power to Shimrra and the new order."

Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 04:46 PM
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Men and women are segregated by physical and psychological differences. Anyone who believes they're (generally speaking) born as equals is fooling themselves.


"Technology equals might!" "Evolve or perish"

Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 06:08 PM
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Registered: Feb 2015
Location: Homeworld


No one human is born completely equal to another, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve equal rights. kek


"Hello, Starlight."

Old Post Mar 12th, 2018 06:18 PM
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