lol that was my first thought, but wasn't Downey a drug addict rather than a alcholic? Probably both right... I just saw that there already is a thread related to this topic. So if a mod wants to move it go ahead.
By: Juk
Last edited by nimbus006 on Sep 29th, 2006 at 03:12 PM
Slap a mustache on him and he'll look the part... and I'm sure he has the mind set of a rich, womanizing alcoholic down pact. Also he usually comes of a bit cocky and arrogant. Seriously... how is he not perfect for the part?
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Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark is perfect casting. If the first movie looks good in the screening room, they should make the sequel right away, because Downey may fall off the wagen from the pressure. Of course, I would still use him even if he was high on cocaine everyday. Hes a great actor. Let him sleep on the set and have the alcohol/drugs brought to him.
Downy is a good choice; he'll capture Stark's druggie/boozing/playboy persona just right.
As for his being too old? Please. What a nice change from Not having an actor barely out of diapers playing someone who's supposed to be mature, in their early 30s at least.
Shinier than a speeding bullet.
Robert Downey, Jr is an intriguing choice but might be able to work. How about Terrance Howard as "Rhodey"? What about Gwyneth Paltrow aas Pepper Potts. This film is shaping up to be a possible blockbuster.