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Battlezone: Bentley vs BBZ vs Gundam
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psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island

Battlezone: Bentley vs BBZ vs Gundam

armoured showdown!


Old Post Feb 14th, 2011 06:52 PM
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psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island



--Prep phase--


Prep is in Doom's Head quarters


--Amalgamation phase--


Okay, so since amalgamation is a go, it makes my plan easier
and better than i had in mind in Kandy's tournament.

Doom amalgamates with Green Lantern Corpsman, Soranik Natu and
former herald of Galactus, Nova (Raye), and since Doom's ego is
so rock solid he looks the same

Doom will inherit all of Natu's Green lantern training and all her experiences right off
the bat so the next phase should be cake. He also has her power battery.


--Amalgamation phase ends--


The 2000+ * Doombots assemble, and Doom prime creates 10 ring constructs and distributes them among the bots. They all get charged via the power battery. Doom prime then gives them a crash coarse in their use, and with Doom's mental anagrams programmed into each one, this should be child's play. More on Doom's mental anagrams later.

(* left side of the page, top panel, "thousands", plural.)

Doom prime then creates 3 (three) simulacrum Asgardian destroyers, and then one larger one for him to ride in......

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(please log in to view the image)

If that part there seems far fetched in any way, Doom has been attempting to create one for a minute, and recently put one together to face Thor in fisticuffs:

quote: (post)

And here in prior Iron man issue he acquired the plans to Stark's reactor core for the Thor buster armour, a suit created to combat King Thor straight up, and was monitoring the fight:

So Doom was obviously on his way to creating something that epic, or coarse he was without the actual Asgardian crystal to power the thing so he used some lesser results (it seemed to just be a beta of a future design imo)

Anyway, Doom can create this on a whim as the Green lantern power ring of willpower circumvents this reliance on particular fuel since the will of Doom will be what runs it.

quote: (post)
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Doom is being peeled apart by the Beyonder, but still manages to activate the device in his breastplate:

Doom also withstands the Purple Man's mind-powers

Molecule Man and the Cube Beings reveal that the reason Doom couldn't hold Beyonder's power was because he was incomplete. But if given a second chance, Molecule Man says he would retain it

Those who wield the Soulsword gain Promethium armor. Doom was able to reject it through sheer will, until he needed it

Dazzler reaches peak intensity and Doom's will prevents him from becoming insane from it

Doom suffers torment in Hell but refuses to let a single indication of pain come from his mouth

When the entire world's population mutates as a result of High Evolutionary's device, Doom is able to resist the mutation simply through his will


^ The portion concerning Doom enduring the Pre-retcon Beyonder's power that long.

Doom can also have the constructs semi-run on cosmic energies he can spare being that he's herald level, an easy task for the ring + will of Doom.

Groups Doombots gather together around ones with power rings and pool their will power in order to create more Destroyer constructs. The mental anagrams of Doom are nearly perfectly replicated in
every single Doombot, so pooling their will power by a factor of 10 (ten) will provide good results

^ Wills can conflict, but in this instance the Doombots will use synergy to help each other since their minds are carbon copies of
the rest.

Doom prime will have 100 (one hundred) Doombots accompany him for the fight.


Last edited by psycho gundam on Feb 19th, 2011 at 01:42 AM

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 01:32 AM
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psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island


Attack phase


As soon as we are I guess materialized on the field, Doom prime leaves the company of his legion of 1000 + Doombots and heads straight for the Sun asap via warp/teleportation with around 100 Doombots (protected by power ring energy). From there he adjusts his vision telescopically to survey the battle on earth.

Doom creates this device in the armour, and uses the lantern ring and cosmic senses to attune
it to any opposing energy source:

Yes, he absorbed the power of Galactus, so any foreign energy masses he wants are absorbed.

In the Sun, Doom can easily absorbs enough stellar mass to do this:

So that will be my fail safe (and Doom can warp out, or fly out several times faster than light)

In the mean time, Doom prime will be getting stronger in the sun, and coordinating troops from afar outside the notice and/or harm of any opposition detection/attack (they can try).

The Doombot troops will be attacking relentlessly en masse like the Green lantern corps vs any threat, as well as the added abilities and intelligence of Doom's genius in which they are entirely composed of.

Over one frickin thousand of them..... using stuff like these:

Anti-Matter Gun, from Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment:

and reproducing everything Doom remembers:

quote: (post)
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Mental Teleporter that teleports Reed directly into his laboratory

Doom uses a Molecular Displacer to transport Donald Blake into his car

Dr. Doom has a special penchant for controlling other people. And because of that, he invents another way to subjugate others every other week. That, and he ends up calling them different names. Every. Time. His first one was the Hypnoticon, from Daredevil #37:

Now it's the Hypno-Persuader

Here, he calls it the Hypno-Probe

Now it's the Subliminal Inducer

Vibration Bomb, capable of wiping out a person's personality and allowing a superior mind to control them


Doom has several devices that can either inhibit, nullify or outright steal super-powers. Here, Doom uses an Inhibitor Ray on Reed, preventing him from acting against Doom

He uses the Inhibitor Ray again

Reed can't figure out how to cure Ben Grimm, he should probably ask to borrow Doom's Cosmic Beam Gun that reverts the Thing into Ben

The Avengers and X-Men should have called in Doom to avoid the whole House of M fiasco by using his Hex Nullifier

But his most impressive invention has to be the Power Cosmic Siphon Harness. Here, it steals an Earth-bound Silver Surfer's power

Here, it steals the Power Cosmic from Galactus himself

Here, he steals Aron the Rogue Watcher's power

He uses it against Hyperstorm

But Doom doesn't just steal, he analyzes and can synthesize those powers. The Power Cosmic Synthesizer

Another example of Doom's Power Cosmic Synthesizer, restoring Terrax's power

Doom's Absorption Module

Reducing Ray

Doom replicates Spidey's spider-sense waaaay before Iron Man ever did


Paralysis Gun strong enough to utterly immobilize the Thing

Strength Sapper

Psionic Refractor, potent enough to turn the Overmind's attacks back onto him. The Overmind was the conglomerate of several hundred million minds in one being

Ionic Blade

Wave-Length Missile, which disables Iron Man's suit

Transmutation Globe, which turns Storm into chrome

Atomic Neutralizer, which neutralizes all man-made atomic reactions on the entire planet

Anti-Matter Gun

Vision Veil, which can actually shield Doom's ship from Surfer's Cosmic Awareness

World Ender. Yes, Doom has built machines capable of destroying entire planets

Mystic Cage

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Last edited by psycho gundam on Feb 19th, 2011 at 01:39 AM

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 01:32 AM
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Black bolt z
Mindsets Master

Gender: Male
Location: Gotham

Should I wait for delph to post mine or just post it myself?

Some men, just want to watch the world burn.

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 02:54 AM
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psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island

delph will do it

he asked me to post mine cause of the links involved, and since it's the first of three, i can't edit according to the posts of others


Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 02:59 AM
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Black bolt z
Mindsets Master

Gender: Male
Location: Gotham


Some men, just want to watch the world burn.

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:01 AM
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aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Bentley's OP (Part 1 of 2)

This is my team:

Gold Key Solar
Kang the Conqueror (hooorah!)
Korvac the living computer

My plan it's simplicity itself, our prep time lasts 20 minutes and it takes place in Kang's armory. This is not going to require any stretch of disbelief from you, I'm mostly picking some stuff and equipping my characters with it, all the stuff it's going to respect the limits imposed by BBz of not bringing anything above Herald level -so no Damocles base for me-, and I won't be building anything above a number of atomic explosions -so my supernova plan is out too-. Here we go:

Kang has been shown to access atomic weapons and radiaton blasts in the past, I'm going to use this weapons to empower Solar who becomes stronger as he absorbs energy, I won't ever reach a high threshold for him, since he can sundip to empower:

But I'm going to pour as much energy as I have lying around on him, trying to make him a giant and be more powerful than he's at base form.

In case you don't know Solar, he has shown super strength:

Which increased quite a lot as he absorbed high amounts of solar radiation:

As usual, my durability and energy output will be greatly increased by this tactics, making Solar operate in higher levels that he's used to in most of his appearances.

Meanwhile, Kang will get one of two spare armors on of which will play a particular role in my plan; the other one will be given to Korvac so he upgrades his own hardware in order to make his computer reflexes and weapons better. We know that Kang's armor responds to thoughts:

This, added with Korvac's incredible computing power will give us computer reactions which will come handy, even if Korvac's reactions are more than enough to handle my enemies thanks to his incredible predictions abilities shown here:

Kang has several armors, as we learnt when he offered one to Iron Lad, so just sharing the goods with my friend Korvac while Solar showers is quite simple and fast. The one he'll pass to Korvac will have some of his ideas regarding this particular prep, so Korvac can help Solar and get weapons without Kang doing the gathering. We know that the armor carries information as shown here:

All this can be done in five minutes give or take, now we will move to the second part of my prep.

Solar keeps absorbing energy, lots of it.

Korvac will install teleporting tech on himself, since he's a cyborg this becomes a part of himself. He'll also learn to pilot Kang's spherical ship which we will be using in this endeavor. This is important, all my team will be teleporting as it's a core part of my strategy, I'll be checking this and making sure we can all teleport.

Kang (with Korvac's help) will prepare some weapons we'll be taking into the battlefield. If it takes too long somehow, I'll be only taking the ones in bold letters:

Individual cloaking tech:

These babies shielded us from Alternate Thanos and Magus with several cosmic cubes, they are sweet.

Disharmonizing guns:

We used them to break through the future shields the Timekeepers had, this is hardcore power. Kang had several of those which he shared with the Avengers, I'm bringing about eight.

Atomic bobbytrap:

I don't need this bomb in particular, I may even bring a stronger bomb if I have one (and it happens not to be above the caps), but I wanted to show you Kang posseses this kind of tech, so I don't have to build it from zero.

But even if I had to, I could. Solar is a matter manipulator, Korvac has computer reflexes and with the knowledge and energy he extracted from the Collector he created a technological paradise out of nothing. Yep, I will add some of Korvac's expertise here to make the bomb even nastier than it already was. It should be fun.

If there is time left, I'll bring the famous gun which hurt Surfer:

My anti-matter shield:

And some darkforce guns:

And this stuff to make things bigs, because it's fun to make things big:

If I can get more than one of these objects I'll make sure I have at least three. If it's not possible, just one of each and Kang will have them at the beggining.

I'll recheck if my spherical ship and each one of my team (barring Solar) can teleport and use the cloaking devices without giving stray signatures. Korvac has uber tools to scan energy so this should be more than enough of a recheck.

We have used 13 minutes up to now.

Now, into the last part of my prep and the battle plan. I interrupt my radiation shower to make the following things: Solar and Korvac amalgam, this means that their ability to manipulate matter, their durability, speed and energy senses are increased by quite a lot. Sorvac (argh, what a name!), will split himself in two:

The copy will be much less powerful but it will keep Korvac's multitasking abilities and it will be able to absorb radiation to empower itself. It will start to absorb more energy now.

During this time and the spare time between the past minutes Kang will prep his spare suit (which is empty), to control it remotely at a long distance, and to bobby trap it with the afore mentioned uber bomb. He and Main Sorvac will put their cloaking units on them, check that they work properly, make sure the controlling signal is cloaked too (it can be dimensional shifted, Kang posseses such tech). Equip the empty armors with disharmonizing weapons and connect them to mini Sorvac so they do the agile computing to make them even more lethal.

Kang can control it remotely already, it's just an amplification:

Kang and Big Sorvac enter the ship, they connect each other in a similar way. Kang triggers a powerful EMP blast with a big flare which will be launched inmediately one we arrive to the battlefield, he triggers a teleportation device that will take the ship (with Kang and original Sorvac), in some cordinates in the planet's atmosphere. Emptysuit and Mini Sorvac stay behind in fully battle capablities while my main characters stay in the sidelines directing the action and reacting accordingly against my enemies.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:09 AM
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aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

Bentley's OP (Part 2 of 2)

I don't recall whether our characters will know their opposition or not from the get to go, one way or another my first attack will have one goal: Put the enemies in disarray, divide them, make them fight each other and keep them distracted so you can pick on the weaker preys.

IF, we know what the opposition is I'm expecting to face an army of Absorbing men or Ultron's, and PG is probably going to amalgam the GL chick and Doom to get some extra tech and the back up of Doom's so vaunted will -or maybe throw a curve ball and get some magics?-. It doesn't really matter, either man eating Absorbing men or Victor Von Doom with ****, my plan is to confuse them and hit them where they aren't expecting it. That's why I set up this doppelgangers (Mini Zorback and Emptysuit), while my generals watch the entire battlefield taking the best decisions to make you play into our game.


As mentioned by my opening gamble everything starts with a flash -literaly-, this powerful EMP blast will burn random guns or doombots in case you've got any, this worked against Doom's tech in his own castle fighting T'challa and I'm better than T'challa. Maybe you aren't in range, but if you are your tech gets hit.

Also, this EMP blast will block visibility and sensors for making a clean escape teleporting out of your range for my spherical ship with my generals. So they are safe, far away and under cloaking that has tricked Galactus, Surfer and Dr. Strange.

The team of generals will be directing our doppelgangers directly, Kang can see them inside his armor without it being detected at all; the ship, connected to Korvac's computer is capable of getting energy traces better than Dr. Strange himself, this means Korvac will get to analyse these energies and empower himself with them.

Analyzing energies:

The longer the combat goes, the nastier it ends for you.

My team of dupes it's going to make you break a sweat, they'll be the ones carrying the Darkforce beam and the Surfer gun. They are in the middle of the action, they will be teleporting in and out of your range so they can use sneak attacks, divide you and put you in disarray. Korvac's own powerful hypnotic beam is going to play a great role to make you fight one another. Here it affects two heralds:

If I can connect against any of your characters -except Ultron and maybe Doom-, you're pretty much done for. I don't recall -our losely defined rules won't let me recheck- if we banned mind control, if we didn't I will just use you as a weapon. If we did, I will only use my hypnosis to suggest you fight among yourselves (PG's team against BBz's), instead of me. My plan is to bring chaos and that's exactly what I'm planning to do.

After the first few minutes I should know for sure what you're using against me, if it's just Doom amalgamed with Sinestro's spawn I'll jump on you as soon as you're alone. If Doom is ammalgamed with Nova and the girl this means I'm doing something else and that PG is a Doom wanker.

It wouldn't suprise me at this point

My bomb will be bobby trapped so it explodes when the armor is destroyed, if this happens mini Sorvac will jump on the GL in energy form. Blocking that lightspeed attack will be enough to evade any weird hijinks and my bomb will explode making everyone fly around even more in disarray. If it ever comes to this... My remote armor may stomp you.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:10 AM
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aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

BBZ OP (Part 1 of 3)

I’m fielding…
‘Crusher’ Creel the absorbing man.
Earth X Jamie Madrox
Amalgaming Madrox and Creel
20 min of prep
(Bulleted points are the parts that are the most important)

• Ultrons part:

As we all know Ultron as a genius intellect.

Skrull Pym states Ultron is smarter then himself, and even Reed
Richards. Also future Tony states that Ultron is smarter then them.

Him being smarter then Richards and Richards being smarter then Doom,
Ultron can build doombots that appear to be as strong as the actual

The Doombots will not be taken control of as they are part of Ultrons
mind himself

With just his own resources he can also create an army of Ultrons.

Skip down to the part about Adamantium to see my actual plan. The next
50 scans or so just show what Ultron is capable of.

•As for tech I’ll start off with the non-basic stuff first.

Here Ultron is equipped with a beam that Doom believes(and Doom is
rarely wrong) can kill thor with a single shot and did kill Kang
without his force field.

Has tiny machines that can eat a human (they are actually living microchips).

Not only do they eat human flesh but they convert said flesh into
energy for Ultron

Drains all of Iron Man’s energy just by touching it

Ultron has so much energy inside of him that when thor drains him and
shoots the energy into space it whites out the sky over half the

• Now for standard tech for Ultron. Starting out with his prized
possession…The Encephalo Beam!!!

Allows him to mind control Pym no more then 60 seconds after his “birthâ€.

Puts Wasp in a comma

Even though Ultron-7 has never been shown since he was able to
mentally subdue, Thor, Black Bolt, and many other heroes, only to be
stopped by Franklin Richards

• Technopathy. Ultron can utilize other robots and even repair himself.

Ultron heals himself twice on the inside

Ultron has taken control of Jocasta and Vision(although to be fair
they were pre-programed).

Ultron uses a television to empower its empty head and proceeds to
hypnotize the unlucky guy who put it there

Ultron takes control of the whole S.H.I.E.L.D. hellicarrier

Employs avengers mansion tech against Wanda

Pym undos the control of Akhlema only to have Ultron take control of them.

Take control of Victor Mancha

By sending a mechanical fly inside the Infinity Mansion eventually
gains control of the whole thing (notice Pym's comment before it shows

Ultron uses technopathy to hack a videogame, which it uses to
hypnotize a guy and introduce technoticks into the room to free
itself. Technoticks made Ultron able to manipulate the Adamantium
casing it's in. Notice it actually didn't use its Encephalo Ray

Ultron hacks a Stark-tech satellite that controls weather

Hacks Extremis and by consequence kills Stark inside it

Ultron is exposed to Phalanx tech and proceeds to overcome their
influence by sheer will, changing the Phallanx instead

• Mind Control. Ultron has used mind control on several occasions

Hypnotizes Iron Man into making a new Ultron

Random Mind control tech

Hypnotizes Pym yet again

Can mind Control into other bodies to make them re-build Ultron

• Now…for one of the main parts. All of the other parts of Ultron I
just posted in case Ultron needed to go into battle. I was not planning on that if the rest of my plan works.

It can take a hit from a nuclear warhead and can barley be dented by
the Mighty Thor…and Ultron is made of it!!!!!!!!

It can only change its shape once hardened by using a molecular re-arranger.

And by the way…Ultron has that too smokin'

Ultron confirming he is made of Adamantium

Ultron actually has internal shielding so his circuitry cannot be hurt
inside his adamantium body.

Once again confirming Ultron is made of Primary Adamantium (this is
even in the same comic(or the next one) that thor, using all his
strength, could barley dent).

Adamantium ultron takes a hit that “onced felled great Hercules†and
isn’t even fazed by it.

• Absorbing Man/Jamie Madrox amalgam’s part

Now I have the absorption and strength powerset of Creel + the
duplication power of Madrox.

This version of Madrox can duplicate an unlimited amount of times

Shows what appears to be at minimum 100 Wendigos

Same here

Says he could be everywhere at once by having so many clones it was
like “being godâ€

Storm taken out by a horde of these wendigos

Wendigo/Madrox strength feats: Three Wendigo dupes succeed to punching
through an inch or two of metal walls.
The Wendigos easily overtake Wakanda.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Last edited by illadelph on Feb 19th, 2011 at 03:25 AM

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:16 AM
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aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

BBZ OP (Part 2 of 3)

• The next couple scans are just to use as a baseline as for how he
duplicates and how fast he does so.
Madrox’s duplication power is fueled by kinetic energy. He has so much
control over his power he can create dupes of himself just by tapping
his foot.

He can multiply so fast that he went out the window which let him
create a clone. This caused a chain reaction which let him create a
red carpet of clones to cushion his fall for him.

Without taking any damage he takes a shot from Cyclops and this lets
him create 10 clones. He dares Cyclops to shoot him again.

He can even create dupes of himself inside other peoples bodies.
(Notice how in most of those scans (including the Wendigo ones) Madrox
doesn’t need his suit to multiply)

Even his dupes can create dupes(shown as he creates a dupe by punching
himself they they go from 2 to 4).

It’s futile to attack him with kinetic or explosive force.

He crushed Hydra agents just by multiplying. Also he caused a chain
reaction that within what appears to be no more then a minute creates
an uncountable amount of dupes.

While Jamie is Multiplying Ultron will take over a stereo and start
playing Jamie’s theme song (by Weird Al no less) cool

• Since Jamie can create Hundreds of dupes in a minute and the dupes
can duplicate themselves, he could duplicate roughly 10,000 times if
not more in the 20 min we have in the prep.

Now Creel can and has absorbed Primary adamantium(earlier in this
comic Creel raided an Adamantium factory).

*Notice how quasar is not able to do any sort of damage to him whatsoever.

There is also a scan I can’t find where Creel goes up to Wolverine
when Wolverine has his claws sticking out and Creel shoves his hand
through the Adamantium and says something like “hmmmm…so this is what
your claws are made of. I like it”. Then proceeds to give Wolverine a

Creels Ball is a part of him so just in case I find something I desire
to absorb besides adamantium(like a cosmic cube(which you can see he
absorbed in the backround of the first scan)).

Creel consistently fights thor. And for the most part he only loses
due to his own stupidity.
Creel even fights Odin and manages to absorb some of his powers.
Fights Hulk time after time and still loses due to stupidity.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:17 AM
illadelph is currently offline Click here to Send illadelph a Private Message Find more posts by illadelph Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
aka Rakim Illa

Gender: Male
Location: Retirement.

BBZ OP (Part 3 of 3)

He is even able to duo with Black Bolt and Dazzler and is only
defeated by a Dazzler charged with Black Bolts shout (which I found
flawed as his voice isn’t sound energy).

• So I have over 10,000 Wendigos all with the strength of someone that
can take on Thor. And since Ultron is made of primary Adamantium,
Creel/Madrox can absorb the properties of adamantium as they are
multiplying. And they can just keep multiplying insanely fast for the
20 mins.

• So…over 10,000 Adamantium Crusher Creels. The Wendigo did have the
weakness of being defeated by causing too much pain at once to the
Wendigos. How am I going to get around this you ask?

• Creel doesn’t feel pain when he has taken the properties of
Notice how he is only surprised that he is now minus one arm
and not hurt. It only hurt him when he tried to put his arm back on.
And since I am made of Primary Adamantium (also in the scan shows he
is solid rock so he would be like 2 feet thick of adamantium) you
won’t be cutting any part of me.

• Jamie has one more weakness that you might try to use against me.
That weakness being you can take out the dupes by taking out the
original. That’s why I’m going to keep him in back to keep duplicating
with 100 Adamantium gaurds and Ultron himself. You will be lucky to
take out a couple of the Adamantium dupes. Much less 100 and Ultron
himself as a Body Guard. And Jamie and the guard dupes will just keep
multiplying while the others are going into battle. I can literally
sprout out more soliders faster then you can take them out. And since
I can sprout an unlimited amount of dupes…well…

Just imagine this scene:
but with over 10,000 Adamantium Wendigos cool.

All in all…your screwed my friends.


PSN: Illadelph12Prime, Haksaw_Jim_Thugn - Tumblr: Mighty-Illactus

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:18 AM
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psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island

scan fix

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(please log in to view the image)(please log in to view the image)

that was supposed to detail the sun destruction maneuver

(note* those are planets (six) falling hoplessly in the deathgrip of the singularity, have fun in there boys


Last edited by psycho gundam on Feb 19th, 2011 at 03:41 AM

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:37 AM
psycho gundam is currently offline Click here to Send psycho gundam a Private Message Find more posts by psycho gundam Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black bolt z
Mindsets Master

Gender: Male
Location: Gotham

Ummm...none of Bentleys scans in the first post is working for me...

Some men, just want to watch the world burn.

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:37 AM
Black bolt z is currently offline Click here to Send Black bolt z a Private Message Find more posts by Black bolt z Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island

quote: (post)
Originally posted by Black bolt z
Ummm...none of Bentleys scans in the first post is working for me...
then you two have something in common


Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:46 AM
psycho gundam is currently offline Click here to Send psycho gundam a Private Message Find more posts by psycho gundam Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black bolt z
Mindsets Master

Gender: Male
Location: Gotham

quote: (post)
Originally posted by psycho gundam
then you two have something in common

It seems they aren't. Should I repost my first post myself?

I also notice all those weird symbols in my post. I have no idea why those are there.

Some men, just want to watch the world burn.

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:49 AM
Black bolt z is currently offline Click here to Send Black bolt z a Private Message Find more posts by Black bolt z Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island

please don't.......

well, if you feel the need to, for the love of pete condense that shit.

no editing, just scan fixing


Last edited by psycho gundam on Feb 19th, 2011 at 03:57 AM

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 03:54 AM
psycho gundam is currently offline Click here to Send psycho gundam a Private Message Find more posts by psycho gundam Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote

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Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 08:45 AM
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Ok, before I tear through you, I'd like to ask PG about the scan of the Antimatter gun (didn't work for me) and for the Ring multiplying feat (a personal curiosity, I know it exists but I've never seen it).


My respect threads:Kang the Conqueror, Ultron, Devil Dinosaur, Michael Korvac
Captain America for High Street

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 08:59 AM
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psycho gundam
The Nightmare of Solomon

Gender: Male
Location: Konpei Island

i forgot to delete it, it's working in the scans right below it though.

the scan you should check out though is the one where doom cancels all the manmade nuclear reactions on the planet earth, i made sure to highlight it for you smile


Last edited by psycho gundam on Feb 19th, 2011 at 09:24 AM

Old Post Feb 19th, 2011 09:19 AM
psycho gundam is currently offline Click here to Send psycho gundam a Private Message Find more posts by psycho gundam Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Quick Quote
Black bolt z
Mindsets Master

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I'll repost mine in order too. Yes I know there are a lot

Edit: Wow none of those worked either...again no expression. What should I do?

And the last two scans of the third post

Some men, just want to watch the world burn.

Last edited by Black bolt z on Feb 20th, 2011 at 01:52 AM

Old Post Feb 20th, 2011 01:48 AM
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